Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/708

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LAN The viscouut el. 6 March, 1735, and was s. by his eldest son, IIOSSPHREr, 2nd viscount whose in 1 726, Mary, dau. and heir of Richard Berry, Esq of Wardenstown, ro. Westuaeatb, by whom he had an only son. his lordship was created EARL or Latqessoeouos, 22 July, 5756, and was o. by his son, IlesasLey, 2nd earl, 8. 1 March, 1720. This nobleman Si. 22 Jnnc, 1754, Jane, only dan. of Robert (tdochfort), 1st Earl of Belvedere, and had issue, 1. RoecssT-llssessl, his successor. - si. Angnslus-Rielsard, 1,. 10 July, 1776, so. 1st, ml 92, Mary, dan. and heir sf Sir John Isasrers, hart., on which crcasisn he assnmed the astditioeal surname and arms of J)AsvEBs, and by her (who 1. 10 Slay, 1802) Isad issue, 1 Grsse,n-Jsuw-tiacevsso, Sib carl. 2 George-Augustus, 5. in 1708; 0. ysutig. SIr. Butlcr—btanvers si. Ssmfly, 24 Slay, 1802, Elizabeth, dais. of llusoplu’cy Stun, ttsq. st Cnitelsill llsnsc, Dsrscl, and L&yuo’nnn, Ii.tnuae (Hercules-Edward Rowley), of had by tier )srho ,t. in 1811), 1 Willinis-Angustns, 0. 1005; 0. ross. in India, 9 Dec. 1838. Snmuaes’hill, ro. Heath, in the peerage of Irelaud; 2 Aagustus-ttischard, t. in 1207 d. yeong. 3 Chartes-Aegusius-Ashtey, ii. in 1802; it. young. 4 Charles-Augustus, rapt. tl.E.l.C.S., raised, in 1848, Is father, as 4th baron, 19 July, 1854. the precedence sf as sari’s younger ten; ii. 10 Sept. 1809; ri. 21 July, 1832, Lelitia-ltuilyerd-lloss. youngest dan. of the late Cot. Freese, and dying in 1249, left by her )who Thc family ef Rowley, which this nobleman maternally is. lsdly, 7 April, 1253, the ltev. Geerge Naplcion Treweeks, represents, settled in Ireland, fcsmp. JaatEs I. rector ef Swilhlan’l, Leicestsrshirs), JsIiN-VANOiTT2BT-DAr5OESS, preseol peer. Chartes-llcnry-taanvsrs,5 an officer 9th lust, is. 22 New. deecend:sut of Randolfo Rowley, of Carmteheu, in the same 1240. Frauces-Gcorgtna-Daovers, is. 3 July, 1862, lii Loftus, Breretosu, of Wimershey, and had issue, yonsgcsl son of Sir Itaberi File -Wygnnn, Bait. Eissily-liusa-Idaavcrs. Eliza-tlarriet-Donvcns. I Henrv-Caveadish, ssho sras, in 1848, gives the precedsuee of an earl’s younger san, I. 18 April, 1911 ; iii. sis. William, of J,awton, living in 3663, aucoator of the 00 June, 1242, Cssitia-Agsss, 2od Jan. ct the tale 1_tent.— Gen. Sir JohuTaytor, of Castle Taylsr, cc. t7alway, 1 Elizaheth-Ssplua, is. in 1028, to Lieat.-Cot. Henry Dumaresqne, who ii. in 1038. This lady was given, hy reyal licence, 2-I (let. 1266, lbs precedence of an earl’s don. 2 Enuly-Jane, raised, is 1912, to the precedence of an earl’s dan-, a. iu 1216, Is Capt. George-Somerville Digby, The 4th eon, gren.-gds., who 5. lit Nov. hs64. (See there, B.) lie el. 25 April, 1922. I. Mary, so. to Rt. lion. George Ponsonby; and el. 1626. Josm RosvLEv, Enq. of Castto Roe, who settled, with his si. Catherine, ii. to Gos’rge Barley, Esq., u’ho id. in 1829. two brothers, Notisaniol and Williana, in the north of us. Charlette, si. in 1606, to George Debbieg, Esq. ; and Ireland, lessp. JAatEs 1. his eou aurt heir, id. in 5000. sr. Caroline. v. Bophia, ri. in 1707, to Marquis Lewis Marescotti; and Londondccs’y in 31134 and 1623 ; iss. Lettire, dau. of Sir id. 17 Jan. 1840. His lordship d. 24 Jan. 1779 )the cauntess us. subsequently - See Joust ROWLEY, SIP. 6. in 1633; ss. in 1671, Mary, John King, Bsq. and el. in 1022), and was o. by his eldest ecu, eldest dau. and heir of Sir Hercules Langford, of Somerhihl, ROBERT-HEROcRT, 3rd eas’l, 8. 1 Aug. 1759; who is. Eila,abeth, ro. titeath, and left, with a dan. Lettlee, svife of Arthur, eldest dan. of the Right lion. David Latouche, and by Viscount Loftuo. of Ely, au emily son, her (whoa. in 1010,) had two sons, Buswstnv, tlsedth peer, IlEoeuLns ROWLEY, Eoq. SIP, for the co. Londonderny, and David, dereaoc,l. STis lordship d. in 1006. His elder son, who was s. in 1742, by Ins nasa, BwssseLEy, 4th c-nI, 8. 22 Oct. 1703 el. ussi. 15 June, the so. Londonderry ; ssu. 1733, Elizabeth, only dasi. of Clot- 5047; and was e. tiy his ecussin, Geseun-Jossse-IlasvEes, 0th earl, whe was 6. 