Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/743

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LIL dan. of Ambrose Iloihech, Esq., of Stollinglon, co. Warwick, by whom ho had, THOMAs, hio successor, with two other sons and three dons.; of whom Anne as. Andrew lull, of Court of lIill, Salop. He as. 2sdly, Elizabeth, don, of Sir Philip Medowo, Kni., and by thai lady hod a son,’, so. Isabella, only child and heir of Ricisard Lybbe, Esq. of Hardwick, and by her had three sons,, his heir; Thomas, ill Issly orders, dean of Canterbury, sf osa:o.; and Richard, d. z. p. The oldest son, PH5LIP-LYBBE P,,wvs, Esq, of Itardwiclc, .s. his father io Iv. Cbarleo, tiN., 6. 22 June, 1784; d. 11 Aug. 1804. 1778 he so. 1762, Caroline, only child and hoiross of John v. ltem-y, cspt. 93rd regt., si. of his sssnnde in cite attack Girle. Esq. of Beenbam, Ilerks, and tnt (with a dan.. Caroline-Isabella, as. to the Her. Edward Cooper, roctor of s. Eleanor, 55. in 1886, to the Plan. sssd line. RiohardHrssoo Hamslall Ridware, co. Stafford) two sons, PHILIP-LYBBE, of whom presently, and Thoroas, in holy orders, rector of Fawley (who m. Elizabeth Palgrave, by wlsom he had Thomas-Arthur, so. Anste Young; Rraosby-William, or. v. Saphia, ri. asnO. J twsne. Ellen tloorc ; James-Msrelt-Covenlry, s’s. Fanny-Maria Belden Fhihp — Anneolcy, 01. 1st, Mary Morphett, and vs. •L7s:isa-Oorotia, as. 3 Slarch, 104s, to ll:e late t4cv. 2ndly, Caroline Erockmon; George . Honry - Norseas;; Looisa-Stary, so. to J. Shrisnpton, Eoq.; Catherine-Jane, as. to S. Lane, Esq.; Angssstu-Eiizabeth, so. Ia the Rev. Ito ‘1. 26 Jan. 1800, and woos, by Isis eldest son, Dr. A-N. Skctchley; Frances-Charlotte, as. to I-i. S:nitls, Toessas, 2nd boron, 6. 8 April, 17731 srhe a. S Dee, 1737, Esq. ; Elizobeth, as. W.-G. James, Esq.; Caroline, a. to Hrnnietta-31 aria, oldest don and ce-heir s:f lisbon- Vernon Ndword-J. Murray, Ew1.) The elder sass, PnsLsP-LyesE Posvxs, Esq., of Hardwick, so. in 1780, Atisertoss, Eoq., of Alisertan hail, ca, Lasscoter, by Ilarriet, louisa, 2nd dan. and co-heir of Richard Mitchell, Esq., his wife, eldest dos. and co-heir of Prior Lrgls, Fsq. of 3-yaw, of Culham Court, co. Ilerks, assd left, 1 HENRY-PHILIP, his heir, of Hordwick-, co. Oxford, 8. 4 Sept. 1860, and wlsooe estate of hank Itall, Losseaslsire, is 1781 ; ns. 1st, in t817, Julia, don. of Sir Fita-Willians inherited by the prrseut Lord Lflfard (.ee lIvawr,’s Lro,iot Barrington, Hart. ; and 2ndly, in 1823, PlolippaEmma, Gesalry), and Isy that lady (soiro tO. 11 Aug. 1030) he hod issue, dan. of William Cssnlilfe Showe, Esq., by botis s. ToeoMAe-Avoeavote, 3r:l baron. of srbom he Itas issoe. The only sos: of tlse first marriage, ss. Robert-Vernon, of the N 1. Co.’s military service, t. Philip-Lybbe, bar-at-law, a. 1644, Anna-Plsillis, dan. of Tko:nas Greenwood, Esq., and has issoe. 2 Richard-Thomas, in holy orders, vicar of Muilavington, Wilts; se. 1029, Caroline, eldest dan. of Edward- Scott lvariog, Esq., and has issue: his eoly son, PlsfiipEdseard, lieot. 17th regt., <1 10 Oct. 1867, aged 26. I Comline-Louisa, :0. to the Rev. Edward-Plsiltp Cooper, and has isaw. 2 Sophio-Charlatte, so. to Edward Simoon, 2nd oon of Sir John Siuseon, Earl , and d.c. p. in 1831. 