Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/617

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11 A Z IIAZLERI00, Sm ARTHUR-GREY, of Nosely Hall, co. Leicester, b. 20 Oct. 1812; s. as 12th baronet, upon the decease of his father, 24 Oct. 1819; rn. 14 July, 1835, Henrietta, 5th dan. of the late Charles-Allen l’hillipps, Esq. of St. linde’s Hill, and baa iaaue, cery, was made a Q.C. in 1839, and was named Judge Advocate General in 1817; made a Privy Conndilor Anna-Maria, m. to the Rev. Thomas Robertson, MA., late 1848. He was afterwards appointed, 1849, Financial, and in 1850, Parliamentary, Secretary to the Treasory. Selina, is. in 1112, to Sir Robert Fitz-Wygram, Dart., He was created a baronet 19 April, 1858. lie is late H.P. for Wells, and a de1,nty-Iientenant for Berks, and a magistrate for Wilts and Somerset. He II. Ma TuewAs-PELscAas, 0. 18 Nov. 1794, whom. 27 June, as. 18 Aug. 1832, Anne. eldest dan. of William Pnls. 3840, Caroline-Emma, widow of Lieut.-Col. Hill Dickson, and dan, of Thomas Stonghten, Req., but if. s.p. 5 Sept. ford, of Linalado, co. Bucks, Esq., and has iaene, m. ARTHUR-DIVETT RAYTER, SIP. for Wells, 0. 19 Aug. 615, capt. grc,sa’lier-gusrds; is. 7 Nov. 1i66, Henrietta, dan. ef the late Adrian-John Reps, Esq. s. Mary-Pulsferd, 0. 29 Dec. 1833 ,a. i7 June. 1857, three csc,,tcheons, gn., each charged with a leopard’s face, Lt.-Cal. William Hickman, late 77th regt. Ur’amties—19 April, 1558. Arms—Ac., an escallop between Cresl—Ou a perch, ppr., a falcon, wings endorsed, or, an three bulls’ heads, ccuped. or. Crest—A bull’s head erased, sa., semSe of escallops, or, aedpiereed through the neck with a broken spear, in bend sinister, point upwards. ppr. Hells—Via vi. Seat-—Sooth-lull Park, Dracknell, Iserks. Fawn House—iS, Ilyde Park Terrace, Cumberland Gate. HAZIAERIGQ. I. A,ovnun.Geer, rapt. 21st fusiliers, 8. 10 Jan. 1837. I. SAMUEL HAYES, Req., who so. Slary, dan. and heir of Is. Thomas-Maynard, liout. R.A , 0. 5 Aug. 1840. William Basil, Req. of Drssmbee Castle, so. Donegal, acid of Wilton Park, co. Ducks, by whsm he had issue, cii. Charles-Cecil, ii. 31 July, 1515. cv. William-Greville, I. 8 June, isi7. v. Allen-Msrtival, 0.28 Oct. 1855. Frances, wife of John Boyd, Esq. of Ballymacool, co, s. Renrietta-Lonisa, us. 6 Dee. 1866, to George Turner, Esq. of Alexton Hall, son of George Turner, Esq. of Beacon Downs, co. Devon. is. Dorothy-Susan, so. 21 Nov. 1861, to Capt. Herrick-A. II. Sin Sassnec,, who as. in Ang, 1811, Elizabeth, eldest Palmer, late Olscd regt., yonngcst son of the late 11ev. H. l’alnser, of Withcote hail, cc. Leieestcr. cci. Gwendsline-Frances. sv. Isabel-Cecilia. H A Y Tsseseas-Pec,naas, late baronet. JO5IN-WAsmeN, present baronet. senior chaplain Bengal presidency. and 8. his widow, 22 Aug. 1866. Sir John Maenamara if. in 1609, and was s. by his eon, 1851, and was a. by his brother. Creslisc—6 Feb. 1797. Araes—Qnarterly: 1st and 4th, arg., a chevron, as., hetween or; 2nd and 3rd, arg., a lion, rampant, go., between three phesna, as. escutcheon pendent frees the beak, as in the arms. Sbus—Nil deeperandum. ilessdesscc—Arbsrfield, Decks. niL HAYES. ____________ HAYES, SiR SAMUEL-IIEROIILE5, of Drnmboe Castle, co. Donegal, 8. 1840, capt. 2nd life guards; a. 41 his father, as 4th hart., Juno, 1860. 