Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/97

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ASH field, William-Thomas, ilonjamin-hiloonofleld, 0 an’iott, Georgiana-Sarab, Louisa-Charlotte, Isabella-Catherine, and Blanche-Helen. 1 Harriet, or. in 1832, to tire Hoc. Evans Johnson, and’). in Oct. 1810. 9 Anne-Margaret, or. 27 Oct. 1819, to Guy Atkinson, Erq. of Cangert. v. Charles, or. 27 Nov. 1007, Anna-Maria, eldest dan. of tha late Luke White, Eeq. of Weedlandn, on. Dublin, and it. hr March, 1840, leaving issue, 1 Froderic-Cnarlen, rn. lOJan. 1800, Mary-Isabella, eldest dan. and co-heir of the late B-Oliver Gaseoignc, Req. of Parlingion, on. York, and CartlsOlivor, cc. Limerick, anrl hasisrue, asanand heir, 8. 4 July, 1881 Mr. F-C. Trench has assumed by royal licence the additional 5. JOIIN-DUenALE, late liont.-esl. Sects Fusilier Guards, 9. surname and arms of GAseoroNo. 1 Mica. 2 Anna-Maria. 3 Enrily. 4 Oionrietta. 0 Charlotte-Matilda, ci. 20 June, 1813, to Captain Henry Needham, and rL Oct. 1804. vi. Richard, barrieter-at-law, iii. at Perle, 2 March, 1003. Melesina-Chenevix, relict of CeI. llicliard St. George, of is. hlngh-Franeio-Lothbridgs, in. 12 May, 1803, AuguotaEllen, Ilatloy Manor, en. Loitrina, and dan. of the Rev. l’hihip Cheuevix, and grand-dan. and heiress ef the late Right hey. Richard Chensvix, Bishop of Waterford, arid 4. 16 April, 1809; having by her (whe it. 27 May, 1027) had issue, 1 Francis, in holy orders, rcclor of Islip, Oxfordohirc, ni. Thurinw-Augnstus, 6.22 hlareh,1028. ci. 8 Dec. 1837, Mary-Caroline, dan. of the Rev. W. iv. Arthur-Frederick, late hiout. 11th foot, 0. 4 Fob. 1843. Marsh, D.D.,andhashadisone,Riohard-Wifliam-Franeis, v. Spenoir-Dy’jg, liont. 11th foot, 0. ‘1 Oct. 1044. 8. 2 June, 1819, d. 12 Aug. 1880; hlary-Jleloaiaa, and vi. Aylnser-Antheu5-, 9. 10 Oct. 1031. hilartia-Fanuy. 2 Richard-ChenevL’e, the Meet Rev. lID., Archbishop if I. Anna-3taria-Sarah, rn. 10 Feb. bOO, to Capt. 9IeNoill, Dublin, 8. 9 Sept. 1807; or. 1 June, 1032, his cousin, the Ii. Cecile-blaria, a. 27 Mx,’, 3000, to Edmoud-ItohortHour Hon. Franoes.Mary-Trench, sister of Lent Aohtown, and has had issue, Richard, 8. 18 Feb. 1830, 4. 21 Slay, 1001 ; Frederic, 8. 10 Oot. 1037; Charles, limit. hA., in. Adelaido-Fanuy-Ash;vortb, so. 10 Aug., 1065, to the 8. 28 Jan. 1029; Arthur-Julius, 8. 0 July, 1040, it. at Calcutta. 23 Oct. 1800; Alfrod-Chenesix, 0. 4 Juno, 1048 ; Ilerbert-Franeis, 0. 4 Nov. 1049 ; OlelesinaMary, or, 7 Jan. 1084, to Jahn-Cholasely Anstin-Logb, eldest son of the Rev. J.-F3. Auotin-Logb; Edith; Iv. Etlsol-Geergina-Ohary, i. 19 Aug. 1900, to llthlyarDafirI Helen; Frances-Harriet ; and llese-Jnlia. 3 l’bihp, or. 21 Nov. 1848, Ehlon-Slaria, dan. ef Thee Turner, Esq.,E.l.C.C.S., cud has loans, Philip-Francis, 0. 7 Juno, 1119; Charlos-Chenerix, 0. 31 Oct. 1800; George-Frederick, Or. 23 June, 1809; Eiehard-OfaylryChenovix, The fanaeus antiquary, Burton, in his Jliilory of lOr Csrol,q 8. 