Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/96

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ASH 11. Fasa’exe, 3rd baron. iii. Frederick, in holy orders, rector of Itehin-Steke, Ilk lordship en. Occtliy, 10 Fols. 1852, Elieabeth, 2nd 1[ants, 0. ill Jan. 1308; ee.24 April, 1331, Frederiea-MaryCatherine, dan and eu-helm’ of the late 11.-Oliver Gaoeoigne, Esq. 3rd dan. of John Aehten, Cccl. of the Orange, of l’rirlicsgton, en. York. co. Chester, and 3. 4 Jnno, 1880, having had, 1 Alexander-Everard, 0. 2 May, 1038; 3. 3 Bee. 1339. 1 Loniea-Frederiea, 0. Sept. 1810. 2 Blanche-Anne, ,f. 22 Bee. 1331. xv. Alexander, 0. 2 May, 1310, lieutenant, RN., el. c’ccca. 1309, left twe sane; Fweoencecc, ef Garbally, whe founded 12 March, 1832, en beard 11.91.8. Alfred, in the Mediterranean. the hence of Clanearty; and v. Arthur, 0. 8 Oct. 1318; 0. at Madeira, II Fob. 1339. ewe. The Veov Rev. Jncmc Tmseacrn, dean of Raphoe, who c,c. s. Anne-Engenia, ce. in 1823, to llnniphrey St. John Mildmay, Aane, eldest dass. of Richard Warburton, Req. ef Garryhimseh, Req.; and 3. 8 March, 1839. ix. Harriet, m. 19 April, lOiO, t,, Ilenry-Frederiek, 3rd tw’a dane., Anne, ccc. to Sir John Caldseeh, Bert.; and 3larqnees of Bath, who 3.14 June, 1837. xis. Laniea. xv. Lydia-Emily. Lord Aehburten was a privy eonneifler, irustee of the Britieh Faenrnme Taxceen, Req. ef Meate, cc. Galwsy. Ticie gentlecnan Museum, and DCL. of Oxferd. He el. 13 hay, 1843, and was e. by his el,leet sen. WcLrcAcs-Bxwoccxix, 2nd baron, P.C., who was 8. Jnne, 1799, Fccenewce, his heir. and an let, 11 April, 1023, Ilarriet-Jlary, eldest dan. of Anne, cc. to Berr Uniaeke, Faq. of Wo’dhuuse, eo. Water- Geerge-Jebn. 6th Earl ef Sandwich, and by her (who 3. 4 Nay, 1837) had a son, Alexander-Montage, it. 10 Nec. 182$, ci. 3 Frb. 1830. Ilts lordship cc. 2ndly, 17 Nov. 1323, Lnuiea-C’arehne, Ole d. in 173$, and was e. by his only ecmreiring sen yeunyeet dan. of the late Ott. lien. James-Stewart l’neneamc Tueven, Req. of linac and Weedlawn, both Maekeueie, cousin of the Earl of Galteway, cocci had a dan. en the cc. taasw’ay; in in 1720; who ccc. in Aug. 1734, Mary, Mary-Florence. His lordship, whe was in the Cemseens eldest dan. and eu-heir (with her sister, Catherine, eec. 1st, for serenteen years as h.P eueeeesivelyf’’r llcetferd.C’allingten, to John fiery, Req. of Shaumson Gr,cve, father of the Earl of Winchester, northern divisien of Stafferdehire, axed again Charleville, end 2cidly, to Henry I’s-ittie, Lord Bunalley) ef far Thelfer,l. an,l who was Secretary of the Be.srd cf Cusstrel Fc’aneis Sadleir, Req. of S,cpweil Hall, cc. Tipperary, and from 1041 te 545, and Paymaster cf the Farces and by her, who ci. in 1319, had isane, Treasurer e,f the Navyfremn 1341 to 1843, and waa a temnsander m. Fire nrace,whe represented the hereccgh of Portsrliscgtue of the Legiexc ef hieneur, ci. 23 llareh, 1361, axed was e. hy hie brether, F’ccxNele, 3rd baron, preriunsly Ml’. far Thetferd, 8. 