Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/714

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LA U most of MARY’S other overtures. The civil war broke out known as the Cabal adnainistmtiou, his initial L. givhsg in Scotland in 1567, and Maicland’s reputation for wisdom and integrity made mm greatly courted by boils parties l but his he,srt and his honosir were iii the safety of the of the five who conipesed the esusseil. us May, 1672, ho Queen; with him her intorcst was identified with the interest was crmtcd Mxnqucss or Ma.r,ous, and Dries or LAUDERDALE, and svesl of Scotland. lIe strenuously opposed and on the 3 Jusse following, he svas installed at Wtndsor, every measure taken against 11ev Islajoety, both at home assd at the court of England. lie, it is said, was the person who projected the alliance of his iniprissned and unfortunate mistress with the Poke of Norfolk—a schcmc chat coot Nerfe’lk Ins head. M,sitl:snd assisted Sir Willbsm Kirkaldy in tedding out the castle of Ldsnburgh ahse to the heirs male of his body; aisd he was made one against tlio young King hence and the Renosr of the privy council for Scotlassd, England, and lroL’md, this act proved his ruin. tie was, in 1071, ois account of The Duke of Lauderdale’s public character has been the it, deprived of the seeretaryolsip, proclaimed a traitor, subject of much severe comment ems the part of some and attainted iii the parliament held in the Conongate; and being in the casilo of Edinburgh when it surrendered, in 1573. he terminated his life, according to the praise. North, an English hietoi’tan, noted fer his freedom old Roman fashion (says Mclvii), by a voluntary death, fm-one projudice, speaks thus of Lauderdale in his Examines. 9 June, 1373, to avoid the ignonnny of a public execution. lisa of Ike .Rehga of Cisssrlss II. ‘It is well known, that by Secretary Slaitland left issue osily by his find wife, Mary, the prudent conduct of the Duke of Lauderdale, Scotland clan, of )laleolm, Lord Fleming, vie., a dan., ii. to was in a posture not only of safety, but of givussg assistance Robert, 1st Earl of Rsxbnrgh, and an only son, JAMes, who, being a Catholic, withdrew to the Continont; to tho king if needed. He was an issexpugnoblo loyalist, ho Os. Agnea Muxsvcll, but it. e. p. he sold his estate of and kept tbo door of Scotland close shut, that no harm Leigthingten to Ins uncle, Sin JOHN MA5’cLANn, Knt. (2nd son of Sir Richard), who, which, ins the sense of the Earl of Shaftcsbssry and his having filled the high offices of lord-privy-seal, judge of the court of Session, secretary of state, and lord-chancellor of Scotland, was elevated te the peerage 15 May, 1590, by the that could possilshy ho isssagined, as if he h.wh been the title of Lord Moillaod, of Thirlcsleiac. His lordship ia. Jane, basest of men, and the modern time-servinsg historians esly dau. and heir of James, 4th Lord Fleming, and grand- dan., maternally, of Jameo Hamilton, Duke of Chatolheranlt; and dying in 1391, was a. by his only son, JoHN, 2nd baron, who was created, 2 April, 1616, Ciscoosi Anno, 2nd dan. of Alexander, 1st Earl of home, co-heir, Lauderdale; and 24 March, 1624, Loud Tldrlcslaae ansi with her sister, llargarct, Countess of Moray, of her brother, .Bsllses, Viscesual Maillaoif, and EanL or LAUDERDALe, with James, 2nd Eai’i of House, by whons he had an only child, romainder to his heirs male bearing the sunsame and arms ANNE, so. iu 1666, to John, flesh Marquess of Tweeddale. of Ilaitland. Ifis lordship was president of the coniscil, The duke os. flndly, 17 Feb. 1671-2, Rlica, Countess of and sue of the ordinary lords of session. tie a. Isabel, Dysart, rellct of Sir Lisssoh Tainsash, Mart., but had no other dsn- of Alexander Earl of Dnusfornslisse, by whose ho had Issue. Ho vi. 1602, whsoss all the honors granted to himself issue, two sone and a dan. The earl if. in Jan. 1643, while oxpiu’od, while his family honors devolved upon his brother, president of the parliament, and was a. by his elder son, Jsns, Ond earl, a nian of great ahihlics and siugniar Nil, Eltcabeth, dau. and sole heir of Richard Lauder, Rsq. accomplishments, and sno of the historic persossagaa of of Hatton, co. Edinburgh, by whom ho had issue, RICHARD, his age. According to Lord (‘lasvndon, he was deeply JOHN, and Charles, besides three other sons and two dane. engaged v”ith the Covenanters in the beginning of the civil The earl, who was general of the Mint, deputy-treasurer, war, and, when a yoisng mass, was osse of the cousmissisnsrs and one of the judges of the court of Session in Scotland, appointed by the tlcu’ch of Scotland to inoet with the and a baronet of Nova Scotia (croatod 12 May, 1672), if. in aosecubly of divines at Westminster, ins 161:1, in order to 1691, aisd was a. by his oldest son, - now model the government if the Chcsroh. In 1644, ho RirnAnD, 4th earl. This nabloman, who won a privy. was our of the camnuiseioners from the estate of Scotland ceuncillor, gesseral of the Mist, and lord-j ustice-general to treat svith the king at Urhristge ; lint that treaty taking