Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/715

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LAU in. George, in holy orders. iv, Richard, a cot. in the army, who in. an American lady; and dying in 1772, left leone, I John, rear-admiral of the Red, so. let, in 1789, Elizaheth, dan. of Archibald Ggilvie, Eaq. ; and tndly, Dora, dan. of Colthurst liateman, Faq.; 5. e. p. in 1810. 2 Patrick, of Calcutta, and of Kiloaacoo Castle, Fife- shire; in. 1807, Anne, dan. of Coithorat Bateman, Eoq., andleftathia deceaae,in 1820, tweacosaud adau., vie., Frederick-Colthurat, ccl. H. Si. lodian army; 8. at Calcntta, Jan. 0800 ; ia. in 1837, Anna-Ocring, eldest dau. of Stephen Williams, Esq., and baa had iaane, I Frederick-Henry, 8th husoara, 6. ii Doe, 0340 in. 1184, Charlotte-Sarah, eldest slau. of Linnt.-Col. Sleigh, late 77th regt,; 2 George-Thomas, 4lndregt., 8. 22 Dec. 0041; 1 Ellen, it. 1152. Patrick-John, 8. in 1816. Eliea, cc. in 1027, to William-Sterna iteade, Eaq. 3 James, lt.-col. 75th foot, killed at Dhnrtpoce, in 1805. a’. Alexander, a diatingnished military officer, created a Baronet, 30 Nov. 1818. He in. Penelope, dan. of Col. vIm. PatrIck, of Fmngls, 6. in 1734; in. in 1774, Jane-haltland, Madan, and left, witls other issue, Sin ALeXANDcR-CHAeLE5 GIEaocc-S1AITIAND, Dart. (5cc dau., Stary-Turnor, (who it. aged SI, 23 Jan. 1561) aeon, Diet title.) vi. Frederick-Lewis, capt. RN., of ttanlceilonr; as. in 1767, Margaret, dan. ef James flick, and heir of the fancily of Slakgill, and left issue, 1 Chance, 6. in 1769, whs aesumed, upon inheriting the estatea of his maternal family, the surname and arms of MAKoir.L; vs. in 1794, Mary, den. of Dacid Johnsten, Esq., and left at his decease, in 1820, six acns and four dens., vie., Frederick, st. in 1811. David Staitland - Makgill - f’lsriehton, Eaq. of Rankeileur, heir cf line to James Crichton, Viscount Frendranght, 6. 4 Starch, 1001; no. 1st, 7 Ang. 1827, Eleansc-Jnliasi, 2nd den, of the late Thomas Hog, Esq. ef Newliston, by avhcm (whoa. in 1811) he had, Cbarles-Jnlian Maitland-Makgill-Criclaton, Faq. of Itankeilour, 6. 19 Slay, 1828; s. 24 Dee. 1891, Anna- Campbell, eldeet dan. sf the late James-N, Jarvis, ‘ni. John, lieut.-col. of marines, 31.1’. for Iindding;en; Esq., hent. RN, colonial aseretary, and member of the Ssprenae Ccuncil for the island of Tcbago; I. Elizabeth, as. Oat, us 1739, to Jae. Ogilcy, Eaq. of Itotlsic— and it. 22 Jan. 1888, having had issue, David, 6. 24 March, 1814; James-Bertie, 6. 2 Jan. 1856; Wilham-Job II. Stargaret, it. slams. meton, 6. 16 Nov. 1856; amsd a den., Anna- III. Jm:et, no. to T. Dundao, Raq. of Fisgask; it. in 1805. Charles. ThomasHog, 6. 18 June, 1830, it. us 1863. Mary-Stuart, ia. 1 May, 1849, ts Capt. Philip-horatioTswnsend The earl, who sc-ca cue ef the repcreeutative peers in 1741, Somercille, RN. Eleencr-Jnlieu-Ilsg, 5. 