Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/98

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A T H one surviving child. Francis. He oi. fndly, 6 Aug. 1663, Maria-Catherine, eldest dan. ofciirA. -B-C’. Pixie, Dart. 3 Francio-W., captain iii the army, ci. 33 Nov. 3949. I Mary-Barothea, ci. 7 Mar. 1944. 2 Elicabcth-Juliana by his eldest son, 3 Frances-Anna, Ct. 9 May, 1014, to the Rev. Hugh-JI.Stanley I. q rmsro: Sosivmsvim.e,c, Esq. of Brewnstown, ci. Sleuths, C’hampncye, nephew of the late Earl of Derby. who was created a Ban,,xsrr or lno:m,ucen, 14 Slay, 1711. Sir 4 Jessie-Clara, isfo, to Charles Arlington, Req. of qnaile vi. tsviee ; by his first wife, Slary, only dan. and riydera Wells, Sussex, late of the Austrian service, lieu-ceo of Ocei’go Was-burton, Esq., be bad three sans, and has two sans, Charles-Aotlcy-1)c Burgh, 9, 1063, James, Warbnrtsn, and William ; and by bis second wife, and Fs-ank-Astley-Lethhridge, 6. 1900. The eldest eon, Sin Jousz-DuenALE ASTLEY, of Evei-ley, co. Wilts, 6. Iloync. Sir Qnaile ‘1. in 1772, and waco. by his eldest son, 27 June, 1779, created a Ban net 13 Ang. i021, ci. 27 Jul5’ 11. Siu Jaur.o-Quastr., of SornerviBe, eo. Sleuth. This 1503, Sarah, dan. of William Page, Eeq., and had, Fnscois-1.luonata, present baronet. Mary-Anne, ci. 18 March, 1833, to George, Vieconnt Terringten. tivo osno, SIar.cus, his heir, and Jameo,* of Ross, co. Sarah, twin with tier aistor, ci, osisi. Sir John-B. Aolley if. 19 Jan. 1042, and was s. by his son III. Sisi Mannus, 11.1’. for co. Sleuth, who vi. lot, SiaryAnne, the present Sin FnAcoie-B000aLE ASPEcT, 2nd Burt. t’i’cilise—Original baronetcy, 16i12 preoenl baronetcy, o2 the Jleredylho of Grernbilis, sprung from tho very 13 Aug. 1921. _-lra,s—Ac., a einqnef4l, pierced, er. f’s-ni— ancient family of Slcredvth of Wales ; and hod issue, On a cup of maintenance, a jlnnme .f seven ostrich leathoro, WiLLs .eas-Mrccnvvn, 4mb hart., created Lord Athlsimney. gn. itlono—Fide oed ciii vidc. .Scols—Evem’leigb Manor, Jacoes-Itiehard, formerly capt. Pads grcyo 6. 1603 ; ci. Wiltshire ; and kastleigh Ledge, Wills. A T H L U 111 N E Y. ATDLuMNn’, BARON (Sir M’illiam-Meredyth Somerville), of Somerville and Dollardetnwn, co. Mouth, in the peerage of Ireland ; Baron Meredyth, of Dollardstowu, co. Meatli, in time peerage of the United Kingdom1 and a Baronet, P.C., late MI’. for Canterbury; 1. 1802; ci. 1st, 22 Uso. 1832, Lady Maria-Harriet Conyngham, yonngeet don. of the late Marquess Conyngham, 1(.P., and by her (who ci. 3 Dec. 1843) has had issue, 1. William-Ilcnry-Marcno, who it 11 Sept. 1957. s. Elizabeth-June, cm. 19 Dec. 1930, tn Jamos-Molyneux, 3rd and present Earl of Ubarlensont, K. P. Fle ci. 2udly, at l’arie, 16 Oct. 1860, Marlo-GeorgianaElizabeth, only don, of thin lute Herbert-C eorge Jones, Serjeant-ut-Iass’, by Maria-Alicia his wifo, 2nd dan. of the late Sir George-Wilhans Leeds, Burt,, and by ArmhoLE, DUKE, MARqUESS, AND EARL OF (Sir her has had issue s. J.s.asrs-Ilenurer-O nepsvue-Mxnenyvss, 6. 23 Moreb, Marquess and Bail of Tmmhhibardine, Eas’h of Strmsthtoy 1863. ss. Olarens-Edward-Fi-aneis -Stereilylli, 11. 10 Cr1. 1667. 1. Mary-Anne-Blanche. n. Georgina-Alicc-Licsic. ill. EdiOi-Snpbia, 1. 