20 mm. Francis, of Sepivell hall; Is. 5 Ang. 1728; m. Il June, 30-sy, 1300, wIse ca. Jan. 1331, Claire Ilartense, dice, of the eiistinguishe’l llccguea.Dernard Beret, Duke of Daesacse, Minister of Napoleon I., and had issue, 1. Am.exAsnee-Huess, present peer. cm. Pencil-lIngO, 8. 1037 0. af- Nice. 1800. m .Mary-Leuisa-Anne, n. 10 Ret,. laces, Is W’illiaea-llenry, present Hake at Oraftaic. Lord As’hbnrtass 0. 0 Sept. 130$, anti wae x Icy his son, ALexawness-Hnnn, 4th and present l.oen ,suanna,cv, Cenclieci—It April, 1333. ,lrtcse—Az., a feese, or, in elnef a bear’s head, ppr., ncueeled and ringed, or. f’erel—A mullet, scm. fh,cnsac, in holy orders, deacc ci Rildare, as. Oiary, erneinris. between two wings, or. $e-qcsrlers——On either side a hear, ppr.. mueeled, eeflared. and chained, or, etLehehacRed ‘n the shoulder with a ereeo-pat$e liteh0e, of the Iaet. ..hfalle—Virtne ice arJcsie. .isale—The Grange, Alresferd, Ilanta; and Addisrecnbe Farm, Cr’cydun Tsmrn Jlseee of Its Dseeoyrr Baceae--e——Bath Hence, 82, Piccadilly. ASHLEY, Lonn, see SOIAFTLSnUEY, EARL OF. A SHTOWN. 4 Asn’rowE, 1).vstoN (Frederiek-Maenn Trench), of Moate, en. (i-nimoy, in the peerage of ireland; 5. 25 Dee, 180-1; a. Ins uncle ae 2nd liarnn, 1 May, xv. Willism, ef Cangurt Pork, KtnF’s County, 8. in 1769 1840; in. 29 Aug. 1831, Henrietta, yonngeet does, of ccc. in 1793, Saroh-Elizabeth-Frauees-ilemarietta, only child the lete Tlsnniae-Philiipa Gushy, Eeq. nf Stradhally of the lien. Robert Sloore, and grcseddocc. of Edward, 5th Hail, Queen’s C’nnntv, and hy her (svltn rZ. 25 Feb. Earl of Drogheds, end 0. in April, lOll, leaving hod, 1845) hoe, s. Faener.cexe-Ssnceev-Ccexac,ce, 8. 18 A1,ril, 1333; cc. 30 April, 1307, Anne, eldest dan. of Williacn-Thernae, 3rd aced present Earl ef Clanearty, acid lsaa a sacs, 8. 2 Feb. 1803. mx. Ceehy-Godelphin, lient. let dragoene, 1,. 0 Jan. 1844. c. Charlette-Elieabeth, ci. 19 Dee. 1334, mm. Harriette-llary. ASH lLulltDfrC. Fnennece Tnexrcs settled at Garbally, ee. Galway, some tune in the beginning of the 17th century, and dying in in the Queeu’e County, and had, avith three sons, Jndiths, cc. to Sir Samuel Cooke, Dart. He ci. in 1723, and eras e. by his eldest son, ccc. 1713, Mary, dacc. aced heiress of Richard Geering, Req ,elerh of the eonrt of Chancery, and had, to survive hun, ford. Ilary. L’lizaheth, m. to Sir Francis Ilutelcinsen, Dart. - in the Inch pam’iiament far several years (late Lord Aehtawss). howl, Mary, 2csd dan. of James Bacon, Req. of Shrews- bury, and left isecse at his demise, icc 1029, 1 Fr.Enense-hlAeeN, successor to hie uncle, and present peer. 2 Charles-James,’ Q.C., chairman of quarteroessione, ee. Hcchlixc, 0. 