23 Oct. 1960; Mary-Eliaa; Ellen-3lelosina Lonisa-Kalliorino-Anno; and blelesina-Etkel-Olande, of Leieeolo,’, speaking ef Brougbton Aete3-, says; ‘‘it is on 4 William, deceased. vii, John, of St. Katherine’s Park, en. Kildare, or. in 1807, called of the Astleys. sometimes lords thereof, a vesy aueioe Jane, oldest dan. of the late Janice Currie, 01.0)., of and noble fansily, having boon barons of pnrliasoeot froos Ellorslie, Scotland, and 4.6111808, having had inane, 1 Frederic-Fits-John, in holy orders, A.31. ; rector’ 00 Their elsiof seat was at Astley, in the en. of Warsviok, where Stapleatesvn, Leighlln, 8.10 Oct.1908; in. 6th April, 189, they hail a fair and ancient castle. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Slaconehy, Esq. of Sin Tunaros ne Aoyrrv, lIP. fer the en. ef Warwick, Edsumere, en. Dublin. and it. having bad issue, John- youngest son of Thomas, Lord Astloy, by Eltzaheth, dais, of Alfred, 0. in 1039; WOlliarn-Wallaee, 8. in 10-10; George- Guy do Reanobamp, Earl of Warwick, was seated at Patahnhh, Frederic, 9, 110 1841, sir., 21 May, 1860, Frances-Charlotte, youngest dan. of W. T. C’rosbie, Seq. of Ardfert Wa-ecu AsyLsia’, Esq. of Patohuhl, who si. Grace, dan. of Abbey; James-Currie, 9. in 1840; Arthur-Franeir, 9. Francis Trent’narn, Ems, of Reweester, ce.Stafford, and had, in 1889; Agnos-Doberah; and another dau. 2 Jamos-Cnrns, 9. in 1809, 4. in 1832. I Francis-Arthur, 9. in 1818: m. 27 Jair. 1810, Emily, (whose son and successor, in 1087, Sir John Aetley, of Patshull, youngest dan. of the late George Littledalo, Esq., and <0. 1-1 Aug. 1800, having bad Arthur, 0. in 1801;. and ann other issue. 4 John-Edmund, in holy orders, AM., 0. 1818; so. 1906, Tneaios Asrocy, svbeso son, bliasAnno Oildaa, of Closna, en. blaya. 1 Lucy-henrietta, or. 19 Nov. 1844, to Wm.-WellssloyPole dan. of Stanishans Brewno, Esq., and aunt of the last Vieeoaut Pigott Esq. of Kileavan, Qncon’s County. 2 Sophia-blary. i. Catherine, or. 1781, to the Hen. Poneonhy Sleere, 2ad Judith, dan. of F. Diekley, Beg., by his wife Judith, dan. sen of Edsvbrd, Otb Earl of Droghoda. and 4. in 1910 is. Mary, m. in 1790, to Ilsrgh Wilson, Esq., vvhod. in 1910. and ce-heir of Vm. Dngdalo, Esq. of Elythe hall, and 4. In. Elieabeth, so. in 1709, to Edmund Armstrong, Eoq. of in 2790, leaving a dais., Mary, and two sons, viz., FRANcIsD000ALE, Gallon, King’sCeunty, andit. 1111820 leaving issue. iv. Frances, deceased. v. Anne, 5<. Rev. Joseph Burrows, and 4.7820. Be d. 27 Nov. 1797, and was o. by his oldest son, Fnouoniu Tnoo’en, of Woodlawn, cc. Galway, 6. in 1770, or. h’spbia, 2nd dan. of the late Richard Cbeslyn, Esq. of wire rspresontod the borough of Pertarlington in the parliament Langley Priory, and has issue, Jrihn-Chas’les ; FrodenieloWilliam, of Ireland, and was created a peer of that kingdom, as Ronnie Asuvowse, by patent dated 27 Doe. 1800, with FuANeie-Du000LE Asvocv, Esq., sri. 1720, Mary, dan. and remainder to the heirs male of the body ef his deceased ee-hoir of William Buckler, Seq. of Bereharn, WOts, descended father. His lordobip Ia. 29 May, 1709, Elizabeth, enly dan. and heiress ef Rebert Robinsen, Iil.D.,and niece of Mr. Wilts, and from Sir Walter Buckler, of Cawsoy, cc. Dorset, Jnotiee Robinson, of the Court of King’s Boncb, but by and by her (who 4. 