Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/706

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LAM LAM trappings, all ppr., in his dexterband a sword ombruod, I of llalcarrcs, which lady a. issuelsas. Sir James assumed holding the bridle in his mouth, the sinister arm hanging by eign-nsannal, in 1121, the surname of Lasso only, and clown useless, round his body asearf,in bend gu.; 2nd, a se;L- the arnie of Lasso, quarterly with these of Brssoss. Sir horse’s head, org., finned, or, gorged with thrce bars, gu. Jasoeo-illan,l Purges was known iu the literary world. Ito Jl’elle—Un Thou, no rev, no recur, Seats—F rioknev, (40 1, 1:1 Oct. 1824 acid was o. by his eldest en, Lsne,dn Iluroton 2c orfolk. , — 11. bin Cnaners illoxTnLsuu, who wao I. 8 July, 1 95, — and who ., let, 211 Jan. 181.5, Nary, Dowager Lady Noel. L A M B g’ ‘merle, dan, and co- heir of Archibald, 11th Earl ci Eglintc,e, by whim (who 11. 12 June, 1848) ho hod a son, .Illf2lgc. This family, deriving its surname from llruges, in Flanders, is said to hove fixed ito abode near Reading, in the Aries—Quarterly: lot and 4th, per pale, wavy, arg. and ciminois, reign of llrxav VII. Cot,. Mourn Prunes, agentlornan of considerable fortune Lasts; 2ud, per fesse, ar. and erm., a fosoc, locongy, or and in the en. Perks, and a stanch cavalier, smcooofully ac., ; in chief, three moscles, of the last; a tordure of the opposcd Cuoaswerr himself, by holding out for the king fcmrth, hccant6o; in a dexter canton, ge,, a bond of the the town of Fariegdon ; of this affair an account is given first, charged with tim baton of knight-marshal, for Muuuce; in Ri’snwou’rn’s Ilielorirol Collrclione (1645). lIe was afterwards 3rd, as., a fleur-do-lis sr, between three crescents, in chief, taken prisoner at the battlo of Nasoby. Eventually and three msslleto, in base, arg., for hloseToLscu, C5’csls— he succeeded to the command of Castle Cornet, and defence 1. A lamb, passant, so., charged on the body with a becaut, of the Island of Guernsey, in which ho showed the greatest thereon a trefoil, slipped, vert. for haste-I, A camel’s head, gallantry, and protracted it after the submission ‘f every ppr,, becantfc, erased, gn., for Muanro. ,Sspporlcrs—Tsro reyaliot garrison in the British dominions. This, however, eagles, lcpr. Jlotto—Levius fit patleutil. Feaf—Ecaucort, and the fatal results sf the battle of Worcester (1651). rendering further resistance useless, be finally surrendered to Colonel Bingbam, but received the most hononrablo terms. Ilts successor, Jona llunoro, aloe a distinguished cavalier left, by Ann his wife, Jasesie Buuoea, of Creyslee, his successor, li. 1681. Ho ci. ie 1115, leaving, by Mary, his wife, dan. of Robert Jones, of Gniloflcld, Co. Montgomery, among other issue, Jaaice: ___________ or. 11Apr11, 1860,Elica-C’athorine, whoso descendants are extinct, and, Grosoa Busoce, Req., F. in 1723, who as aidc-de-camp and military secretary to General Bland, was present at the battle of Cullodcn, and captured there tho standard of s, hONeY F’oecv, b, II jan. 1861. Prince Charles’s body-guard, home by the Duke of Atlioll. Is. l°elton-Rdward Foley, 9. 20 June, 1062, He afterwards accompanied General Bland, when he was its. Cecil-Foley, 6. 28 May, 1964, appointed governor of Gibraltar, as military secretary, and iv, A cost, F. 20 Jan, 1567. filled subsequently, eeveral offices of great trust. Later, be s. Evelyn-Frances. so. Edith-Chat-lotte. was appointed receiver-general of the salt duties and con’ptrollerof ole. A dan. 9. I March, 0060. the customs of Scotland. He se. 1749, Anne Wisheons’, dau. of James, Lord Sornorvifle, and had issue, Jaaeoe-Brasin. Maria, ci. sate. Frances, to. to James-Ihcper Head, Esq. of Hermitage. Ho ci. in 1786. His only son, I. Jaacss-BLAa-n llunoes, Req., H.P. for Hclstone, under. exertions to uphold