Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/68

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A I L the United Kingdom; Earl of CassiUs and Lord Kennedy, dan. of David Macgill, of Cranston-riddel, and bad three in the peerage of Scotland; a Baronet of ova Scotia, lord-lieutenant of Ayrshire ; b. in Aug. 1316 e. his grandfather, as 2nd marquess, 8 Sept. 1846; so. 10 Nov. 1846, .Tnlia, 2nd (lao. of the late Sir it-li. Jo1hson, Bart., still has issue, I. AseinssaLn Earl e,f Cassius, hoot. Coldetreain-guards. 1. 1 Sept. 1647. is. Alexander, 6. 6 Oct. 1533. iii. John, 6. 4 April, 1839. I. Julia-Alice. ii. Evelyn-Anne. iii. Gonstance.Eleaner. ItlltL-ilgc. The first of the family mentioned in any charter, Niabet informs no, is Doacace or C’iooicie, and froiss the doenmeot it appe.n’s cli it he lived in the reign of IV., which began abost 1130. The grandson cC Duncan ROLAND, of C.u’riek, load a grant of the essuitry (If Carriek froiss Neil, Earl of Carrick, and was declared chief of his name. Tips grant was ca,sfir,ned by Atex, III. The 6th in lineal eleseesat from tins Eslanrl was, Sin dunN KrNNrnr, designated son of Sir Gilbert do Car- rick iii nsa;;ya’sthonticatod writs, had a confirmatory charter fs’o,n Davin 11. of the lando of CAOTLYa, co. Ar, with other lands whis’h ho hal acquired with his wife, Mary, dan. of Sir Niel llantgoinery. lie was s. l’y his eon, SIR GILBERT KENNEDY, ooe of the hootagee delivered to the English, in 1317, for the liber.ition of DAvsn II. TIns gemstLinan so, let, llarioa, dan. of Sir James Sandilands, of C;elder, and had by her, two eons, Gilbert, who C. in the French wasa, s. p. Tnoseao, of ilargany, anroot ‘r of Ilssw-FeRcscsoa KE5NEDY,EOq. of Dennaneand l’innarto. JOHN, 5th oarl, lord-treasnrer of Scotland. This nobleman IS’e licRcr’o Dielisooro vitAe Laa’lni Genlry.l Sir Gilbert is. lndly, and bid a son. Sm Jsoarra KeNNeDY, who obtained from Eoor;cv Ill, a Thomas, 1st Earl of Iladdington, by whom be bad, charler efesnfirination of the bailiary of Carrick, “ Dileels Mas-garet. so. t,, William Bnrnet, Bishop of Sahiobsmry, the eeasosiy sires ocs fore-to K, ae’aly ,,ulsi I ‘‘ Ac. H,’ iso. the Laity Miov STRSVAOT,5 wsiuw of Ge ‘rgc Isonglas, Ian of Angos, Catherine, ss. William, Lord Caehrane, son of the lot Earl and dan. of RoocRv Ill., and was s. by his oldest son, Sin G1LDERT Kevsnnv, lCnt., who wao elevated to the Ills lordelsip iii. lndly, Margaret, dan. of William, Earl of peerage of Scotland, in 1352, lsy the title of Level Keoeesly; Errol, and widow of Lord Kers’, and by that lady had, with and, in 14Dm. was appointed nun of the six regents of the a dan., his sneceasor, in htiei, Icingelom during the sninersrl’ of JAaIes Ill. Hte lordeinp JoHN, 7th earl, who mis Snsao, yossngest den. ofJaines. 