Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/646

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[flj° HOS rule, 13th Pulse of Norfolk, and has had, T’leiip-James. ‘I. C’eolii,ao—Earl. &e.,l April, illS—in Scotland, Baron, 29 the day after his t,irth, n ,oii, 1865: Mjona.llarsarett Jan. 1909. harass, 17 May, 1814—in the United Kingdom. Catherine-Mary (twin with her sitter Minna), 0. the day of A nec—Az., on a ehovron, or, between three bezanta, a bay- her birth Joseplnne-Mary, and ‘rltoreoa-Anne. leaf, slipped, yen. 4 Alexander, b. in 1814: 1. in lola. t’i’’oi—A globe. frneled at the top, under a rainbow, with I t.ouisa-Dorothea, ci. to 0-ned Ilenry Kerr. clouds at each end, nit pyr. t. Elizabeth, at. to the 31ev. Juitis Ks’tnp, tan.; tOt!. c’ujiiiocec.tTtoo fematps, in loose garments, hair dishevelled, is. Chart,’tte, no. to the Bight lion. Charles nope. each lsoldtng in the exteeior hand an anchor, all ppr (the em- lit - Margaret, 0. to Alexaoiler Mactoast. Knot. blem of Hope) iv. MaG-Assite, to. to Sir i’atriek Murray, Itort. i5u,At speC non froela. - - Sea ts—ilopeioon house, Lsnlsthgowshore; and Ormnton Malt lisa lordship it. in 17e1, antI was o. by hit el,lest son, tladdingtontlure. ,l,sssoo, 3rd earl. This notilesnon, at the densise of his grand— uncle, George, lllau-giiess of Aanasudale, in 17lt2, inherited the large estates of that nolslentan, anti the eart,toms of Anonndnte anti Itarlfell, neititer of o l:iclt ihgstitien thu he lion-ever attttme, lust simply a,tuleul the fastiily stanie of tlae deceased lord, Jotsa— sxoxr, tit that of Ilope. Itt lordship tons nussuisioteul lorul—liessle— siant anti liereulilary therit! of the en. Linlithgoo-, and hereditary — keeper of t.oehnsalion (‘anile, anti enrolled amongst the peers of the Cniteil Kingdom, 20,tatu 1809, as Bet so JIo4olot’u, sf3/ape— loin, with remainder, its default of male lottie, to the heirs male of his late father. The earl to. in 1700, Elizabeth, eldest dna. of George. flit Karl of Nortliesk, by svttotn he hod issue, MOnT, 5th JOSIAH-WIbbIAM, of Castle Strange, Co. Middlesex; 8. o Jttly, 1791 ; 0. ho fattier, an 2nd baronet, Sept. 1807; ott. 31 March, 1823, Lostisa-Georgiana, 2nd dan. and co-heir (with her tioter, Franeee-Arabella, wife of Major JohnColpoyo Bloomfleld) of the lahu Sir John Caldsvell, Bart. uf Caotle Coldwell, en. Fermanagh, Count of the Holy Roman Fin pire, assd by her (who ci. 6 May, 1856) had mann, s. Jnnw-Josuon, cot. in the nt-soy, and heist-eel, commanding tho 44th fool, S. lI Jan. 1824. M’illiaris-Fitznianriee-Josiah, slipendiary magistrate in Kithenny, lrelau’i, S. 20 Jan. 18271 iS. 2 dniy, ltfG, ilarriel-Lydia, eldest dan. of the tale tier. C. -B. Stevenson, rertor of Cntlan. us. Fenton-Josiah, Boot. 13th fool, b. 17 Starch, 1816. Ills lordship 0. 29 Stay, toll, when the honours devolved upon s. Adeloiste-ttannats-Franren. ii. Stivia-Theodonin. s. Anne. inheritor of the Annastdate estates, us. Admiral Sir Willisna .iottitstuuue—Itsipe, tt.C.ll. and lOTS. and it. in told. leaving, svith other issue, the present Jonre-Jasirn itoecdonasvoar, Ksq. of Anuondato. and, in right of that prohtrrty. Keeper if Lochnmiten Castle. is. ,tane—Ettoahelts, it. ‘on,. itt 1700. iii. Georgians, itt. in 1793, to the lien. Andrew—Cochran e - Jiilsnslsne, and ii. in 1797. iv. Jrioima. so. in 1803, to Thear-uldusiral Sir George John- stone Itope, IC.C.It., and it. in 1808. v. Lucindo, it. o oct. in 1800. his half-brother, Sin donw hare, ef Raakeillosui’, Ihen Lonn Nsnnny, as 4th earl t a general-officer in the arniy, eel, of the 42nd reP. of tiet, t ti1flC, sad a koight-gransi-eross sif the Bath; who, iir his gallant Jenre tinny, Ksq. of Markfield, co. Gloncester, svns father of nehtovounenls in the Peninsular n-ar. had boost elevated to the - -. . itonT, PD., Lord Archioshop of foam; n-ho no. 19 peerage of the b titled king,loni, 11 Stay, 1814, by the title ? - Feb. 1721, Ike lion. Khionbelh Fiiomneriee, sister nf Thomas, Bucou .15 odtirg, is; iS ‘hiteo tooth, eo- Lou lit/noose, lets iordshtp - - — , ‘, - - 1st Karl ol Kerry, and hail issue vs. tn’ice; 1st, in 1 9s, h’,tioatielhs, yessagest dcii. sf tlae ItonCharles hope X’ere, of Craigieliab, by nItoiti he had no issue Jonsan-Gronar, S. in 11121 iii. 14 June, 1766, Jane-Slaria, and Itidly, in 1903, Louisa-It, urothea, 3rd dais- of Sir dolsss Wed- dao.,anth co-heir of .Tiihn ttaas-hs, Eaq. of Pontenive, Ca. derhurn, Bart. (by lilt 2nd nife, Alicia tatundas, of ltimdss), by 0.1 whom he had, Anne. Elioabolh, to. ho Sir James Coido’ell, Dart. ef Castle Catdwnlt. Fi-ances, iii. to Julia Parker, afierseards Lord htnringdon. is. James tlope-W’alloce, Ksq. of Peatherstono Castle, en. Mary, a. to John Cramer, Esq. of ttehtaville. Norhhanahci’lnnd, late capt. and ltout.