Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/733

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LE1 who d. 11 Feb. 1857. Ho etc. 2ndly, 24 April, 1861, Hnncraggy, en. Clare; bnt dying without issue, was s. by Eliza-Caroline, only child of Thomas Tod, Eoq. of hoe brother, Drygrange, NB., and by her has a dan. Ittizczigc. Prom WILLIAM LEITO, lord-provost of Edinburgh in 1350, Ireland. This gentleman Os. i Jan. 1729, Hannah, eldest the direct descendant, in the senior line, Some LrITn, Esq. of Lcith Hall, left, with other children, Roseor, his heir. Leases, of Leith Flail, ancestor of Ihe J,Errsss of Leilh Hall, Hens-y-Theopbilus, lient.-eol. of the (79th rcgt., H.P., m, now represented by Sir Andrew Leith-Hay, and of ehe Lorries go’ l1lenkiaci’ and Freefield. ALexxressea. The yennger eon, ALeXANDra Lena, Esq. of Eneharne, grandfather of ALexANnea Leira, Esq., who so. Hargaret, dan. of Walter HENRY-JOnN CL5MONTO, H.P., S. 1701, ee. 0911, Louisa, Halkot, Esq. of Cairnstono, and was e. by his eldest son, ALEXANDFa LE5TN, Eeq., provost of Aberdeen. This gentleman was slain while commanding the artillery at the battle of Havannah, in 1763. He so. Anne, widow of John Elicabeth, m. to Francto, liii Lord Conyegham. MUst, Esq., by whom he left a dan., Anne, so. to LucineFerdinando Hannah, es. to Sir George Hontgomee’, Bare. Cary, eldest eon of Lneins-Charlee, 6th Visconni Catherine, so. to Eyre, lot Lord Clarina. Palkland, and a son, I. ALEXMeDLR-CFIAOLE5-GeOROE Lenn, Faq., lisnt.-col. Hr. Clements was e. at his deccase by his eldest ann, of the 50th foot, who was creatod a Baronet fI Nov. 1773. Rancor GarMeNTs, F,oq., who was olovated to the peerage Mesa. Margaret, eldeet dan. of Thomas Hay, Esq. of Hnntiogden, of Ireland, 11 Oct. 1793, as Baron Leitrioo, ef Macer Ilaoniltea. a senator of the college of Justice in Scotland, and I hadissne, Geesoe-ALrxAaDra-WsLLsaao, lad baroret. maims, who ci. yenng. Sir Alexander C. in Jamaica, 3 Oct. 1700, and was s. by his NATsOANIrL, late earl. eldest son, II. Sin 000aoe.ALexANnen-WILLIAM, NUB., major-gen. Elicahcth, Long l(ttt,.n, 22 lIce. 152’. in the army, who on. 10 Dee. 1750, Albinia, yonngest-dan. Lonisa, C. ease. 2 Hay, 1530, ef Thomas-Wright Vaughan, Req. ef Iloolsey, in Surrey, Caroline, cc. 27 Hay, 0503, to John-Thomas, 2nd Viscount and by her (who ol. 2 Feb. 1942) had, with two ans., who Sydney; ci. 9 Ang. 10s10. beth ii. seam., ALEXANOES-WeLLE5LEY-WsLzsAM, 3rd baronet. Geerge-Gordon-In-owne, 5. 30 Jan. 1812. William, ci. leaving by his wife, Sarah, don. of Stephen de United Kingdem, in loll. He sa. Mary, eldoot dan. and Laney, Req., a son, Gordon, aol tlsree dane. Sir George 35 jan. 1842, and was o. by his eldeet eon, p III. Sin AL5XANDEa-WELLESLEY-WILLIAM, 5. 30 Oct. 1900, Hebert-Hermbagbam, Lord f’Iesaesofs, H.P., 0. in 1005; ci. who cc. in Oct. 1830, Jemima, 2nd dan. of Hcctor-Macdonald WoLLsAae-SvoNev, present earl Huchanan, Eeq. of Roes, co. Dnsnbarton; and ci. CssAaLee-SKcersevoroN, 5.001007; late a capt. in the army. 5 April, 1512, leaving isanc, Gnonoe-Hecron, the pinseist George-Robert-Arson, RN., C. ones. 2 Dee. 1037. baronet; James, lient. 