Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/9

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LOU IL tiicz1c, I. THOMAS Louis, Esq., rear-ndmi,-a of the White, KIlT. and 10SF., was created a Baronet, for his gallant irofesnioiaal Fingal and the B:srss;s I inns:ssiy ii.snsely, .1 oh,, l’lsissk, tt, services, 7 April, 1800, in Dockwertl,’s e,1ssadro;s. Es,1., aslso was ss’.,tsd, ah,,sst Use clc,sv,,f tI, 1 itui e ‘iii,,ry, Sir Thomas as. in 1764, Jacquetta, dan. of S,smuel Baifteld at llcwl, y, cr,. Ls,oth. train tIcS, g,., itt, us,,,, sir—,’. s,,t.’,I tin,’ Esq., by whom ho sad issue, Jonv, 2nd baronet. Thomas, of Cnlloslen, as. 21 Oct. 1820, F.liool,elh, 2nr1 don, of and the alder, the a; ic star of Forsier Clarke, Esq. of Barbadoes, ansi Isas issue; his eldest dan., Aooe-Woolcsmhe, sc. 8 Slav, 1837, Major—General Sir Talauati,ss, who was alipoicsts d, to’ 1407, eli, rid sf 1 a sth, Jooias LIofte, CR., Kit. Matlhesr, lieot.-col. BA., in. 0 Sept. 1811, ITelen-Talasera, d,srinr liksso,sro. Ho so. C’sthsi ice, d s,,, of ‘lie’s,,,N in ‘8’,sian. of Br J.-M. Bracicenhary, 1(11., late 11.0.28. consul at Baron if Nacan ; and dying in 1300, who s. l’y lao lii, at .. us, Cadiz. Belflcld, rapt. SIN., so. in 1825, Stacy, siclest dasi. of the llsr to the s’er,,ge sf I rrh,,sd, 13 Jnae, 1541, is B.c. son ii r I .st”ruu. Roger haunch, of Cockingcon Coert, and is 0 s’ceased. Anne—Eleanor, a. 18 April, 1812, to Sasasiel-Slarth W eeleemlsa, fort, ltsq. of tlarrick, as,. Ittldsn’r, by whim; be had civ coca Esg. of Ashhnry, i4cvon. Jaoe-Frances, as. 18 April, 1812, to the 11ev. llsnry Waolcomhc. and fs,csr dane. su id 3;sdiy, hlassd. dci. and cc ‘—1iiir of 1V,slt, Jacquecla. Sir Thomas ,f. in Egypt, on hoard the “Caoopus,”37 Slay, dane. Tlsc bssr,,a ness .i. at In, ds’c, ae,. by his s di —tc,,n, 1807, and was s. by his eldeot non, IT. Sin Joan, an admiral, RN., and at one time naval heir of Nich,d,,s B,sr,iew,sll, Req., cs;,d waa s. at his deceaso, aicln-de-eansp to WILLIAM I V ansi rnpariitenden t of Ply— month Dockyard, a dincinguiohe.d oeaiaass, 8. 1781, who ,o. hut dying hi 1115, asitl suit issni’ (havi,,a hon sl,uu by 10 Oct. 1887, Cleineutina, clan. af Lincit.-Calenol William hl’Slalscn, in the rocevi’ry of s lie, y of c ,ttt. , at ltscaxf, ‘rd,Kirkpatrick, by whom (whoa. 7 bloc, 1861) he had issue, i. Tnoaian, Bengal civil service, 8. 29 Nov. 1808; so. 10 Oct. ketts of Ardee, brisogict six arch, rv on laursuhacla ti tl,o 1831, Anne-Itatharine-Iloed, only dan. of the lace Capt. John English, 00th regiment; and si. in the East lodico, 21 Se;’t. geneinl hasti;sg, at ttac Idil of T’sra, in 1103, ov,,s ;s1c1sc.iuts d 1836, leaving bone, 1 Jona, present baronet. 2 IVILLIASI-Lc’sILcY, late cnpt. 101st fool, 8. 9 Nov. 1814. 