3 Amelia-Frances, so. to use Rev. PlsIhp-Arden Cooper. sir. Horatio, 0.0.. Bishop of Bader and Man, as. 21 Pob. Sir Thomas d. 4 April, 1719, and woes, by his older son, THoMAs Powvs, Rot1., of Lilford, who as. Catherine, dan. and 00-heir of Thomas Rovenscrofl, Esq., of Broodlanc, co. Flint; and dying in 1720, was s. by his only son, THOMAS Powcs, Keg., of Lilford, 8. 24 Sept. 1719. This gentleman o. on Ike death of his great uncle Sir Littleton Powys in 1731, to the family estates in Shropshire; toe :o.1740. tlcnrietto, sv. Atlserton-Legh, 4. 23 Sept. 1809, in holy orders; as. don. of Thonsos Spence, Esq., of Saville Row-, eerjeant of 23 Sopt. 1841, Charlotte-Elizabeth, dun. of tticisard Norman, the House of Commons, and hod issue, s. THomAs, his successor. ss. Littlrton, in holy orders, rector of Titchmarsh and Thorpe, in Northamptonshire, so. 1779, Mario-Priscilla, dau. of the V. Itcna’y-Littletnn (who took the ss:rnasae of Knew Rev. George Show, and aunt of Viscount Evcrsley, and by her (who d. 1833) hod, 1 Littlcton-Charlee, rector of Stalbridge, Dorset, 6. 1790; :e. 1630, Amelia, dan, of J.-L. Otolliet, Esq., and relict of feat; a,. lot, 30 Nov. 1540.llargorette-Slutild.r, tssd dun. S. Knight, Esg., and has two osos, lJttleton-Albert, capt. 83rd regt, and Charles-Francis. 1 Maria, d. 1839. 2 Pronces-Dorothea, 1. 1951. 3 Eleanor, 4 Harriet. I Mary-Anne, d. 1819. 6 Lucy, a’. 1833. 7 Itelena-Jane, d. 1836. s. Anne, sets Robert Lee Doughty, Esg. of Hanworth, Norfolk. ii. Henrietta, 0. young. Mr. Powys si. 2 April, 1767, and was a. by his eldest son, TooMAs Powys, Eog., 6.4 Starch, 1743; lIP, for the co. of Northampton in 1774; who was devoted to the Peerage 26 Get. 1794, as Hseoa Lss,rossn. of Lilford, in thai co. tIe a:. 31 STarch, 1772, Stary, dow. of Galfridne llann, Esg., of Dooghtoo-STolherbs, Kent, niece of Sir Rorotio Mann, Hart., and aunt of 1854,’ Agoes-Annc, only dan. of the late John Ricbords, James, Earl Cornwallis, by whom (who d. in Jan, 1823) he Esq. by whom he has Charles-Warwick, 6. 14 May, 1933, bad, with other issue, S. THOMAS, his successor. is. Littleten, 5. 21 Jan, 1781, in holy ordere, rector of Colquhenn, Rsq., of Rillermont, N.H. Tichmsrsh, Northomptonshire ; so,24 July, 1809, Penelope, da:s. of James Hatsell, Esq., of Storden Park; and 0. Is. Eleon:sr, as. 8 Jnly,1039, SirJohn-SlurrayNasmyth. Hart. 22 Jan. 1842, having by her (who ‘1.. 22 Nov. 1864) had Iv, Eticobeth-Atherten, as. 1219, Rev. li-Leonard Adams, ioeue, viz., I Littleton, who assumed the additional nanse of Mrrsnnn, before his patronymic Powys, by royal V. Frances-Ilester, m, 5 April, 2831, to the late Bev. license, 18 Mar. 1851; 1 Caroline ; 2 Eleanor; 3 Prances, se. 1 July, 1818, to the Rev. W.-I1.-G. Mann, vicar of Thomas-Henry Cansten; and d, 17 Jssne, 1640. Mowdess, Cheshire; 4 Emily, or. S Peb. 1843, to the Rev. vs. Jane-Lucy, as. 15 Stay, 1836, to the hay. John-Pierce James Vaughan; 0 Lney-Relen. us. Fredorick, 8.23 Starch, 1702, in holy orders; as. 15 Oct. lois lordship d. 4 July, 1621, and was a, Isy Isis eld’al eon, 2807, Mary, only dau. of Edward-Theroton Gould, Esq., TueosAs-AvHnNvoN, lcd baron, a-Isa woo 6. 2 15cr. loOt, and sister of Henry, itith Lord Grey do Euthyn, and aunt or. 14 Stay, 1030, the lIon Nary-Elizabeth Fox, dan. of ItenryRiohsrd, of Lady Grey de Ruthyn (Starchioness of Hastings), by whom lwho d. in 1837) ho left at his decease, 31 Dee. 1830, 5. Tooalus-I’sTT:.Ea’oa. presets1 leer. 3 Frederick-Menry-Yelverten, MA., in bsly orders, 6. Is. Leepold.Williuns-80en17, as’ itewsy Hall,9 ars’sngtos’. 