5 April, 1006. 3 Arthnr-Heyw-eed, t. 2$ Sept. 1807; 0. in 1840. 1 Frances-Mary, ccc. 1832, her ec’eein, the Meet Rev. 11.-C. Trench, arehbishep cf lcnhhn. 2 Emily-Sarah, 0. 00 April, 8043. 3 Iiarniett-ltaee, cc. 21 July, 1033, to Sir Samuel St. Switlcicc-D. Whcclley. eldest dan of Welter Weldon, Req. of Rahenderny, hIP., and 3. in April, 1834, aged 72, leaving isene, 1 Freclecie-Steciart, ice holy ordecs,rertor of Achy, who ccc, 9 Jan. 1010, helena. tnd dau.uf George, 2nd LerdArdecc, ouch aister of the Earl of Rgecont, and 0. 1860, havicsg had Helena. cc. in 1044, Ic the Fcev. Jeffrey Lefrey Maria, cc. 6 hIsy 1047, to lice Rev. It-F. Wilson, sees of T. Wileen, Req., furcccerly SIP. for Lcccsdocc; FrancesEtieaheth, ci. 1349; Jane, 1 in 1048. 2 Tuecmxs. cf Slilleeent. cc. Rildare, cc. 1026, Cethercne, dais, of lt. Creaedatle, Req. of ltycsne, acid dying April, 1.331, leaving surviving issue. Themas-Riehard-FrederickCeuKe-Tuewecm, Req. oflhdiecent, t. 1829; ec.h7 Aug. 1010, Carolicce-Rlizabeth, eldest don, of tie Fins. Heatheate. bert.; 31cc-ia; Cotherine-Luniea, cc. 1334, to Alex. It. Kirhpotrieb, Esq.; Frances; and Jane. 3 I-leery, ccc. 27 Nov. 1328, Rlieabech-Ancse Caroline, eldest den. of Chorles-Lonneelet Sondee, Rsq. of Indiayule, Queen’s eo., end isis issue, Thenaoe-Sandes, 0. 29 :clareh, 1840; Charlee-Stenort, 0. 20 Aug. 1043; Henry- Walter, 8. 3 July, 1643; Predeeieh-Peeeeval, 8. 22 Starch, 104$; Maria-Geerghoa; Rlizaheth-Jane; Frances-Lydia. 4 Willions-Steccart, ccc. in 1032, Rlizaheeth Suonna, don. cf -I-Scaly Tawsaoend, Req., scsaeter in Chancery, end has issue, Thunsas-Weldon, 8. in 1333; John-Townsend, 1,, in 1834; and Anna. I hlary-Aucse, ccc-. the Eec. Joe. Chapman, and cI. 1631. 2 Rlieobeth, ac. to George Adoir, Req. ci BeHegrove, send ,t in 1023. 2 Franceo, ccc. to the Hen. 0. F. C,4lcuy. -0 Jane, me. t,c Charles Geimetcec, Req. of tdrimston Garth. (Sc-c hinawa’s Laccc/ecl Cr,, Icy.) O helen, cc. to Richard Townsend, Req. 1 Frederie-RiteWilliam, it. in 1791; cc. 16 Feb. 1830, Lenten-Alice, youngest dncc. of the loteRt. Hon. Robert Ward, a,sd has isene, Willtam-Hebert, 8. in 1838; Frederick-Ward; Henry, t. us 1842; and other issue. 2 1 lonry,8.inlSO7; scM Get.182s1, Gcorgiana-hlnry-Rucilia, dau, of Lord Bleemfield, and has ieeuo, Henry-Bloom- This genGeman, his lcrether, aasd eistere, ebtainod a lsnteist scf precedence as a Barocs’s elcildrecc, 1840. 46