Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/744

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L I M and has, Edith-Ilaifrida, Emily-Marion-Emma, and another dais. iii. Edward-Virtor-Itel,o_rt. in holy orders, 0. 11 Foh. 1S$9 sit. 0 .1 flue, tool, Eliz,,h,’lli—Gsvcsillisn, only child of the ItsIc William- lVatkyii Wayne, Esq. ci Plan Ncsrydil.. Abed:tre, South Watts, and has hail Msrvyn_Osven_WaYI5O 8. 1 March, ls’ski: a son, t. 10 Nec. I tfn’, an,! a dan-, si. Wtt.s.sxss-Csi’tL, of whens presently. Fit len—Constance, 51. sn in font, 16 Sept. I Os,7. iv. Cls:srlcs-Jasnci-Fs’x, capt. 6.5th “ogl., 1. 15 April, Is-IlI a. lti ma, to. 1731, Ii, the 11ev. Henry Smyth, sets of Thomas - A’lcttidc —Il try. it Edith llall’, a- 20 A1,ril. 1518, to Thereon-floury It. D3mphna, so. las 1751, to William Monsell, Eeq. ef Ito rrosielioe, Ecq ; 1, 10 1 eli. I sill. I II. long ascot ‘ar,,Iino, ‘a - 15 -‘ pril, 1039, to John—Nicholas sit. l.ncy, so. in 1701, to Sir ltenry l’tartetonge, Bert. I’ soak, i-I y. Req iv. Slam’- I ,liaal,ottoFranccs. V. f’,issst snte—l ‘sinisa- -‘ fiesta, so- 7 isI is’, 1 567, to ,trthinr— - Thn 2nil son, Wit iiam t’r ctst,sn, tisq. of llroadsvos’d hall, Salepvi , (‘arolilis -ll,rv. Ills l,titehip i 111 llos’s’ls, toOl. C,’celioo—’20 (tot. lilt. Area—tSr, a liii’s 050th), crasc,l, In hood dexter, between worth, s,f Mallow, 21 May, 1700. lOis lordship es. let, in t,,-,, ross—trs,sslcts. fstrhd”, is tend sinister, go These acass Croagh, by whom (who if. 20 Juiso, 1793) he had issos, have hey Is sot,shi tati I for lhc formcr ensigns ef the l.ssnily. Ennt’Nn-hleNstv, 1st Earl of Linierick. via., Q rsrscrle , 1st awl liii, arg, a lion, peasant, sa. , soithin a t,srdoic, inilessts’d, gu,, for la.cwoova Ss,os.aass’N, 7th Itacea of )l-ain—yn—llcilod ‘2e,l, ant., a lies, rampant, s:sl,lc, armed se,l langiscil. go., for II rsss,t)sxn Ac lttonov-c, Print a of Posoys lcd, os, a lion, rainlaot. gsi., ii sso,l anti longvscd , oft tie Orst, for Itts,nnn as (vas vs King itt l’oo’ys. Crest—A lion’s ganili. erased, tsn,t orrct, gn., holding a scoptrc, otlaer issue. He if. 4 July, 3704, and was a. by his son, erect, licadvd ss ills a llear—de-lis,tsr, Sappocteca— [sexier, a roatwr, nitts cart of corn sound his created Vieroust end EaeL on’ Lsaceaioc, 11 Feb. 3803, and bat, a rsa1i—hsrIi in isis exleri,ir lsao,l, anti ss Earls erect lyine eurolleil amanget the peers of the United Kingdom an Baren Ins feet, all lila-.,- slisklcs’, a soldier of I Ito Nortlssniptonslsirr Fe.rfesd, 11 Ang. 3010. ills lordship so. 29 Jan. 1783, Mary- yeomanry cavalry, haUls-ti, cent., bitted tsp, btstf, bested, his sOoner Isand scaling ttpoa Ins ssvos’,t, the point on the ground, all ppc. Motto—Packs men. Sc ,la—Lilfonsll’at’t.Nerlllanslilensltiro ; and Dowses’ hall, and Dart,, assd by her (who if. 33 Juno, 1850) bad iseno, Ilsot hall, cc. Laocastcr. T I M E R I C K. iLtItrii6r. Enastian Deny, Esq., who d. in 1011, left, by Snsannah, his wife, only den. itO Eihnnissd Sexton, Esq, and heir to 1026, is, 19 list, 1960, Sturalt-Jane, 2nd dan. of Ct,l. A. hoc nephew, E’lmonsl Sexton, Esq. of St. Mary’s Abbey, who ‘1. 