Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/641

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HON Ills lordship was created a Baronet 11 May, 1804. 13 ci. in Sic Tnoacas ltoNywnon, Knt. of Greenwich, who os Jane, 1825, and was s. by his oldest surviving son, It Ssa Rionsan-BEasrTnE-JonasvoNr, who, 5. 1787, ac eons ansi two dans. ; of which fasssily, Elizabeth Campbell, and ci. 23 Feb. 1843, leaving issue a dan., c. William (the 2nd son), was sheriff of London in 1039. Elizabeth Campbell, ac. in 1830, to William Gillespie, Esq. Sir ii. Edward (3rd son), a. Mary, dan. of John Baker, Esq. of Richard flonyman d. 23 Feb. 1842, and was o. by his next brother, ill. Sm Gao, a the army, and a distinguished officer; at one time hient-eol. gron.-gnards, who was 0. 25 Starch, 1794, and m. 7 April, 1818, Elizabeth-Essex, ysnngest dan. of Sir Thomas ,i. in lill, and woes. by his eldest son, George Bowon, tcg. of Coton Ifall, Salop, admiral of the rod, Sin Jona Ttoseywoon, high-sheriff of the cc. Scent in ifO7-l-9. ION., and had issue by her (who ci. 25 Get. 1801), i. Gesaon-Essrx, present baronet. is. Wies.caam-32.eonsaaLn, in holy orders, 1tA., b. 31 Ang.182t; I. Sin EnwAan IloNyw000, Knt. of Evingion, in Kent, who sa. 22 June, 1853, Jane -Dorothoa, youngest dan. of Major was created a Baronet 19 July, 1000, in consideration of thYeo Bowon, of Pantydorry, Pencbrokechire, formerly oapt. 10th tlsasssa,srt pounds ,vlstch lie had remitted to CHARLES II. shnrsng bussaro. z. Siary-Itector-Lilly-Itosalie, ni. 2 Jan. 1808, to the 10ev. Ins exile, and which were never rcfsnsdcd. This gentleman as. Thomas Bearoroft, cwotor of Fitz, Salop, 3rd con of E.-I-l. Ehizaheth, dan. of Sir John Maynard, Eni. of Tooting, Surrey, Roareroft, Esg. of Moor I-tall, Woreostcrstsiro. Sir Grd ci. at Nice, 27 Jan. 1883, and was o. by his oldest son, s. by isis elder son, Sca Gsoaox-Eosxx itoxyocaw, the dtb and presoni baronet. Cc’oatiecc-—1l Slay, 1804. Arcoc—Arg., a bend, ongratled, voided, go. Crest—An arra’cs’, paleways, point downwards, ppr., feathered arg. b’ccpporfers—Two lions, rampant-gnardant, ppr. Jfohlo—Progredere no regredere. HoNyWoon, StE COURTENAT, of Evington, no. Mont, 8. 5 March, 1835; 5, his father, as 7th hart., in 1845; rn. 23 Ascg. 1855, AnnioMaria c. Anna—Christiana, so. tot, John fled. Bsg. of Broxtosc, 2 2nd dau. of William Payn’ Cheshire; and Indly, Waltar Ilranss’, Esst. of hiriclge. By ter, Eoq. of Cambourno Honae, Richmond, Surrey, and hat issue, c. Jonw-Wn.uaar, b. 15 April, 1857. n. Philip-Conrtenay, 0. 18 Jccly, loss. iii. Wyndham, twin with bit brother Philip. iv. Arthur, b. 17 Nov.1950. V. Cecil-Robert, 5.27 Dee. 2802. vs. Reginald-Ernest, 0. 14 Dee. 1803. VI,. Edward-Fenton, 0. 24 Oct. 1405. i. Annie-Mabel. cc. A dan. in. A dan., 0. 1 April, 1509, cc. Thonsasino, ns. Joseph Bnc’clsetl, Esq., secretary to the ILiiscrigc. This very ancient family has resided in the co of Kent since ccc. Elizabeth, so. Joseph Dodd, Esq. of Chaihanc. the reign of KENnY 11., when WiLLiAM ileNEwnon died (about 1189) and left a sun, THomAs HsxEwoon, whose son and heir, EnwcN OE HENEw000, in the reign of Matnrr iii., is remembered Kent in 1752; assd upon the death of Isis Linsncas,, Frazer ltouywood, in the leger-book of l4orton Priory, among the chief ci gentleman’s will, to isis seats at Stalling Alshsey, in Eenl5 and at those who were mnnifioent benefactors to that convent; and is mentioned there as hiving boon of Postting, in Kent. From this Edwin lineally descended Jonse HoNywoon, who so. 1st, Agnes, dan. and heir of henry had two sons and tlsree dacst., viz., Martin, Keg., and hid a son, JonN, of whom presently. Sir. c., of Stalling Abbey, Rent, is. in 1731 ; ,,s- Elizabeth, Honywood a,. Indly, a dan. of — Barnes, Esq. of Wye, in Kent, dam,. of Thousas Clark, Esq. of W°ssltingford, iii hterkshhre, and and had, BoBcaT, of Charing, Kent, and hlarhs Ilalh, in Essex, who as. Mary, dan. and co-heir of Robert Waters, Ksq. of Lenhans, in the former shire; and from that marriaget doseended Lssnv.