Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/737

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LEY LEV The 2nd son, Ste HonEar MELVILLE, of Murdoearney, on his roturn Jaer, sc 9 Nw. I 77, to lice late Sir .1 ,d,e-W ill_rI Maw), from Frauoo, whoro ho hold some offiolal elnph’ymonto, was sworn of the privy council of Scotland, and aooreelited Slary—titieabells, c. to ,Ja,,Ies, 5th L’ rd Rullcs ccc, and ‘I. in ambaooador to England in 1562. In 1567, ho had a charter of the hereditary offloe of keoper of tho palaoo of Linlithgow, Clcarlohtr, ci. sass, in hell. and was sont a eceond time ambassador to England, in Hto lnrdslitp, lcigh.comncbssii-nes’ tc, tcc f’,ecc. cal Asseccihhy 1507, to ondoavonr to pttvont tho execution of Moev Queon freln 1105 to lSOi, ‘I. icc Ilid, a, I cv is s. is: Icc s dv t 01,11, of Sooto; whioh duty ho disoharged with oo ncnoh h ldnoos ALEXANDEn, itic aol 6th carl. 1,. 7 N ev. 71”; ,o. ccc 17 4, before the oounetl, that ELIzAoern menaced hie life. and Jane, rhsn. of Joim Tbercat,.n, l.e4. (if 1.; cekc, al,d by tier would havo imprisoned hisa, hut for tho infiuenoe of his (who ,t. 13 gob, 191 sj hail i—mo, colleague, the master of Gray. In 155), when lord Thirlestacse, the chancellor, went to Denmark on the affair of the 11, ,I0IIN-TI5ORNT,N,prt’sOst earl. king’s marnage, Sir Robert wae appointed vice-chancellor 111, Willtecu-Ilcury, Ii. 19 Slay, 17SC1 direct ir lIeu, E.I.C., ci. and treasuror-dnpnte; and, in 1591, he wee ronetitutrd an extraordinary lord of Session, under the title of Lord Mardoearnie: sv. lhc,hcrrl—Sacacucl, icc lIsle’ ‘eclers ; 1. 24 fbI. 1—1,1. from this judicial office be retired in favour of his V. Alrx,cn,ler, of llr;,rstc,s Iball, r, ,. l,iee, Icc. h. I ,tllIlc, I l9 eon, in 1601, and was elevated to the peerage, Sit April, 1616, as Barsn M bills, u,f Mesyn.o ill, with special remainder. in default of his own male issue, to the hoire male of his brother, J0IIN, &e. His lordship ci. in 1621, at the ago of 91, and was o. by his only son, RonEax, 2nd Lord Melville, who had been constituted an extmordtnary lord of Session, in 1691, under the devtgnatien of Lord liurntisland. This nobleman ektahsed a charter from Cuxnnes L, dated Esgohot, 10 Aug. 1617, of the barony of Monymaill, and the dignity of Lor’l .5! ‘sysce ill, with reversion to his heirs general bearing tLe onrn’cmr acsd arms of MELViLLE. His lordship ci. e. p. 9 March, 1615, when ho was o. by his cousin, JouN MELVILLE, of Raith, as :;rd lord (refer to JonN, oldest son of Sir John Melville, of Raith, tether of the first lord), who m, Anne, eldest dan. and ce-heir of Sir George Erskine, of Innertiol, a lord of Session; and dying in 1641, c. Lucy, ic, 14 July, 1924, to I lenry S,ailh, Req., soc of Samuel was s. by his elder son, GEoaoE, 4th Lord Melville. This nobleman was involved in the rehellien of the Picks of Monmouth, hut had the Is. Jane-Elicohvtlc, a. 13 Gel. 1016, so the Isle Fraarts Pym, good fortnae ta effect his escape into Holland. Rio estates III. Mary-Anne, ,.i. in 1522, teAheb Sniilh, Esil., 51.1’., aelIcrw were consequontly forfeited by act of attainder in 1605; but returning to England with Ring WILrIAM, his lerdohip was His lordship ci. 22 Fob. 1520, an’l v--ass. hylns eldest son,1 fully reinstated in fortnne and dignity on the success ef D tvsa, 9th and 7th carl, wh’c was a cc preecictativo peer, that prince, with the additional honeurs (.3 April, 169e) of ,‘etired rear sdnural tIN.; ho was 5. 