1071, a son, Cot.otoet. EnMcan Deny, of Stackpole Conrt, to. Clace, who d. in 17-21, and scat a, by his eldest son, Sexa-ow Pacy, Esq. of Stack-pola Court, who d. in 1700, I. Mary, d. 26 Jan 1017, arid was a, by his brother, Tee Rev, Scacicrecs Dccv. Tlns gentleman in. in 1716. is. Thoodoota, sit. 11 July, 1011, to Thomas-Spring, let Jane, din, of ,tlrchdeaeen Twigg, of Limerick, and had, ala. Lucy, ci, 16 lIar. 1210, to Rswland Stephenson. Esq. seith ether issue, 1. Rnoss’osn-Sexa-oc, is. in 1710; speaker in Ireland front ha’. Frauces-Selina, so, 3 Aug. 1010, Sir hlcnry-Roddam 1771, ta 1789, who received npon retirement the unanimous thanks of the Ceninsoiss, at whose express solicItation V. Lstnisa, so, 29 July, 1821. to Sir Peter-Van Nettcn ho was elevated to the peerage, 30 lIen. 1785, as V,,srcecal Fees, of’ A’o,clesrn Pen,, cc, .tiserrirf-, Ills Pole, Dart.; and if. 6 Aug. 1882. lordship to, 1st, in 1756, Patty, youngest dan, of John vs. Cecil Jane, es. 18 March, 1028, to Count Jehn-LoopoldF,-rdinastd Martin, Esq, ; and 2ndly. Ia 1702 (hin 1st lady having d. issnelese in 1757), Eliaalieth, den, of John, Lord Enapton, and widow of Robert Hancock, Esq,,and had issate, 604 IL I M I Diana, es. in 1704, to Thomae, Viscount Northland, new Earl ef Itanfurly: and if. 24 Nov. 3035. 2 Frances, so. in 17i0, te Nicholson Calvert, Enq. of Hnnsden Honse, Harts, NP. ; who 0. in 1041. His lordship ,t. in 1000, when, as he bit no mats issue, his hoeonra expired. Sscylli, 11,15., bishop of Linsrriek, Terves, eo. Limerick. iv. Jane, m. 1774, te Lanneelot 12111, Eeq. ; and if. a. p. Tnc Raonx Rev. Wala,tAM-Cscta. Pan, 0. 26 July, 1721, hiving been consecrated Lord Bishop of Killalee in 1701, ansi Bishop of Limet’irk in 1784, was created Boron fleet- 3725, Jane, eldest dan. of Johu-Shinohen Walcet, Eeq. of Eleanor, ci. in 3704, to the late Sir Vere Hont, Mart.; and if. 11 Jan. 1821. h-to so. lndly, in 1712, Dorothea, don. of Richard Manosell, Req. of Limerick, anti relict of Gonetal Crunsp, bat had no Rawxan-llraav, 2nd hnxon, 8. 8 Jan. 3758; who was Alice, only dan. and heir of Henry Ornvsby, Esq. of Cloghan, on. Mayo, by Slary his wife, sister of Sir Henry Haristongo, 1. ilowos’-flanTavoNoo, OsrdGleatieorth, 0. 20 May, 1709; 11 Mtsy, 181.5, £tnnabrhla, 2nd dass.ef T. Edwards, Esq. of 01,1 Court, to. Wicklow; and dying 7 Aug. 183-1, left by her (who s’. 18 Sop. 1868), 1 Enntoan-tiocnv, Lord ClrnlssertIs, 8. 3 March, 3909, s,s.5 Oct. 1036, Eve-Maria 5wbe sss. lndly, 29 Dcc. 1247, Ccl, ihssgh S. 1,laillie, royal horse-gssards), 2nd dan. of Honr- Vslleb,sis. Es,0, of Starham Dense, cc. Norfolk; antI is. a. p. 16 lob. 1044. 