11 July, 1844. He ma. Sudly, 2 Dee. 1831, Esther, deu, of the late Dr. representative peers, who in. in 1749, Slacy, mlau. end coheir A. Coventry, of Chanwshl, and by her had. David, 9lndhighlandem, 6.20 Aug. 1841. Andrew-Coventry, 6. 20 June, 1815. Otartha-Cuninghame. Eether-Fcederica, ma. 25 Star. 1809, to Capt. Augustus- n. Thomse (Sir), G.C.D , hiommt.-gen. in the army, governor C. Strode, RN. Janet-Cnningheme, m;m. 1864, to William Olicant, Eeq., ass. William-Sterdauut, gen. in the army, si. 1st, Stacy, barrister-at-law. Mr. Staitland-Makgill-Crichtou it. 11 July, 1821. Jamos, of Weston, co, Fife, 6. in 1006, captain RN., in. let, Emma, ycnngeet dass. of Major Williusg; and Sndly, in Aug. 1840, Fraisces - harriet, den of Gen. Maithaud ma. ludly, in June, 1819, Jane, widow of Richard-Samuel Short, Req. Charles, 6. in 1807. Lewis, 6. in 1811, post capt. RN.; am, 12 Dec. 1841, Henrietta, dau. cf the late Sir John Newbolt, chief- i. Elieabcth, in. to David Gavin, Esq. and cl 1826. justice of Sladras, and has had issue. Henry, 6. in 1813; no. 19 Feb. 1818, Anna, 2nd dan. of mm. Macy-Jullau, am. to Thomas hlogg, Req. ; and it. imm 1799. Jebis Stirling, Esq. Mary, no. to thelatc Dr. George Gsvan, E.I.C.S. Margaret-Louisa, in. to Frederick-L. Roy, Req. ef New- thorn, cc. Roxburgh. Elieaboth, ci. to the late Alex. Meldrum, Esq. of Kinoaple. v. isabel-Anne, me. 1 July, 1793, to Francia Dislssvood, Georgians. 2 James, of Ramersic, cc. Fife, 8. 11 Sept. 1774; who assumed the surname and arms of Tinnier; as. 01 Dec. Hie lordship 5. 17 Aug. 1799, and svae o. by his son, 1813, Margaret, dan. of William Dalgleialm, Keg. of Jcames, 8th earl, 6. tO Jan. 1759, avho u-as created a peer of Scetseraig; and ii. 26 April, 1848, leaving issue, Fredertek-Lewia Slaitland-Heriot, Esq. of Ramernie, the Dsmited Kingdom, 22 Fob. 1800, as Rommrn Lauurnoce.e 6. 6 Feb. 1818; Ca. 3 Oct. 1848, Startha, Ssad den. ef Ttmh’tectnno, en. Becmoick, lIe 1mm. 15 Aug. 1782, Eleanor, of Sir Andrew Agnew, Dart., and has bad isane, I James, 6. 23 Sept. 1849; 5. 11 June, 1838. 2 Andresv-Aguew, 0. 1 April, 1051. 8 Frederiok, 6. 14 Sept. 1812. 4 John do Ccurcy, 6. 1 July, 1854; 5. 10 June, 1115. ANTHONY, 10th earl. 5 William, 6. 20 April, 1820. 0 Ps-suns-Douglas, 6. 26 Jan. 1800. 1 Madeline. 2 Gertrude-Margaret. 1 Elicabeth-Careegie. 4 Slary-Victocia. William, peat-captain RN., 6.3 July, 1819; in. 18 Dec. 1851, Ehzabeth-Kinnear, eldoat dan. of the late Wil11am Eleanor, em. in 1815, to the late James Daifoum-, Raq. of Stark-Dougail, Esq. of Scetacraig, eo. Fife, and Whittiugimeme, Jtonwickahtce, ND. Their dau., Stai’y has asaumed the name of Do unce.c. He baa, William, 4. 12 Oct. 1852; and Frederick, 6. 17 Jan. 1804. Eebert-Wthliam, 6. in 1822; 5. 6 Aug. 1849, 665 :‘ A U Jeines-Mmmkgill, capt. RE., 8. 