from 1661 to 1614, was outlaeved in 1604, for his adhesion iso effect, ho was agaiss comnsissiasied by the Scottish parliament to the fortunos of JAMes 11.; and dying in Paris, without to treat nith lns snscsty at ltasssptme Cosirt, iss issue, in 1605, (he su. Anne, find dan. of Archibald, 9th 1647, the result of which was the raising an arscy to rescue Earl of Argyhl), the peerage devolvod upon his brother, the kissg. Whcss the Sests were ready to march issta Joure, 0th carl, sue of the lords of Session, under the Rnglassd tlso earl wsus sont over to Mssllaisd ts eudoavocir to title of Lord Ravolrig. His lerdahip si. Lady Margaret prevail with the Prissce ci Wales to repair to the Scotch Cunningham, only child of Alexander, 10th Earl of Glen. army ; but it e,iuld nit possibly he aoeonspltshod at that cais’n, and heir of line of that aneieat fismily, and had, time, and before the earl reachod the Scottish shore, the s. J,,ames, Visroosst Jfahlssod, whose only child, JANE, mis. mssrdor of Ciiar.ece t. had heoss perpatratcd. Lauderdale Sir Jas. Ferguson, Pt. of Kilkerrass. Hishordship if. V.P. went again to Itisliand, to offer himself heart and deed to is. Cus.oaees, who e. as 6th earl. his new liege lord, fjuuAnLcs II. : he was most gmetoussly iii. John, in the guards. received, and well and truly did ho ever aftorwards servo lie d. 30 Aug. 1710, and was a. by his eldest surviving son, the kissg. In 1640, ChARLes came to Scotland, and the CHARLes, 6th earl. This noblonsan is. Lady Elicabeth carl aceonspaisted hun, lint Dnke hamilton assd Lauderdale Ogilvy, dau. of James, Esrl of Piudlator and Soafiold, lord- were obliged to cssscossl themselves amsssgst their friends chancellor of Scotland, by whom be had, with other issue, for some time after his majesty landed, they being both I. JAsues, his sssceessor. sllsags-eoable to tho Earl of .lrgyll and the Covonausters, is. Charles, svho sss. thrice, and who, sspeis his marriage who then rsslcsh wills powou’ enprome .itor the mtoting of the parhamosst at Stirlissg in 1611, all parties wes’e (ins appearance) hoartily ssnitod us the cersice of his majesty. Dnke Ilamilton and Landordale seemed to have most of the king’s confidence. Landerdsdc continued a close conspaoion of his majesty till the fatal isattlo of Worcester, whore he was taken prisoner, and sent to the Tosvar of Londoss. Tie underwent s severe ronfincmosst of ssisso years. The Rostonstioss in 1660 released hun. The kiss felt for the sufferings of Lassdordalo, ani had the highest sense of his great loarising, assd of isis wisds’sss and kssasolodgo iii affairs sif state ; he hived hun both for his fi’lehity and his ability, and Lauderdale booms; first favourite, and prime minister, lie was sisaslo secretary of state, president of tho osurcil, horitatsie high sheriff 5sf the ca. Edisiburgh, ono of the oxtraerdinary lords sif session, first rommisotossor of the treasury, osic of the lssrds of his ssajesly’s bodehanahcr, lord highs cansnnesiener to the parliamosit, and governor of Edinlsiirgb Castle. Ahssst the same time he tusk Isis seat in that famous eaisinct council 664 LAU the final letter to the word Cabal, fernsed from the initisla Isy patont, to laim assd the heirs sssale of his body a knight of the garter. On the 23 Jusse, 1674, he was created a peer of Essgland, by the titles of Baron Peter- sham and Earl of Guthford, both in the ess. Surrey, by patent, historians, whilst others have heess quite as warm in his could got ins or out lhorc while ho was commissioner, party, was the worst of offences. In the meantinso, all the pasty foul months vented against him the ntnssst obloquy dunce iu with it, though most injus-ions to the character assd lssssour of tlse best and wisest of statesmen that over Rssghand had.” The Desks of Lauderdale os. 1st, CHARLEe, 3rd Earl of Lauderdale. His lordship m. in u. Elizabeth, os James Carmiehaol, 2nd Earl of Hyndfard. with his 1st wife, Isabel Barclay, dais, and beirosa oi Rir Alexander liarehay, of Tosvte, assumed the surnamo and arms of BARCLAY. He had by this lady (whoa in 1761) two sons and three dans., viz., 1 Charles-Mattland, of Tihlycoultry, who so. Miss Hall, of Fhxmossth, and had a son, Charles, in holy orders, rector of Little Lougfsrd, us ilts, whom. 6 Sept. 1519, Anne, don, of Thomas Knott, Req. of Stockland, and if. Dec. 1644, having bad issue a son, CHAnLES BARCLAYOlarru.Amcn, Esq., is’ ivpvees’saphes is lice Eavi’tssa, 6. 29 Sept. 102-3, and a doss., Msria-A sine, whose, the Rev. J.’ Hardsvicks Dyer, vicar of Groat Waltham, and dISH. 2 Alexander, father of Charles, lient. RN., deceased and Isabella, as. to — Coleman, Esq. 1 Jasso, os. 1766, Archibald Ogilvy, Fsq. of Inchmartins. 2 Mary-Turner, so. in 1763, to James Christie, Esq. of Disric, in Fifoshiro. 8 Thargarot, so. 1st, in 1770, to Charles Ogilvy, Req.; 2ndly, to Ihisujer Archibald Eroleisso; and lrdly, to Charles Dundas, Esq , created Lard Amesbnry in 1632. Mr. Barehay-Haitland si. flndly, a dau. of Patrick Haldane, Esq. of Cloueagles; and lrdly, Janet, dau. of Sir Thomas llsnersiffe, Dart. Re d, in 1701.