Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/645

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11OP K-S. Gooeh, Part., and Indly, to Major St. Leger; Jane, Marehioness of Ely; tkorgina, as. to Colonel C.T. Wilson; and Henryetta-Vane, ci. Oct. 1963. Jane-Sophia, sa. to the lab Adm. the Hon. E.-S.-l’. Knox. 2 John, a nceeehant of Lonslon, ccc. in 1762, Mary, only dan. of Eliab iireton, Bsq. of Fortyhill, Enfold, and left, Charleoflight Hon.), of Graotonn, lord-president of the react of Session, 5. 2OJnne, 1763; so. SAng. 1793, Charlotte, 9th dau. of John, 2nd Earl of Honpteun; and ci. 31 Oct. 1851, basing had issae, John, lord-justice-clerk, 5. in 1794; ca. Miss irving, and 1. in 1858, having had issne, Willians, V.12., late 7th fnsilioes, 8. 1834; scs. 20 April, 1857, illargaret-Jaec, 3rd dan. of R.-C.-C. Gro.banc, Esq. of Gartinore. Charles, rear-ad.ncirai R.N., 5. 1796; as. 1st, 1926, Anne, eldest dan. of Rear-Admiral Weobley-Parry, and by her had, Cbarles-Weohley, capt. It.N., 5. in 1820; ccc 23Apr11, 1861, Elten-Evelyn-Elioabeth, eldest daa. ef G.-B.-J. Jordan, of Pigeon’s Ford, Cardigansisiro, and Ashdute, Femhrokeshire, and grand-dan. of Sir John Osven, hart., and has, with too dana., a son, 8. 9 Aug. 1a64; Anna-Maria, so. 1853, to the Ros-. Willians Gill; and Charlotte-Maria, cc. 1856, to Lient. Adaoc-Alexander Dmsdas, F.M. He c,c. 2csdly, 1634, Mary-Eliaabetb, don. ot Joseph Sykes, Esq. of Raywetl, and ci. 1894. Jaaces, 5. in 1683; Os. in 1828, ElienherIs, eldest dan. of the Ri. Hon. David Boyle, and has issne, CharlesWilliam, 5. 23 Jan. 1832; David-Bayle. c,c. 23 April, 1863, Lotiiia-Angtcstsc, yonngest dan. of Arthnr—Bargls Crnfton, of Roebuck Castle; Jocnes-Arth,sr; JoistsLonis, R.N., ci. 1s50; Angnstnc; Etioabetla-Siontgemerco; Chaelntte-Slary; Lucy-Anne. William, major in the arnoy, 5. 1807; os. in 1035, Miss Statyrn Livedostre, and ,l. Nov. 1808, having hal issue, Chacles-Erroll, copt. 25th foot, cc. i863, Helen— Rae, dan. of the late Jehn-ltandlton Coil, Esq. of Garishorrie, en. Lanark; Itansilten; and o dan. Elizabeth, ci. 10 SOpt. 1888. Story, ci. osonc. Sophia_ Ctsnrlelto. Jane-Melville. Margaret. Acsne-Wilheimina. sic. to it.-J. Robertson, Esq.; ci. 1842. Louisa-Augusta-Octavia. Snhn (Sir),, a lient.-gen. in the army, is. 15 July, I 769; so.. 1st, 20 Sept. 1806, Slargaret, only dan. assd heir of Robert Scott, Esg. of Logic, by whom he hod three rians., Siarv-Anne. Charlotte, ccc. to L. Mackinnon, Ecq. Margaret-Soplcia, so. in 1842, to John Cook, Esq. General Hope sic. 2ndly, 21 April, 1814, Jane-Hester, don. iii. Stargaret, ccc. In John ilsmdas, of Duddingston, and ci of John Maccdeugall, Esq. of .&c’dinlriva. and by tier iv. helen, cc. So James Watson, of Langhtnn, and ci. 1709. (svbo cc. 2scdly, the Rev. William Knight5 rector of v. Chrictian, ccc. to Tisoncas Giahanc, of Ilalgocs’an, acod ci. 1719. Steventon, Honts), loft at his decease, in 1836, snrviring vi. Charlotte, nc. In Thncccas, Lord Ernkicse, son and heir of issue, John-Thansns, 1.1816, capt. in the army; if. 1848. Henry-Philip, 8. in 1818; sco. 23 July, 1841, Siory-Sophia, The earl ci. 26 Feb. i742, and wan a. Icy bin eldest son, dan. of Thomas Dickeoson, Esq. Charles-William, 8. in 1624. WILLIAM (Sic’) JonxnPoNE-HOPE, vice-admiral, O.C.R., cc. suns srho ci. young and snoscc) a con, Jaaces, 3rd earl, and