Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/693

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KIN 1849; Dudley-Gordon-Alan, 8. 28 Nov. 1811 ; and Anne- (see Rosen’s Lonclesi (lent s’y); and SIneuiso, os. iss 1677, to use Louisa-Caroline. In. Ilenry-Ilobert-Corewallis, lieut. - cal. Slnsiras Cas-airy, Rev. Cooto Os-msby, chaplain to lhc lerd-lientenont of Ireland. 5. in 1812, so. Erilena-Maria-Augusia, elan, of Charles Scone, Caplain Jomes King sf. in 1886-7. TIse fansily estates devolved Esq., 51.1)., and has Riclsas’d-Honry, lieut. RN., MariaEvilona-Sarals, orson Isis son, and other issue. iv. Joho-Thomos-Doeron, RN., 8. in 1815; ci. Jon. 1950. ,. Anne-Maria, so. in 1833, to use lole Sir James-S. Lake. Ban. Doosinirk Frnnch, Esq. of Dnngar, en. Roseosomon, wiso Sb’ Riclsord so. 2ndly, in 2822, Monia-Susanna, dou. of the lale n; the don. of John King, Esq. of Doyle. Sir. King had issue. Adsnts’al Sir Charles Cotton, fort., by wham Ise has, I. Clsorles-Cstton, 5. 1824; ci. 4 March. 1816. o,. Jsho4lynde, eel., major gneo.-gds., 8. in 1826. is,. ltnwlcy-Fludyer, 0. 1 s28, 1. 11 Sets. 18ff. sv. 1Villiarn—AOleels, capt. 17th foci. ;. Maria-Philoelelplsia, as. 4 Jon. 1560, to lbs Right Rev. Dr. 21015, bishop of Colsosabin. ii. Fanny-Rowley, 05.18 Feb.1980, to William-Charles Smith, Our. King ci. nbnn; 1720, ned n-ne e. by his oldest son ned hoir, Esq. of Sisorlgrevo. si,. Elieabeth-Anne. Sir Richard sf 4 Assg. 1834, niad was e. by isis sea, tise present of Nowford, en. (lalway; 2ndly, in 1721, llehoecn, yonngest don hoes se 1. Crsalinss—18 July, 1702. Ae;es—Sa., nlioss, rompani, erenino, ,t. before October, 1777, having had (isslce eslinc). hctseoen three crossestatdo-fitclsdo, or. Cress—A lioss’s gnnsb, Gsnsoov ltsae, Isis eldest son, of n-lssns Isereafter. es’ased ossd erect, so., grasping a cs’oss—patIe, as us else or;;,,. Jlslfe—JamOis sans espiranee. Tnsen Hoese—2, Cl,eoteefield Jone, only doss. ; m. 1st, Arthur Aclsesoss, n-lsosn slse survived Street, Mayfair. KING, BART., see DAIRWOOD, BAI;T. K I N 0. KING, SIR GILBERT, of Chariostown, t. O,Leeev, created a Bonosset, nfwisem Isoreofler. no. Ronnommon, Is. 1812; e. is. lois,,, in Isely orders, arclsdeaeon of Killola living in bin fatbos’, tb into Sir Robert ssi. liobenl, who of, bofors 1111, booing Ta. Grace, dan. of King, no 3rd barnnot, in 1825; s;e. 1833, Mary, dan, of Charles Vigogne, Eoq. of Wiekiow, by Mary, sister of the late Sir Joniao Rowley, Bart,, K.C.B., G.C.31.G., Ite., and isan issue, s. G;tnnov, 5. 1846. II. Jesias-Rowloy, 5. 1818. 5. Elieabeeh. sn 31 Oct. 1868, in Guy Lloyd, Leg., DL. of Croghon, en. Rosessomon, ss. Rnsnsnond-Anne, Itutiragr. Tisis family was fnnnsied in Ireland by an eminent prelate of whons Wane, in hisllisforp nfleeine,f, spealss in the Isigisest tersns. Tue Rsnssv 11ev. Ens-roan Wino, a native of llonlingslnnshiro, and D.D. in the ssniversityef Ds;blin, was consecrated 1-lishep of Elpisin in 1611. lIe lsad a fonsily of iiftee,s elsildren, and yet, having found isis bishopric the pnnresl, Ise left it she rielsest in all leelond, lIe rseovered its ancient