92nd regt., ci. at Gibraltar, its7; Francis-Nathaniel, us holy orders, vicar of Norton, Durham sad John, capt. Olndregt. C,-entiea—31 Nov. i773. Arms—Or, h oross-erosslet, filchde, King, of Longliold, cc. Tyrone. aced has by her (who of. sa., between three crescents in cinef, and as many lecenges in Anne; Caroline, rn 0 Oct. 1S’i4, to John Madden, Esq. bsee, gis. t’resl—Os a wreath, a lion, paosant, go., charged en f lliltoa Park, cc. Hcnoghau Elicahetli-Emily; Lcsoa. the body wilh three models, in fesse, or. Seot—llorgh SI. Frances; Seitna-Charlotis; and Ilary-Florenee-Edith. Peter’s, Norfolk. IL E I T It I 31. LEITUIH, EARL OP (Ytlliam-Sydnoy Clomonts), Viscount Leitrim, and Baron Leits-hn, of Manor Hamilton, in the peerage of Ireland; Baron Clomonte, of Kilmaerenan, en. Ijonogal, in that of the United Kingdom; lient..col. in the army; 5. in 1806; s. his father, ae 3rd earl, 31 Dcc. 1854. IL iitt;igc. This family settled in Ireland some time in the reign of Jesse I. Ronear Cs.easeesrs, Req., dopnty vice-treasurer of Ireland, i Hreoov-Hetoss, 1. 13 Fob. 1039. as. Miss Sandfos-d, and was s. by his eldest eon, The Rronr lIoN. Tnnornsena CLEaIENTO, lip, for the so. F’rancis-Chns’les, S. iso 1043. borough of Cavan, and teller of the Exchequer in Ireland; s. Helen-Augusta. cc. Emma-Mary, ci. 5 Feb. 1021. who ci. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Francis Horton, Req. of Sir Denis is Chief Clerk to the Ilonoo of Commons. 683 IL E 31 Ties Esonv Hose. NArnasoseL CLesonwrs. H.P., also one of the tellers of the Excheqnor, and, upon the decease of the Highe lIon. Luke Gardinar, deputy vice-treasurer of dan. of the Very Mar. William Gore, dean of Down, and had, let, in 1770, Mary, dan, and heir of Gen. Webb, by whom he had, Harriott, sa. to Wm.-Menre iloddor, E.sq.; and Maria, ,os. to Very Rev. Dean Keatinge. Ho oo. Sndly, 1773, Catharinc, eldest dan. of the ilight lien. J olin Ileresford; and ci. 1795, leaving issue by her a dan., St hoc, so. to Sir Wm. Mimer, Hart.; and two eons, of whtm the elder, Ccl. dan. of James Stewart, Req., of Killymnon, and ,1. 1043, leaving. with three surviving dane., alsO O. the present Lient.-Col. Henay-Tnenrnstus CLEMEnS, of atehfoeld Lodge, co. Cavan, J.P. and high-sheriff 1049. Alicia, sit, to Ralph Goro, Earl of Ross. His lordship was advanced to the Visrcunlp e,floitrim, 20 Dec. 1793, and created EARL CF Lnsraoas, 9 Oct. 1792. He en. H May, 1765, Elicabeth, dan. of Clotwos-thy, 1st Earl of llassareene, and by her (who ot. 29 Hay, 1007) had. Eobert-Clotworthy, ltent.-cel. in the goanle, ci. July, 1520, The earl ci. 27 July, 1004, and wae e. by his con, NAvnANICL, 2nd earl, K.P., 5. 9 Hay, 176o, created Berea Clemesel,, efKilmoer,sseo, ee. Dessegal, in the peerage of the co-heir of the late William Herminghem, Req. of Ress hill, cc. Galway, by whom (who il. 2 Fob. lab) he had issue, uaas. 24 Jan. 1030.; en. in 1528, Choirctto, dan. of the Rev. Gilbert 25 Oct. 1008), Ecbort-I3ermingbam; 5. 9 March, 1047; Maria, m. 24 July, 1820, to the Hon. and Rev. EdwardSonthwell KeppolEhicabeth-Victoria. - Caroline, m. 21 March, 1933, to Jcho-Ynyr Hnrges, Req. of Parkananr, cc. Tyrone, and Rasthaso, Essex. The Earl of Leitrim, lord-lieutenant and cuetos-retulorom of the cc. Lsttrim, cssetcs-rotulm’um of 1ionrgal, colonel of its mhitia, a trustee of the linen-manufacture, and port- searcher at Dublin, d, 51 Dec. 1554. Creaiiens—Earon, 11 Oct. 1783. Viscount, 20 Dec. 1793. Earl, 6 Oct. 1703. Haron of the United Kingdom, 1031. Arm,—Qnarterly 1st and 4th, ar. two bends, wavy, sa. en a chief, go., three becante, Sir CLean no; 2nd and 3rd, per pale, indented, or and gn., for Beaaesaonaas. Crest—A hawk, ppr. Sapparlcre’—Dexter, a buck, pmr., in ite monlh atreteil; sinister, a bock, ppr., plain collared,cr. Jlelle— “Patrlis virtotibus.” Seas Lcngh flynn, co. Leitrim and Kiliadoco, Xi ldare. LE MARCHANT. LE MAlIGnANT, Sia Deais, BarS, of Chobham Place, en. Snr. rey, so erected in Ang. 1841; 5. 3 July, 1795; too, 9 Jan. 1835, Sarah-Elieg, 4th dan. of the late Charles Smith, Eeq. of Snttone, en. Eeeox,foimorly 51.1’. for Weetbury, and father of the Into Sir Charles Smith, BarS., and has,