2 WILLs ass llenav-Tetacasete, 2nd earl. 3 Jelsa-Idastfi’ tnge, 0. inolOl 1; a capt. in the army; if, 8 Oct. 1042, in Canaan. 4 floury-Frederick, 0. in 1820; RIGS.; as. lOJnnc, 1041, Amelia-Mary, 2nd dan. of Capt. ltewland Money, RN., CD. ; and sI. in the East indies, 20 Ang. 1143. I Annabrlla Esina, os. 11 Sept. 3232, to Robert GunCuningisaute, Esq. of Monnt Kennedy, to. Wicklow; and d. 21 April. 1841. 2 Mary-tieorgiana. 3 Eunty-Carehins, a,. 21 May, lShl,to thelato Rev. Henry (Iray, vicar of Alaasndsbssry, Oloncestorshire, son of the late bight Rev. ltr. Jh’tbes-t Gray, Bishop of Bristol. Their son, toshosond-hlobert-hlenry. to. 27 Bay, 3060, Cocile-Beri’s, 2nd dan. of Sir F-B. Astley, Bas-t. and their dan. Alice, was a,. in 1111, to Robert Kennedy, Eeq., and aisotltor of their dana., Caroline Maria, waa t,t, 29 i(n. 1064, to the present Earl of Limerick, 4 Ceeilia-Assnabella, sub Jan. 1043, Ii the 10ev. Georgetheibert Reptou, whe’t.S April, 1962. 3 Augnata-alana. its- 19 Oct. 1014, to Sir Edward Kennedy, Dart., and sI. 10 Nov. 1801. ii. William-Cecil, 0. 16 Fob. 1791; killed at St. Sebastian, his coitsias, Caroline-Macia, dasa. of the late 11ev. 21 Aug. 1018. its. Etlmuud’Sexten, of Cettingliam House, Northamplonnhutre, 5. Waoa,aau - lOoms-c- Roves-n nr Vcsso - Snoxrrn, Lend 0.7 Fob. 1797: Os. 14 Feb. 1825, Elloabeth-Charlotte, dot, of lbs late h-ion. William Cstckayne, and niece of Charles, 4th Viscsmnt Cullon )at whose dercaso, its 3510, the dignity expired), md S. at Wiosbadois, 31 Dot. 1960, having hail, I Etlmttnd Itenry-Cockayne, 9. 9 April, Knttx-Gorc; 2 William Cecil-George, capt. 815th foot, 0. 4 Oct. 1027; 3 Chat-los- ttsll, 0. 16Apr11, 1829, d. in India, 12 Butt, 11121 4 Cotil Orrnsby, 0. 4 15cc. 38110; 1 Rhinobcth- (’has-l,,tts, so. 11 Jan. 1862, to the Boo. Ileery-J. Itiggo, rotter of Rochingb:um, Nocthamptonshire; 2 AliecSlary-The-odosia; 2 hlloanoc-Albinhu, if. 28 Mactb, 1800. Lersi llentoaglo: and d. 10 Dcc, 3839 of Facley hill, harks, who took the ssscnanae of STANnas H, in 1534; and if. 20 April. 1863. She ,f. 23 Dec. 1849. Caldor, IOta hart, of Mnirtostuet and if. 11 Jnno, 1855. Casituir Be Ia Feld, a Connt ol the Rely Reman Olnipiro, who iS. 8 Soist. liOO, xis. Caroline-Klein, to. 16 Fob. 1832, to George Rnsssll, Esq., son of the Right Hon. Sir Henry BusseD, Bert. LIaIEiohoE, EARL OF (W’iiliam.Tlaig.Johst-Chaclos Pony), Visrouut Limrciek, aud Bat-ian Gbentwocth, in the peecage of Trelauti; liacuu Foafuirsi, of Stack- pole Court, eo. Glare, ill tile poecage of the Huitoul Kingdom, J.P. 01151 DL., late au officer aids brigade; capt. eo. Limerick huahtia; 8. 17 Jan. 1810; a. Isis father, as 3rd sad, 5 Jan. 18011 ; asl. 28 Aug. 1862, Henry Gray (ore itt_fire), tori has ioeaao, fileotscerte, 8. 16 Sept. 1863. I, Careliuo-Esojhic-Snsannuals.Jloatrice