possessions, whiel, had been alienated by Isis predecessor; and that income which ha fannd rsdssecd to 250 monies, he left wonlh bali. a-year. Ilaving thus reclaiossd else possessions of his bishopric, and permanently augmented its revensses, isis lordship vol,sntnnily resigned the “.qs’artn pars episcopalis” wliirh his predecessors lsod enjoyed. s. Isabella, os. Robert Tiehe, of Sentlsill, en. Westmsatls, n’ho For these and ether praiseworthy actions, the lord-lieutenant (Slmfford) mentions Isim seills great honour in a letter to Archbishop SIr. King, at isis decease, n-as s. hy his eldest eon, Loud, and alluding lo his patroeynie, calls Isles “a irnly I. Sso OsLenne Kixo, Barn, of Clsnnlestenn, co ileseommon. “opel bislssp.” llis le,rdslstp was twice married, ills lot wife This genilamon was raised to the dignity of a Baronet, by was Anne, dan. ef — Consed, Esq., by wlsnns Ise hnd a large letters-patent, 21 Jidy, ball, with special remssinder, is, default family. his lorlslsip so. Indly, tirace, dan. of Nathaniel Saasp of his osen nsole issue, to his brothers, in the cedar of prinsegenilura, sno, Es. of Leieeslershirc, whoss foilssr, Thomas Sampsoss, was o dislingssished pecoeher, prelendory of SI. Paul’s, Ac., and Sir Gilbort os. Jaoe, the dan. of his uncle, John K lug, Esq. of whose snoliser was niece of Risisep I.ohnser. Ry isis 2nd wife, BsIlyIin, bfing’s Co. lie se. 8 Aug. 1818, snd Isaving had no who sorvtvsd lsisss, Isis lo;-dslsip isad issue. his lorslsbsibs aderned issue, the barossetey passed, under else special lisnitauion in the the bishopric of Elphto for tnenty-sevess ynacs assd tisree latent of erenlion, In the eldest son of his deceased brother. months, ned dying 8 )faceh, 1638, aged 83, was buried in Isis Robert, viz., cnn cathedral, where his sssonssnscnt still rensains. Ilis will II. Sm Ronenv Knee, 2nd Rant, of Cloarlosuon-n, en. Roscosssmon, was nnnnspaliec, seas attested by the chancellor of his diocese, and proved en lIsa 16th of March, 1639. Ills eldest son, Jasews Knee, of Charlestown, cc. Rnseenssness, 5. 6 Feb. 1618, a. GiLseec, tise present boronen. and was probolsl, therefore, a native of England, like l,is ii. Rebent, in Isely orders, rector of Kilmore, Ds’umsna; os sn father, for the latter did not eeeeive tise bislsopnie ef Elpisin till 1339, Jane, dan. of Oialilsesv Nnsbilt, Esq. of ilesvycesm, eq. 1611. He held the rank of captain in the arsny, and filled the its. Ebenezee, is; Isely orders; ci. in 1501 office of high-sheriff of Rnseommon in 1673. lIe m. before the iv. Wflhises, ci. 11 Sept. ioflf. v- icorge. vs. Jansea. year 1634, Judith, dan. of dIso-son, Esq. of Dublin, by n’I,em s. Elizabeth, m. to the 11ev. Wiilio,n-llilboeh Talons, RD., ho Isad issue, Edward, t. 17 ,ls.siy, 1640, disinlsenited by Isis nisd l,as issne, Wiiliasss; Osnrge; Anssa-Maria-Jane, and father; four sons who si. 5.3,.; and Oss.nessv. of whnm Isereafter, Is. Jane. iii. Grace. as heir nf isis fatiser. Of use dons;., Anne, so. Jasper llngssdre, Esq.; Elizabeth, sn in Starch, 1682, to Captain Charles Sir RoSen; ci. 1825, and seas s. by his son, the present boronof. Dnd, of Ceonkbnwn, en. Slign, the 2nd sen nf Choriso Dod, Ceeslinn—2i July, 1855. Aeess—Sa., a lien, rampant, Esg. of Clnvenley, Salop, ancestor of use present J.