Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/628

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HER Lynn, and great grandmatlser of Sic Seymour Sadler and his sister, Mrs. Wrntwerlh Stargeon. Sir Edward’s eldest son hy his 2nd nssrriage, Porssaus Santouss, Esq., inherited lhe nolates of his cousin. Edward Conscay, Karl of Censeas’, irks ‘l.a. ‘- saisder the will of use saul earl, staled 19 A ssg. I sio3 and asssuned, in consequence, the sssrssamo of CONWAY. This gentleman fell in a duel seith Cnlsssel Kirk, 4 June, 1669; and dyig ass,.,., those estates dcveleed sspon Isis next s,s’elher, FaAxcsa Seysseua, Esq., si-ho also assssnacd the sssrnause and urnas of CONWAY, and seas elevated to the peerage, 17 Mardi, 702—3, as Lad Cosssoog, B’s rots GOie’Of/ 0,7’ lli’f/l(75, cc. Wucso,ck I’art of his extensive inheritance betssg stlnatcit in the norris of roland, fits lerstolaip seas creafest a prcr of that ktssgdesss likewise, 16 Oct. 1 5ta, Isp the title if B’’,co Ci’ososso, gf Kttts’ 1— logO, cu. Aotct,.s. tie ‘lid sot, tsosrcvcr, lake fits seat in the Irish ltussso of Lerds until Oct. 1721. tn Oct. 1727, he was sss’orn of ttsc privy conncdt of I retanst ; astsl to the following year constituted governor of Carrtckfcrgsss. ills tsrslststp at. 1st, in 1703, Mary, 3rd dan. of Laserence Hyde, Earl of ltoctscster, by sshuna he had four dans.; the second of wisons, Mary, as. Niche as Price, Eaq., of Saiutfold, in Descnslure. Lord Conway sc andly, Jane ttowdcn. of Drogheda, by whom he had a son, who 5. in ttsfancy, soil a dan., who 1. snubs.; and 3rdty, in 1718, Charlotte, dan. of Aldernaan Str John Shorter, Hot., tard-nsayor of Lessdon 1st 1680, and sister-ta-lass of use colclsrnte’d ssshsister, Sir Robert Walpolo, afterwards Earl uf Orferd, by sehom be had (ssith three dam., one of wham, Anne, sit. Jstan Hunts, Bag.) four sons; of srhem, 5. FRANCIs, 0. to the hotsours. as. Henry, srno a gesserat-otbccr to the army, and coosmondod, with tstgh rs’patattoss, the ltrittah forces in ttersssatsv. sander Prince l”ordts,ansl if ltrusnswicts, isa 1781. dssriog the absence of the Marqncss ef Grastbv. I-fe seas ssso of tise grooms of the bedchsnstior, lint n-as dtssnissed fe-tins that office assis isis mitt tarp conssnassds, in 17 t4, for s-of tog ssgatnst lIar ssstotstry en she gicat qascsttoss of gcsseral svnrraoss. In 1700, lie seas ssvorn of the prtsy cisnndll, assd atstiutoted secretary of stato for the ssorthern dctiartssaesst. Oesseral Ocysasour—Cssnseot’, iii. ins 1747, Caradasse, aristasr of Charles I sure-, Earl of Autos— bssr3’, nail usslv ilau of Licssl.—Cat. Jolsss (‘asssphscll, alter— svards 4tls Duke ‘if Args-ll. tIc 1. in 1700, tcavtng an onty stan., Anne, ,,s. to bliss, eldest stita of Josct,ts isamer, Earl of Derclsestor. Ills tordahip if. at Ltsbnrn, H Ireland, 3 Feb. 1731 -2, and wao a. lay Isis ct,lost sun, Feaxrss, 2ssd baron; a-he was created I’iaceosst Beusset,usssp mist Burt of’ Hci-tiS,-il, 0 Aug. 1700, (sisntlar honessrs hail liens conferrod asprn isis tuurdstaip’s asscester, Edseard, Duke of Somerset, wlatcts ox1iirs,it ssilh Algernost, the 7th dasko), settis rcmaissder, H ste-fault of nsstr tossac, In the sssalc descendants of his brusher, Gesserut the Ittglst tton. Itrnry Seysnussr-Conwuy. Ills lordship was appiitssti’d, in 1707, lord-heat, and ruffle-s rotalornsn of the