27 Sept. 1001) had issue, her (whe 4. in 11-14) he left ne issue at his dsesaee, 1 May, i. Jonx-Doenooc, created a Baronet, as below. 1840, when the barony devolved, according to the limitation, is. William-Buckler, of Eydo, 9. 19 Jan. b7H ; or. in 1019, upon his nophew, Fnnnenne-Moson Tnecen, Esq., new Lord Asbtewn. C’,’eatisa—27 Dee. 1100. dress—Ar., a lion, paeeant, go., mis. Fraaieis-Bieklsy, in holy erdors, 9. 0 Dec. 1782; is. in between three flours-do-ho, as.; on a chief ef the last, asun in splendens’, or. Uteri—A dexter arns in armour, em- 5819, Mary-Ansac, 3rd dan. of Jobn-Nowdigato Ludferd, hewed, the hand grasping a sword, all ppr. Srrpponleri— Esq. of Annosloy Hall, Warwiekshrre. and has bad, Doxtor, a lien, gn., dueahly crowned, and powdered with flours-do-lie, or; sinister, a stag, ppr., armed and hoofed, dueally gorged and lined, or. Moilo—Virtutiefertuna comes. &al—Wsedlawn, co. Galway, Ireland. 47 10 Feb. 1021; or. 22 May, 1008, Elcausr-Illanehe, only child of Thomas Corbott, Esq., of Elsb:rm Hall, cc. Lincoln, and ban, Fnosiess-Euaijon-Cor,oe’cr, 9. 6 Feb. 1009 ; Reginald ; Slary-Beatrioo ; and anotlrsr don. 2nd dan. of the lats Janice Ceckhnrn, ron of the Dean of Yerk, and has lead Artbur—William-Coekbnns, ii. 1 Ang, 1867; Ida Malol ; and Ada—Oiary. 3- Bra;’, Esq., son of tho late boy. Henry Cnr-, and his wife, Lady Emily Gray (ceo 1,nirnioo, B. or). 11ev. Thanias hlundshl, rector of Hahlsall, I.ancashire, sell of the late H-Il-if. llhemdehl, Esq of Ooyobrook, T,anoaobire Chapman, Log. LLlICJ6C. the time of King EnwARo I. to the reign of King flexnv V. hemp. Rien,aan II., arid was direct aneeeter of with ether issue, EseuAnn, created a Darsnet lb Aug. 1669 dying e. p. or. 29 Dee. 1771, the title became extinct), R:eseAan Asrocy, Eoq. of Easleourt, <a. 1700, Elizabeth, blentagne, and left, at his doeease, in 1718, a sen, WsLosAai-Fo.exoss-CosrceT Asroma’, Esq., 9. in 2708 ; ci. his heir; arid Richard, of Odstene Ilalh, eo. Loleester, or. Mary, 2nd dais. ef John Deswehl, Esq., and sister of the late bins. Newdegate Lndforrl, arid heft an only son, Hrcirsen, who took tho namo of Gouens in 3810; he eensna. R. N., and Sephia-blary. The slder son, frem the ancient family of GsFFonn eJ’ 1.Osreliacs, Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas-Assheton Smith, hag, of Tidworth 000uee, Ilants, and 4. ins 1849, leavingadau., Mary, sr. to Captain h-C. Duff, eon of Duff of Hatten. 1 Jshn-lfowdigato-Praneia, 9. 20 April, 1817. 9 Benjamin Rueklor-Gifford, in holy orders, 9. 27 April, 5819; sri. Oat, 29 Jan. 9890, Susan-Louisa, dau. of the Ron. and Rev. F-P. Rouverso, winch lady ff. leaving 1, ART A STE E Y. .A91’LET, Sot F11ANCII.DUniOALTO, Dart. of Evorloigla, en. Wilts; in 5 Nov. 1805; ire. 26 Nov. 1826, Enama-Derothea, 4th dau, of the late Sir T.-B. Lothbridge, Bert., and has,