three 1st, in 1782, Lady Anne Hnpe-Jnhosfone, eldest dan. of daun., Elizabeth, ccc. to henry, Earl of Drnmlanrig, oldest con of James, 3rd earl, by whom Ice Icad issue, Jcsnco-Jcocsna tlnrc-Jcsnccaxurcso, of Raehills, Dcsmfrirsslure, Charloc, Dnko of Queensl;orry, and ci. 1706; Itonriclla; and claicoont of tlse Annandale peerage, 8. in 1796; Sophia, sic. Charles, Silt Earl of Haddingtou, and ct. 1813. tOn cc. in 1816, Alicia-Anne, don. of George Gordon, Esq., lordship ccc. 2uslly, in 1762, Jane, dan. of Roborl Oliphanl, Ecq. and had issue. (Ace Lnncied Gcnlry.) Oviltiam-James (Sir), virc-adm., ECu., 8-in 1790; ccc. Henry, mt Viscount Otolvihle, and 2ndly, to Lord Wallace) a in 1826, Ellecc, eldest dan. of Sir Thoncan Kirkpatrick, son, Sin Jona Horn, of Rankoillour, wlsa a. as 4th earl. Tlsc tlmt., aod Icon issue, tlcree dans. Chories-Jonscs, captain RN., 8. in 1801; ccc. in 1826, Earl of Hnpetocm ccc. Srdly, in 1767, Lady Elizabeth b.eclie, 2nd Eltea, dan. of Joseph Wood, KId.; and ci. 14 April, dan. of Alexander, 5th Earl of Lovon and hielville, and Icad, 1835, having by her hod (with tim dons., Anno-Williansina, i. Charles, a general officer in tho arnsy, who so. Louisa-Anne, s’. 13 Feb. 1866, to Cnl. Cisarles Fonshowe, leaving ass only doss., Elizabelhc, who ccc. Louis HOard, Esq., IRE., and 3lary-Jesophino), a son, Charles-James, capt. It.A., 0. pssthncnons, in June, 1839, svhn ccc. 17 Moy, ii. Alexascder (Sir), a general in the army, and lieutenantgnvorscor 1859, Mary-Fanny-Ellen, eldest don, of Wliliacn i{ankey, Esq. of 3liddleton Hall, co. Linlithgnw. George-James, rapt. R.N, 8. in 1803; co. Siaria, dots, of Joseph Banking, Esq., and by her (who ci. 10 Sept. 1834) loltot his decease, 21 OIay, i882, Villiam-Gcnrge, capt. R.N., so. 1858, Emily, youngest don, of the Into William Stead, Esq.; Edith-Firenee-Georgiona, ccc. 1835, In Cnrl-Wilhclm-Foter Elsea, liout. in the service of the Grand Dnke of Badon; and Lucy. Elizabeth, ci. 1 Nnv. 1864, at Zofingen, Switzerland. Mary, ccc. 3 Feb. iSiS, the late Hon. and Ott. Rev. hugh Percy, D.D., bishop of Carlisle; and ci. 22 Nov. 1831. Admiral Jalcustone - Hope sct. 2ndly. Maria, Countess Dowager of Athlone; and ci, 2 Slay, 1831; shed. 4 Mar. 1899. The Ran. Charles Hopo-’[oro cc. Sndly, 1746, Anne-Vane, eldest dan. of Henry, 1st Karl of Dnrlinglnn, nod by her I (wlcsne ncarriage with Icinc was dissolved lsy art of parliament, 1757, nod who ccc. 2ndly, lirig.-Gen. the Hon. George Stnnsnn) bad issue, I Henry, liont.-govomor of Canada, cl. n. p. in 1780. 2 Clcarles, rapt. R.N., ccc. in 1828, Susan-Anne, dan. of Adnciral Sawyer, nod by her (who ci. 1802) had issue, 59” 11 0 P Iloory (Sir), adcniral of lice White, K.C.B., having born In created icc 1859; 8. 1787; or. 1828, Jano-Soplcia, youngest dan. of Adociral Sir ilorbort Sawyer,, which lady ‘1. 1829. Oirlienry ci. 23 Sept. i853. Froderic, ucajor—gen. icc tice army, 8. 1 Olarolc, 1799; nc. Elba, oldest don, of the Into Olajar-Gen. Jacoen Cookbarn, lt.A., nccd has icsoo, I l-’c’oderieh-lionry, capt. mt royals, and A.B.C. to Lord Napior, Govrrccor of Madras, 8. 1832, ccc. 4 Jan. 18Sf, Anna-Maria-Elizabeth, oldest dan. of Siajnr-Gon henry-Charles Gosling, H. 91. indian Arocy, and by her (who it. 6 Stac’clc, 1854) had, Frocheriok-ldeory-Vansitlart, 5.28 Sept 1860, ci. 5 Marclc, 1864; and Beotc’iec-llelon-Kachoc4no, ci. 6 March, 1854; Capt hope was accidentally drowned at Siadras, 23 Dec. 186?; 2 Charles, 8. 