tho public es-edit in that year, by supplying secretary of state for foreign affairs in 1789, was made knight- marshal in i792, with remainder to his son, and created a htadeliioe, dau. of M. Benjamin Benoelin, a merchant of Ilaronet, 31 Oct. 1795. It is believed that the situation of Ronooo, by whona ho bad four sons and three dane. Sir knight-marshal gives precedence over all other baroucts, John ci. 4 Feb. 1722-21, and was s. by his eldest son, as that of earl-marshal dooe over all of his degree. Sir II. Sin Jouse, who m. Mary, date, of Tempest Ilnlnses, James ss, 1st, in 1777, Elicabcth Noel, 2nd dan, of Edward, Esq., and bad (with four daua,, of whom Anne, widow of Viscount Wentworth, but had no issue; he Se. 2ndly, 1780, James White, Rsq., ci. 26 Oct. 1026, aged 96), Anne, 3rd dan. of Lieut.-Col. Nnntolieu, Barsn of St. Jose, his eneccsoor. Ilypolite, and had CgAuLEo-MoNvorlcu, 2nd baronet. Wentworth-Noel, 7’, 50 Dec. 1792, an oneign in the Cold- stream-guards; killcd at the siege of Purges, 19 Oct. 1812. Aleaander, s osmsniocioner of the navy. Sonscrville-Waldemar, 8. 9 March, 1794. capt. in the gren.guards, Olonjotuin-Liddell, sssj. hut dracoons. svoundcd at Waterl,s ,‘ta. 1821, Mademoiselle Berhclcy-Fitincilliain-Ooorgo, ci. an irfiiul. Mflanic-Nari.uino lIbray, d:nn ‘f Capt. .léray, of the French army. Sir John was a. by Ins eldest soti, Clara-Maria, d. 4 Feb. 1821. Enulia-Charlotte, in. 25 May, 1810, Major-Gen. SIr Hugh was s. by his only surviving osoi, Halket. Caroline-Elba-Anne, ci, 26 Nov. 1865, Soplda-Anno, m. 01 Dec. 1821, to Wnrburten Davies, Req., t. llesea-Jon,e, 5th baronet. and d- 11 Oct. 1828, Julia-Octavia, ci. 28 Oct. 1829. Sir James rn Irdly, in 1812, Lady Margaret Fordyce, relict i lab Tlajor-Oen. Whoatley, of Lesney, in Kent, and has, of Alexander Fordyco, Esq-, and dan. of Jamee, 0th Earl 656 i. CuaoLEe-Jaasrs-S.ovsro-MoNrnoasonrc, 6. 7 Oct. ISlal in 1841, Amus-Charlotle, eldest dat’. of Arthur Grey, of liorsted, Sussex, and ci. 11 Dcc. 1516, leaving isenc, I AnnnieaLo, present baronet. 2 CnanLcs-ANvnociv (posthumous), 9. in 1527. I Ilary-Noulgomerie, so. 27 Feb. 1964, to llenc’y-Sydco— ham Singlctsn, Esq., of hell, co. Lonlh, cad hlaecly, Ilants. (.5cc Dunes’s Lcc,cclnf Goolcy.) 2 F’lora-Cnroline. L.tlsn, SHe AsiurcIIttc.n. of Dcsrvillo, on. L’os’ko. hoist. rector of Watlingtcn, and vicar of Nnisntfleld, Susoex, Icy 2nd life guards 1. 5 Nov. 1815, c. his grassdfathor Mary-F’rascces, his ‘,vifc, eldest dass. ccf Bryan Cooke, Esq. of as 3rd baronet, 21 March. 1850. Sir Charlesot, tndly, 20 Oct. 1033, Frances, eldest dan. of the Rev. Willians hlargeoson, of Van and Oakhurst, Surrey, Otvst,cti, en. York, and Uwysascey, co. Flint. lie was appointed knight-snacohal of the King’s household, 10 J50, 1525. TIc ii. 21 Mardi, 1060, and was a. by his grandson, Sm Anontsaon L.cass the present has-suet, f’c’eetcoc—23 Oct. 1705. a chevron, bctsvcen three lambs, paoaant, sa. for Battle, Sussex. LAMBERT. L.tSIBEPT, Son HENRY-EDWAuDR CEf’3 FuaNcle, of London, 5. 7 June, rj 1822; c. as 6th hart, on the deooaso of his fathor, 17 Doe, 1808; 2ntl dais, of the hato Lionel-Chat-los Horvoy, Eoq., and has, I, Sin Jonso Laasuour, That. an opulent London merchant, son of Jobso Lambert, of the hole of Rhd, in France, was ci’sated a Baronet, 10 Feb. 1710-11, as a resvard for his the Ti-eaeury with las-ge suns of money. lie to. Ilobcrl, rapi. lt.N., fell-cr of Vice-Admiral llobort Laeobert, tieucnal Sir John Iasmberl, h’.C.ll., and of Adnursl Sir C. Il. Lamlceet, K.C.B. III, Sin JonN, svho at. SItes Lo Nicpo; ii. in 1710, and IV. Sin hbocouv, who cci. Slice Whyto, by ss-botn he bad issue, or. b’crderiolo-Jolcn, lt.N., 7. lit India, 9 April, 1811, us. Fncneis-Jolcn, cc. in 1926, Calborlue, only doss. of the I Fraek-llenry, bent. RN.; 9. 3 July, 0827; ci. 1053. 2 Ernest-John, 8.29 05cc. 1820.