en. Warwick, and installed, 30 Aug. in the same year, a knight of the nuest noble coder of the Garter. In 1700, he was conssttestcit viceroy ef Ireland; anst in 1788, noisstssutcd lord-chanshis’s’taits of the lsosssnholst, having previosssly fitlrst lOse office af sssastor of thr horse. Ito ii. 29 OIay, 1741. Isaliella, youngest dun. cf ChasIcs, 2nd Duke of Graflan, by se-hem he hod seven sons and six ‘hsass.; viz., s. FRANcIs, 2ss it 0husrs;uoss. ss. liens-p. of Nurrts f’astte, Isle of Night, joint-clerk of the crown, F-c., Kings t;cncls, Ireland t svho ‘1. its 1830. In. Enhert, joint-clerk cf the crnu’n, F-c., Kings Bench, Ireland; ii. 20 Dcc. 1710; a,. 1st, in June, 1773, Anne, dan. of Peter Detso c - Easj., ssssd left issue. O Otenry, svho i. in 1800, Emits’, 4tls lass, of George, 4th Viscount Torrissatno ; aud d. 13 Pot,. 1043. Ilts utfe had sl. in 1821- I Ettealuoth, ci. tel, 10 hued. 1000, to Witlians Davies, Esq. of l’enytnn ; ssnd 2ndlu , iii 1s17, to Ilerbcrt Evans, Es,j. of ldighmcad. 2 Pratscos-Eliaaiie’lls, is, to George, 2od Lord Suntlaasssptnn; ott. Oenrgo, is. 1763; a,. Isabella, dan, nf the Hoo. sod ROY. and 5. in 163-0. 3 Ansaa-31,sria. 4 Gertrude-. a. in 1812, to J.-II. Allen, Esq., of Crossetly; and sI. in 1020. Lord P,clucrt a’. 2ndly, in Olay. 1808, Aederloclsfta-Ctar;ssa, dues. of Wtlliaso, -Ills Viscisssnt (‘tseio-vnsl ; assil is. iss Nm-. 1831. His ss’i,lasr ,i a-cd 90, 3 Jusse’, 1000. sv. Edsraril, in Issily orslors, vansits of CIss-ist Ctsssrct,, Oxford ci. ssssas.. us 1780. V. Ijasgit, 8. ia 1770. an admiral, RN.; us, in 17Sf, Anne— horatio, Oni dun. of Jassses, 2nd Earl of Wsldcgravc ; and elyhsg in 1001, tcft Issue-, I Gnoouc-Faassns tOts-), sdns of the fleet, G.CtI., and G.C.D., t. 17 Sctit. 1787; ii,. 20 Eels. 1st 1, (irorgiana-Otary, shun, of the lale han. Adnstral Sir 0-C. Berkeley, and has hod, Frsncts-Gcorgr-lhssgls, sssajor-geo. in the ursuy, equerry s, Anne, cv to Charles, 6th Earl of Drnglseda. to she late l’rtnce- Consort, soil nose to 11.01. the tjsseets, ranger of Windsor Groat Park, 1. in 1812; oss. 0 May, 573 H E II 1030, EmOy, dan. ef William, 3rd Earl of Mansfield, and has had issue, Hugh-Dc Grey, rapt. gron-guards, b. 22 Ge-I. 1843; sis. 18 April, 1068, lIon. Olary tlnod, 2nd duo. of Lerd tlridport; Albert-Charles, 8. 24 AprO, 1047 p Et’ncst-Jsnses, b. 12 Dec. 18-tO; Proderiea-Georgina,whe ii. 12 Jan. 1848; ltoraOa-Elteshclh, sus. 20 Jane, 1881, henry-David krskino, Esg. of Cords-use, Porlhshhro; Ftnrence-Cslherioo (the Ilun.), maid of honour to the Qacoss; Gourgtna - Ensily; Cunstancc - Adelaide; and Olary-Ofargsrcl. itcnry - George, re-nc-ads,,. RN, CD., 0I.P. for ce. Antrtsn, a lord of the adnairalty; 0. in 1018; s,s. 4 Sept. loft, Sephis-Olargarol, elder dan. of the Isle Dcrick Itoslo, Rig. nf Darwick tlossso, Norfolk. William Frederick-Ernest, capt. Cnlds.-gds., 8. 1838. Geergtasaa-leaholtu, s,s. 22 July, he-84, Charles Corkran, Rag., of Long Dillon; and ‘7’ in 1848. llcrnlts-Lessisa, ,l. in Iu29. Esnily-Citarletto, ass. 10 Sept. 1000, to Otsjor Ormsby Gore, 0I,P. Mstih,la-Herstia. Lasaca-Wilhelsnins, s;i. 28 Jun. 1861, te 11.IEh-h. t’rince Victor of hlehessiohc-Langesst’erg, end Consit Gleichen, capt. RN. 2 Hsgh-Hcnry, ticot-col- in tlse army, 8. 20 Sept. 1700; Ic. 1818, Charlothc-(tenrgiana, only dun, of George, 1st Oturgness of Chulnsoadeloy, hr sehnm (wlsn el. 1828), ho left at isis decease, in 1821, no ooly son, ltagh—Ofnrstiu, 1’. 