Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/687

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K E S Sir Edward, who attained the rank of general, and was colonel Ill. Site THoMAs, wlso me. Susassssah, dan. assd co-heiress of the 14th dragoons, st.9 March, 1851. Creation—I 621. Arms—Or, a pile, an., charged with three galtraps, of the her had issue, field; the augmentation following: on a chief, embattled, cnn., a wreath of laurel, encircling a sword, erect, ppr., pommel and hilt, gold, between on the dexter, pendent from a ribbon, go., fimbriated, as., a representation of the geld medal presented to Sir Edward for his tervices at the battle of Orehes, beneath it the word “Orthes,” in letters, sa.; and on the sinister, pendent from the like ribbon, a representation of the silver medal presented to bins in cosnusesnoralton of his services at the battle of Waterloo, beneath it the word “Waterloo,” in letters, ea. Uresls—lst, of augmeotalion, on the dexter side, osse of a mural crown, or, a dexter arm, embossed, in armour, entwined by a branch of laurel, holding in the hand a flag-staff, plsr., therefrom flowing a banner, forked, gm fringed, or, tosertbed sv. William, fellesv of Pembroke Itall, Cambsidge, st ssesot. j “Peninsula,” in letiors, gold; 2nd, upon a osount, vert, a tiger, J passane, ppr., collared and lined, or, the dexter furs-paw resting open a galerap, as in the arms. Supporters—Dexter, a horse, sa., caparisoned, thereon mounted in. Elisabetis, sit, to Willism Noel, justice of cite court of a hussar of the 7th regt.; sinister, a bay horse, caparisened, thereon mounted a dragoon of the 14th regt., both Isabiled and armed, their swords drawn, all ppr. Jletts—Rien sans Dieu. ,Seah—Brome Hall, and Oakley Park, Scole, Suffolk; Brecelcs IV. Sits TuovAn. This gentleman os. Diana, dan. and coheh’ess Mall, Norfolk. Town Hsssae—14t1, Piccadilly. RERRY, B. OF, 3ff LANSDOWNE, itt. OF. KESTEVEN, BARON (Sir John Trollope, P.C.) of Sir Thomas el. in 1784, and was,, by bie grandson, Casowick, co. Lincoln, and a baronet; 3. 5 May, V. Sin Tnone-WILUAM; who d. siam. is Slay, 1769, 1800; no. 26 Oct. 1847, Julia-Maria, oldest dan. of when cbs title devolved upon his brother, Sir Robert Sheffield, Bart., and has issnu, 1. JonN.Heseav, 6. 21 Sept. 1851. It. Robcrt-Cranmm’, b. 7 Nov. 1852. iii. Charles-William, 6. 24 Sept. 1855. a Julia. ci. Sophia. His lordship, whn was M.P. for the southern division iii. Charles, C.B., major-gsa., lately commanding at Halifax, of Lincoln, a. his father as 7th hart., 23 April, child of John Lord, Eeq., and by hsr(svho 129 Sept. 1862) 1820, and was raised to the peerage as Baron has had three eons, Francis-Charles ; William-Henry, Kesteven, 15 April, 1868. iLfttc?tgc. The first of this family of wlsena we find mention is iv. Arthnr, as. in 3845, Elizabeth, dan. of Rev. Richard Trollope of Bourne, in Ltneolnshire, whose son, Wst.LsAss Tuoas.os’si, Nag. of Thorlehy, its tl,e same county, so. Alice, dau. of William Sharpe, Eeq. of L’eurne, aud had vi. Edward, in holy orders, MA ., archdeacon of Stew, a een, I. T,tonsas TaoLLoPE, Esq. of Caaewiek, who was created a Baronet, 3 Feb. 1641. Sir Thosusa Os. lot, Hester, dau. of Nicholas Street, Esq. of Itadletgh, cc. Suffolk, by whom he had one non, Wst.s.tAst, assd a dau. Bridget, wife of Edward i. Anne, me. to Thomas Tryou, Esq. of Dnhwtek Pack, Statuwsa-ing, Seq. of Wisitmere, eo. Stafford. Ho sis. lssdly, 51. Caroline, td. nenm. 5 Aug. 1823. Mary, dan. of Sir Christepher Clitheros, Ksst, of Londots, by sit. Matilda, em. in 1335, to C.