Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/629

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HES v. Elizabeth, ii. in 1125. vi. Isabella-Rachel, so. to George Hattoo, Esq. Ills lordship was advanced, 29 Jane, 1793, to the dignities of Fytton, and was direct ancestor of Fort of Ysrotoelk, co. Norfolk, and I%IAO4OEOa OF IlEaTroals. Tnoasas tlssasvss, Esq. of Hnltord, who as. Elinaheth, dan. of Ho ci. 14 Juno, 1794, and was o. by his oldost son, FRANcIs, 2nd marquess, KG:; t. 12 Feb. 1743; lord•ehamborlain 1123, leaving hio great lansled estates to his natural son (by of the household, lord-lieutenant and cnstoo rotulorom of Alla Ilewsrd). the Co. Warwick, and governor of the co. Antrina. Ills lordship Sma IlusceT llcsas’ru, Ed., who v’ao knighted by Ilevax so. lot, 1766, Alice-Elizabeth, youngest dau. anti co-heir VIII. for his valour in France. lie ;a. Grace, dan. of Sir John of Herbert, 2nd Viscount Windsor, by whom (who U 1772) ho Towncley, ef Towneley; and dying in 1131, left issuo, Isad no surviving issue; and indly, in 1770, IOARELLA-ANNE Tnosiso ISir), his heir. I000AaI-SucrrscLls, eldest dan. ond co-heir of Charles Ingram, liobert, wha as. and had several children, 9th Viscount Irvine (refer to Busar’s Rrtisscl Pces’ag), (at the Ellen, is. to Bichard Barton, Req., ef liarlen. deceaoe of which nobleman, the Slarquess of Hertford assumed, Jane, as. to Richard Asheten, Esq., of Crnfton. by Royal pcrsnission, tho additional surname anti aeon of The cider son and hots, liensoas), hy whosu (who ii. 12 April, 1136) he had an only son, Ssa ThoMAs llrsasTso, lInt., of Rufford, who was high-sheriff FsAocss-Cnoxs.Es, Visressal Yornsos’lls, 3rd Ilarqnoss ol Hort of Lancashire, Ills ELIZA5ETn, served at the siege ef Leitls ford. His lordship it. in 1922, and was s. by hio son, Fs.Awess-Cuoas.Rs, 3rd osarquess, E.G., fi. 11 March, 1777; 16 Nay, 1796, 3laria Fagniani, and by her (who sl 1156) Isad, sialerofl, Knt., of ltolcrofr, sad had issue, RICuARD, present and 4lh marquess. Henry, fi. 16 Jan. lotS; el. Aug. 1619. Fraucos-3laria, as. in Feb. 1022, to tha 3larquoss do Chevigni; im. Margaret, si. to Niciselas Sholliaombe, Esq. and ii. in Nov. following. His lordship, who was warden of the Stasanaries, recorder of eldest san, Coventry and Bodmin, and chief steward and vice-admiral of ROOEaT bleocEyn, Log. of Itufford, as. lot, Mary, data and the duchy of Cornwall, ri. 1 March, 1642. Cs’eatisao—Baron, 17 3toreh, 1702-3. Earl and Viscount., dan. and co-heir of I{cney Twyford, Rsq. of Eenwicla. Ry the 3 Aug. 1710. Earl and Olarqoese, 29 Jneo, 1793—ltritioh hoaonrs. Baron, 16 Oct 1703—Iriols dignity. Aross—Qnarterly: lot and 4th, sa., on a bend, eotisod, org., Tisonsas, who 4. s_is. a rose between twa annulots, gn., for CoNwAy; 2nd and 3rd, lleasav, of wham preocnaly. ltenr7’, who 4. o. p. quarterly, tot and 4tls, or, on a pile, gu., between six flours-delis, George, who s,,. Jane Shtrebnrae, a widow, and had a son as., three lions, paasant-gusi-daut, In pale, or; 2nd and 3rd, go., two wings, conjoined in lure, or, for Scxasoua. Crests—lot, Cuaway; the bust of a Oloer, face in profile, Iteherl, n-ho to. Mary Iladoak, and had a san, Robert enuped, ppr., wreathed obont the temples, erg. and as.; 2nd, The 2nd son, Scyosora; out of a dneal corooct, or, a phnix, ia flames, ppr. Sappsrlero—Two Illachamoors, wreathed about the temples, huBERT, Eoq., of R;sfferd, as. blargarct, dan of or and so., habited in slsort golden gannonto, and in Isnokino, Alexander Standish, by Elizabeth, his ooife, dau. and heir of geld, adorned oboist their es-alots with given and red feathers, Adons Hsswarden, and 1. in 1013, leaving a son and heir. each holding in his exterior hand a shield, as., garnished, or; BoBcaT IloocETu, Rsq., of Rnfford, whe as. Lucy, dou. of tiso dexter charged with the son in splendour, gold; the other Alexander Bigby, Esq., of Middleton, isy n-hens iso hail a eon ovith a crescent, org. illolls—Fide et amoro. Sesits—Ragley, Aieester, Warwiekohiro ; Sudbeuru ball, Tnosiao llssawru, Esq., of Rufford, v-ho 155. Sidney, sian. of Woedbridge, Suffolk; and Lioburn, Co. Asstrins. Tawes Hoase—lleriford lfa’ase, Manchester Square. HE SKET H. FERMOR-HESIETII, Son THOMASGaunoss, Richard