Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/643

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Ti 0 0 HOOD. FULLEB-AOLAND-HOOD, Sst s-io., go., a rloevran engraihed, isete-coos three leopards’ heads, or. ALExANaEst- BATEBAN - Psnsaot, of (‘s’sato—ilasn t a Cernish choongls, holdong an aischsov on the Tidlake, no. Surrey, Mi. for West rsnped at the n-nat, in a glove hying fcsscwise; tl500’con a falcon, Somerset; late captain royal horse- Stssj guards blue; 3. 20 April, 1819; us. 11 Sept. 1349, Isabel-harriet, only surviving ohild of Sir i’.-l°. FssllerPalmer-Aeland, Part, of Fairfield, Somerset, and has assumed the additional and previous surnames of FULLEn-ACLAND. lie has issue, i. ALSXARDES-BATEsIAN, t. 2s Sept. 1853. it. Arthur, 5. 24 Dec. 1859. sos. Ileery, t. 12 Dee. 1563. iv. Desert, s. 7 Sept 1866. v. A son, t. 9 July, 1888. i. Fanny. n. Ethel. ILiucaut, This family is descended frsss a essamsa ancestor with the HOPE, SIB AltCOiln.sLn, of Craigloall, no. Fife; is. ssblc house sf hood, Visesuut Ilsod. ALEXANDER Hsso, Esq. ef Slsssterton, is Dorsetshire, in. 1853; at. 17 July, 1062, Aldoua, eldaot dan. of Elizabeth, dau. ef use Rsv. — Beach, snd had issue, ALRXASDER. Arthur, ia holy srdsss ii. noses. Samuel, vicar of Thorneosebe, father of LORDS linso and co of Edinburgh. 31.111 CEflt. Sos nroax. Elizabeth. The eldest sois, ALEXANDEa Iloou, Esq. of Mesterton, had tsvo sons, Ardour, who sold the Olssterton estate, and it. onto. ; and SAMUEL Hone, Esq. of Kingslaud, iso Dorseishire, also sa. train of Magdalene, Queen of Eixsg Jaasas I. lie sa. Elizabeths Anne, doss. ef James Borne, Fsq. of Westbury, in Wills, and Camasin, asol left a son, hod ttsree sons, a Arth,ssr, lost in a Isurricanc in use West Indies. so. Anxosnre, eopl. lt.N.; who acconspanied Capt. Cook Taft, a French lady, assd loft two sans, Tssussao, of whooss in one of isis coyages round the srorld, and after a ls,ng series preoenlly; and Henry, an000tsor of the Itoros of Atssolerslaos, nf services, seas slain on hoard lois ship the “31st-s,’ in 1798. now reprosenled by AO05AN-Eesas Hun, Esq., nephew of lie us. 11 daly, 1752, Eliaaheth, dan. and heiress of John Alcxandor-J.-B. Bccesford-llope, Bsq. of bcdgebury Park, Peciasn, Esq. of Batleigh Woolton, and of the Middle Tesssplo tent, SIP. for the University of Canobritlge. (attn descended fran, Sir William Feriam, Nut., Lord CHef I. Ssn Tnaasas Itoro, Nut. (the older san) ef Craigholl, ca. Baron of the Exchequer, tsasp. Queen Eoszaoevss), and had Fife, having been bred to Use bar, attained groat osninenee in issoc, 5 ALEXONnnR, successor to hots uncle. I Ehiaabetls-Periam, so. 7 Dec. 1837, to tlso Ilrv. Francis along irith Sir Wiflions Oliphant; and his colleague dying iss Lunn, IuI.A., vicar of Butleigls, en. Devon, deceased. iii. SAMUEL. The youngest saa, I. SaasuarJlson, Esq., 6. in 1762, entered the royal navy al chords of Scssllaod, a dignity wlsic’h, it is said soc casnnooner has the ago of fourtcco as a osidslsipasan on hoard the “Cssurssgcssx,” siossee enjoyed. “lIe took flit place ps’oosdly upon loino, for then cen,maoded by his father’s flrst-coustu, Saassseh, stse 1st the honooso (croorn. esrord, and sceptre) acre daily caroied Viscount Hosd; and having, isy a series of apicodid services, n-hen Ste n-cnt out asod into this asscnshly before him; and too numerous even to epitosssize here, attained lhr rank of at preaching hr sot its the Nissg’s loft. Sir Thsonsss sss. Elizabefit, vice-admiral of the Misits, was tnztalled knight of the Bath, rcturmd I pacliansent far tho city of Wesisutoster, and created fourleon clslldren; tiorce of ,vhons were upon the bench n’hcss a Baronet, 13 April, 1899, srith romatsides’, in default of nsale he pleaded as lord-advocate before them; and to thois circunsstance issue, to his nephew, ALEXANDER, the lath baronet. Sir Samuel Hood as. 6 Nov. 1804, this Hon. Story - Frcdcrica.Ehaabcth crown enjoys, of pleading covered in floe suprenoe eonrt of Mackcnein, eldest dan. of Frasscto, Lord Seafurth; but it. .s.p. juthieostssre, it being sleessocol indecas-oso hisat a father should 24 Dec. 1814, ,rhseu the litlo devolved according to Iho rover atand aucovered before his sosss. 