-Wykeham Martin, Esq. SIP. whom he Isad four sosss; of whom Thomas (5. Antic, dan. of Anthony Collins, Esq. of Whtttnu, in Middlesex, and had iv. Laura, us. 11 Nov. 1832, to Joseph-Sidney Tharp, Req. a son,, who s. as 3rd baronet. Sir Themas dyissg in 1611, waco. by his eldest son, II. SiR W’sLLtAat. This gesitisman sc. Elisabeth, relict of William Thoreld, Esq., aud dan. of Sir Robert Carr, Dart., chancellor of the Exchequer in the reigis of King Cues. II., Sir John ci. 28Apr11, 1820, nod was e. by his eldest son, Sir by whom he had an only dau., Etizabeth-Carr, who wan ma, John Trollope, the 7th Dart., nosy Lord Hesteven. to Charles Fox, Esq., eldest eon of Sir Stephen Fox, Ksst. Crc,etsn—Dnronet, ITch. 1641 ; Baron, ii April, 1866. Sir William dyissg thsss without nsale isnsse, in 1676, the As’,as—Vert, three stags coursut, org., attired, or, within title reverted to his 55015155w, 637 KES of Sir John Clober EM. of Dradstnue, Derossehire, and niece and co-heir of Sir Willians Cmnmer, Kist., and by s. ‘faoasxs, his successor, is. Jolsn. sti. Henry, a merchant in Loudeu; whss s. Elieaheth, dau. of Jotso Bame, Esq. of London, merchant, and had issue, 1 Ttsomas. 2 lteury. 1 William-Arthur, captain in the nrmy, trilled in action in 1866; he Sn. nod left issue. 4 Jolsu, in holy orders, of l3oeklebury, Berlin, fatlser of Theesas, a colonel in the army; of Admiral Sir Henry Trellepe, It.C.B., a gallant sod highly distinguished officer, n’ho a. in 1819; aed of Rear-Admiral George Dame Trollope, CS.. who el. 31 Slay, 1850. I Sarah,. 2 alary, 1 Diana. s. Stary, sf. unit. mm. Anus, as. to Samuel Clarke, Esq. of West Isremwtch, mu Staffordshire. Common l’lenn. iv. Frances. v. Catlserine. vi. Craismer. Sir Thomas ci. in 3729, and was s. by his eldest son, of Thomas Middleten, Esq. of Stauntead, so. Essex, by whom he had issue, s. Thsmai-Middleten, who Sn. Isabella, eldest dau. of Sir John Thorold, Dart.; and the lifetime of his father, leaving imue, I TROMA5-WILI,IAat, who,, his grandfather. I Join,, who,, as 6th baronet. I Charles. 4 Henry. 3 Diana. 2 ElIzabeth. 3 Anne. 4 Isahslla. is. Arthut-. itt. William. sv. Antheny, in holy orders; m. Peneope, 2nd dan. of Adelphns Sleetkirk, Enq., and had issue; of which Thomas-Anthony, of Lincoln’s-inn, harrister-at-law, on. In 1869, Frances lthe celebrated novelist and writer), youngest dan. of the Rev. William Milton, vicar of Reek- field, Rants, and a. in 1830, leaving by her (who ci. at Florence, 6 Oct. 1663) two sons, beth highly distinguished in the literary world, viz., 1 Thomas-Adolphns Trollepe, Esq. of Pleressee, who wan b. 21 April, 3510, and as. 1st, Thoodonia, dau. of Joseph Garrow, Esq., an Irish Judge, snd has by her (whe d. at Florence, 14 April, 18651 a dau., Beatrice; be ma. Oudly, at Paris, 29 Oct. 1066, Frances-Eleanor, eldest dais, of the lace Thomas Ternan, Esq.; 2 Aatheoy Trolieps, Esq. of Waltham Reuse, W:dchsm Cross, who was i. 24 April, 1813, and ns. Ii Jnne, 1544, Rese, dan. ef Edward Heseltiuc, Esq., and has Renry-Rerivale, 8. 13 March, 15-16, and Frs,dericAnthony, 6. 27 Sept. 1847. i. Isabella, ii. Snoanna. Vt. Sin JORN. This gentleman m. 23 Slay, 1708, Anne, dan. of Henry Thorold, Esq. of Cuxwnld, 00. Lincoln, and teft, i. Joun, his successor, created BARON Kesvevme. It. Thomas, d. 29 Oct. 1822. New Bnanewick; us. 1st, 22 March, 1640, Fmneee, only and Thomas-Ernest, twine; and a iou., llatilda-Maria, 5. 1862. He sst. 2ndly, II Starch, 1864, Cerdelta-Maris, youngest dan. of the late Staj.-Geo. Jam’s-Patrick Murray, C H., and ban a dan., Elizabeth’Wihhiam-Idina (sic aisle, EtinAnIK, H.l. Lucas, of Edith Weston, co. Rutland, and has three tens and five daus. v. Frederick, d. unm. and rector of Lsasingbam, co. Lincoln, m. 1846, Grace, dan. of Sir J.-R. Palmer, Dart., and has two dane., of whom the elder, Grace, was os. 10 Oct. 1887, to Richard Lewis, eldest non of Sir W. Be Capell Hreoke, Dart. Nerthamptenshire. of Leeds Castle, Kent. of Chippenham Park, Cambridgoahire. v. Julia, mis. 30 April, 1846, to the Rev. George-Birch Heynardeon, MA. (second ion of Lieut.-Gen. 14. Neynardson), and el. 16 Feb. 1855. a berdure of the secend. K E S T E V E N.