Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/689

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IC I L Daly, Esq. of Raffard, and granddau. (maternally) of Michael, vs. Frederick-Longworth, 8.1 Get. 1811; ci. stPao. 6 Jan,1864. 10th Earl of Clsnrieaido, by whom ho had fivo daus., nomely, s. Sarah-Louisa, cc. April, 1829, to Lient.-Cel. Disbrewc. Margaret, ci. unoc.; Anne, ‘a. to Captain Power; Anaslasia, ccc. His lordshIp ,i. 23 fLay, 1825. to Samuel Poor, Esq. of lielville Park; Letitia, ci. young; and Crcatises—Raronet, 21 June, 1636. Baron, 16 Hey. 1789. Georgiana, cc. 3 Aug. 1700, to Charles Blako, Esg. of Merlin Arecce—Sa., thme lions, passant, in bend, between two double Park. fled, thus without msle issue, and was z. by his brother, coliees, arg., a crescent for difference. Crest—An eagle, displayed, Ssa Jouze, who was elevated to the peerage of Irclascd, 10 Nov. 1709, as Rieoa ltsLssAlaa. His lordship cc. 23 April, 1701, cro,rned, plain collared and chained, or. ilfatla—Snives raisan. Alice, 2nd dau. of James (Caulfeild) Viscossat Charlensont, by ,Saafa—Galsteu Heuae, Westmcallc; and The Neale, 3laye. Elizabeth, only dan. of Francis Bernard, Esq. of Castle Bernard, and had issue, i. Jaasas-CAnLrnsLu, his successor. ii. John, tieut.-rol.; 0. 20 Aug. 1770; so. 20 Sept. 1707, Anne, dan. of John Wlaito, Esq. of Jamaica and by hor (who ci. 23 April, 1811) had issue, I George, ci. in 1832. 2 William-Henry, 1,. June, 1809; so. 1st, in 1843, MaryMatilda, dau. of J. Noad, Bsg., which lady ci. . p. 15 Oct. 1058; he ccc. 2ndly, 17 Jan. 1801, Llargarclta-Lonica, youngest dau. of John MacConliffe, Esq. of Elton llonse, eo. Limerick. I Anne-Margaret, rn. in 1826, Neslon-Joseph Fuller, Esq. 2 Alicia, cc. 10 July, 1022, to the Rev. J.-B. ilrownlow. 3 Elizabeth, cc. tn 1833, to the ilon. it-il. Browne. Cal. John Browno ci. 8 Feb. 1850. sis. George, 9. 2Msrch, 3774; sec. 12 Get. 1801, Mary, youngest dan. of the Rev. Alesander Colstou, of Filkins flail, Co. Gxford, by whom he left at his decease a son, James Canlfeild, D.C.L., in holy orders, vicar of Duf Icy, 8. 0 June, 1814; cc. 24 Nov. 1822, isabella, only dao. of John fiche, Esq. of Finch t.ane and Denmark Hill, banker, and has had issue, 1 William-James-Caulfeild, in holy orders, rectrr of Kittisferd, KILMOBET, EARL AND VISCOUNT OF (Francis-Jack co. Somerset, 8. 8 Jan. 1820; c,c. 29 Dec. lola, Needham), and Viscount of Ncwry cud Murne, isa Jane-Catherine-Meade. youngest dan. of ‘fbemas-Aubrey peerage of Ireland; is. 12 Den. 1787; ns. 7 March, Gapper, Esq. of Touthil House, Wincauten, Somerset. 1814, Jane, dau. of George Gun-Cnuinghame, Esq. 2 Jclm-Gcorgc-Cstten, 8. 1 April, 1834. 3 liagens-James-Caulfeid, capt. 12th regt., 8. 