Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/728

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LEt I. Frances-Christina, in. 23 April, 1862, to the Rev. Edward0 80rgo thUdo, vicar of Itinlct, 4th son of WilliamLacon Chub, Etq if Idinlot Hall, Sati’p. II. Isabella, in. int, 21 Oct. 185°, to Deriab Dotfield, Tsp, N.E. of Norton Hall, Northamptcoshire, and Hoj t la Court, Salop, wh’ it. 7 Aug. loft (see B; RItE’S L’,o t,d Oesitry) an 1 2nd 7’, 18 Aug. 1 Ciii, to Alfred Seyiiioor, Eoq., hip., nd on ef lftnrv Seymour, Eoq of Knoyle Devon, (si IdcnKr’s Los’?, ‘ Giolvy.) III Charlotte. iv. Margaret. Ulllrar. TOTILUS rio LET0N,wlloec name appears tn Domeoday-Dook ac a land5d roprhtor hi tl eta. satop, grandfatho’ of SIR TITUS UI l.zuuo ‘ci, kni ,f the Sepulchre, who on iii. (torcdct, rnct. in ho’ oflmlv. his return from the tIc .y Land, is a jotut founder of the abt’ey of lhitldcva,, to “ i op. lbs en, SIR Rn ci no to L’ utia,’ae, Nut., had a reeonveyanee Sin E’ln’ard ci. in 1711, and waa a, by bin only surviving from Willi in Fitz All. c, scot after the Conquest, of tho I ‘n b his first lady, manor of I., ight u aod from L cii d’’szeti’bod Jotoci LoIOIITOO, Lvi. of Strot Oh, nbc was thrice high- II. SIR Er’w.onn, F. in 2601. This gentleman in. 1st, sheriff ot ehropshue in the rv;gu of n IV., and Rachel, dau. of Sir W. Fore. tcr, of Wathug Stroet, Salap, obtained the manors of Watleobotough and Cardeoton (still and gvantdan., maternally, If James, 3rd Earl of Salisbury, in the pease c,t, ic of the faa,i y), Lyre.’ rriagc with Ancborel, by wht’ea be had, witL other issue, dan. and a ‘-heir (by Jane, dan. and heir of Sir William II, Italitvoilc. F. 1717; s,, tnnr. den. if Ca1clain Smitl,, and bad, Clopt’n, hit. ‘1 Cl’ plen), of S.c J,’hn do Ilurglc, Lord of Mawddwy, in )lcrioliolh, sn of Sir Hugh de Bnrgh(dertvod from the eciobrote,l pot’ etarv, Hubert do Burgh, Earl of Kent, temp. King Jn’is). liy Elizabeth, sister and heir of Foulk, L5 rd of Man d’lwy, geaaadonn of William, living 17th Enwonn I., 4th son of ioi’fth up Gwenw-ytawyli, Prince of PswyoD enn3nwyn (ste tittianes of Oioevclso; Buaste’s baited Ge,ilc,). lay this lady (derived from the regal line ‘‘t’ Pea, ‘ be bad a son, bin oueaonoar, Sin Tnoat to Li iHuToci, who was knight ol the body to Ileanv VII., ant was one of the chief commanders in the army soot cvi r ti Fr,snee, ill the beginning nf that reign, in aid of the t n 0 of il, otagne a, ainst the Fienris lnonareh he wao also en1og-od in the wars of Hewnv VIII., when be hal the honour if being made knight-bannocat un tar the king’s seen tamer din1 layed in the royal army, his majeoty t’oing p:-oannt, for his a-al air and conduct at the battle of bpnra. This Sir Thomas repro-onted the ci’. of Salvp in pavhasasnn’. in the reigns of Ilsawnv VII, and Heanv VIII lIe o.. the dan. of Li rd Ferrevs of Chartley, and widow of Sb Richard Corb,t, Knt., and dying in 1519, n’as a. by his son, Joust LLICIITON. eoqnire of the 8 eidy to Iioxnv VIII., and, towards the close of that reign, Inomber br Salsp in the ‘i parliament Iben held at Blnchfriarn. He was z. by