1 Katherine-Cleosentioa, as. 20 March, 1897, to Ihe Dareo de of Irela,sd, by whom he had three sins a,,d five d,nss. ; us;sd ttnllenherg-Stcinenhacioen. ii. William, rear-adm. RN.; so. II .Jnly, 1843, Mary, led dan. feighan, by wlsens ha h,sd no issue. Hod, in lfel, and was of Joliii Daniel, Eoq. of Porson’s Green. s. Clemencina, a. in Slay, 1841, to Vce-Adnnral ti-S. Rnhinson, Fitnwtlliam, ssf Merye;s, and had f,’nr sons. STir lordship contrcller of the EN., son of the lace Sir John Slolsinsoo, Barr. ii. Charlotte-Katherine, ii. u,ras. 11 Jone, 1851. Admiral Sir John Louis ci. 31 March, 1003, and wao o. by in 1835, w,so at the au ge of Drisgheula and at a geis, rat his grandson, SIR JOHN Louis, the led and present baronet. menting of tlsa prsueilial hl,sm,sn U,,tlsalic gi otry sf the cc. Cecofion—7 April, 1906. Ar,oo—Az., a lioo, rampant, arg., charged on the shoulder was alspcantod eel. -gen. of all the ;‘,si’ces tsc be ,-mcis.’d in that with a;; cogle, displayed, ea.; on a chief, wavy, erm., on anchor; county ; and in the evict isf his lcsi’dehip’s dc’cltniusg the erect, of the third, the shank surroccndod nith a naval crown, rams, then Sir Christopher Ballesv; and upon his ic fasal. the rim, an., slern and sails, ppr. Great—A grithn’s head, erased, ac., between two wiags, em- gentleman accepted ths’ said lost of ool.-geu., for which he voted, or; in the beak a denr-de-lis, and on the breast a trident, was imprinoned, in l’idl in the caetle sf Dublin, and parsecutcd erect, gold. Supporters—Dexter, a British sailer, habilccl, ppr., ins exterior a,. Mary, Viscostctoss-Dswagor tWins, 2nd dan. of Ila;,slall, hand supporting a staff, tlsercot, hoisted a Bag, arg., chargnd with a cress, go., sstr,nom;tcd hy a pair of wings, ar, and inscribed with the words ST. Boatman, in base, so.; snuster, an his only son, allegorical figaro, representing the Nile, tlse head and upper part of the face concealed by a veil, org., the nsaatle, vcrt0 Inscribed sitifored by his adhesion to royalty, luring attached himself with hieroglyphics; n’rcathed about lhn osaist wills holrushes, to the fortunes of JaMes Ii. hits ls’rdship if. in ldtO, and psr., and in the axierior hand the ancient rudder, or. Jlsfbe—In Canopo at ad Canopum. Scat—Cadwell, Demo. L 0 U ILlllCBflt. Tub family claims a cemm,cn ancestor wIth the Earls el’ br,,th, rs, J,s;ta and Rant sun 1’; ‘.ass, rr tin y cii’s’,, svlssst,, is ss the p’o,iecsitsr if the L’ ode s,evsl sn,l ll’n ,. ,iiy SI;, PA cictc’n Ps.s’mca,,’rs’, E,st. of K ilf,s, ‘sic,11’ a Icy, ‘nilSirs t)Livcn P,,ran cvr, Ks,t. c,f Kilfsr,sus, wi,’ is I cli vat’s1 his lordohi i s. 1st, t’,,tlicense, d,si;, nut l,c’ir of J otas tl,icl,— liath, Ito,1. sf R.sthfcigl,, by whim h, hctd tic,, os,;us .is,d two Tuouao, l,,,l lord. Ills I ,rdshi5, us. Sl,sr,’,sr, t, dan. md its 1571. by his eldcct san, PAvcunua, 