2_ Juno, h7°1: and m. Lord Batik, 2l.tessyiaaill, unit .Bat eceacie, hisocual eflirkaldis, 21 June, liai, Ellaahoth-Anlco, dcn. ef Sir Arehilcald Campbell, and EARL or MELVILLE. Lord Melville, 5cc. in 1615, lady Catherine Leslie, dan. of Lord lialgonis, and gs’anddan. s. Alexander, Vise-cit B,’lge ‘‘c, nl,cjer ill the srr.y, Eat. of of the renowned General Alexander Leslie. created 11 Oct. 1041, Barsa Balgonie and Ems, or LEvEN (me Acres, Learn); is, David-Archibald, 5. 14 lId. I a’S; 5 20 Get, I .94 by this lady he had, ALEXANDER, Lord Raillc, tressurer-dernie of Scotland; d. before his father, s.p. DAVID, of whem presently. James, of P,algarvie Margsrel, cii. Lord Balfeer of Burleigh, sad was Tsolber of an ss. Susan-Lacy, lady of the bedtllamt cc to 11Db. lbs only dsu. and heir, Mary, wife of Major Alexander Bruce, of In. An-Maria, e,. at Parts, 26 Aprd, lOPS, to Ocr Wcllcam Kelmet. The earl d. in 1707, and was s. by his eldest surviving son, DAVID, as 2nd Earl of Melville, who eventually inherited Iv. Emily-Eleanor, sc-SO MawR, I cf 4, to Jsha-G.-C. Hamilton, as 3rd Earl of Leven. His lordship cc. Anne, dan. of James Wemyss, Lord Ilnrntislsnd, by Margaret, Countess of His lordship ii. S Get. 1560, assd was n. by his brother, Wemyss, and was s. by his gmndson, DAVID, 4th Earl of Leven and 3rd Eac’l of Melvllle, who JouR TuCRNTCN, as 9th and prssont EARL OF MELVILLE, el. a youth, in 1729, when the heneuss reverted to his uncle, ALEXANDEO, 5th and 4th earl. This nobleman was ene of the ordinae’y lords of Session, one of the representative peers in 1717, and high commissioner to the church of ILilltulgt fit 1tfIfV, tarN tiC ILfi.lfll. SooOand from 1741 to 1753. Mo cc. let, Mary, dau. of Cot This family is a branch of the vrry ancient ant historic house Erokine, of Camot. by whom he had an only son, DAVID. of Lesly er Leslie. Earls of Rot hes. He sa, 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. of David Monypenny, Eoq., WILLIAM LEOLET, who fieurtshed in the reign of Ring and had by her, Js.ama II. and ill., goi charters uader lice Oreal Seal of the Alexander, a general officer, whose only child lmds and barony of llal,,allain, Ar., and left (sith several other Mary-Anne, sa, 15 June 1707 John liutherfard Eaq. ef son.;), ALEXANDER, who surceeded him, and carried on the line Edgarstown. ‘ , ‘ of tics family of Balqnba’m, and WILLTAIL, from whom was Anne, Countess of Nortbesk. lineally descendod, Betty, Countess of Itopetoun. ALEXA.DEE LE5LEY of lOicunvie, who left issue iwo sons, Mary, sd. to James Walker, Esq. ALEXANDER, who succeeded hisis in the lands of Kininvie, and Ths earl it. 2 Sept. 1745, and was s. by his older son, Grosur 7 rsun of tlrts,clsnldr, che I , Slary, ‘lace, of — DAVID, 6th and 5th earl, 5. 