-Gn,5ERAL PucLsr IIsn-rwoon, of Marks hall, who devised his estates, in 1785, to Filmer Honywood, Keg. The eldest son, Jonas Honysroon, Esq. of St. George’s Priory, Cantorbury, who represented Hytbo in parliament, Ins p. KLSZAEETH, 555. Mchdrefa, dan. of Mr. Baron Slates, of the Exehegnor, and had three sons and two dana. The eldest and youngest sans, Thonsas and Christopher, were members of l’arliameut for s.Ihsry, is. ho lIce 11ev. Edward Filnser, rector of Crandal, Bythe, but si. o. p. The 2nd con, JOHN HoNyw000, who became eventually heir, us. lit, ccc. Thoscsasine, so. to Wihliasn-Western htngessen, Bog. of Joanna, dan. ansi heir of — Perry, Bsq. of Chalisam, and had a son, Tnonsis. lIe as. lndiy, Jane, dan. of Peter Iteycuan, Eoq. (and tots’ heir of her nsother, Stary, dan. of Tirrel, of Reohos, in Essex), by whom he had us only dan., Catherine (sole heir of her mother), who as Sir Edward Scott, KB. of Scott’s Hall. Mr. Itonywood wao s. by his son, From the marriage of Robert Honnvond and Mary Waters Johus 1. iss 1781, acid cr55 5. by Icis gracsdoass, also derived the liotcswnonu of Hsrslsrne, in Sussex 591 H ON dan. of Edward Halos, Esq. of Tcnterden, by whons lie had six Withiam, Snssex, and isad a son, Jcaae, of Hampstead, whose son, Mr. Honywood, of Londocs, hanker, bognoathed his property to Sir John llonywood, lice 3rd baronet. This gentleman a,. Story, dan. of Thomas Godfrey, Esq. of Lid; and dying in 1858, was o. by his cider son, by whona he had two sons and a dan. tie d. in 1050, and was It. Sin WcI.LcAsi, 5. in 1075, who ii?. Anna—Chsristiana, don. of Richard Newnsau, Esq. of Fifehead Magna, en. Dorset, and had two sans and four dans., viz.. 5. WILLIAm, of Cherdou, who a,. France,, dan. of William Raleigh, Esq.; and dying a.s. in 1714, left, I Joars (Sir), successor In Ins grandfather. 1 Franocs-Now,nan, so. ‘l’hansao ihodges, Esq. of Lanon Xi°tsrelsorn, in Kent. 2 Itorthsa, so. Thomas Auslrows, Peg. of ltinksknhl, i,s Kent 3 The,nasine, is. Tlsamas Randclpls, 15.15., president of Christ Chard, College, Oxford. cc. Edward, judge - advocate of the royal navy; as. Ifsry, don. of ‘i’bansas Wearg, Esti. of Kensington, and had two dane. ins co-hietca, 1 Stary, so. to Jansos Smith, Esq., 3rd son of Stafford Smith, Esg. I Anne. her 1st hscssband, she Isad issslo, wills an only son, JohnIterhort Dod, Esq. of hlroxton, who d.0. p., an only dan., else heiress of hoer broilse,’, ANNA-CcsccarcArsA Don, who 555. Wilhano Farrell, Esg. (Internal ancestor, by his lot wife, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Promo, afterwards Skeffingron, Esq., of Sir Lscnsley-St. George Skc’ltingrocs), and was mother, with orher darn., of a sIan. and co-heiress, Fnarsecs FARRELL, who as .,Ysshn Worthington, Esq. of Ashston Hayea, en. Chester, and was mother of WcLLcAsc-IJENBY Wonncxayors’, Esq. of Sandiway Bank, no. Chester. Sw Boise’s Lensind Ce-sfi’y.) Adminshly. cv. Mary, sf. aosn. in 1708. Sir Wilhians ci. in 1745, umi was a by Isis grandson, Ill. S,s Tours. This gentleman served use offico of shos’ig of Esq. of London, hanker, in 1754, succeeded, sender hint l-Iatsspslead, Stiddlesex. Sir John is. isO, Annalsela, damn. ni William Goodenongh, Esq. of Langford, cc. Perks, Isy whsom he had issue, 1 Joccn, snecessor to his grandfalher. I William, of Leminge, his Kent, and Sharks Ball, in Essex, who o. to the estates of his uncle, Fil,ner ihoscywood, Esg. He as. Stary, sister of Janses-Drake Brocksssan, Esq. of hieaelsboroogh, and has issue. 3 Edseard, in holy oc’ders, LL.D., rector of Itenhten, in Devon, and prebondary of Exeter; wIse as. Sophsia, dan. of else iher. — Longs and dying I Dee. 1412, left issue. 1 Anssalseila-Christiana, a. to Iteisert-Gorges-Dobyns Tate, Esq. of Dromesbe,’row, in Olosmceste,’skire. cc. Edward, ,i. at Norwich, iss 1751. lImb. ci. Chrietioss. I’revcnder. Sir John iS. Indiy, Dorothy, dan. of Sir Ed,sard Filnsor, Fart., by ,s’lsocss he had two sons (aussi a dais., Man-, s. to J.—W. Runner, Esq. of Wias’ton), Chin ehsler of salsosu. h-lhsecr itocsy,eood, Rot1. of Slarlms Stall, on. Essex, sneceestesl to thins seas asisi risc? other los-ge estates of Gen. Philip llsosywosd, by I oqocot, hs 17e1. Sir iv. Sun J ours. This gentlessian w. isi 1770, graareo, cian. of Wilhharss, lad Visrount Courtena-, by sels so lie Isn’t issoso, HO N Y W 00 B. A