Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/642

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HOO JOnrz-C0r0TENAV, his successor Frances-Elizabeth, c,. to Asehone Ssss-teoe, Esq. Ctsartoele-Dorothea, ,o. to Cot, Fraocis-(irey Cooper ,aftervat Itood, Req. of Slsetcrte,n, no. Doruel), s:e. Odary, dan. of Richard •.Sir F.-G. Cooper, hart.) and d. in ISit. Aooahella-Christiana, Os. to Sir Estwarsi Keiatchbull, Dart.; tinekyns, Neq. of Be-aneinetee, en. Dorset, cud had issue, SAs000c, and it. in 1811. Caroline, c. in ISOt, Edss-aed’I’ensple, Req., only son of lies Loon EninronT (see Bninroov, ViscounT); and Elizabeth, ell. Rev Thonsas—Williaso Teneplo, 15.1 5., and tins survivisig 0500, Otto 500, (‘ourlenay-Gcorgo Itoesro’ t and tsoo stasis., AnnaEtiza t and Mary Elton, ,s.27 Nov. 1543, to the Earl of ]tarborough. Acaceonc One Sauces Iteen, KB., a fomoesn Beitieh seaman, Elioa-Augtesla. Lonisa-t’atlscrioo,c.’. to 1526, t tiso Itev. Itenry-R. Qoartly and 7. is1 1522. Sir Jotso :7. in 1506. V. Sin Joiia—’’ncr.Trtsav, P. its lisT; svts:ses. 27 July, ] Sod, the van division wader Sir George Rodney, en the l2tle Aug. ittary—Atsiso, ol,lcst date, of else ltov. Sir Williatn—ltoory Ceuper, 1782, n-leon tl,e Coseut do Gmsse end tote fleet n’ere so ueemornbly Dart., had lessee, 5. Jueia-Eowstso, flh barooer. si. Wilitans, P. 4 Staret’, 18t4 c:. 15 Slareli, 1914, ltnrl,ora— Itetiriotta, youngest dan. of James Wtst’to, Req. of l’ileou Grecuo’ieh Itoepital tn 1756, and iu 1105 became adenirni of the Itosese, eo. t)evoiu. sir. K,tward, 0. 8 Eel,. 1915; :7, itt India, 14 Doe. 1910. iv. Fluilip—Frederiek, P. 25 Moy, 1016; a. at Spa, Betgiuns, Is else peerage of teelan’t, 12 Sept. 1782, as Buenos Hnsd, a, 20 Jnty. 1866. i. Mary-Anne-Etizatietle, oslo 1921, to Frederick Barns, Req., Uesl/seecqsis;s. Itis lordship was enrolled ameeeg sloe peers of eon of Cot. Borne, of Sotlertey, Sutf,dk. ii. leabelta-Ctearlolle, ‘7, ceo’s. 24 Pot,. 1812. in. Caroline. xv. Louisa-Lucy, to. 4 June, 1844, to else 12ev. Janees Whyte, to else peerage of England, as Bueooeeo diesel, of fl’utheeiogtso, rector of King’s Nyucpten, Dovon. V. Etizabelh-Josrplea. Sir John ii. 12 Sept. 1032, and waso, by lets elder son, Vt. Sen Joocz-Eow.snn, 5.11 Starch, 1512; eec ]7 April, 1814, Itnieny, 2nd baron hood, of Cntteerington (a title inlseoitod Story, 2nd doe’. of the Rev. Cleartee-Roglees Ilaltett, of ltigleane, from tue mother), n. 052nd viscount. lie was t,. he 1793; so. in in Kent, anit lead issoe, i. ConovEnox, proecnt l’aronet. o Franere-Ilaltet, ;: 22 Jan. 1581, to the Rev. Thomas-Stone i. Feaoets-Wlceler, licnt.-eol. in the army, killed in action on Caruseso, 02.5., of Flexhury, vicar of Peuglull, Cornwall. u. Enensa-Slary, oc. 28 Jan. toOl, to Atured Denne, Req. of by Caroline Isle ‘vito (who E. 11 Starch, 1910), only dais. of Lydd, Kent. us. Louisa-Anne. lv. Marion-Grace. v. Florcnec.Blizobotts, ,. 22 Aug. 1867, to the Rev. Bdo’ardWilliam Nortleey. Sir John ‘t. to 1045. Ills endow ae. II July, 1048, William Clark, Req. of Oowatds, Torquay, who :7. 20 Feb. 1849. Cernti,,o—tO Jedy. 1010. At-ens—Avg.. a cteovron, been-eon hertz hawks’ heads, erased, ci. Saaruxs., 2etl Lord Be-d,?po:’l, iss thee peerage of Ireland. (See nz. Cresl—.t. wolfe leea,t, esuped, erect. Jfsltn—Omnc honisese deeuper. Scnl—Rvington, .ishfnrd, Noise. H 0 0 1). boo, VISCOUNT (Sir Fraetoio-Wheler Hood), of A :‘eesn—Qnarlcrty: 1st and 4th, erminois, tlsree cats-a-mountain, Whitley, co. Warwiole Baron Hood, of Catheringtoei, nith an erneino spot, or, for Tinozxn ; 2nd end 3rd, no., a fmt, en. Hnnt,o, in Site peerage of Great Britain, Baron arg., on a chief, en, three crescents, sa., for ttoeo. Hood, of Catleerington, in thu puerego of Ire-land, and a Itaronet of England ; b. 4 Jnly, 1838 a. his father, as 4th vioconest, 8 May, 1846, liuset.