1 Dcc. 1537, of Mount Keunedy, co. Wicklow, cud by her (who ci. at Gibraltar, 28 Dcc. 1886. I lsahe]la-Eliza-Calherine, ccc. 1822, to John-li. itough. s. Francis-Jack, Viscoc’cci .N’ewrF ucsci .hhfsc’coe, SIP., 9. 2 Feb. ton, Esq. of Dudley. 2 Ellen, cc. 4 July, 1890, to lice Rev. Geerge-Y. Gsbcrnc, MA., vicar of Fleetweecl. 3 Emily-Jane, ccc. in 1893, Is the Rev. yrank-Sanda Bradehaw, DCL 4 Harriet, cc’. 7 Jun. 1819, to Frank Wesi, Esq. o Fanny-Georgiaua-Clcarlette, ccc. ii Sept. 1896, Ia Rev. John Askew. 6 liary-Accne, Os. 1660, to Rev. William Stanley do Courcy Ireland, MA., incumbent of Chalferd, co. Glocscestcr. 7 Ada-Charlotte. 8 Theresa-Caroline. 9 Alice-Louisa-Nena. s. Alicia-Margaret, ccc. 9 Nov. 1787, to Johu Laugwerth, Esq. of Cregan Castle, co. Westmeailc; and ci. in 1826. is. Maria-Sarah, ccc. 3 Jan. 1795, to the late Francis Long- worth, Esq. sic. Emily-Juliana, ccc. 3 Sept. 1795, to the Isle 11ev. John Creucle, brother of Sir Michael Crcccuic, liars. iv. Letitia, ccc. 30 April, 1795, Ia ltajer-Gen. Sir John ltoss, K.C.B.; and 1809. This nobleman purchased Gacciston Park from the Earl of Reinderc, and dying in 1794, was a. by his oldest ecu, JAjsEs-CAus.rEsLu, 2nd baron, Is. in 1765. Ilis lordship ccc. 29 July, 1793, Anne, dau.-cf the Eight Hon. Sir henry Caveudish, a. Janc-Stina-Ehizalseth. Bart. of Doveridge Hall, co. Derby, and by her (who ci. 6 July, 1863) had issue, s. Joisc’s-CAvcwnssu, present peer. si Henry-Meutagse, in holy erdcre9lI.A., dean of Liemure; 9. 1102, was ancestor of 3 Get. 1799; ccc. April, 1822, Catheriscs-Penslee, eldest dan. of NEOEnAM, of Nedemau, co. Darby, living in 1330, Lodge-Evans, 1st Viscount Fraukfort do Montmarency, and wlsase youngest son, by her (who ci. 24 June, 1888) has lead issue, 1 Jssnes-Hanners-Franlcfert, ccl. in the arnsy, and It-eel. WILLIAM Nenaeaaz, justice of Clccstcr, living in 1375, sec. Alice, royal engineere, C.B., knight of the Legion of honour; 9. dan. and Iseir of Cravach of Cravaclc, and was a. Icy his elder sou, 24 April. 1823; oc. in 1890, Mac’y, dau. of Ihe late James ResEaT NEuEnAac, Beg. of Crovach, orho sa. Dorotlcy, dau. of Hunt, Esq., and has issue. 2 Henry-Grove-Cavendish, vicar ef Dassgarvau, Co. Waterferd, other children, sec. Jan. 1856, Amelia, dau. of the late James Hunt,Esq. TooatAs, hie successor. 1 Emiia-Anue, ccc. to the lieu. Charles-Hugh Lindsay, H.P. John (Sir), casssmen-scrjeant cf London ha 1449, ILP. for that 2 Angusta-ltary-Elizabcth, Ic. 10 June, 1862, to Ccl. Arihur Cavendiels Bentinck, 2nd son of Lord 2V.-C.-A.-C. Be ntinck (ace Puanaaxe, D. on las. George-Augustus, major in the army, 8. 