Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/690

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KTL during the war in Ireland. SIr. Needham, who was snbssqaeatly Psatsess-Jare, his successor. appointed vice-president of tire council hs tire Marches of Wales, Feaneis-Iteary-Williasn, heat-mi. gren.-gnards; 5. 1799; 8. ns. Frances, youngest dau. of Sir Edsvard Aston, of Tixhall, cc. Anna-tclaria-Eliaabeih, ma. 20 Jane, 1816, to the Hon. and Stafford, awl had issac, s. Ronrar, his heir. xi. Thomas, of Pool Park, Dcnbiglsslnee, ci. Eleanor, (Ian. and Franees-Eliaabeth, ci. t6 Jane, 1820, to lien George-Powell co-heir of Sir henry Ilagenall, Kni. Marshal, and had with otiser issue, a son and heir, Sir tichert Ncdham, Eat. of Pool Park, whose second son, Gcoccn Nrnnasx, E9. of Jansaica, left by his first wife, Stary, dan. of Witlians Ityam, Georgtnna. Esq. of Anligna, scvocal chitdrrn; the oldest son, itohcrt, was crandfaliser of William Nedisam, itsq., of Moron lark, Atieia-Stary, ax. 6 July, 1836, to Samael-Nllis Bristuwe, Beg. - en. Down, Ml’., who ‘1. o. p.m 16Sf, havieg begocathed his estates to ll,d,crt, it Its .3sscsssnt Itilmorcy risc ihird son, SVIL5..xaas Nnnsxnss, was Speaker (if tire house of Assembly, The earl, oho attained the rank of geacral in tire anssy, and was and chief jinticc of ,Iasnaica his great-grandson, Mason— colonel of the 86th foci, ,l. 21 Nov. 1832. lIe was o. by his elder GrsensL WsLr, Nrnisais, Mi’., 8. 1770, it. 1944, leaving son, Faasoexs-Jara, now EARL OF EsLsimoanv. by Marianne, his wife, 2nd itan. of hey. Aaron—A. Baker, ts.C.t. , five sons and two dons., via., I William-Robert, nsaj.— gen. Ii. Art., b. 1011, is. 1st, 1833, Emma, 2nd dan. of Ci-eations—Viseotmi, 19 April, 1625. Earl, A-c., 12 Jan. 1822. ‘thor-It. Longdcn, Esg., and by her,: who d. 1838, has had Araso—Arg., abend, engrailed, an., between two bucks’ tirade, issue to survive youth, William-Francis-Longden, in holy eaboslsed, aa. Crest—A dcmi-phw’nix, in fiacsea, ppr. Stepporters—Dexter, ordcro, is. S Jisne, 1838,4. 7 Jone, 1884; Itenry-Watson, Li Nuan ant nnngnam. .Seioo—Slsaviisgton hall, Salopt Moms Oct. 1048; Charles-Sewn], lt.N., t. 23 Sept. 1849; EdwardStark-Scodasnore, Park, Duwashire. 6. 28 April, 1834; Eleanor-Emma EmnsaIingcnai: Lucy-Ellen; Bianehe-Louisa-Mand; Alice-Marion; and E,lith-Octavio. Major-lien. William-Robert Ncdhomn ci. 2ndly. 1505, his mann, Mary- Woodcock, don, of JohnPoilsano Baker, Lag., rem, tiN., and has by tier WilliamIluhcrt de Eedhaan, 6.8 Sept. 1865, and to-c dons., Maudand Mary; 2 henry, 6. 1814, so. 1833, Alexandrina-Anoicilarriette, 3rd doss. of Capt. F-N. Skinner, and has issue; 3 George-Frederic, 6. t821, cx. Augusta, youngest doss, of John Deacon, Esg.: she 0. .s. p. 29 July, 1866; 4 AlfredGyllett, major in the Indian army, os. let, Jane, dais, of Col. Earle, and 2ndly, Jessie-Rebecca, dau. of Major Nanneth Campbell, and has israel 5 Charles, rapt. in the aresy, sit. 1853, Francrs, eldest dan. of Capt. F-N. Skinner, and widow of Idetenos ‘toeing, Erg., asssi has issue I LtieindaSlariaane, Os. to ilenry Sswell, Esg., and 4. 78 Aug. 1544; and 2 Eleanor-t’ryor, si. ascie. Robert Needisans, of Shenion, ss’as a. Isy his elder son, Sm Ronney Nnaossans, of Sbosston, who was elevated to the peecage of Ireland, 18 April, 1640, as Viscas’of of Kilosorey, cc. Cla,’e. his lordslnp ii. in 1627, an’l was a. by Isis sass, Roenar, 2nd viscount. Tills nobleman is. let, Frances. dan. of Aldernsan Sir Itenry Anderson, of London, by uhens Ise had ona son and tsso data.; ansI lssdly, Eleanor, slats. and Iscir of KaMBERLET, EARL OF (Sir John Wodehonse, P.C.), Thosnaa Dutlon, Erg. of Dalton, anti widow of Gilbert, Lord of Kimbericy, no. Norfolk, Baron Wudehouae, also Gerard, by v-hem he had several children. Itis lordship it. in of Kimbot’ley, aud a Isaronet; high stewarti of t653, antI was a. by his eldest son, Roroar, 3rd viseoant, svtso 4. without isstse ill 1657, wlscn the Norwich cathedral; governor of the Hudoon Bay title devolved upon his half-brother,, 6th viscount, u-ho Sr. Bridget, elan and heir of Sir lrtl baron, 29 May, 1846; us. 16 Aug. 1847, Lady William Drury, of Pesthnrp, in Norfolk, and was ,s. by his son, Florence Fitagibbon, eldest dan. and co-lsoir of Rooonr, Otis viscount, o’ho t. 1668, and was o. by Iris brother, Richard, lrd nnd last Earl of Claro, and hat hod Tnonsos, 6th viscoonl. This nobleman it. Francrs,* doss. and ioono, hetr of Fmneis-Lrveson Fowler, Esg. of Itarnage Grange, en. I. Jorsa’, Lerd Wastehossao, 6. 