Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/707

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L AM 3 Lionel. comm. RN.; 8. 1 May, 1812; killed 1860. 4 Brooks, 8. 18 Sept. 1834. 5 Alas, 6. 18 Jan. 1837. 6 Slontagn, 8. 1 Sept. 1838. 1 Sophia, d. 19 Dec. 1850. Sir Henry ,l. in 1893, (ha ovidowsa. Sndly, in 1805, busyFrancis Greville, Eaq., and ,l. 21 March, 1835) and was o. by his oldest son, V. Hnmsav-Jessx, 6. 5 Aug. 1 702, who so. I May, 1821, Anna-Maria, younger dan. of the Hon. Edward Foley, and granddau. of Thomas, Lord Foley, by whom (who a. 5 March, 1017) he had tssne, O HL-SeY.EDWARD-FsANrss, present baronet. 2 John-Foley, 1.20 Jan. 1024. 0 Edward.Hrnry-Gagc, rapt. 11.N., 8. 27 Slay, 1825; so 7 Sa5t. 1865, Rcnira-Aona, ycuager dan. of the Err. RichardFortescne t’arvis, LL.1I., vicar of Whitsbssry, hhants, sod has issue. 4 Fredertek-Whyte, 8. lINer. 1826; d. 11 March, 1828. 5 Charles-Ilenry, lair rapt 18th foot, 8. 4 Starch, 1870. 6 Willtam-hlcnry, MA., to holy orders, rector of Stoke-Edith, and Baron of Ncwtown-Butler, on. Fersnauagh, in Ce. Hereford, 8. 26 Aug. 1811, r. Sties Btddolph and has the peerage of Ireland, comm. RN.; 8. 18 April, bane. 7 Alfred Henry, 8. 21 July, 1040; d. i Oct. 1818. S Grevtllc-tlenry, 1.27 April, 1813. I Anna-llas-ia, ,(. roes. 22 Ang. 1856. 2 Eltzabctls-ltary. 21 June, 1864, Auue-I(hizabetis, only child of the 3 Emily-Sephia. 4 Charlotte-Jane. Rev, Johss-Dixon Clark, of Belford llall, Northumberland Sir Henry d. 17 Dec. 1838. crcssfien—lf Feb. 1710-11. Arses—Arg., on a mount, an oak-tree, vent, and a greyhound, ss. A son, 8.2 June, 1868. caurant, gn. Crest—Out of a ducal coreusi, or, three eslnirb feathers, go., s. A den., ci. an infant 19 June, 1867. org. and as. .tld’ette—Seqntlando ci giungc. Seat—The Ledge, Great Slalvern. LAMBTON, VISCOUNT, see DURnAM, EARL. L A M P S 0 N. LAMPSON, SIR CURTIS-MIRANDA, Fnxoecsa Bunco, Esq., SEP. for lielturbet. This gesstleman Bart., of Rowfant, in the parish lIe see. Jndith, dan. of the Right lion. Sir Thecphilsss Jossns, of Worth, in the oo. of Sussex; of Osheratowss, ro. Meath; and was s. at his decease, in ii. 21 Sept. 1806; sos. in New TssnernsLus, Esq., who waa elevated to tie York, 30 Nov. 1827, Jane-Walter, peerage of Ireland, 21 Oct. 1715, as Darers efNsss’tceeo-Beotlrr, dau. of Gibbs Sibley, Esq. of descendants of his father, havissg previously represented Sutton, Massachusetts, and has, the oo. of Cavan in parliament, and being called to the 5. Csoooc-Cuevss, 9. 12 June, 1833. si. Henry, 8. 13 Nov. 1833; ss. 7 April, 1863, Charlotte. leaving no issue at his decease, 11 Slarch, 1721, the title Marta, dan. of Joseph Murphy, Esq., barrister-at-law, devolved upon his brother, of the inner Temple. us. Norman-George, 8. 23 May, 1850. s. Hannah-Jane. Sir Curtis-Miranda Lampson, a native of Vermont, Req. of the city of Dnbliss, barrister-at-law, assd had no less in the Ussited States, became a ssat,lralszed British than twessty-thrss children, five only of whom, however, F subject in 1848. As a Director of tile Atlantic anrvived infancy, viz., Telegraph Company, he displayed the greatest energy s. Jloasrnaey, 2nd viscount. and perseverance in the great work of laying tbe is. Thomas, governor of Limerick, and sdjalsnt-gcaeral; Atlantic Cable, and on that being successfully aNaieved, he was created a baronet, 16 Nov. 1866. ILilicqc. 