16 Feb. 1801 ; as. Me wae a. by hia eldest son, let, 30 April, 1845, Anne-llanunand, relict of the late St. Tnoasks Nnennaas, Esq. of Cravach, wise ccc. Mend, dau. of Sir John Blacker, Fsq.; and 2ndly, 20 Get. 1853, Frances-Mary, William Rrercton, of irereton, and was a. by his only eon, eldest dan. of Chartes-Frideaux lirune, Beg. of Fridsaux Ssa WIs.LIAac NEanislos. of Cravach and Shuviugtaic, who ccc, Place, co. Cornwall, and baa, George-Caulfeild-I’rideaux, 8. Isabel, dau. and co-heir of SirJohn Brencicy, and was a. Icy Isis sees, 16 Dec. 1895; Charics-Cavendish, 9. 29 Sept. 1898; and Cectl-Aciguetus-Seymour, 8. 12 Jan. 1868 estate of Shenton, and served the alhce of sheriff of Shropshice iv. Augustus-Caccifdild-James, capt. in the army, 9. 11 Nov. in the 20th, 27th, and 32nd years of Macas VIII. Lao ci. in 1803; accidccctally drowned, fAng. 183i. v. Richard-Howe, an officer in the hussars; is. I Oct. 1811; 1590, and was s. icy his only sen, ccc. 9 9tay, 1833, Eioabcilc, youngest dan. of the Hon. Ccl. John Brow-ne, and has lead issue, ticorge-Biclcard, 8. in 1834, Tssoosss Naannkas, Bsg of Shenlon, who ccc, Anne, dau. of Sir mojor late SStlc Couuaoght rangers, knight of the Legion of Jahcn Tailed, of Graflon, and was .5. isy his eldest son, Honour; sc. 13 June, 1897, Louisa, youngest dau. of Admiral Ssr George ‘trIer. 1(11.. of Cottroll, co. silamorgan; and sheriff of Shrapshire in the 6th, 25th, and 37th years of Queen Emily-Anna, ci. 13 July, 1897. 639 KIll verL Suppertcca—Two liens, regnriant, arg., ducally KILMARNOCK, LORn, seg ERHOLL, EABL. K I L M 0 It E Y. ci. 25 July, 1867) baa had iestse, 1815; ac.29 July, 3039, Anne-Auselia, eldest dan. of Gen. the lIeu. Sir Charles Celville, G.C.B., and had, 1 Faeecse - Cuaas.Ee, l”7sceuaf 1Vcscry essd Jlforcsc, 8. 2 Aug. 1842. 2 Henry-Celvillc, capt. Coldstrcaaa-gds., 8. in Feb. 1844. 3 Edward-Thomas, 8. 6 Jan. 1847. 1 Lucy. 2 llargsrcc. 3 Francce-Alinc-Catiscrins-2lary. Ills lordship ci. 6 May, 1851. is. Robert, late majcr in the army, 8. 10 May, 1616. iii. Francis-Henry, 8. 3 Aug. 1819; ccc. Aug. 1810, Fanny- Amelia, youngest dan. of the late Charles Itubbard, Leg. of Brensdale, and has had icsne, I Francis-Jack, 8. 14 Dcc. 1642, 2 Robert, 8. 10 Aug. 1849, killed Icy afail an board ‘ship, 15 Aug. 1864. 3 Frauk, 8. sSlIarch. 837. 4 Charles-Albert, 1c 24 Fee’. 1670. 5 Geerge-Arthur, t. le April. 1013. 6 Edward, 8. and ci. 10 May, 1818. 7 Alfrcd, 8. 1 Jan. 1876. 8 Albert, 8. it ltarch, 1961, 1 Selina. 2 Frances. 3 Rocc-lielen, 4 Ada-Louisa. I Flercuce-Maude, ILIiiintfc. WILLIAM 00 NunnAaI, Lord of Slamsion, co. Chesier, living in Sir John Savage, KG., of Clifton, co. Chester, and had, with city in the feiawhcg ycac, and, in 1461, cue of the judges of the court of King’s Bench. Ssa Ronaa’r NeaDu sos, Ens., wise purchased, in 1508, the Ressca’r NcemnAos, Esq. of Slscntoe, who served lice office af ELmABETu; and, in the sonic reign, had important commands