18 July, 1845; 1 Eliza-Lenisa, no. 28 Jnly, I 8ci2, to Andrew Inglic, ScsI., eldest coo of Theory lnglic, Esq. of Ternence, Shidiolhian ; 2 Eathe— iine; 3 Louisa-Margaret. George, rapt. R.N., 8. icc 1801; do. 1st, in 1833, Charlotte, don, of Vice-Admiral Delap Tollomache, and by her (who ,i. 0 1837) has incoe, Selicca-Elian, s’s. 1854, to T.-E. Fraccklyn, Ens1.; and Cicarlnito, ccc. 9 Ang, 1864, In tlco Rev. S. B. lirowno, yonogost non of the Von. J. H. ilrowne. archdeacon of Ely. lIe ccc. 2adly, icc 1843, Katlcorine - Frances, dan. of Willianc Lovesnu - Gowor, Esq., and has by her Frnnoes-ltacbcrine. Louisa, ci. cc ccca. Ancce, cc. the lab Vice-Adm. C.-S.4. itawtayno, RN.; and ci. 1820. Catherine. SIr. ilope-Vere ne. irdly, in 1761, Helecs, dan. of George tinnbar, Ecq., nod icy her (wicu ci. in 1794) had issno. 1 George (Sir), adcniral RN. and ECU., 8. S daly, 1767; iso. in 1803, Joncicoa, 5th dan. of Jacnos, 3rd Earl of Slopetone, and Icad icy that lady a dnn., helen, and a con, James (Sir), G.C.B., vire-admicwl, R.N , commander-ia- chief on the W. I. and N. Anoercca station, knight of the iogiou of honour, witlc royal percoissian; 5. 3 Siarclc, loOS; ccc. 16 Ang. 1838, Froderica-Eliza, 2nd dau. of Charles, Sits Lord Kinnaird, cvlcich lady ci. 27 Stay, 1850, Admiral Sir George Hope os. 2ndly, icc 1814. GonrgiaoaSiary-Acccco, sIan. of George, 7tlc Lord Einccaird accd ioft by her, at his decease, 2 Slay, ISIS, an only dan., Eliaa, nc. in 1539, to Sic llarry Verney, Bars., ‘cod ci. 2 Jan. 18h7. I tlolocc-Chariollo, do, in 1795, to Jnlm Knight, Esq. of Lea, Castle; and ci. in 1801. 2 Margaret, ci. in Oct. 1842. 3 ElieaheHc, ccc. In John, 4th Earl of I{opetann. e. Soplsia, ccc. In James, Earl of Findlator and Seaflold, and ci. 1761. ii. Henrietta, ccc. to Emnois, 0th I.nrd Napior, and ci. 1740. 1775. Jolsu, Earl of Siar, and ci. 1785. Jeccoc, 2nd earl, srha cc. lct, iu 1733, Anne, 2nd dan. of James, 9th Earl of Findiator acsd Soadold, and bad (wilh three other of Ilonsie, en. Perth, and had (n’ith a dan., Jane, ccc. 1st, to oldest dan. of George-Finch Hallon, Ecq. and ci. in 1828, and 1. 38 Stay. 1868, aged 08. of Chelsea Hospital, G.C.R., SIP., 5. 9 Dee. 1769; ccc. in 1800, Georgians, dan. of George Brown, Esq. ; and ci. 19 Slay, 1837, leaving icsne, I Jnhu-Thnncas, 8. 1507; cc. 2 Starch, 1835, Lady Frances- Anise Laccolles, dau. of henry, 2nd Earl of Ilarowond; amid ci. 17th of the foliowiog issnntlc. Lady Franocs ci. S 15cc, 1805. 2 George-William, of Luffisens, SIP. fnr Windsor, 8. iii ISIS ccc. in 1830, Carnlioo-Gmnrgina, dan. of Henry-James. late Lnrd Ilosstagn, and ci. 10 Ocr. 1863, having had issue, Henry-Walter, 8. 1839. George-Robert, lient. RN., 8. 1841. Stontagu, lionl. 02nd fncct, 5. 1044. Edward-Stanley, 8. 1846. Douglas, 8. 1845, hlerbort-Jasnes, 5. 1851. Caroline-Jane. Lncy-Genrgiana. 3 douses-Robert Hope-Scott, Esq. of Abbotaford, 5. in 1912, sin, inS, 10 Aug. 1847, Charlotte-Harriet-dane, dan. of the Iccie John-Gihnnss Lockhart, Esq., acid grand-dan. of the illustrious Sin WALTER Sean, Barb., and by her (who ci. 20 Oct. 1058), han had Walber-Sliohael, 5. 2 Jnue, 1807, ci. hI Dec. 1858, and Slary-Olnnica. Ito ccc. 2isdly, 7 Jan. 1851, scictoria_plexandrina, eldest dan. of Henry-Gman2 Q2