his son, SIR Enwar,n LLn.nTsae, St P. limp. EoIzanvTn, and one of her SI ‘jesty’s privy council, wh i was a. by his son, Tilsuas Ls,InnTi’N, who ni. Elizabeth. dan. of Sir William Gerrard, lfpt., lerd-rhanreller of Ireland; and dying in the I. Datbel, is. to ‘lle?nans Jenkins, Esq. 42nd Eotz.sozrts, was s. by his non, R000nT Leinurux, who vi. Anne, 2nd dan. of Sir Edward Sir Edward so. Iudly. Judith, dan. of John Elwick, Esq. Deverena, B’n’t. of tactic liranawich, in Warwieksbire, and of Slil’ End, direeli’i’’if the lion, Favt Iufi 0 Conipa.ny from dying in 1625, we’ a. by his san, Itnwonn L’ur,uoaa-, who ,. Abigail, dan. and heir nf issno. He iS. in 1726, and woos-by his elder aurviving son, William Stephens, Est. of Shrewebury, atid dying in 1632, 111. SIn Cu.snoTaN, Thio gentlenaamlm. 1st. Anna-Maria, was s. by bin san, liseenT LalanTon’, Esq. SIP. for Shrewobury at the his soife, l.etitia Oiven, sister and s b heir of Themaa reotoratien of t’uonLr.s II., who in. Gertrude, dan. of Owen, Esq, of Condovor), and bad issue, E’lward Baldwin, Loq. of Diddlzb’nry, as. Salop; and dying ill 1689, waco, by Lie son, I. Enav.ano hetu ; am, Esq. of Watlosbsrangb, SLiP. for Esq. of Nil los’, amad sytla grand mother of Snropshire. who van eosated a Baronet I Slareb, 16’.i2. Sir Edward ci. lot, LI, ‘vothy, dan. of Sir Job Cloarltons, lInt. and Ban. of Lndfe,d, as. Hereford, by wham (who it. in III. Aanatcolla, to. Is tVi’tiam Ct,ilde, Log. of Itbalet. 1668) ba bad issue, gnwaan, We maccoo, r. Job, F. in 1682; d in 1784. Lattice, it. ninn, ia 17:9. Us in. 2odiy. in 1733, Jane, d,iu. of Danial Nicboll, Esq. of sueeceded as tib baronet, and otben eblldren ; ef whom London, ana by hat lady had, ‘, Lianiol, i. in I Ott 1; lii nt-cc’’, of t,”ls. Evann’a rochnenl of of marine’, ci. in 1780, and antics, by his eldoet son, horse. lIe in. .15110, tao. of Ntiti,a, lot l’lci,rol,l, L05. of lice IV. SIR Cn.ontvscs, SIP. fin Sbnewsbuny, anha dying city of Line’ ‘Ia ao’t dying ill I ti Is ft, i alec alice, a son coo,, in 17°C, tt,e title dovnlved upon bin balf-bnstlmen, and notevni,l, lleeeeaT. captain in tile army, rot “elstlelllan—nnt,or to in 17,0 mb’ it. ivitbi ut is,.tte in 1618, svben the baronetcy Fvod,’riet-. brine,’ of Wale’ lit. or ii 0’ cease 111.). tIe ni. harriet, clan, of llv,a’ ‘4 i ma, 1’. . of AsnetiForpo ii, novented to hits kiaonv in (eofer tim dsoeendants of Baldwin, Norfolk, 1,3’ Elizat,elll, ciii, ol its’.. cmii es—bob’ of J,’l,o Ilcd t’aronot’s 2nd oooa), Lw,’ rot, ltsq., toil hail 15011’’. Fa,ooo,o, in holy’ tinier, is I,o as. 71 is— (‘tare, sistvr ant Anna, Aol. of the Ice’-. W’dlians, notion of Edgmsnd es—heir of ,tohn—i’,veclsa itlcco,i, 1 tD’I,llclonweric, to. III S olop, i,ut that lady ,I, n’i,hsnt isoue ; clvi Ondly, in Verb, veil lied an only ehil’l, Fea-mls-KavveaT LelanTon, Liq., liont.-colsnel of militia; “lion. Louise-Anne, dan. of Viscount Done- whsm he had an only son, BsLnsvIm, pnesettt baronet. 