3rd lord; who so. Mand, diii. of Lord Killer;, so. M,’naglasn). tlsc title devc,l red np’s isis his ‘titer,Os.uven, th lord. This nobleman having, is itt, the Plum— to have the leading of 81,0 cs. of Lsc,tl,. Ills I’ ‘rd-Lipa. lot, Frances, dan. of Sir Nieh,slas B,sgc’nall, Rut., n,.srsh,d Tiully, Genc,t, dacs. ,sf Patrick Bowcl,sll, Esq. csf Termon— a. hy his eldcet son, Mavrnnor, 5th lord; who so. Dory, da,i. ef Sir Rielsard d. in 1010, and was e. by his eldest s’,n, OLIvrn, 5th lord. This ni,blunan joining the royalists of Lossth, held at the hill of T,dlaghosker, the l,,srd t oath thou Sir Christopher B,srnescall, of Rusthaskie; which latter hy the usurper C,;oatwsLL’n puu’li.snirnt. Lo’-d La,ith let Earl of Antetm, and was .‘. at his demise, in 1679, by Movrmcw, 7th lord. This isotsleman, like Isis f.ithcr, was o. by his eldest rIm, OLIvER, 0th lord. This ceblensan, upon takin.r his seat in tarliament, was informed by this chancells’r that isis grandfather Oliver, 0th lord, had hats ontl,nved in lfdl and net being able to establish the reversal of the vcmc, the dignity ror,,eiued, fee the two s,shse,;usnt ;rs’nLnetiucns, unackusswlodged in law. His lordship 8. its 17,17, and was a. by isis only son (by Ilabella, dan. of herd ltingatsnd), Mavnueev, ‘tblord; who was s. in 1734. by his ehdcet sos,, OLsvnn, 16th lord. Thin usohiemac so. Margaret, dan. ef Luke Notterviblo, Esq., by whom hn had s, ‘funnies,his successor. 5,. Slallhew, ssha so. So dnc’, dan. of Col. Shan’c, of ltillongh Castle, as. Tippoco.ry, and left al Ide decease, in I s33, 1 Oliver, of Itilenghi Castle, rn-in April, 10M, lhsssie-Jnoe, dait. of Vs’thhiaun laroitghst, hfsq. ef t’arosinstssseti, nn,T ci. 1860. I Thomas, of Itillonghi Castle. 3 MatThew. 4 Charles. 5 llenu’s-. 0 hllerriab, ns.21 April, 1000, Canchian Stary. ycasngeot clan. of Tissutias Pens,n, of Crctscgthh ll,shl, ticolog hushura, unit lint a dan. 7 Antttooy-Sydncv Shair, hale heat. 6th fort, 5. 3 Jan, 15311. I Anna—01,aw, rn It Jon. 1433, to ‘l’htntitssst.ccko, Bsq. of Lucsgfsrd Ilall, Salap, n’hse 5. lIVer. 1830. u. Susoannahi. ii. Anne, on. Anthem’ Tisdall, Rag. af Charles ills, en. 1.011111; and 5. 3 Shard,, l$a7. His lordship 5. iii 1761, and was e. by his 3ril nod nldcst 26 June, 1849 no. 4 Oct. 1367, Antic’ MariaMac nnrstving sun, Genugh, 2nd dan. of the late Walter-Mac, 11th lord; wl,o had the outlawry of hw g-rnat-grandfathor annulled, a,ol was restored to his rank in the pecrago in 1798. Mis lordship rn in 1109, Margaret, Geough Bonul, Enq. of Drumaill, anti ‘I’I,eArgory, on. L 0 U T H. TaOUTR, BARON OF (flandal.Percy-Otway Pltsnkott), co. Louth, in the peerage of Irolaud; 8. 88 Aug. 1832; n. as 13th baron on the dcceaoe of his father, Armagh, and by her (who cI. at Dieppe, 27 Oct. 1868) has a onu, 8. 24 Sept. 1868. 711