-eual. 2nd foot-guards, lilt grace is. 14 ttee. 1711. Ills 2nd son, depnhy—tieot. hOe eo. tiui]itlsgosv t. 7 4 tote, 1-801, into aasuuused for hsiniself and Isis eldesi sun the adihutional surname I. Joan Honv, Esq., having been appeinled his majesty’s and arms of WALLACr; ho to. 4 Starch, 1837, Stary-Franees, consul-general at Lisbon, in 1161, was erected a Baronel 8 Sept. yoisogest don, of (tooege-Frederich, lth Earl of W’estmnath, in the sante year. Sir John in. in 1789, Margaret, dan. of Sir Fhlzgerad Aylnser, Dart., by wheat tn-ho ii. in 1843) he left issue, 1 John-George-Frederick Ituipe-Wahloce, Esq. of Feather- ,Ionian-WsLLsaai, present baronet. Fenton, of Chchtentiam, li. 3 Aug. 1114; so. in 1820, Anne, rtdest dao. of the late 11ev. Anthony Cotlet, of Kelsali Halt, cc. Sotfsdk; and by her (who it, 1066) has three surviving children, Fenton -John -Anthony, in holy orders, vicar ef Orcar Wynsoadiey, wills St. tppolytcs, Hens; Slargaret— Anne; and Catherine -Frances, os. to thn lien. Gernon ViOlin nit. 1mev—Anne, 4. onnu. This genileman o. to the estates of hhe tale t.ord Wallace Sir John st, in tool. Cueohiao—I Sept. 1161, in. Chorles. hale 3t.P. co. Liahthgoiv. S. It Sept. 1-SOS; so. 26 .4 otto—Az., a cross, or; in the first quarter a rnse, arg. Oct. 1841. Lady lsabclh,-ttelcn Diioghas, dan. of Thonsas, 5th Ci’esi—An eagle, rngardant, wings expanded, pIn.; ho the Karl of Selkirk, arid lint motto, Johss, t. 1843: Ttsosssns, 0. 1845; Charles, S. lOll; Jean; Louisa-Dorothea; and Gabella-Hnieu. beak a ehaldet, vent. ,susl—tlorfland Itouse, near htileock, en. Kildare. iv. George, 5. 13 April. Intl ; capt. B-N.; ot.29 April, 1047, I. Jonrs, 0th earl. and dying 7 Jan. 1834, left issue, stone Castle, 5. 11 April. 1839. 2 daunes-tasuis-Atevandet-, S. 24 Dcc. 1841. 3 Adrian-Henry, 5. 3 May, 1849. 1 SIatw-Frances-ElizaIuolh. 2 t,enisa—Aiicia-Catiiorino. 3 Ensily-Anne-f’,rrtrode. 4 Caroline. : hence, Isis halting, tinder that nudulenian’s will, the additional sorsianin nod antis of WALLACE. the lieu. Anne-Caristis’lu:ieh Nopier, 4th dan. of ilse late IMrd Nnpier, and it. hi Nov. 1a14, leaving n dau., Amy-Ehza. V. ilenry. 5. 0 Oct. toh2t it. in Starch, 1011, xl. William, S. 24 -tune, latO : ‘i. in 1813. xis. Louis, 5. 29 Gil. 1017. tutu i’acnps. Coldstresm gstardo; a’s, at Sydney. 12 Oct. toLl, Ousan—Frusnres—Sophtus, elder slats, of Withiaiii—,li 4tn hionuaresq. Esq., ftirnierly capt. royal staff eerlus.utoul trratsdulau. of the lithe Alexanther SlacCteav, Ksq.. F.R.S.. l-.1..S (‘olenial Secretory 01 New Sooth Stales, nod has, 1 lleirinald-Wullia,o, 5. 2 Jane, 1864; 1 FhticeareMany-Susan u a blt-nrictta-isalichla, VIII- Thomas. 5. 20 t tel. 1019 ; it. 0 Nos-. 1038. ix. Ads-mis. t. I Iloeeh. 1821. theist-tot, tiled Isigislanders killed at tlosvdesisial, ft:sdo, 13 .Slurit, 1018. I. Ahria, 1.1 SIan-h, 1540. sm. Jane, it. 2 Aprti, 1044. lths lordslup ii. 27 Aisg. 1023, and was a. by his ot,lest son, .Oonn, Slit earl; 5. 13 Nov. 1 a03; ii. 4 dane, 1026. t,etslsa, noskysus, Faq., SIP, for the city of hereford), ni. ilenedieta, eltiest dan. of Godfrey, 3rd Liurti Slua’ilooald, and had JesusArnaaaorn, dais, of Itoliert Iloyle, Ksq. of Bockweli, co. Kent, by n-bore lie present peer. Ibis lordihip 0. 0 April, 1543. 596 H OS KYN S. HOSKYNO, SIR HUKuERFORD, of Harewood, Co. Hereford, is. 19 Sept. 1804; a. his father an 8th baronet, 27 Feb. 1862. }LI miragr. Jonrs ltosnvns, aenjeant - at - law (vemagest son of John hail oae son and a dan. hr. Serjeant tioshyns wan at one tisae eonsnstitcd ho Ihe Toseer, forahhnding, in his place in pas-hansent,