Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/639

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HOME HOME, EARL OF (Cospatrick-Alexander Home), 5. ALEXANDEa, his heir. Baron Horns, and Baron of Donglas, in the peerage ii. James, efAyton, who engaged in the rising of 1715, and of Scotland; a repreeentative lord; 5. 27 Oct. 1799 on. 4 Dec. 1832, Lucy-Elizabeth, eldestdau. of Henry- James, 2nd and last Lord Montago, and has had, s. CnAae.ns-ALExANDER, Les’cf .Dosglea, eel. ef Lanarksbire iii. George, who d. in 1777, leaving two daus., one ef seham, velunteers, is. 11 April, 1834. ox. James-Archibald, barrislsr-atlaw, is. 20 Jan. 1837. sn Llentage-Cespstrck, 8.9 June, 1810; cf. 1 June, 1889. I’. William-Sholts, rapt. gren.-guards, I. 20 Feb. 1842. v. Cespstrtck, 8. 2 May, 1818. vi. George-Doeglas, is. 4 Gd. 1033. x. Eliaabeth-Eleaners, ii. Ada. in. Charlstts-Locy. His lordship a. his father, as 11th earl, 21 Oct. 1841. youngest snxvivtng of whom inherited successively the fanuly Littcgc. Tan lea Pvrsicw Doana, 2nd son of Cespatrick, Earl ef Tssn 11Ev. ALEXANDER, as 9th earl, upon the decease of his Donbar and March, was father of WILLIAM DONEAE, who ,ii, for his 2nd wife, Ada, dan. of brother, a. p. in 1761. Ilis lordship so. 1st, Prtsssrase, 2nd dan. Patrick, Earl of Dsinbar, ansI widow of Coortenay, who cad of Charles, Lord Elplstnrtone, by whom he had a son and dan. ebtained from her facher tho lands of home in free marriage. The fornser, William, Lord I5unglas, Is. 27 Nov. 1717, fell at Ceortenay 0. a. p., and tiso lady bronght those lansis to her the battle of Goildfersl, in Anserica, 15 Starch, 1781; and the second hnshaod, whence his posterily assomeci the name of latter, Eltaabeih-Eleanora, sss. in 1704, to Gm. Thonmas Dnndas OfoarE. Froth the son of hoc nsarriago with William Dunbar, (who ri. in 1794), ci. 10 April, 1827. The earl vs. Indly, Starian, WILLIAM E HOME, lincally descended Sm ALEXANDER llea,c, of ltohne, who or. llariota, dae. and whom ht had no issue; and lrdly, tsr 1768, Abigail Grown, heir of Sir Robert Lander, of Bass, and was a. by his eldest son, dao. and heir of John Ransey, Esq. of Yarmouth, by whom SIR As.rxAonEa Hewn, of Itome, ambassador-extraordinary (who ci. 8 Feb. 1814) he had issue, to England in 1439, created lord of parlianseni, as Baron Hsssse, ALEXANDER, lace peer. 2 Ang. 1173. He as. 1st, Maciota, dan. and heir of Landals of Caroline, ci. sso’ss. 30 April, 1794. Landau, and had, ALEXANDEE, Master of Home; who so. Eliaabeth Hepburn; and dying before his father, left issne, ALEXAN0OE, risceetsar His lordship ci. in 1786. his son, to the title; and Jol,n, of Whitereys and Ersilton, ALEXANDER, 10th earl; 8. II Nov. 1760; ci. 9 Nov. 1798, ambassador to England in 1491, from whom descended, Gih Eliaabeth, 2nd dan. of Iiemy, 3rd Duke of llrseelesmch and in uncressisa, JAnus, who a. as 3rd EA5L or HOME. Lord Home Os. 2ndly, Margaret, dan. of Alexander, Master of Qoeonabncy, and Iry her (who ‘1. 29 Inne, 1837) trod issue, Montgomery, by whom he had two sons. His lerdship il. in CeseAvamra-Ao.ExAwneE, 11th and present earl. 1490, and was a. by his grandson, Aaaxssnan, 2nd baron; who so. Nicholas, dao. of George henry-Campbell ci. in infancy. Eer, of Samnelton; and dying in 1506, was a. Isy his son, ALOXANDER, 3rd baron. This nobleman commandod the His lorrlship, who was one of the representative peers, lord— van, with the Earl of Huntly, at the battle of Flodden Ficisi, dispersed the English opposed to him, and was one of the few C,’euffsno—Ilaron, 2 Aug. 1473. Earl, ,kc., 4 Starch, 1604-5. who escaped the carnage of that d.tsastroot day. liii lordship As’o,s—Qnsrterly: tat and 411, vert, a lion, ramnisant, arg. joined