-WIsIelsoll dosibled-qsssned, or. (‘sass—A srollop-slsnll, gsa. Jfsils—Spes Dod, Esq. of Cloveeley, and Charles-Roger Dod, of London hstissinsn acelis. ,Seau—Cisorlosten, do. bloseonomen. 643 K I N OsLeene ll,ae, of Cisarlestown, en. Roseomsnon, I,. II Jssno, 1618, SIP. for tise boroogis of Jnnaeston’n. Tie so. STory, don. nf Jesus, of wIsnna hereafter. Oliver, in Isoly orders, nppointad rector and vicar of Anssadssffe, in sho diocese of Kilnsnro and Ardagh, 1 Feb. 1714. Oili,ert. Jodills, so. in 17Sf, to John Fronds, Esq. of Tligls Lake, en. ttoscenssnon, nod Isoving outlived Isins, she resnarried lisa lIen. elees Saunders, of WlsiteIsssrcIs, Solop. Jossn Ksvo, of Chorlestown, en. Rosenmsenn, 31.5’. for Jonsestown. bIn so. 1st, in 1706, Elinolseth, dams. of Ibobert Show, Esq. of the Rigist I-tee. Dr. Sioson Digby, lord bisisop of Elphha. Jsdsn. and ledly, 7 SepI. 1762, Abnohnm Crsighloe, lot Bnssa Bane. SIr. K issg was e. lsy isis eldest son, Gsooonv llsoo, of Cl,onlnstnwn, co. Roseonsmon, )I.P for tise bonossgis of Jos,sestown. bIn was appointed captain of tise Otis or royal Irish neginseni of dragoons, 16 May, 17ff, and filled use office of shoniB of Lsitnim in 1767. lIe os. Eliaabetls Parke, of Dmsally. They had issue, 5810; of. noes. before 1818. Itinisand nose, Esq. wisose foulser ores o baron of the ExcIseqssor is; lrslensi, They hasi isssss, 1 flononv, 2nd borossel, of n-hoes Iseresfter. 1 Anisobelio, sss. to Edwo,’d i’iers, Esq., a dsseendoot of ‘i’rieslonoogls fansily, by wlsons ohs isod llohes’t Kissg-Piens, who sss. Ilse doss, of fise Iliglst Ofon. Jolsss iftelsonds, bares, of tise Rxciseqnsr iss Ireland. 2 Caroline, m. 0. ness-c, Esq. of Formley, Qncen’s Co. S Storm, ,e. Edn’ord Benson, Bsq. ltangocei, sos. Rev. Ch;snlss iii niloy. yossngest soss of Tobios Moilny, Log. of Iluglsotnn’n. (Sea Isroen’o Lonofeci Gessirn.) sv. James, m. 20 Slay, 1785, Lady Elizabelis Ccsightoo, eldest don. of John, 1st Earl of Eree. Lady Elionbefh King ci. 23 Jon. 1794, boeing issus, by hr. Jomes King (n-ho ci. 23 Slsrcls, 18331, tn’s sons and ono dan. via., I Gilbert, in Isoly orders, meter of Lengfield, en. Tyrone; m. 1st, Aarss, dan. nf Lienh-Col. Samuel Slasides, of Sladdenton, nosy 1111 ton, en. Mosaglsass; assd 2ssdb’, Charlotte, dan. nf— Andouin, Esq. of W’iehlen-. Dy isis 1st wife he had isooe, isco sons, Jasnes and Jolse ; and five daos. of sohom Chas’iotte m. 1 Dec. 1878, the lIes;. and non. Fenneis-Natlsoniol Clonsents, led sen nf the Earl of Leilnins, ossd rector of Tantanoglsan. 2 Jolts, n capt. of dragoons; sss. Charlotte, da,s, of Pon;ossby Totlanlsano, Log., and had, James, Arabeilo, Esnma, nstd llolilda. 1 Callsarins. ci. 1790. (Sea Brown’s Leocieod Gentry.) and the heirs male of Ilsoic bodies lowfsUly hegotlon. wlto ss,. Elizabeth, dan. of Ebeneeer Ron’s, Esq- of Rally- cress, en. Wenford, by wboosn he had issue, Leiteisas, and ,eidew of Edward Simpson, Eeq. Cs;honisse-Kiisg. 2T2