1st is. Catherine. ‘Ian. of Il rbert, Losd Maxwell, by whom he Duke of Hansilton, and, dying 1701, was e. by his grandson, li id three sons and two dana. The latter were, Catiserino, wife ,sf Al,xander, 2nd Lord Montgomery. llarion, the wife of Sir Jolsn Wallace, of Cratgie. Hie lordsldp was e. by his elder soss, Jons, So’S lord, who s. 1st, Jean, dan. of Alexander, descendante of lIon. Thomas Kennedy, 2nd eon of Gilbert, lord Montgomery, by whom he bad a eon, Diem. His 3rd earl.) Itis lordCaip did not, however, obtain them lordship so. tindly, l.aly ElieaOeth Gordon, dan. of George, until the Ibonse of Lords had resolved, 27 Jan. 1702, ‘‘that Earl of Hnntly. and by hr hal a eon, Alexander, ancestor he had a right to the title and dignity of Karl of Cassihis, of the Kenne,lieo at Gerran,,saina, and B;srqnhanny, and as heir nsahe of David, lot earl and to the title of Lord a dan. Jean, ,s. to .trehihal.i, l.,,rl of Angus. He was e. in Kessnedy, as heir of Gilbert, 1st herd.” The earl dying nRsss. 1305, by his eldest eon, DAvsn, 3rd lord. This nol,lcmaii, hehrg of the privy DoviD, loths cash, at whose decease, 8 Thee. 1792, witbont conneil ,,f Jaair.o IV., was created by that ns,smsareh, in 1503, issnc, this branch became also extisset, and ths hononre EARL OF CisasLis, his loriship so. let, Agnes, dan. of passed to his kinsman (revert to descendants of Mon. William, Loed Dortbwiclc, l’y whom ho Isad three sons. lIe Thomas Kenisedy, 2nd son of 3rd earl), ns. tndly, Mary, da’a. of Tbons:ss Ilcyl, Earl if Arran, relict Anensoato KERNEDY, rapt. EN., as 11th Earl of CassiUs. of Alexander, Lord Forbes. The earl fell at the battle of His lordship, who was a distinguished officer, so, twice, and Flodden, an,l was s. by Ins son, GILBERT, 2nd earl, who so. Isabel, dan, of Archibald, Earl Watts, Keg. of Nosy York, of Argyll, and was slain, Dee. 1527, in endeavonring to rescue I. AReRIRALD, his successor. Jiucs V. from the Earl of Angus. He n-as s. by his eon, GiLBERT, 3rd earl, who fslle’l tho lngh office of bid troasnrer Esq., wbieh lady C. in 1840 heel. 7 Aug. 1159, aged 81. of Scoalassd, and assisted, as a deputed Scottish poer, 1s1. Ilobort, 6. in 1773; ci. Jane, dan. of Alex. Macomb, in isle, at the marriage of the ill-filed Mary Stnart with Enq. of New York, and sister of Gen. Alex. Macomb, t’rancis, dniphin of Franro. The errceoe’ny asai celebrated America; and dying 3 Nor. 1143, left ieonc by her lwho with great p00515, but when tlsc er,,wn-mairimsnial was a. so Hay. 1807), demais,led, the Scotci, depnties. us a respectfnl bnt firm manner, disc,,vered a fixed resolntion of oe’nsentissg to nothing that tende,l to introd,sco aisy alienation in the order of s,sceession to the crosvn. Thus s’ppe’silion to the views of the l’rciseb court gnro great oil’s-ncr, an’l occasioned a report that p’ieen was a,lmhsietered to tise deputies, of whom Lord I’lesniog C. at Paris, and the Earls of Cassius and Rottes, and Diohop Reid, preeident of the Conrt of Session, at Dieppe, all three in ,nsc isighst, 35 Nov. 1336. His lordship so. Margaret, dan. of Alex sniler Keisnedy, of liargany, and had, with two dane., s. GILOERT, his successor. ii. Thomas, of Cishlean, who received the honoor of knight. hso,,d at the coronation of JAMEs VI. lb so. Ehtcabeth, A 1 L sons. Sir Tsomao foIl a vietins to