else queen dowager and her husband, Angus, in 1510, anned and langcsed, go., for itoase; 2nd and lnl, org., three and embraced the English interest in opposition to the Regent popinjayr, vert, beaked and nsensbered, gn., far PECDIE of Albany, sr-ho took Horns Castle and Fast Castle, the forilets of Bssssglaa; over all, an escutcheon, or, charged svtth an one, Lord Rome, and ravaged his lands. His lordship, while visiting as., for LARDELL. the oonrt in 1116, was seiaed with his brother I’l’iiliam, Creof—A lion’s head, erased, org., on a ehnpeao, gsr., turned and exeetsted after a hasty trial, lie left by lots wife, Agnes np erm. Ssrppsrfes’a—Tss’o lions, arg. Stewart, two dans., I. Janet, sr. to Sir John Hamilton, natnral brother of James, Maltsea—Gver the crests “A hlonse, a Home, a items.” Dnke of Chatdlheraut. p II. Alison. lilt honaura and estates were restored, in 1522, to his brother, GEeaeE, as 4th baron. his lordship ns. Shariot, dan. and eo589 HOM heir of Patrick, 6th Lord lialyherten af Dirleton, and was a. in C,’sol—Ont of a crown vaflery, or, a densi-hion, gssardant per 1547, by his only eorviving sors, bend, arg. and as., charged with a isendlel, engrailed, counter- ALEXANEES, 5th harass; to whom a. his only son (t,y his 2nd wife, Agnes, dots. of Patrick, Lord Gray, and widow of Sir Habert Logan), ALEXANnEa, 6th baron; wiso was created, 4th Starch, 1604-5, Baron. Bossslea and EAEL ee Ilown, with rensair,slers to his HOLMESDALE, VIScoUNT—off AMHEnST, EAtSL. heirs male svhatseevtr. hIts lorsiship os. 1sf, Cisristian Dooglas, sister of William, Earl af Morton, and seidow of Laurence, master of Ohiphant, by svhoas Ise isad irs issrse. lie ci. 2ndly, Stacy, eldest tan, of Edward Sotton, Lord Dndley, and was a. in 1619, by his only son, JAsscs, 2nd earl; npon whose demise, withoot irma, to 1633, tise honoscrs reverted to isis kinsman, Sin JAMEs horse, lint, of Colstinglcnows, as 3rd carl (refor to 2nd son of Alexander, nsaster of tionse, eldest son of Alexander, 1st Lord Ilonse). Tlsts nobleman si ..Oaae, doss. of Trillions, 2nd Earl of Morton, l’y whons Ise left three sons, all of whom succeeded, in tsss’n, to tire family honoors; nansely, ALEXANDER, ) 4th and 0th earls, beth of whom if. witheot JAMES, c tsssso. CrimEs, fth earl. This nobleman vs. Anne, dan. of Sir Willians Porves, Ban, of Forces hail, co. Berwiek; isy whom Ise had five children, had his estate confiscated. He ml. in 1764, leaving two darm., viz., I Slarian, srs. to Alexander, 9ils Earl of Honse. 2 Jane, sss. to Dr. Janses Ilonter, of ahenfodd. iletty, as. James Itos’rny, Esq. I. Jasse, sir, to Patrick, Lord Polsvarth. rr. Stargaret, so. to Alexander Bothwell, Esq. His lordship ci. in 1706, and was a. by his eldest moo, ALEXANDER, 7th earl; who suffered inaprisesansent in the castle of Eclinbnrgh, frens the breaking ont of time rebellion, in 1711, until the revival of the Habeas Corpus Act, in 1716. Ills lordship so. Anne, 2nd dau. of W’illiam, 2nd Slarqssess of Lothian, by whom he had eight elsildren, she oldest and hononcs; thc fornser, WmLLsAas, as 8th earl, npen the donsfso of his father, l7I0 and tire latter, 2nd dan. of the Mon. James hionse, of Aylon (isis uncle), by Charlotte, vs. to the Yen. Charles Baillie-Hasnilten, archdeacon of Cleveland, who is, in 1820; sIre ii. 4 tsed. 1566, aged 93 (sec usstc, hlAnnmaovsN, g or). Willtans-Hentago-Donglas, 1,. 22 Nov. 1880; ci. ssssss. 22 July lieut.ofBerwiekshfre, and eeloncl of its smiitia, 0.21 Oct. 1841. Under the arms s “True to the end.” ,hessl—The hfirsel, llerwtrkohire. Tswss f.fortss—0, Grosvenor Square. HOM changed, holding irs the dexter pase a floor-dc-us, org. Taress Hsssae—25, Brook Street, Grosrermer Sqnarr.