36e of. in Nov. 1646, and was aionary clause in ttso patent. ISis widow so. the Itigist tle,s a. by isis eldest son, James Alexander Stewart, nephesr of tlso 7tls Bssrl of Galloway, lb. Sin JonN, who was appointed a lord of session in who d. in t843: she 4. 28 Nov. 1862. Sir Samuel’s nephew and 1612, sud asounsed lisa hitle of Lord Craigissil. His lordolsip iseir, it. Sir Alexander, liP, for the srestrrn division of Sosucrootshire, 6.0 July, 1793; no. 3 Aug. 1815, Amelia-.tnnc, youngest doo. and re-heir of Sir Olsogh Batosnan, Bart. of Slartiogton is. Arehihsahd, of Usakeillor. Hall, en. Derby, and had issue, ALEXAN005-BOvEO5AN-PEaOA55, present baronet, Arthur—William-Arland, capt. EN., 6. 14 July, 1824; as. Oct. Sir Jslsu ,t. in 1800, and was a. by his eldest son, 1809, Fanny-Henrietta, 3rd dan. of Sir C.-Fitzroy Macloan, Ill. Ssn Tnossxs, who ivas -,. by his sea, Burt. Entihy-Poriam, oa. 23 Juno, 1848, Jamoo-Curtis Somerville, Eoq. of Binder House, near Wells, and has issue. Sophia4lary, as. 41 April. 1803, to the Eov. J.-G. Oflnckley, V. Soa Was-sass, at whose decease uats. the tithe devolved rector of Street and Va5ton, and sf in 1907. Anno.F.hioabohh-Poriam, as. 26 Aug. 1802, to Osorgo-Fownes upon his brother, Luttroll, eldest son of Colonel Fosrsscs Luttrell. Sir Alexander woo in ronsaioder to the Irtsls Barony of Basnrear, Ninress estate. This baronet sold lIsa Craighsall estate, in 1729, after the present Lord Bridpart and ins noale doocondanm. to hiss Earl of Hopetouu. lie oh. sssssso., and was a. Isy his brolloer, lIe sl.7 Starch, 1851. Delie.—13 April, 1809. Arsn,—Quartorly: s. and se.: quarterly, 1st and 4th, ; aza haul thsree sons, all of whom predeceascd htssssehf. Sir John us. fret, arg. s on a chief, sa., tlsree creocoals, or, far hone; 2nd, Iodly, Slarianno Denunc, of the fasssily of Denune of Cstbolh, ro. 593 28 Fob. 1808 ; a. his father, as 12th bas’t., 5 June, henry Kingacota, Eoq. SirAruloibnld is lieot.-nol. ot the Mid-Lothian militia, and a deputy-lieut. of the Tue founder of the fansily of liapo of Craigisall oppoors to have been JooN DR Ilors, who is said to have canoe fcssos France in thse Bnwaan Hors, wloose son, hENRy Huro, a very enoinent merchant, sto. Jaqosslino do his profession, in 1826, be n-as appointed joint lard-advocate to-a years oftorsrards, iso enjoyed the office alosoc. Sir Thonoos obtained mony substantial favomo frosos the crown, and seas created a Baraocl of Xaro Boat in, 19 Feb. 1628. In 1643, ise woos appointed rasosmissioner to the Ocncswh Assembly of thu don. of Jalsn Binuing, of Wal’yfos’d, by whom he had tradition assigns ttse privilege, ,vhich tlsnl officer of the sit. SIas-g-areh, dan. uf Sir Archibald Oturray, of Blackbarony, isy ,rhtom he load ties sons, 5. And six daus. IV. Ssn Tssuosas. This gontlessoan sso. Anne, dan. and evenlually sole heir of Sir Wilhiasn Bruce, Bas-t. of Kinross, and n-as a. hsy his eldest son, VI. Son Tnoaiaa, ‘vhs s. at the desniso of his uoother to tlso VII. Ssn JOnN-BRUCE. This aenolemau adopting floe profession uf ornts, attained bloc ranhc of hienlenant-generol. Ito us. 1st, Charlotte, dass. nf Sir Charles lbnlket, BarL, by whom Iso 2Q a H 0 T’ chequy, avg. and sa., a fessc. go., far AeLsNn; 3rd, as’g., thsue bars and a canlan, gu,for FULLER; 55., Sheen; sis., PER5AM, dexlcr side, in bend sissistar, ppc. Acs-anu t a noon’s band perclsed, all ppr. Mout’s—goahons. Scsi-Is—St. Andrieo and Wouttoo, co. Somerset. HOPE. sss. Isabel.