1021; s. 4 Nov. 1848, fcurgtans. dan. of Gen. Robert Ehlhce, and has, Ieogh-O’rsocis, 8. 1000; and Charlotte- Susan. 3 hloracc-Desatclsamp (Sir), 3t.C.hO., eel, in the army, and OlE., b- 1791; -as. let, 1010, Ktizsbeth-Otatlet, dan. of Sir Lawrence Pails, Et., by setasim (nhse ci. 1827) lie had, Charles-Francis, t. in 1019; cntd. and lient.-eoh. in the 5mb fusiher goards. fe-li at lnkcrmsst. Prederick-Deouchaosp-t’sgct, b. in 1021; capt. H.N., C-B. Adclaido-Hurahia-Ehzahetls, as. 1804, to the hate Earl Spencer. Sic Iterace Soysssnur us. 2ndhy, in 1831, Prances-Isabella, Dowager Lady Clinton, dan. of William-Stephen Peyote, Req., of Cow-dray Pas’k, Ott’. Ho ‘1 23 Nov. 1501. 4 Wiliam-John-Richarsl, 1703; ‘1. in 1801. S Frcdcrhch-Ctssrlrs-W’illtam, t. in 1707; us,. 1st, in 1822, 5 Lady Mary Gordon, dao. of George-, 9th Olarqnoss of Ilonttcy, by sehens (sshn sI. to 1820) Iso had. Cossss’ay-Predcrick-Claarlca, 5. 1823; lab officer in the srnsv. Msry-t’rederica (1100.). Isle osaid of honour, now bed- chamber unman to she Qssccn. s. 18 Fob. 1007, to OIajar-Oon. Sir Thutnss-OIyd’hleton Biddsahph, ILC.B. tto us. 2ndly, 18 Sept. 1832, Lad)’ Augusta liervey. eldest dna. of Frederick, tot Otsrqoess of Bristol, sod ,h. 7 Dec. 1808, hav’mg had by her, Frodcrtck-lhnrarc-artlsnr, capt. rifle brigade, 5. in 1838. Artlsur-Lassresae-o-Ilcrecy, t. in 1838, ci. ho 1830. ltorace-Alfred-Dasascr. 5,. in 1843. Rtiza-ltoratio-Prcdcrico, tsdy of the hodehambrr to the I Qsseco, s. 23 Sept 1861, to llrssry. OrdViocuontCllfden. I Angsssta-Csesrgisns-Sot’lsta, us,. 2 te-ti. 1080, to Chsrlcs, yoetsagrss sets of CisasIcs, tat Oturqssis of Aileshuusy. Charletto-Praneca-Froderira, as. 8 July, 1558, te Earl Spencer. I Ihorstia, sic, in 1814, Jnhu-t’hohp Olorier, Fog.; and ci. 26 Aug. tsOI. 2 Otary-Geosgiaor. a. in 1520, to the lore Right Hon. George-Lionel Dowsen-Damer, and 5. 00 Gd. 1e48. (Sec Ps’aTAseLhxeToN, is.) rs. William, 0. ha 1780; suu. in 1790, Martha, ‘han. of James Clilhscrou’, Esq. of Boston Itosaso, Ohiddlesex: sod dying 31 Jan- 1837, hOt by her (who ‘1.6 Jnty, 1848) issue, I Edu-nrd, bin 1801; ,f. IS Dcc 1803. 2 lIners’, cspt. in the orosy, J.P. far thucks sod Surrey, h20 Nov. 1002; is’ 16 Aug 1831, June, youngest dan. of rIse hate ‘fhsooaas Wills’s, Esq. of Tw’y8ursl Abbey, co Middlesex, and it. 10 April, 1887, having had iesase, Williasn-tlenry. 5. ise 1834; and Gertrude-Jane. George tOansihtun, by whom lu-Iso ,l. 10 Mat-c-h, 1848) he had, I Oe-urgc-hlasuhhlno (Sir), G.C.tI., G.C.D. P.C., Isle envoy extraordinary and oainisfrr-plrotpefenttary to Ilse court of Aeastrta; sc. 21 July, 1831, Gertrude, dan. of ttency, 2lsl Lord Dacs’o, and tins issssc, Arthur-henry, 5. 20 Atsg. 1038. Lecupahd-llichsrd, cspf. gren.-gds., is. iii 1841. Alfred, 8, in 1843, 6teerge-Eveto, 5. in 1040. Augnola, a’. 27 Dec. 1060, to hugh, 2nd Lord Dohemoro, Gcrtnulc-Krances, ,su.28 Jss;y, 1068, ho Lt.-Col CnichtonStuart, H.P (-usc utile, EVTn, 31. an). Isabella, I Issh,ehta-hturstiue, usa. to Lord thavonsss’ertt,, ansi ci. 0 Assg. bOO. 2 Ensily-lienrietta, tus. in 1832, In ttiolaaa’d, 4th EsrI ef Shaunoss. is. Sarah-Prances-,v,,. to Bol,ert, hstolacqaseas of Losadondorry. sss. ficrlt-cede, s,’ Ia Ges’rge, Earl of dOrusudison. cv. b’rsncos, a. to thessry, Earl of Lincoln,