Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/115

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NEIl Southey, in his Ills of Nelson, “is that of the martyr; Snppos-tcrs-—-flexter, a sailor, anned witls a cutlass and a pail. the most awful that of the martyred patriot; the moot of pistols in his belt, ppr., the right hand su;sporttng a staff splendid that of the hero in tho hour of victory; and if thereon hoisted a comme,leee’s flag, go., and in his bit, a palm the chariot and the horses of fire had been vouchoafed to trancli, ppr.; sinister, a lion, rasnpanl, rogardasst, is’ his month Nelson’s translation, he could ecarcely have departed in two broken flag-staffs, tspr., flowing from one a Spanish flag, a brighter hlaae of glory, lie has left us siot, indeed, his or, and gu., and from the other, a tn-coloured flag; in his mantle of inspiration, bnt a name and au example which Mctls—Palnsam qui mernit ferat. are at this hour inspiring thonsaude of the youth of Scat—Trafalgar Ifonee, near Salisbury, Wilts. England—a name which io osn’ pride, aud an example which will continue to be our shield and our atrcngth.” His lordship in. 22 March, 5707, Frances, dau. of William Herbert, Esq,, and relict of Josiah Nishet, M.D., of the Isle of Nevis (a scion of the family of Nisbot, of Carfine, Lanarkahire). but by hor (who had 2,0001 a-year settled on her by the 46 Pro. III., cap. 7, and who ii. 4 May, 1031) he had no issue, and consequently all his British hononre, sos-n the last barony, became exTiaar; but that, in accordance with the limitation, devolved, so well as the Dukedom of ProntO, npon his only surviving brother, WILLIAM (the 10ev. P.R.), 2nd Baron Nelson, who wao created 20 Nov. 1002, Voscounr MORTON, ef S’rafalgor aa,l The family of NEPeAN, originally NAxsPensAN, and ins ef Mcrtess, in the cc. of Surrey, and EARL NeLson of Teafalgar 1620, Nanopoan, came from St. Just, near the Land’s End, suit Mn-ton, with remainder failing hio hotro male to in Cornwall, the heirs male of his sister Mrs. Molton, and failing them to NicHoLas NrPeAN, Esq. of Saltanh (eldest ann s’f Ntehsslas the heira male of his other sister Mrs. Matcham. The earl, Nrpean, Eaq.), as. Stargarct, dnas. of Eras, Jossac, Eaq. o: who was 0. 20 April, 1757, woo a prebendary of Canterbury; Allagadno, in Glamorgasisbh-e, and had issue, he as. lot, 0 Nov. 1706, Sarah, dan. of the Rev. Henry i. Tnosua, lieut.-gen. royal engineers; if. oslo. in 1016. Yongo, by whom (who it 11 April 1828) hs had a son, is. Ens, of whom presently. IfonArso, Viscount Trafolfar, b. 26 Oct. 1788; who in nays. is,. Nicholas, lteut.-gcsa.; as. tn April, 1703, Franetna, oats’ 17 Jan. 1808, and an only surviving dan., Cnsns.nTras-SiAnr, widow of Samnel, 2nd Lord Bridport, and his ourceosor as Duchess of Brontd (according to the law of Sicily: see the ease of Earl Neloan a. Lord Mridport, reported in 0 Reasian’o Chcnccs-y Reports, p.547). Earl Nelcon is. 2ndly, 26 March, 1829, Hilare, 3rd dan. of Admiral Sir Robert Barlow, O.C.R., dater of the Viscountesa Torrington, and widow of her cousin, Capt. Georgo-Biric Barlow, who ii. 1024, by whom (who in. irdly, 7 Fob. 1857, Oeo,-Thoo. Knight, Eaq., and sf. 22 flee. 1057), he had no issue. His lordship ,l. 28 The 2nd son, Fob. 1815, and was :. in his British hononrs by (the only I. RyAN NeP5SAN, Eaq., was created a Bsronet, 10 June, son of hio sister. Mrs. Molten) hie nephew, Tncuts.o BOLTON, 2nd earl, who, on inheriting the title, 1002. Sir Ryan represented Brtdpsrt and Queenborsugh iii assumed, in lieu of his own surname and arms, the aurname pnrliaiasent, was sworn of the privy council, and filled the and arms of NELsoN, pnrsssantto the 46 Gsonoe llT,, offices of secretary to the Admiralty, and aaerctary of state cap. 146, an act passed for securing the Nelson annuity: for Ireland. lie was subsequently else of the lorda of the ho was 8. 