5%t5fl555 Lxaicaos, of New Haven, Vermont, United sv. John, joint-clerk of slsc pipe, and SIP. for Newcastle, States et America, ns. Rachel, dan. of — Powell, of Latnaboreugh, Massachusetts, and had (with aeven daus.) four sens, William, of Quebec. merchant, 8. at New leaven; as. and has issue. Miles-Pewell, of I.e Hey, New York, merchant; is. and haa issue. Riley, of Wadsworth, Gino; so. and lsft issue. Cuavsa-SIsassnA, crraied a baronet as above, Creatiea—l6 Nov. 18Sf. Arms—Per salttre, arg. and go., two gryphon,’ heads, erased, In feces, and as many esrarbuneles in pale, eossnterrhsnged. Cs-esl—A gryphon’s head, erased, go., charged with sn csrnrbade, arg., beeween i,ce wings, poSy of four, arg. and go. F Jhfetfe—Fersevera ci vines. Seal—Rswfaat, East Grinseead. O’escse Placer—SO, Eaten Sqaare. 657 LAN L A N E S B 0 U 0 U U II. LANESnoRouou, EARL OF (John - VansittartDanvors Bntler-Danvers), Viscount Lanesborougis, 1839 ; e. his uncle as 6th earl, 7 July, 1866 ; ass. (see BuRRE’s .Lceosslrtl Gessfs’p), and has bad, s. -JenN-II5IN5LET, Lard .fs’ssrlescse-Betles’, 8. 12 10cr. 1865. ittliraflU. Ssa STamEN BUTLEO, Knt. (descended from John Butler, of Warealy, cc. Ilusitissgdoss, living iss 1376), settled in Ireland, iss ths rcigss ef flame I., so. Mas-y, dan. and co-heir of Gervaa Brissdsley, of Brindsicy, co. Nottingham; sad dyhsg in 1619, was s. by his eldest sess, JAMES Buvs,rn, Esq, of Bclturbst, whoas brother, Svernsa Bunco, Eeq., SIP, for lielturbet, as. Annn, dan. of the let Lord Santry, assd was s. in 1661, by hia eldest son, here arms in the royal cassse dnriug the civil wars. 1692, by his eldest sos,, with rensaissdsr, in default of iasesc scale, to the male privy council. His lordship sss. Rnsllia, eldest dass. assd co-heir of James Stopferd, Req. of Tara, ee. Heath ; bnt IlasNaLsy BUELEa, Req., sea 2nd baron, gcstlesnan-nshcr of the Black Rod, and eel, of the battle-axe guards in Ireland ; who was created P’isceesosl Lasseeioressgh, 12 Aug. h725. lIe sos. Catharisec, dan. and co-heir of Noville Poetry, who d. is 1793, leaving an only dan., Many, no. in 1354, is Jolsu St. Legs,’, Eeq. el Grangemellan, cc. Rildarc. ssi. Robert, SEP., captain of the battle-axe gssards; who see. Mary, dan. of Robert Howard, bishop of Elphtn, and widow of John Steyte, Req. ef Street, iii Westsneatls. sehe heft one son and three dens., viz., 1 Humphrey, who see. Alicis, dan. of Itichael White governor ef Montserrsl, and lead issue, Thcephilns, lstc major 4th dgn.-gde.; d. 17 5tsy, 1847. Lebert, MA., in holy orders, vicar of St. John’s, Eli- kenny; es, Stise Haneihten; assd U. 14 Slay, 1847, leaving an only den., Isisry. llusnpbrey, comsu. RN. as. 27 April, 1852, F.hiza-Margaret, eldest dan. of Wilhiasse Towant, Req. of Glaaiez and Swinhor, Herthnmbcrland. Maria-Prances. Sophia-Hsry, as. Frederick Menfgomeric, Esq. of Garboldisham, Co. Norfolk, and leas issue. 1 Catlsarins, sos. to Thomas Carter, Esq. of Castle Slartin, cc. ltildarc. 2 Bernet, sos. lo hoary Brooke, Rsq. of Celebresko, co. Fsrmanrsgll; who was crsalnd a Baronet In 1822 ; sod ri. in 1814. 3 Mary, wise d. Mails. ‘, Judith, as. to B.-J. Cramer, Req. 2U