22 July, 1808; sO. 34 Jon. 1801. 2 Charles-Edward, comm. EN., as. 4 March, 1852, Caroline-Emily, dan, of the late T, Ray, Esq. 693 LIL 3 Spencer-Pereeval, 5. in 1814, in holy ordes’o, roster o Achorch, Nartisants; er. 21 J uoe, 1831, harriet, eldest don, of 94 sllsam Hole, Es,1. of Los:dan, which l:s:ly 7 Jan. 1656; Its 0. 17 Ang. 1.509. 1 t4arbara-Yctvorton, or. 17 Sept. 1641, to linger Dawss’n, Esq. of Tyddynroe. near St. .salrl:, and l:ao iesne Hager -Yelverton Dawson - Ytdvcrtan, Ftsq. ::f the Msddle Temple. 2 Mary, so. in 1870, to Predoriek-Hrookebank Rickocll, Es:4., who ef. 17 April, laoS. on the l’ionrina, befnrs Ilodajon, in April, 1412. Stapford, 4th son of James, 2nd Earl of Canrtawss, ant 5. his widow 10 Ore. 1834. Ii. Lssry, :1. 4 Slay, 1847. sss, Emily, 0. 10 Sept. 1444. sv, Anne 0. truss. 3 Wslbom Sl:sroh, I). 0., hon. Carson of Woresetor. assd cousin of George—Anthony LegS—Fret, Esq., who 0. S Dee. 1803; so. 11 April, 1812, Jane, 3rd don, of tire late William lieekett, Req. of Enfold, cc. Middlesex, and by her(wbu tO. 19 Nov. 1642) left at his decease, 16 Slay, 1814, I Robert-Horace, 5.28 March, 1828; so. 4 tire. laIf, FlilessRtizobeth, eldest dan. of Li-Cal. W.-II. lin:Id, India:: army, and has_a dan.; 2 John, hoot. 01st tiongal NI., whs’, with bts wife, Louisa, dan. of the Rev. N-A. Holmes, DO., and their only child, Caroline-Jane, an infant, worn murdered in Indiaby the mutincers, S June, 1137; 5 Rdword-Athertan, :1. os-.,. 9 Oct. 1017. 1033, l’ercy-Gare, eldest dan. of William Currie, Req. ef East Hsroley Park, Snrroy, and has bad, O8sraee, li.N., 8, 1033, d. 14 July, 1017; I’erey-Willism, 5’. 15 A1,ril, 1038; Henry-Lyttleton, capt. 32nd ion, h. lelI.O-,161:s MaryGeargina; Ss1,hia-Vernon: Parcy-Maria; Annc-Gos’trssde, accidesstally drowned while bathing at Hisbapscaurl, Isle of SIan, 36 Aug. 1061; and Laura- tlorrict. Keq., and has iossse, Arthnr-I.yttlets’n. 6. 17 Oct. 1842; Richard Atherton-Norman, 0. 11 Sept. 1044; WalterNorman. k 20 Jnly, 1049; Rvelyn-Slary; and AliceElizabcth-Juliana. after that of Pnwvs, :ra heir snale of his uncle, by nsarriage, Gearge-Anthsuy-Legls Reck, Rsq. sf Stsnç’btan Gs-.:nge, co. Leiceeter), t. 2l’ Starch, 1513; late major 80th of J.-J. Dance, Koq. of Parsaa ‘town, ts’el,n,l, by ao’hs,ns (who d. 21 Jsnae, 1143) he besl, Ilenry Lryceetcr, 6. 10 Oct. 1841; Charles-Il orotio-Gardheer, hoot. 00th regt., 5 7 Slay, 1843; os,d Themas-Ilassea. lient. 66th s’ogt., 6. 20 Slay, 1043. He as. Indly, l0July, 1062, llarsa, youugreu sssrviving dan. ef late Adminsl Sir Jahn Gure, o.c.R., G.C.R., and ,l. 10 July, 1063. vs. Charles, 16.-eel, late 9th lancers, a dietingsdehed officer 1st the late Hsssoinss ussd I ndi,rss ware; ho woo In toss different engagensents agssissot Iba Seps’y mntinecrs, and comnsassdcd the tb regt. at tire fall sf Lucknaw; ha has a medal with two clasps; he so. lot, 20 March, 1816, Mary, only surviving child of the late William Scott Rennady, Nag. wbich lady 0. 13 Feb. 1834; and lndly, Anguot, Henry-Vernnn, 6. 30 Jsnsc, lo0S, and twa dous, I. Menrietta-lfaria, as. 10 Sept. 1817, to John-Campbell sss. Mary, a:. 11 May, 1S3, to the Rev. James Drusnmond, rector :sf Galsisv, cc. Leireoter. rects,r of Siscre, Surrey. Massrice, rector of’ Stiehaal-Shorsh, 11 as:ts. Lord Flolland, and had issne, Lasseashire, late 39th rcgt., 6. 17 Srpt. 101, ; rrr. 2, Feb. 1662, Mary, 2nd don. of Archibald5 Ird karl of Oaofur’d,