Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/10

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L 0 V eldest dan. of Randal, 18th Lord Ucinsany, and sister of the designation, ocenre in the roll of Battle Abbey, and establishes present lord, by whotn (who m. 2ndly, Lient.-Co1. Tiadall, of Charlertlis, en. Louth, atid :1. ‘2sJuly, 1831) he had snrvivi,ig issue, ‘FitoMaa-Otivro,bit t:trevtssr. Ea,i:loll-Slattbrw, 8. 11 Oct. 1010: ,i. :1 Nov. I oIl. Charles—I lasosot:, l is Nil; col. in tite aroty and ]:ent.—eol. an:1 gave his natne to Ohver Castle, which continued in let foot, 161:1. of the Med idle. IL ::re—1.,il,e, 8. 0 An:. 1 17. Edward-Si:lt:oe, 8. ttt lot?, otaj’’r lit tltc artny : em. 1st. 1 .tpnt, Janet bia as he, sister and es-heir of William Fenton of that 1845, Cai’: iliac, oa:i. f tlw late Grove:’ Tvtt:pl:’r. L’s:t., nod ilk, a Son and onaceSsor, by her (oh’: :1. 54 Dcc. I I, at tie t Iteanfort. lb jude Callrarial hoe test ii si’s, N 10. lie:”. Stt:Ite’, 55 let,. 1005, Sop1: ia—Attgttela, rl,te’t :t:iti. of FSlwatd 1.11 in, Ho1. of Altnt’’r:’. en. 1’: ear. t’:r s:’ti,c t:ate 21.1’. for Cslerwac, and Wetnyso of that ilk, and svus a. in 1450, by his son, note ntaet: r—in—iltaitc: ry in I rrlat:d. Ills lordship f. 55 Jttne, 1023, mud was a. by his son, Tnoti,ss OLIVER, lOlL lord; 5. 5 Atig. 1805 who et. 29 three d ins. Of the former, the eldest, Nov. 1820, Anna-Maria, ys:ingrat dan. of the late Philip f-stber, 25 Slay, 1801. 515 em. Sot, 4 met, dan. of Sir Alexander Itsehe, Esq, of Donore,eo Kildaro, ty Anna Maria his wife, yonngest dan. offl,u:dal, Lord Ilunsatty, and had isenc, I. IS 5N0at1’rseI’OTSVAv, 1,rcscttt leer. ‘In:’eim—:tetvca.tlesvcatta, 8. 0 A1 ru, 1610; ti: 24 duly, Lord Lovat to. 2u:dly, Janet, dan. of Andrew, 3rd Lord 1005, Clan:—Anne, 01:1) lan. of John ltirlehy. Esq. of SItcftield, Gt’ay, anti relict of Alexander Blair, of Dalthayoek, and by ::nd by lies (‘sOs ‘1.57Jute, 1007) lied a ton, 0. 15.651)’, lf7. eti.Algi rnot:-ltichar:l—llartlantl, tat,: tin sOurer 73rd foot, I. leer bad three sons and two dana, His eldest son, 14 Jat,. 1045. I. A:tgi:sta—Aasa—Mareearot. it. A:lelaide’-C:tnst:stwe, ,t. 19 Jt:ly, 1066. 111. liandalina—Aoaa—)larin—Looisa. His lordship 5. 26 June, 1849. Creation—IS done, 1541. A e:,:s—Sa., a l,en:l, org.; ia the olnieter ctnef 1o:inl a castle, of the second. Creel— A lies Sc, I:asaat:t, arg. Sapportees—Llevt:’r, a pegant:, Icr tense, or and org. cliii ster, on heral:l:c’,LoteIo1,o, arg. JfoIls—testina lento. deal—Lsntl: llaU, Co. Lenti,. LOVAINE, Lostv, sf0 NonTttu503EttLAND, Duiet cg. L OVA T. LOI’AT, BAnoN (Sir E11:::tnaa. Alexander Fraser, RI’.), of Lovat, eo. lnvornooo, in tho peerage of tho United Kingdom, on:) Baron Locat ito the ses’tago of Scotltltsd, liotuten on t at::) ohe’rifl’ —pci ttO 1:01 of lovernosa-sinre li losS, sit. 6 Ang. 1083, L’ha;’lottoGoorgina, The eldest son, oldoot da:t, of Goorgo-Williato, Lord Stafford, and has load toasts, t. Stetos, dAa.,fer s.f Coo:’ 1, Itent. cot, eottt. lneernrss-shtrc militia, 8. 21 Dee. laJe ; a. 14 Nov. 18ff, Alice-Mary, dan. of Tl:oti;aa Wetd-Blundcll, Foq. of mae lilundell, Lancashire, and has had a Soil, Siaton-Thoaiae-Joscph, b. 17 Aug. t’f7, 1.28 Sept. 1008. as. Alexander-Edward, Steal -cal. late Sests fnsit:er guards,,1 Lovat 5. in 1646, and was s. by his grandson, 8. 13 Jan. i5Ilt a,. 13 jan. laSs, teeorgina.Stary, only dan. of Sir debut Slackenais of Tarbat, and dying in 1675, dan. 5f the late George-F. iteseage, tfsq, sf tlalnian flail, was o, by his son, Lineetsehiec. 111, Ceerge.Edeoaeil.Stafford, 8. 17 Feb. 1034; :7. 4 Stay, 16:14. Slnrray, dat;. of John, lat Starqneoa of Atbsll, and left fonr iv. Iteory-Thonuas, caj:t. Seots fusiliergds., ii. SIeve. 1839. 