20 Dee. 1040. Salop, by whom Ire had an only son, Darner, 7th viscount, who to. Mary, dao. of John Offley, Esq. hi’. £trmine, 6. 24 Sept. 2S66. of Cress-c, en. Chester, by whom lie had four sons (three of sahom, Homer, THOMAS, and JOHN, hccaaae successive viscounts) anti Rh lordship hao boon Under Secretary of State four daos. iSis leodahip 1. 2 Oct. 1710, and n-ass. by his eldest son, for Foreign Affairs, and Envoy-Extraordinary and brEnT, 6th visesont, who ii. in boyhood in 1716, when rite Misrioter Plenipotentiary at St. Pcteroburg, which title devolved upon Ins brother, Taoasas, 9th viecoont. This ssolsteosan si. in 1730, Lady Mary lattes’ post ho hold till 29 May, 1858; he was Shirley, lcd dan. and co-heir of Washington, 2nd Earl boners, again Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, but had no issue. his lordship ci. 3 Feb. 1766, and was a. by his from 19 June, 1859, to 14 Aesg. 1861. He waa brotiser, Jonso. I tth viscount1 5. Jan. 1715; a cat. in the army; who itt. retired from the viceroyalty, 19 Jnly, 1866. His lordchip, in 1736, Anise, dan. and en-heir of John ilorlestan, Esg. of Newton, oe. Chester, and relict of i’cter Sisakerley, Erg., by lasid was naoot able antI efficiesst derrissg a ves’y critical srlsnm ise had three eons, via., Thomas, who it. usIa. 19 April, 177.3. P.osoav, his snecesser. Feosess, successor to his brother Itobert. lIe ,l. 27 Stay, 1751, and wars. by his older surviving son, Homer, 11th vire,tsmt. This ‘sobleman, u-ho was b. 14 Nov. English Instory, osme of its ancestors having rereived the 1746, so. 10 Jan. 1795, Frances, eldest dan. of Sir Robert-Saleisbury honour of knighthood from limier 1. ; and another, John Cotton, Dart-and sister st Lord C’smhemmcee, lint isaving Wodehonec, said to have dislingsstehcd himself in 1415, at no issue, the vieeoauty, at iris lt’rdslnp’s slecenno, in 1818, the celebrated battle of A gineoos’t, obtained as a reward for devolved upon Ins only br’alh,’r, Feasrsa-JAeK, 12th viseetnst, 8. 9 April, 1718, who was created, Iris valour, frons Itneay V., the crest, as sr-oIl as the arms, 12 Jan. 1522, Vioeses,.t 0,1’ 2”otrry oal Moose, es Dawn, sssoito, and snpportere, nosy borne by ohs descendants. Thin and EARL OF KsLasaans. the lisolship its. 20 Pet’. 1787, Anne, Jossr ua Wonns,eusn, svho was eldeot sen and heir of Sir John 2nd dan. of Thomas Fisher, Los;. of Acton, en. Midiliesox, and by W’udelmonae, Emit., by ttlargarct, Isis ss’ife, dan. and role heir of that lady, who ci. Oct. 1816, had issue, K I M 24 Starch, 1868. hiov. 1-tcnry-Coekayae Cust, and 4. his widow, 29 Slay, 1866. Anselin, ,5. 25 Dcc. 1860. lhigginsoa, eel. 9-ith regt.,sohe ml. at Cannes, 19 April, 1966. Selina, so. 9 July, 1817, to tIme lion. Orlando Bridgcman (who 4. 1827), son of Orlando, 1st Earl of Bradford. of liecsthos’pc, Hosts. Mabella-Josephine, or. 12 Feb. 1822, to the Mon. John-Henry Itnox, son of Thomas, let Earl of Ilasfarty. a Isorse, arg.; sinister, a slag, ppr. A-folio— KILWORTH, LORD, ace MOUSiTCASRELL, EARL. K I M B E It L E Y. Company; 6. 7 Jan. 1826; a. his grandfather, as mm. Alfred, is. 9 Nov. 1856; it 9 Fob. 1658. s, Slier. is. Conaiance. appointed Lorti-Lionstenant of Ireland in 1864, and n’hooe administration of the government of Ime period, woo raieed to the EARLooat of KIMBERLET, by letters patent dated 1 Jnne, 1866, ILI1I cztgc. This family traces its descent tn a very remote period in Sir Tlsoesas P’satoli ltal., at Ksssannoev, en- Norfolk, was gentteseaa of time privy chansber to King hitanr tV., and esquire of ihe body to King lInear V. In tll4, he scat adnsittcd 5 SIre so. 2adl’, 2 Mary, 1690, Theaplnimme hastings, 7lts Earl otse of the chamberlains of tIme exchequer for life, and seas fear tinsrs elected SIP. for Nsrfsllc. Dy Alice ForneanX, ci hlnntingdon; and Srdiy, itsc t’hcvalier Mietsaet do Ligondee, of tho ]ts’oeo of Aovcgsme, a colonel in the French service; and Ina wife, ho left at his decease, in 1410, a ann, si 27 Dcc. 1723. 640