6Th LEI raile; and it. in 1834, leaving, wilL tnt dons. one son, l’a,mcio KOYOETT Lotanvaix, D.D., folanerly fellow, coo’ ,varclvn, of All Souls t’ollogv, Oxford, of hcitlas— Ic’, oo.3boatg’’mer. Ic. 2 Jac; , lath; oc. 21 Feb. lot;’, b’a’llvni,co, clan, of lIce H z. a;tst Des’. James ,S;. Logo’r, 3rd son vf Si. Logee, 1,1 Visonnnt l ,norciilo, 11111 lloo lImb h’tce, I Francis-St. Leger-lonyceit, I. 27 Aug. 1858? ii2 5 Ang. loSS. - 2 Ctlal’co’-,trttaur Dahctn’ia-Itnyvett, F. I Nov. 1184. I Lo,.isa-Cntherino-h’lcmra. 2 Caroline-AlIce-Jane. n. Francis. F. ill 1686; lieu-awn, in tIle amty, aod ted. ef tOo 72Ic,t to’oioiont of foot ; as. I tree,, ilcon. of CIIal’leI Pin— fcclcl, Eec1. ; and ‘I. ill 1773, Icac log 11011, 1 t’lno’lotto, who it. uoi’i. 2 F canoes, mc. to Sir itnoti-Wlule’ibrd DaImhaclche, Dart. Into, to. 1 it, Ii, ‘IBonicis Jones, Itol. ; a;lil ladly, to Sir CIccirl,’o Lt,’v’t, F-ill. t. CRARLTON, Ins oc eteosor. I lfdivar,t, F. ill 1742; it. e.g. ill I’th. I Itsousolci, coils a. as fIb lit “0,101. 3 ‘I’lnclnas, F. ill 17211 I,ccl,,icv—_oneral io the S. I. Co.’s sors ito t on. Marc -Lonisa, “in, i4 Captsin Ev’erott. g, I. Co.’s service ‘1. 22 Slay, tS’ 0, loavilcg a ion, F’rancis, F. 5 Lace, 18811 in holy onIons, rs’elor of Calotiolvo, Salup; sobs ‘it. i’d rob. 1029, t’atl,oni,io, Ion, of Fanlmlel-Amy Soverlle. Enq. of Thceicforot, 00. Novthaatplon, soil Wallop Hall, ,Salop, slid coo tcact il.SllO, Francis-do hurtS, F. 4 Sole. 1831. Charlton-Thomas, F. 27 Slay, 1836; a Iteut. 59th eegt.; 8. 28 Slneob, l°63. Charles-Sos orno, F. 22 Nov. 1S37; cl 22 July, 1058. Eiln’ord-W illlaln-Furenler, F. 1811cc. lFit, an oHter 9th rogiiiient. I.ou;ni-Aen. EmmaVictonia. 4 Frccnei’, t. in 1757’, ci. in tots. S tlui’nS, F. in 1765; nc, Jane, dint. of tl’c 21ev. Thomas lb ilnie, of ttinstaeloa-, I,allvaollire ao’t ii. in 1036. 6 Forester. F. in 1765 t in t,ola ovctors in. llellcsria, dan. ef Gee. ilal’clay ; and 5. 12 Stay, lot?, leaving Iwo ones, Forester-tin on, osojor in the arlny ; in. I Juno, 1617, SUry, olcto,l daa. of the late William Whaleloy, Enq. of W’aniboooniali, en. Stafford, alcd Ilas ae only ollild, Honoria— Slary t ltaldcvtr-Fr.ancis. 31. ct. ill usia- erderst Sn. I Slareb, ltt, Sacatic Catlcerino, elitist dan, sftlae late Sir B. Hughes, Fiarl,, which lady ii. 21 June, 1464. I M.cry, oS ba 1771. 2 Anno, In. to the Rev. Tlcomos Itolmo; and ci. s.p. 1820. 3 ItacIcol, it. ill 1757. 4 Eninla, it. in 1635. I Viel’ieia, 0,. to 11,0 Dcv. F’rancis Leigbloa t but 5. s-p. in 1815. 6 tWlin,la, 5. in 1034. 171St,’ 175’), an I relict of t’aptain Thna,its, but t’y her had no dan. of Richard 9lytlon, Esq. of Haisten, Shraptbtre (by I. CzsnLaeN, Ills snerosson. ,, .tnnc,-Slania, heiress of Conitovor ; so. to Ninllolas Smytlle, Fun’ sen-0’loLl,na, t-.siy’onv.-Gwes, Log, of Chndoa’en. (See 1;otsee’s Landed Gent vp-I II. htonar, iS. nasa. Sir Chanltsu ci. lndly, 12 Oel. 1731, Emn,a, eldest dan. of Sir Itobont halIde, Bert,, by when, he bad, Rueeax, who Linus,, ni. John Csnhet, Esq. Sic Chaniton, who was major V. Sin Itoeeux, 0. in 1715 ; high-nherifi’ of the co, Salup VI. Sin G.sonwrco, F. 15 Jan. 1747 ; mIst, in Slay, 1710, N”v. Insi, Sbanganett’s-L’ ui’s-Anne, 2nd cl:su. of Sin JohnTllonlas St’clcley, Dart, of Aldovley l’csrk, Cheshire, by