Grahane, of Norton Conyero, eo. Forts, and n-as s. by of Rufford Hall, en. Tnossas He0KETH, Esq., of Rufford, 31.F. for Preston in 1725, Laneaater, ccl. 2nd Laneaslairo who as. Olarllsa, only dan. of James St. Aaesssd, Req., by Elisabeth;, militia; H.P. for Preston; 8.11 Jan. 1825; 6. hia father, as 5th baronet, I 1. Tn055As IlasacTn, Eoq., who was arratest a Baronet, 10 Feb. 1843; no. 10 March, 1846, I Slay, 1701. Sir Tisosnas r,. ltarniett, dan. and co-heir at Lady Anna-Maria-Arabolla Formor, Asisley Coo-per, Esq., cousin and favosiri;e correspondent of eldeat dan. of Thomaa-Williana, the poet Cssv.pes’, nnsl grand-niece at Wilhinne, hot l,orsl Csewper, 4tb Earl of Pomfret5 assd haa, beet dyisg e. 75 in blarchs, 1775, use title devolved upon lsis I. Tnoasss-llsamsv-Franor, Ii. 9 Jan 1047. II. Thomas-George, officer rifle hrigade, p. 9 May, 1149. us. tOugh-Robert, 5. II June, 1606. i. Edith-Elizabeth. Is. Conatance-Haria. ms. Aognsta-Sophia. By royal licence, dated 8 Nov. 1867, Sir Thomaa and of Wavertree, co. Lancaster, by oo’leom lie had to-a sons, Thomas-George, bia second eon, u’ere atathorioed to Tisousas and Rolsert. v-Iso both died before Isisaself. The elder, take the surname of Fssaaeoa before that of HgsKETH, I. Tosoesoo, se. Jaciniha, dan. of hugh Dalrymplo, Eoq,, and and to bear the arms of Fermor and Heeketh qnarttrly. HES Sss WILLIAM llcsaavre, Lord of llcskayle and Bet onsawe, 4 Enw. 1. (1211), as. Dame Maud, dan. and co-heir of Richard William Flensing, Esq., bnt had no issue by her. lie ii. in wills considerable gallantry. Ste r. Alice, dan. of Sir Thomas s. P.nseav, his heir. ss. Thomas. III. ltichard. I. Dorothr, as-. to — Henry, Eeg. Sir Thonoas ci. at Rufford in 1187, and seas there buried. ills heir of Sir George Stanley, Enight btarshnl iss Ireland, grandson of Jehss, Lord Stanley and Strange; and 2isdly, Blanch, foroser ossly Ise had issue, via., llsslsrrt. and snaco050r, Sir Riehsssrd Grosvenor, of Eaten, ao. Cl;eolcr, by Syslucy his wife, doss, of Sir Hager .Mostyn, of Ilootyn, Bart., and had issue, s. Rosrav, who a. Elizabeth, dao. of William Spencer, Esq. of Ashlen, co. Lancaster, and had an only dais, and hots’, ELsaABEvn, as. to Sir Edo-ard Stanley, Ban., aflorisardo 11th Earl of Derby. is. TnossAs, of wlicsn presently. s. Jane, ss. 1st, to Henry Brooke, Esq.; and 2ndly, to Hugts W’aaren, Req. Rh son, THoMAs HEOaETH, Rsq. of Rnt2-rd, as. Ann, dass. of Sir his so, dan. of Sir Wsn. Moans;, Bait., by wisoni ho load, hi-oIlier, 11. Ssa ltosBRv, in whose fovenr the patent contained a revOs-oiOsuirI’ rlseooe. Tlsis gantlensau ol,tainrd parsesiosioss to aseasme the siirsuessse asssh arssso of Isis nsotcrsea; greal—grao;l— father, Sir Williasis Juxon, Dart., which Iso coslinaed to hsear during Ins life. Itt s. Sarah, dau. of Willians l’lamshe, Rsq. loft ieease, 1 TssessAs-DALayaspLa, 3rd baronet. 1 I-las-riot-Anne, se. to Lioua-Gen. John Despas’d, 5th 000 of Win. D.’spard, Esq. of Conirane ansI Curts;sess. t5aeonh as., aad siflaghy Castle, co. Tippecary; their only rlsild, Has-riet-D ,r,slhea, was is, to the lab Vice-Adusirat 11.-F. Gruville, CII. fSecposl, WAawsca, E. or). 2 Dorothea, is, to Arthru’-Barry Shears, Eos1. 3 Jacintha-Catherine, is, to Sir Thomas Lethbridge, Bare.; they have flossriohesl in the carusly p;sl;ssine of Lancaster for ansi 51. leaaing issue. 4 Anne-Charlotte, as in 1790, to else Iloss. sad lhight Rev. Edmund Knox, Bishop of Lisnerica. I Lescy, so. to Edward Pearson, Rsq.; aasd it. in 1530. Recssasn DC HEsKAvpn, Lord of Ileshayth, Ruffonrd, Re., in - the 12th eontnry, os-hose son, WILLIAM DC blssaox’rss, lii. Anahilla, dau. of Sir Richard do Stafford; his gs’andsan, Sir Itobert ‘7. in 1796, and was e. by hto grandson, ill. Ssa Thnsuss DALSOMPLE, t. 10 Jan. 1777; who ems. lot, in 2p2 HERVEY, BART.—sfa BATBURST, BART. HESILRIGE, BART.—e00 HAZLERIOG, BARE. 3LiIlcac. Tna Hrsaxyns flike many other great nos’thom families) owed their original elevation to martial achieveneent; and more than seven eantnrios up to else Isreseut periosl, being now in the aceusi enjoyment of thee greater part of the landed property acquired at thee commencement of that rensato es’a. The direct or nuthonticated fonndar of the fasnily was 579