14 June 1817. Jamss-Isabcll.a. Stargarot-Leuiea, as. to Dr. John Muir, of Edinburgh. Ellea-Ogilcie, us, to Jamss llalfnnr. Esq. Catherine, mum, to James Brewster, Req., hl.E.I.C.C.5. Slary-Tucner, vs. to the hey. A. -J. Cancpbell. Isabella.Louisa, in. to Capt. Henry King, RN., and it. 15 April, 1853. Jenmima-Stary, a. I Sept. 18M. Cbarlotte-Mary,cn. 17 April, 1814, Frederick King, Req. Jassotta-Menrietta. I Frederick-Lewis (Sir), of Lindores Ilemsse, Fifeabice, K.C.II., rsar-admical, 6. ims 1776; an. in 1884, Catherine, dau, of Daniel Conner, Esq. of Dallbriekcn, cs. Cork and 5. 30 Dcc. l818,o. s. ; his widow 5. 6 March, 1861. I Mary-Turner, vs. to Henry-Serymgeour ih’cdderbnrn, Esq. of Wcdderburn, en. Focfar, who it. iii 1842, and Cliii 1051, S Elizabeth. 3 Isabella, as. to Willians Roy, Req. ; who it. in 1821. Connteos of Bathes; and 1787, leacisg, with a John, of Dalgreggan, en, in 1803, Jane, 3rd dan. of Sir William Maxwell, DarL ef Stonreith; aud 5. 20 Slay, 1811, leaving iaaue, 1 l’atniek, of Fmngh, and of Balgcegan, Wigtonahire, J.F. and DL., 6. 20 July, 1804; vs. 23 Cot. 1844, Matilda-Frances-Harriet, 9th dan. of James Duchauen, Eoq. of Craigond Castle, no. Stirling, and /. S April, 1819, having bad, Jehn 6. II Dcc. 1845; Wiliians, 5. 7 Slay, 1814; Patrick, 6. 17 July, lob; and Janet- Evelyn-Sinclair. 2 William, comm. R.N., ml. in 1840. 3 John, cal. R.A., 6. in 1807; am. in 1849, ArabellnJane, dau. of the Rev. Joseph Wright, and has four sans and three daus. 1 Catherine. S Janc-Rethci, vs. in 1846, to Stair-Hathorn Stewart, Eaq, of t’layagtll. 3 Anne, ml. amass, loll. it. unm. iu 1778. nsey; and 2ndly, to Gen. Rebcrt Anotruthor; Kin 1604. it. in 1744, and waco. by hii eldeet son, JAMes, 7th earl, a lieut.-cel. in the army, and one of the of Sir Thomas Lembe, alderman of thc city of London, by whom (who it. in 1789) ke had issue, I. Jseeee, 8th earl. of Stalta and the lonian Islands; it. in 1824. n-tdow of John Travera, Esq. of Fir Cicero, cc. Cock, and dan. of the Rev. Richard Orpen, af Itillowemm (ocr Dunmce’a Enacted Coning), by whom he had ommo surviving son, Sme TuoasAa SIAITLAND, vice-admiral, K.C.D., 111k and pcesem;t EARL OF LAunenoAre. Dalheusie Wathoratenc, Raq., aud dau. of the Rev. Thomnea Walker. Me it. in June, 1841, and Jane Lie widow, il.6 Sept. 1854. In. Hannah-Charlotte, mms. to the llarqueaa of T;voeddale; end it. in 1804. cv. Jane, am. 1st, to Samuel Long, Esq., bretlmecofthelete Lord Fernbocengh; and after his deceaae (in 1808), to Sir William Houstouu, Bert., G.C.D. 80cc ladyship it. in 1i53. Eeq. of ball Place, Rexley, Kent, and it. his widow, 4 Sept. 1898. only dnu. and heir of Anthnmmy Todd, Req., by whom (who 5. 10 Sept. 1836) he had issue, JAsmes, 8th earl. John, cal. in the army, 6.9 Starch, 1789; it. unmmm. mn 1829. Charles-Fox, Sienna, in 1017. Anne, am. in 1807, to EebertFraoem, Eeq. of Torbreck, 00. Inverness, and ci. in 1829. Mnry am. in 1819, to Edward Stanley, Enq. of Cross Hall, Lancashire: tlmeir ascend dau. Augusta, scas cm. 1841, to the Earl of Danicoy. was me. to the Mt. Hon. Itcnry-Aitlmur IIont’oct, of Slmmckrmmae, no, Ihss’cy, SIP., svho ml. 20 Fob, 1566, leaving iasmme.