6 Dec. 1714, worthy Utston, Req. of Castle Upton, so Antrim, sod had, and was a representative peer ci Ireland, si 1st, 29 Aug. 1815, Chutworthay, so. in 1775, Elizabeth, dan. of Whlhians Crosby, Franeci-Arahella, liii dan. of the late Cot. Stephen—Francis— Esq. and gmnddan. nsatornatly, ef Garrett (Wehlesley), William Fremantlc, who ii. 0 Get. 1210 and Sndly, 24 Nov. 1851, relict of Sir Richard hunter, of Dutauy Arthur, d usm. Hoese, Sussex, and youngest dau. of ti-c late Charles Bishop, Esq., procurator—general to Ills Majs’styGEosus III. This lord ship a. ag. 7 July, 1066, and seas a. Isy his nephew, Jena—Vas’55TTAaT-DAwvcEs, Catherine, tim. to Edward, Lord Loagford. 6th and present EAaL or LAsnsaoaouou. ELIZ,LBETu, tbo wife of this gentleman, was elevated to the Cvealioes—Dareu, 21 Get. 1715. Viscannt, 12 Aug. 3720. Lit ssgferd, with renaatnder to tier naalc issue, in 3776; and Earl, 20 July, 1752. Arias—Quarterly: lot and 4th, gu., a chevron wavy, Was 0. at her decoasc by her eldest son, betwesn three mullets ef six points.,radiant, or, piercod, IlEarutrs, let viscount; at whose decease e. p. the peerage ac., for DAtovEno; Oust and 3rd, arg., three covered cups, in hand, between tsvo handlots, engrailed, ea., fur BuTLER. Thcrs are the furthar quarters of arg., three gudveous, hasuriont, svithiu a bordurs, eugrailcd, so., fsur Gosious’ uuuul per chevrnn, er and en., a chevron, between three escallops connterehanged, for ttsunsnsLev. Cccslo—lst, a wyveris, wisigi elrvsstel assd tail iiowed or of THOMAS Tst.os’n, let Earl of Doetive, whu assntned the the dcxtar tsaw snpp.seting a otnahi, arg., thiers,ss a hesid gu., charged svilh ttirse nsavtlcts, ‘c, f,,r bisaiveos 2nd a demi-eoekatrice, rssnped. vert, wings elevated. avg. conb mm. Diehard-Thomas, late 51.1’.. fssrmeu’ly s.f the lrul footgnards; beak, wattles, and slurally gorged, isv, for Sojspsrlevo—Dextor, a cockatrico, vert, wisiga chevssteul as’-’ comb, beak, wattles, sad du,’al;v g’ srged, sir; Sinister’ a Lient. -Cot. Shipley, aud niece of Sin W.-W. Wynsue, Bert. wyvern, vert, gorged with a slain cells,r and chahaed, ow Msits—Libertd ts,ute entibre. S’eslo—Swithhasad Hall, Slousut Sorrol, co.lseicoater; Lassesberaugh 2826, to Ilusgh-Heuvy, 3M sass of Sir D. Enshrine, tot hart. Lodge, h’etturbet, co. Cavuns. This genthenuan asud Isis sisters busy e, Isy royal hb’ee,-o stated t. Elioaboths-Jause, sf Pitfosur, iii. in 1025, to Admiral 24 Slot. 1866, been gircss ttsc lurreeilcncr of time yooa”er sen ts. htarriet, nu. 11 April, 1839, to thae Chevalier Antoine do sod daughters slams cash, 658 L A N LANGE 0 It P. lieut. gfen. giaards; 5. 1 June, 1848 ; s. his 3.Lillcagc, WsLLtAsh RowLEY, Eaq. of Lawtsn, in Chseshstro (lineal co., hivisig teaup. Eosv.snn Ii.) so. EDen, dan. of Hugh s. John, whose only sun, William, 2. young. It. Robert, who sit. Agnes, dan. of Richard Vardley, Eq. of Park, co Stafford. Rows.rvs of La,s’tsn, represented by ROBERT RosrLcY, M.D. of Lousdon, 6. 13 April, 1795; whu so. 20 Jan. 3825, Elizabeth, niece of John Marris, Esq. of Sonthwark, and has bad issue, Robert, Elizabeth, and Ellen. my. htuust. Tlunu Rnsvrcv, Esq. was father of EowAnn ROwLEY, Esq. of Castle Moe, H.P. for the co. hugh Clotwortby. Rut, and svao father of THE Rsosev ba. HERrCLEO-LatcOToRn ROWLEY. H.P. for Hrarr LEa. Earl of litonssisigton, and left an on’y dan. FRANrES, of whom in the sequel. Jane, so. to Thomas, Earl of Dective. peerago of Irehan,l, as Bavosuroc Sower/sill, and Viocsusslcoo cxpircsh. avhihe time estates devoteed upon his uicre, FRANOEI RosvLEY, (revert to Clotw.rthy, 2nd can of the Riglst Hon. Hercules Rowley,) svtso bad em. in 1794, her first-cousin, Tim Home. CLOTwORTRY TawLouss, 6. 21 Get. 3763, 4th son snrnanac and arnas of ROWLEY, and was created, 30 July, 1800, Danous Latrurown, of So,sses’hbll. The issue Were, s. llnueoLes-LauaoFoRo, 2nd Isavon. ms. 24 Jsmnc, 3035, Charts’tte, dan. uf the lute and has issue, Consvay, capt. 2nd hife-gusards, 8. in 1045; Gwenwydd-I’u’anees, in. tot, 12 Seist. 1664, to Capt. 11.-S. Pskeushaso, who o se Oct. 1504; and sndly, 2 Juu. of Cambo t and Eva. George ltergnson, RN., M.h’.,aumd 4. 12 ,tusg. 1064. Satgd, youngest soum of the 12th Baron do Thoren.