-col. witht a cellae’, goeeel, and charged on the body nith thrcc ermine lato grueeadioe’ guards.;ou. 13 July, 1865, Edith, in froni of an anchor, in bond, sinister, ne- for Iteen. dan. of Ar-thser-W. Ward, Etq. of Calverloy, ‘fun- Sappne-le e’z—Dextot’, a esserman, in his exterior hand a bridge Wells, and has had, i. Grosvenor-Arthur-Frederick, 5. 0 June, 1967 a. 2 Jane, 1908. is. A coo, t. 13 Nov. 1868. i. Mnbet-Edtth. }LIttctc. The fatnity of hood poeeessed eoneh,lemble landed peopnely in * Tisie gentleman and tile etslcr ebtaieied, by eoyal licence, the cc. of Dorset mere clean to-c centuries ago. 592 HOO Ton REV. SAMueL Ituon, vicar of Eutley, Someraetshlre, and aflern’ards of Tlsos-eeeumt:e, cc. Devon (2nd eon of Alexander of whene presently; Atexandne, admiral of the Red, created en .tletoinsase DIscard Walker, of Exeter. Tlee elder son, was P. at Tlsos-nros,ebe, in 1724, and entered the royal navy in 1740. this flent exptoit wee in 1719, when he took the “Belteua.” Lord Aneou presented the victor ten Geonec It., se-ho gave isim cIsc coeeeeeaud of ties “Africa.” Jteed, early in 1702, uende the first attack on Ilse Count de Graeee’s fled, and lee comenauded defeated. In 1793, heed, ceneenandlug tlse Mediterranean fleet, signalized hinseelf by his victorious attack en Toulon, and his rapture of the island of Corsica. lie was made governor ef lied aced a G.C.D. lie hod Ieetg previously been created a Bnrenet, an n renard for achievements, 19 Stay, 1778, and elevated (treat Britain I Jsme, 1796, t:y the title of VtseouNT Itoun, of tJ’hUke, ye. Wur,erh. tte etc in 1749, Sosannah, dan. ef Estward Linzee, Req. of t’enlsmoutts (eelsieh indy n’as elevated es. Ileseebe, 21 Plarcie, 1791), by whom he had one surviving son, lteenv. Ills tordohip lost lets consort 29 May, 1806, and a. lsinseelf at lOath, 27 Jan. 1916, when his eon, 1774, Jane, dau. and leeir of Francis Whole,’, Esq. of Wbitley, and by her (olin a. Dee. 1847) lead, Ohs hetghte of Airs, seselts of Prance, 2 Stan-oh, 1811, leaving, the tote Sir Andrew-Snape tiamond, Bert., I S.caeuet, 3s’d vieeoesnt. 2 Fn,neie-Grosveoer,° hoot-eel. grenadier-gseards; b. 4, Starch, 1009; o,.tn 1942, Blizobeub-Jane, 2nd dan. of Sir Graham-Eden Hamon’t, Bort. lie was kifled in the trenoh’ee before Sehaetopol, 15 Get. 1514. 1 Caroline, vt. 29 P’eb. 1534, to Arthne-P’raneis Gregory, Req. of Styviohall, Co. Waro’ioh. noise, tlneuren’r Vieeon’nv.) t. Soeannah, on. en Ohs 11ev. 12—0. tticharde 5 and a. 1923. it. Seliesa, cc. its 1005, te Vioe-Adentral Sir Francis Slannn, K.C.B., svheo a. 27 Stay, 1013; she E. 17 Jan. 1863. hIts lordship a. in 1836, and u-os a. by his geanduen, Saoisres, 3rd viseonnet; P. 10 Jan. 1808; ‘i. 27 Juno, 1827, Story-Isabella, don, and heiress of Riohard-Jole,s Tibbits, Beq. of Barton Seagrave, and had inene, s. FnAnces-Wunson, present poor. n. ALnrnT, Ileot. rifle brigade, S. 26 .kog. 1841 ; ye. 2 June, 1865, Jedia-Jane, only dau. of t-W. Itoneby, Req. of Uphoro ttoesee, Ibante. eec. Alexander-Frederick, lieni. tails hunearn, t. 1843. iv. Alfred, officer 82nd foot, 0. l.a46. i. Caroline-Many, ye. 17 lIce. 1859, lo G.-W.-ltoldou Harn broagh, Esq. of Piposnelt sloth, Nsrthaioptonelaire. Ills lend shshp, who assnu’cod in addition the anise of Tibbots, a. S Play, 1846. lIla n’i,lew en. 2ndty, I Stay, 1849, Gcnegu Itafi, Eeq. 51.0., of De-ighton; and lrdiy, Captain J.-Borlaeo Stannsoll. CeeaGoao—tiaronet, 19 Ploy, luSt Baron, 12 Sept. 1782— in Ireland. e;aron, 27th Statvh, 1799. Vieceont, 1 Juno, 1190, in (treat Britain, po,sant-guardaal, in pale, at-, each charged on the body Ce-solo—let, a doeni-cal-0 ncenntaiue, gesordant, az., gorged spn;s, tn-c and one, en, for TenneTs ; 2nd, a Cornieh choogh, so., Iridosat ; sinister, a mermaid, in her exterior hand a misTer, all inn. ,l’Iolts—Veutis secnndis. Sent—Barton Soageave, Nonlhamptnnshire. Points Ilessac—40, Soustt Street, Park Lone. the precedence of a vitcount’e younger children.