Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/640

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H 0 M HOME. HOME, Sin GEORGE, of Blackadder, co. Berwick, To,eo. JIsooc—27, Walker Street, Edinburgh. b. 23 Sept. 1832; an advocate of the Scottish bar; a as 9th baronet0 at the decease of hio brother, 26 March, 1849 so. 9 March, 1858, Aun’Oliphant, only child of the late Graham S1dcro, Esq., advocate, sherift of 11id-Lothiau. and has issue, itiiiciigt, SIR T0aviu Ilown, of Tlss,rsto,, (2e4 sea of home of that ilk), as. Alice. heir of Wed do,’bnrne, e,s. Bs rwirk, acid ot,taine,l a chatter, is, 1430, of that liarony, frito the superior, Archibald, 4tls Earl of Douglas, which was c,,nfir,ne,I I iv royal diane,’, slated 10 April, 1130 and again. by charler of resignation under I iso great scat dalo,l at Stirling, If May, I 420, confirming Ike lands mid I arony af W’od,lerI,nrno to Sir David and his srtfe Alice. and the curs ivar ; and after their death, to their grandson George, soss of tlse deeease,t Faa ut, eldest sos, of Sir David and Alice, the rooignert. The cubit son and saeeessoo Orkney, Q.C’., b. 22 Jan. 1519; a his father, as 4th of 51,0 taut Georve, Sin J)avin ltsaa,e, of W’edderburne, wi-is fill at Ftosbton Field, J. This-kettle, and baa had a class., si. ass htfant. in 15t3, hail toots,’ eos-rn sons, well Iso ‘iso iii border song as “The Seven Spcaeo of Wrddcrbsarno,” via., George, as Iso shared Ike fal o of isis father. David. wise a. to the estates; foa,s soh,,na slescended Ilso iCing of Scotland, ot,tainrd a vs-ant of the cs’osrn lands in houses of Wod’Iorbarsse, t,arooots, lice Forts of illarohmonl, itrkney osad Zrtland, from cjnersa Stony, its liES, anil i-as crested ,to. Alexander, of Plassderstoa, ancoot’ ‘r of tlso Earl of Dssnl,sr, of EaRL or utexssev in last. Itt, tordstsip avos sky his eldest son, the sornanso of those. .lons’, of as tosss prosently. An,lresv, abbot ‘if Itrylturgls. Patrick, of tlroonslsos;so. s;obiensan left an only dao.• Robert. who ,,;. 2l.;rg.snot. youngs it ‘lan. and co-heir of Robert Slonv, wise is. Slewart of Gracnasny, Co. Orkney, and left nn Illaclsadder, of l3lacka,tdur. Jo,,,, 110am, Es,1. (11,0 01k son), ii. Beatrice, oldest data, of Moev S’eesvoer, tsoir of Ormnsay, and s-epresentative of thc one of the Iwo hcirs-porlionors of lIaiseD htlackaddor, of Black- Earls of tsrkney. This lady a. Ass,lrow Ilossyscsao, bishop of adder, and sras o. by Isle gcaadssn, donx Ifoam, of tllack,,l,ier, as ho sras o. by Isis son, I. Jinx It oa,r, Eec1. of Itlar taddor, arise seas created a doss. it Patrick firahana of Grat;asss), scat o. is; 1721, by an only Baro;at of JO,’-’ ,c,’ l’s in 1671 Sir John ,,;. Mary, oldest son, ‘se.LsAas hIoxYMAN, Eoq., i-Ito os. Slary, dass. of Grme dos,. of Sir dassics t’sm’tas, of Arnistan, by wisonc he had, stills of Ormoseslsall, co Orkney, ansi dying is; 1708, sc-ass, by his f use daos.. Site sOtts, Jossx, his successor, htavi,l (Sir;, o,se,sf flse lords-commissioners of Jttsliciary, Porsira lloxvas.sN, Esg., i-ho as. let, 1757’, 2largaret, dan. of under the oitle of Lord II r, iros’oy. Sir Jolsn was o. at his decease liy his elder son, It. Sm Jo,,s. Tt,is gonitensan is. Isis co,ssin, Mary, eldest Olargaret, don, of Patrick Sis,elsis’, Es,1. of Darwin, and by doss. of Sir James Dem,tas, t,3 wlsons he Isad two sons, anti arso Iser Isad, wills hisirteen otiser risildeesa, 5. t’3’ Cite euler, Ill. Ssa .tossx, avhso i. CotI;rristc, doss. of Sir John Pringle, of Stitelsell. ats,t tras o, t’y Isis ot’lost son, IV. Ssa discs; at arlsose ‘lceease, soiltso,sf isssse, the title John, of Jondoa, merchant. stovolved ssps’ss his brother, V. Sin J eases. fltis g,’nlleman, svlae was clerk to flse signet, W’sLLIAM hIss ealox, Esq. of Aesoadale, a lawyer of eminence, a. Cattseritsc, ‘tass, of ,crrgc I.ia iogolossr, Esq., one of Ilse arIse was appoisatesh esse of the baribs of Session an’t dnsiiciacy deputy-clerks of Session, and left, oilts a dan., Aune, wife of its ttae ash’s-once eotsrts of Seorlasc,l, ansI asssssssc;h the litnisry Wailer b’osvest. Eoq ..att ‘‘sil’ son, VI. Sm Gsoanr.. suIte s. us 1781 or I 700, Isis cosssis, Helen, tan. of the Right hloss. Rotsect .01 ‘Qneeo, Lord Braxfield, lord- 3r,l dass. if Issues flo,-tsascass. ko,. cf I ‘nsnsprllter, icy 2l;srgaref chief-just k—c—clerk of Seothand, t’y i-horn (who it. in 1046) hs Isis wife. cutest dais. ,,f stcc Ii, sc ..t’’ttct II ;socitlon, 2nd soIl of itse had ears icing isscse, 0th Earl t’f 1 I;sd’hogh’a, to- as ltstssi he lsa’t, Joases, isis heir. George, S. in Sell. 1792, is-ho it. a nststshipsnan RN., at is,. Williana, b. 4 Jan. 1710, so. in 1810, Catherine, only child Jan,;sica, in Os-i. 1012. Catl,eriaae, it. is,,. . 20 Aug. 1003 hteless. Sir George, ache catered early baa tlse naval service, alfained s. (‘alts,-rine-Jotsosfene, ci. 10 Nov. hSll, Is AlexanderDallas, the rank of sioe-adosirat. tie it. in May, lola, and i-as s. by Isis sos,, 590 HON VII. Sin JAMEs, 5. 17 March, 1790; in the E. 1. Co.’s civil service; seho rn in Jnly, 1028, Anna, eldest dan. of the late Andrcsc Stirling, Esq. of Dranspeltier, and by iser (who sf. Jane, 11ff) had issue, Jony, his successor. Geonce, present lsarsnsl. Sir ,taisses 51. in 1S30, as,d ss’as o. liy isis eldest son, Vili. Sin doss,,, 6.4 Aug. 1829; in the royal navy; St. 55005. 26 Olarcls, ISdO, sciten tIse title devolved upon isis brother. Csvo floss—If 71. .,dc,,,s—Qssartes-Iy; 1st, so., on a chevron, arg., three roses, go., for BLacKAnnee; Sod, vert, a lion, rampant, a g., for 110am; 3rd, arg., three popinjays, vert, for Peense; 41h, arg., a cross, engrailed, an., for SsacLA,a oj’H’coi a,aI,tso. C’-’ ‘I—An adder, sa., in pale, holding in its nsouth a rose, gn., leaved and stalked, vert. ili’ppes-tra’—Devter, an otter; sinister, a falcon, both ppr. Mstte—Vise 0 Ia fin. HON 1° MAN. IL iii tiic. See Ronent Srrwan, of Stratisdon, narocal son of JAaeEo V. PAvssrsc, 2nd earl; svho i-as belseaded far Isigh treason at Edinburgh, S Feb. 1f14, wIsest the earldons expired. This only dos,., I Irlssscy, astso 1. in hf78, ;snsl seas s. Icy his oldest sass, R,,oco’r Itoayaiox, Esq. Ttsio gossftesssass (svhso ii. Cecilia, eldest surviving son, John Mackay, Esq. of Steashsay, Co. Snbhorland, nod by her Isad a son, WILLIAa5, ascii fossr dane. iso ;o. 2;sdly, 1764, Rohert, adnsiral RN., 31.P. for Orkney, i-ho stand S. 1054, leaving i1ssse, hlobert, 30th foot; assd Etinabdlh, 10. to Gin. Ilielgsosa. lie was s. is’ 1700, liy Isis eldest san, stosignatioss of Lord Arsnadale. lIe so. its 1777, Mary, nldest ,. Ilsenas,n-lloass’vnn-JossasToxn, 2nd has-ones. ss. Osn, ;irsl baronet. of Robert Ttsesnson, Esg. of Mansflel’l, co.Ayr’, an I sl.nt Naldos, in 1027, leaving a son, Wiltianc’Thomson, S. in hill; st. II I cbs. I y32 and a dan., 2tory—llacqsseess-Tlaornson, in Aug. 1535, to 2hiehael f’anoiehacl, Esq. of Easciod, Co. l.aao,k. Essi. is. Margaret, ,l. 17 Sept. 1114. iii. Sarah-A,sise-dernirna. 5. Joases, Sin Idfl. ‘. Catherine. ss. l3obect, hi. in hlfd. it. Anssa-Bcatcire. HONTMAN, Stn GEOBcE-EaaEX, of atrmadale, co. baronet, 7 Jan. 1863; ce.213 Nov. 1860, Mios Annie.