1. Anlc’lia-Chaelol;c, :o. 17 Sept. 1840, to Chartos-ilobert dana., bus en-l;atre, At his death, 4th Sept. 1696, the title Scott-Macray. Es:1. oft )oncoScld, L’strlcs, at. Frances-Cirorgiana, ii. 9 Stay. 1844, to Sir I’ki s Moslyn, of SleLeed, and whose eldest surviving son was the ill-fated Start., of Tatacre. ni. Charlotte-Henrietta, is. 27 Nov. 18ff, to Sir Matthew high treason before the Hotuso of Lords, and was beheaded Sansse, late chief )naliec sf Iloinbas-, whoa. a Nov. 1807. His lordohi1e acqn(re:l the bar::ity of tho Uttite:l on Tan-er SLIt, in 1747, for his partiei0satien in the risiag of Kingdotia by patont, 28 Jo;;. 1817, and notabliahod 1745. Ole ot. 1st, Janet, dan. of Litdovick Grant, nf Granl, isis right to tito ancient Scottish peerage of Len-at in bytvhom he had )tvilb two daus.), SIReN, his successor, and the l{ouon of Lords, 11 Atig. 1557. 3tiiicztçg. The elan FRAsER, of which Lord Lovat is tho chief, are of Norman descent. The name of FRI8ELL, thc:r origit;al adherent of C’isstes-Enwaatn; who snbseqnontly, having 71-2 LOV their advent onder the standard of THE CONQUEROR. F’rom East Lothian, their earliest resting-place in Scotland, the Fr.,sers diverged into Tweeddats in tIcs 12th and 13th eentnries, atud subsequently into the shires of Invornees and Abcrdceta. Oliver Fraoer, the chief of the elan, built after tiotee their principal feudal hold. Siunti Fnxsnn, 1st li::rd Lova;, 2. in 1410, leaving, by Itooit FR.soien, 2n:l Lord Lovat, who sa. a sister of David Stunt: Fnasrn, 3rd Lard Levar, who to. Lady Stargaiet Lyon, dan. of the Earl of Glatnia, and had four sona and Tnnauas Fs.a.oca, 4th Lord LewD, was served heir tn his Gordon, of Stidmor, and had by her three sons, viz., Sloan, his heir. William, echo 4. lcavittg male issne. Ja;ers, tsl;o 4. op. rn Hun:: Fn,cnrn, 5th Lord Lsvat, in proved to have sat in tho parliament of Scotland, 14 Slarch, 1540. He was slain at the battle of Lnchlochy iti 1514, leaving by his 2nd wife, janet Roes of Ba.lnagoesan, two sons, 1. Otnasanea. ut, W’;, of Sirsty. ancestor of the Fanseas sf dizamy, repreeeitto:l I:) 11 run FaAsra, Eaq. The elder, Atsxsxnen Fncsmea, 6th Lord Levat, em. Janet, dan, of Campbell nf Calder, and had three sans, Itt-on, his heir, Tnoasso, of ls:unclcie and Strichea, whose gs’est-greal—grsndeon, Alexanslrr h”rassr, of Stricken, is. A:nrli:i, only surviving cl;itd ,:f dame’s, I,ord D:ton, e t:lrst s::n of Alexsn:ler, Earl of Moray, ottil tens grcat—gt’-.nldfall:cr of Alexander Fraser, Esq. of Srrirlteo (ecleosc eridotr ‘I.,aged 03, 27 Ang. 1860), wHet; Alexaader Fraser teas futltee of Tneacaa-ALexat,nsas Fsxoes, t’rcsent l,Ot’AT. James, aiseeetor of tile Fassena of A rdochy, reprcsenied by O,tanT.-Grx,;v losoca. His lordship 5. iti 1357, and was s. by his son, ltonn Taasrn, 7th Lard Lovat, who ‘aElizabeth, dan, of ttte Earl of Atholl, and evas father of SIMON Faosna, 8th Lord Lovat, who 2. 1013, having em. lot, Cstl:erine, dan. of Ste l0enzie of Kintail, by whom he ha’ta son, tlrnn, his heir and Sntlly, Jean, dan. nf James, Lord Dunn, by whom lue had issue, Si;u;st: hue), e:f las crallorite, tche d. it; 1635. The enale line ef line ltasers af l,svceatlect;v beeansr exhort tritti Sir Sio:en’s g;’eat—great—graisdsi,n, Witti,:o: Fraser, of lne’eral— betty, trite 5. a. p. b’f:’re 1791, atsd tcl:ese sisters maci ct—heirs, l.liaabe:l;. 4. s ,ssa, in 1 old, aad SI artt;s stas cm, to john Slaeteaoie, Loq. sf Kilcoy, an:l 5. in 1005, lames (Our:, of lurea, whose tnate litte became extinct tvitha Itis grattds:sn, Sinsoa F roser, ‘cbsc6. e.p. liunn Faase.n, 9th Lord Lovat, is, Isabel, dan. of Sir John Wemysn, of Wemyas, and bad issns, u. Sistoeu, Master of L’:t.ut ; 5. 0 p. 1640. it, Iteen, em. Lady Anne Lsslis; and 4. 1643, leaving macn, llren, letlu Lord Lnvnt. III., af Leanfsrt, 12th LonI LoyaL tluoem FsAsra, 10th Lord Levat, es-ho it;. in 1659, Anne, lleon Faasaa, 11th Lord Lovat, who ta. Lady Amelia passed to his great-uncle, Taseiatcs Fnssea, lStht Lard Lsvat, who Os. adan. ofMcLecd StameN FRAsER, 12th Lord Levat, who was convicted of Alexander, whn 5, os,a., 1762, Lord Lovat us. lndly, Prin;rose, dan. ef doh;u Can;pbel, Esq., and sister of John, 4th links of Argyle, by whom be hod a son AnentsAen, OTis ehdeot son an’l successor was GENERAL SIMON Ftscst:a, a gallant thengb nnsvilhing