3tmcagc, CHARLES HAves, Esq., soss of Challis Hayes, Esq. of Bridgewater, vice-consul at Lisbon, as. Deborah Holditch, of Totnee, and left an only surviving son, SAMUeL, his successor. Mary, wife of the Rev. Andrew Hamilton. Donsgai. Mr. RAves was created a Bsssoissp oc IReLAND, 27 Ang. 1769; and dying in 1807, was s. by his only son, dan. of Sir Thomas Lighten, Bart., by whom (who 8. 11 Jan. 1848), he had issue, Enacrain-SAseorL, his heir. Anue, as. 11 Feb. isIS, to the late Rev, Rohert Trail, rector of Skull, co. Cork. Harriet. Mary, as. 6 April, 1832, to Francis Mansfield, Eeq. of Castle This family, whose patronymic is Husstasos (which was Wray, co. Donegal. Sir Samuel ci. 16 Sept. 1827, and was s. by his son, III. SIREDMUNn-SAMUEL, H.P., who was 0. 2 July, 3806; William the Conqueror to England. and es. 9 July, 1817, Emily, eldest dan. of the Ron. Sir I. Tucacas HECILRI05, Esq., son and heir of Thomas Hcrcnlee-Pakenham, K.C.D., son of Edward-Michael, 2nd hlesilrige, Esq. of Nosely Hall, by Ursula, dan. of Sir Lord Longford, and had, 5. Saaseyes,, present baronet. Is. Edmund-George-Henry, 9. in 1842; 8. in 1843. In. Enaeusn-FaAcscsa, 9. in 1650. s. Enaly-Assno. ci. Elizabeth-Harriet, dcc. iii. Mary-Frances. iv. Elizabeth. v. Catherine. vi, Maria. viz. Alice-Caroline. ins. Emma-Agnes. ix. Georgiana-Mary-Anne. x. Louisa Lydia. Sir Edmund-Samuel ILsyea d. June, 1660. Crcalisse—27 Aug. 3789. Arm.s—Arg., a chevron, between three sons and five daus. ITo 4. in 1660, and was s. by his three griffina’ heads, erased, sa. Crest—A grillin’s head, eldest son, erased. Msllo—Dieu me condujse. &sl—Drnmbee Castle, III. Sin Tnoasas, who as. Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir of Stranorlar, so. Donegal. HAYTER. HATTER, THE RI0ET HON. Arabella, is. H. Hart, Req. SIR WILLIAH-G000ENOU0H, of Sir Thomas dying in 1680, was a. by his only eon, t) Southill Park, Berks, 6. 28 Jan. IV. Sin Tseosea.s, H.P. for Leicester, who d. amiss, in 1700, 1792. This gentleman (ths when the title reves-ted to his uncle, youngest son of the late John V. SiR ROBERT, the only surriving son of Sir Arthur, by Hayter, Esq. of Winterbourne, his 2nd marriage. This gentleman as. Bridget, dan. of Sir Stoke, Vilts, by Grace, dan. of Samuel Rolls, EAt, of hlcanton, co. Devon, and was s. at - Stephen Goodenongh, of Cod. his decease, in 1713, by his only surviving child, ford, co, Mrilts), was called to VI. Ssa ROBERT, who as. Dorothy, 2nd dan. of Banaster, ‘ thebarinNov.1819,andhav. 3rd Lord Maynard; and dying in 1721, left, with a dan., ing practised with success in the Courts of Chan567 Dorothy. who as. the Rev. — Battle, a son and successor, 3iincagc. changed by the 11th baronet ti Hazeasoo), traces from Roger de Hesilrige, one of the knights who accompanied Thomas Andrewa, Knt. of Charwelton, cc. Northampton, was created a Baronet 21 July, 1622. lIe is. Frances, dan. and heir of Sir William Gorgss, Rut. of Alderton; and dying in 1629, was s. by his son, Ii. Sin ARTHUR HescLasoe, who commanded for the parliament, as colonel, a regiment of cuirassiers, called The Lsbzlen, which performed some signal services; and hs was also governorof Newcastle. He is. twice: let, Praisces, dan. of Thomas Elmes, Eaq., by whom he had two sons and two daus.; and 2ndly, Dorothy, sister of the parlissuentary general, Robert, Lord Brooke, by whom he had George Feuwick, Req. of Brnnton Hall, co. Northumberland, and had issue, TnoscAs, his successor. Mary, is. to Frsncis Blith, Esq. of Aflesley, cc. Warwick. VII, Sin ARTHUR. This gentleman as. Miss Hannah