27 April, 1667, iv. Cecilia-Louisa. Peerage of Scotland ; Boron Strange, of Knoekyss, Ills lordship, who was Cimief Seerotary for Ireland in time Pees’age of England ; Eerl Strange, Baross frons 1847 to 1862, a. Ins father as 4th Burt., 11 July, I’srcy, and Baron Murray, of Stanley, eo. Gloucester, 1831, and was raised to tile peerage of Ireland us in the Peerage of Great Britain; Baron Glenlyon, of Lord Athlnmnny 14 Dee. 1863, and to the Ileorage of Ghenlyon, in that of the United Kingdom; hereditary the United Kingdom as Baron Meredyth, 3 May, 1866. !L ill £BC. The Seme,-viiles of Somerville, cc. Heath, originally 1864; and inherited, 11 Feb. 1865, the Barony of nettled in the eo. of Formanogh, are ef the ancient and Percy, a Barony hi fee, and the eldest noheirship of emhient Scottioh famBy of Somerville. The 1st Baronet, the Barony of Latineer, and one of the eoheirohips Sims Qu.osrr SoosrovsLm.e, when i’tI’ered a peerago, in 1764, of the Baronies of Scales, I’layz, Badlesmere and chose for it the title of Avns.uams’rv. The creation, bow- L’Isls; he wos made a K.T. in 1868; ass. 29 Oct. ever, did not then take placo. Tmooasas SoaIrnviLLc, Esq. of Dnbliia (son of James 1863, Lommisa, eldest dun, of Sir Thomas Mnnereiffe, Somerville, Req. of Tvolly Kelter, as. Fermanagb, by Burt., and has issue, Catheriiie his wife, and grandson of James Somerville, Esq. ii. tielc,m. mis. A dan., 9. 17 March, 1969. of Tnllykeltcr, and Elizabeth Ilamilten, his wife), to. Sarah, dan, of James King, Esq. of Cola; and dying in i716, left an only son, Sin Jaaies SoascnvmLLe, Knt., lerd-mayor of Dublin, 1 Jnns, 1830, l’ieroe Slerton, Esq. of Kilnoerett, eo. Cavan. 48 A. T H 1724 27; ci. Elieal,etb, da,i. of SIr. Alderman Qnahle, of the vavos city (of a Many family); and d3-ing 1740’, was s. Sarah, on i’nly da,i., Martha, who ni. Gostaens, 5th Viscount gentleman oi. 1 Ii 1771, Cathes-ine, dan of Sir Mac-ens Lewtber Crof ton, Burt. of Skate, co. Roocemmen, by wbom be had Sheath. Sir James ,h. in 1802, and was o. by his eldest son, only sian. aiid beireos of Sir iliebard Gorges Sferedyth, Dart., of Delhardstown, co. Slralb, representative of a branch 1830, Anna, dan. of the late Siajor’Ooneral Sir Itenry ‘Ion-ens, K. C. ll , amid has surviving icons, M.iryanneE:nily, Anna-Maria, t’raneeo, Hcnrietta-Sarab. Sir .Mareas ii. tadly, Elicabctb, eldest dan. of Piers Geahc, Req. of Dublin, and d’ 11 Jn13-, 1031. Lady Somerville vs. 2ndly, 1501, flngb, 2nd Earl Fortcocnc, who d. 14 Sept. 1661. C,s,ilioa—llaronet, 14 Slay, 1740 Baron in the peerago ol Ireland, 14 Dec. 106:1, Jlaron of the Unitrd Kingdom, 3 May, 1660. Anus—Az., three mullets., or, two and one, betwecis seven croes-ersooleto, fstehs’e, arg., three, one, two, and one; quartering, Waunersrcoa sod Mrcenvvn. C-cot—A demi-hion, rampant, sa., charged on the oho’.ihlcr with a crooo-crosslet, filches, and lsvo nivilleto, arg. .S’is1ijss,-f’ i-s—Dexter, a greyhound, pps’., collars-I, gn., and charged on the shsonldsr will, a mallet Lnd two cross-croaslets, fitehsde, sa. sinister, a lion, rampant, va., collared aisd chained, or, cliargod on lbs shoulder, withs a cr,a’s-erooolst, fiteh6e, asish two Innllcto, ai-g. .ilotlo—Craine Bien taut qnc In viveras. Scat—Sorecrrihle, Navan, ce. Heath. A T H 0 L lED. John-James- Hugh-Hemary Stowart- Murray, K.’l’.), and Strathardle, Viseonnt Gienaldmond, Bahquhiddes’, end Glenlyon, Bas’on Murray of ‘I’nilibardine, Lord Bahquhidder, Bolvenie, and Gask, imi the sheriff of l’erthshire ; hats hient. and capt. Seote fnsihier gnards; 8. 7 Ang. 1840 ; s. his father in the family hononrs, as 7th Duke of Athohe, 16 Jan. m. Dorotbea-Louioa. This James sf. heavimmg issue his 2nd dan., Lovnsa, i,,.