rovengs, being aesassinatedby Kennedy, ofDrummorebie. Hisyonngcotoon, Ssn ALExANDER KENNEDY, of Cnulean, evsntnahly carried on the line of the family. Hem a dan. of Kennedy, of Ardmillan, and bad tsvo sons. The younger, ALExANDER, of Craigoeh and Kilbeneie, us. Anna, youngest ‘Ian. of William Crasvfssrd, of Acschiuomes, and bad iossse, a son and a das, via. s ALEXANDER KRNNEDY, Ksq., rolleetorof the eustonss sit New York, aeho so. Miss Maseam. of that city, an,l C. in 1753, leaving a son, AReRIRALD, capt. RN., who inherited as 11th EARL OF Cssaitio. Marion, who si. Jolsn Shan’, of sssrnborg, and Cr001 whom descends the Key. Cbessbarsugh le Doer Kensirdy, ll.A. Sir Alexander was e. by his elder aon, JOUR KERREDY, Esq. of Cnllean, who so. the Hon. llargamet Hamllton, elsicot dan. of John, 1st Lord Eas-gomsy, and was e. by his eon, SIR AnensnALn KcNNsrna’, who was created a .Barsssel sg’ .Neoa .Seslio, 16 Dec. 1642. lie Os. the Hon. Elizabeth Leslie, dan. of Isavid, let Lord Newark; and, dying in 1719, was e. by his son, Sia Jona, 2nd baronet, who ssi. Jane Douglas, of the family of Mains, by wbom he had twenty children. Heel. 1742, and was s. by bio eldest son, SIR J0RN, 3rd baronet, who C. in 1744, and was a. by his brother, SIR THOMAs, 4th baronet, who e. as 9th KARL or CAO5ILIe. Gihlsert, 3rd earl, was s. by his elder asn, GILBeRT, 4th earl, who iii. Margaret, dan. of John, 9th Lerd Glamis, and, dying 1570, was s. by his eldest san, dying op. in 1013, was s. by his nephew, Jones, 0th oarh, who ss. lot, Lady Jean Hansilten, dan. of weli-knowis historian. of Dnndossald, who C, befs,ro his father, leaving issue. Jssiss, 5th earl, with whom the male iossse of thie bmsseh of the family ceased. His lordship dying a. p. 7 Ang. 1719, the h,ononrs devolved upon Sio TRoaiAo KENNEDY, 4th hart, of Cnllean. lReeert to 30 Nov. 1775, was a. by his brother, bad, by his Issd wife, Amsoe (who C. in 1793), dais, of John ii. John, ssi. in 1200, Charlotte, dan. of Laws’eoee Gill, commander-in-chief of the armies of the United states of I John, secretary of hegation at Naples and in the United States of America, o,.5 Ang. 1034, Amehia-Ihania, only dan. of Samuel Driggs, Esq, and C. 14 March. 1145, leaving issne, John-Gordon, 6. 18 July, 1130; WilliamEohsm’t, t. 4 March, 1838; Edward-Briggs, 6. 28 geb. 1142; Gilbeit-Gsa., 6. 9 May, 1844 I Anise, iii. in 1021, to Sir Edw.-CrnmweD Disbrowe, 11. IL envoy oxtraordinaryand nsinhster Idenipotentiary to the Netherlands. who C. 25 Get. 1851, hoeing bad issos, Edseard William, C. isa the Crimea; Charlotte; Albinia, 55. 1330; and lane. 2 Jane, ‘5. 12 Fob. 1505. 3 Soplsia-Eliza, us. us 1820, to John Levett, Keg. of Whehnsr t’ark, cc, Stafford, and bias isone. 4 Feaisres, sss. in 1845, to Wilhelm, Dusron do Weller, of tIse Grassd Dnchy of Radon. 3 Isabella-Matilda, twin with Frances ,‘ss. in 1844, to ilogh-Il entgsmsry Campbell, Eaq. 1. Ausno, so. in 1793, W.-H. Dighy, Esq., and C. in 1920. * This lady espoused. lrdby, Sir William Gnsham, of Kineardine and 4tbly, sir William Edneondatone. 18