4 May, 1722; who vs. in 1717, Stewart of Elleewie, by wile-ne Ice hal a can, Willisimina, dan. of William Niabet, Esq of Dirleten, by (ruaut LE5L!, a brave a biter, whu lie’1 the command of lice whom (who ci. in 1790) he had issue, garrison lathe castle of lilair in tics rc’ign ‘f EiI,g J,asms 11.1 ALEXANDER, his successor. he a. Anne, dan, of — Stewart of Ilalleelcln, Icy soiled he had Wslliam, 5Ll officer icc the arucy, kllled ice the American war, a son, in 1777. Scn ALEXANDER LE5LES’, one of lbs most no’cd soldIers ,sf David, a gen. in the army; sIc, 16 Jan. 1707, Rebecca, dan. of Ilia lime, renlaaleable for his eeolnrss ;cscd rosc.’:e, aod his ehe Rev, John Gtliies, tIll.1 and it. s. p. 21 Get, 1070. great kneic ledge in lbs nsililary art. Lc sic y first crIed as a John, a l;eut.-gen. in IRe army, 0. 20 Nov. 1719, who, upon veducdrrr in Lord Vere’s regiment in It--Iland, s-i crc he soon ofTCccmingEsi0assnmedtbesurc’ameofCucssvu’ rese to 11cc degree of a calclacis. lie Ibm went 10 sweden, and 4. s.p. tn lOad, entered into the soreme ef t,rsvavrs AneLrc,rs, ned behaved George, 0. 21 April, 1760; a. 27 Nov. 1802, Jaeemina-Gcr- so gallantly, Ilsot that warlike monarch raised hun to the rank 6S7 emde, enly clan, of Wtlliaec.Jaeid; Van dcr f raacl, and left at his decease, oil, Slarelc, IsIS, as ‘“dy doe., SI ire t’hrirtiona. hart. ; lied 1. 21 lIes. toS9, lob, I, tlavsn, Ohic acid itte c,srl. O April, lsS6. sc IS Get, I nba. t’hacluttr, dais. ccf tIe me s-,cescc’I Scsi,llt, Esq., 31.1’., and Ict005 ci the late Lord Carricca’ ci, by whem Ice lies Icad bode, I Alexander-Ssnene], 0. tO Jccis, li-SO; s’. 50 5i’pI. 1t58, Alt,teia—i’ranres, a’attcigcsl lou. ci I carIes. cit ‘iscs;tsn Stidletci;,, acssl Ices, Ilc,cccia—L I rOll lcAhlicita—l1arrie Llccy—Victeria ; and I. htic—lLcry. 2 W’tllcanc—David, 0. 5 Jell, loll; and 1. in I ‘cm. 3 Ileery, 0. 14 1 cr1. loll; soil ci. icc 1,40, 4 Charles, 5. 21 lvi’. less. 0 Fredorcek-Al,el. I-in Sept. Is-IS. 6 Arlhnr-Flenry, b. Ii SI arch, tell. I Cliarlelce-Elleaheth, u , 2 Slay, le66, to William-Elphiuclone Slaleeln,, llsq. of llar,lii;,s, ibieitc’tee—ttire’. 2 Marianne, cc, 27 Jan. 1552, to gusncis-Brown Douglas, Esq., a4voeale of Edinburgh. S Cac’oline. 4 Leccy-Suphia, v. 25 Gel. lea?. to the 01ev. Ileery Wc’ight. 5 Easily. 6 L aim. Smith, Esq., SIP., and ol the late Lard t’arringlon, and it. 2111cr. 100s. En1, of The hands, Bcdfordshirc, ;,ed 0.25 April. loIS. of lice late Lord Carriciglocc; aic,l ci. in I 524. Dart., and by her (who ‘1. 6 Nrv, 1°f ) had i°°ne, the Legion of Honour, 0. 15 Nov. 1s41: 5. 29 Aug. lS7. s. Elizabeth-Jane. ,.,. 2 Nov. 1°55, to Tts-niav-hl.-P,. LeslieSlelvillr—Cactwright. llsq., sea ot lice talc Sir F. Cartwright, CCII., and has had AleNauci, r-William, ,t. an iniant 24 Sept. I i-OS, and a dan. Princess Christian, , Stirliug-Slaxwell, Dart, Esq. of Daleell, Lauarlsohire, late rapt. 2nd life guards, and has a son, 0. 24 Slay, l60; and twe dons. und aloe as 9th EARL OF LEVER.