7 July, 1706 ; and sa. 21 Feb. 1021, Frances- Admiralty, and governor of Bombay. lIe us. Slargaret, Elizabeth, dan. and heir of the late John-Stanricc Eyre, doss, of Captaiss William Skinner, and niece of General Esq. of Landlord, eo. Wilts, Duckworth, and had issue, HoraTio, the present peer. John-Horatio, MA., in holy ordcrs, rector of Mclangh-cnmScottow, is. Frederick, commercial residesst at l’atea; 0. 4 lfsrrh, Norfolk; 8.15 Jan- 1025; as. 27 Aug. 1057, Snaao, eldeatdau. of the late Lord Charles-Spencer Churchill; ontO has John-Eyre, is- 1 Oct. 1056; and Horatio-Spencer, 1,. 6 iii. William, major-general in the army: 8. in 1795; as. in Juno, 1060. )laorice-Iloralio, capt. R.N., 5. 2 Jan. 1052: as. 21 April, 1063, Emily, 4th dan. of Sir Chas. Burrard, Marl., and has Maurice-Horatio, 0. 17 Nov. 1064; a son, 0.4 Oct. 1867; and a dan. Edward-Foyle, hA, in holy orders, 8.11 Nov.1033, if. 0 Sept. 1059. Henry, is. 28 July, 1035, killed by a fall fmm bin horse 20 Nov. 1063; ,l. s,ass. Frances-Catherine, so. 20 Jan. 1055, to Robert-John Pottiward, Iv. Ryan, formerly rector of Otoydon, Nos-falk, ness canon of Esq. of Groat Finborongls, Suffolk. (See ilunse’s i.naifssl G’e,sIs’y.) Snaannah, is. 27 June, 1065, to the 10ev. Alexander Colvin Blunt, rector of Sltlltrook, near Southampton. lOis lordship ii. 1 Nov. 1035. * This statute secured 50001. a-year to Earl Nelson and his Sin MoLvoenx-Hvne, clerk of the Crsswis at .Tanaaiea; 0. heirs; and granted, out of the Consolidated Fund, 90,0001. for 20 Sept. 1703; ass. 1st, 30 Aug. 1012, Charlotte, youngest dan. certain uses, via., to give 10,0011. to Mrs. Bolton, 10,0001. is of Philip Tilgbmns,Eaq., autO by her (who 1.20 June, 1 07S)h ad, Mrs. Matchans, a portion of 10,0001. to Lady Charlotte, now hOoLTnEUx-hITOe, present Isarenet. Lady Mridport, a fond far jointuros, and a sum of money to Thomas, Is. 11 Mer. 1010; ,. in the West Jadsao. purchase an estate to accompany the title of Earl Nelsan. By gvan_Fhilip-Ttlghman, rapt. lolls Bengal N- I., 8.17 Feb.1910; the art, the name of Nelson is to be taken by the family on whom the title descends. 817 NEP dexter paw, a palm branch, ppr. J NEPEAN. NEPEAN, Sou MOLYNEUX-HYDE, uf Buthenhamptnn, en. Dos-not, - b. 2 July, 1814 ; a. his father, 4 Jnne, 1856; nt. 30 April, 1841, Isabel, only dats. of Ce). Geils, of Dumbuek House, en. Dumbartot,. 3Ltitcar. dao. of Olajor Wedikhsd, of the 11th llaeovontan regt.; and if. he 1023, leavtng tasne. 1 Evan, rcsr-ndm. ION., formerly in eomiaassd of tlso “Comos;” 0. 11 Aug. 1781, ass., and 1. 20 April, 1864, leaving had issue: hi, 2nd dan. Eilrabeth, n-as as. 3 Oct. 1661, to the Rev. W.-R.-Aatley Cooper, Esq., 2nd son ol Sir Astley-Paaton Cooper, uart.; and if. 27 March, 1864. 2 John, bout. R.N.; 8. 6 Jan. 1709. 3 Chnrles-Wedtktnd, capt. 7th Sladrae N. I.; 0. 06 Aug. 1799; as. Ansee, dau. of Capt. Alexander Beecleer, tiN. 1 Carstine, as. in 1812, to Francis-Maca Smith, Eaq. Sleinsser, royal engineers, and by her (who ii. 26 Dee. 1033) had issue, i. ltloasueux-Hvna, late baronet. 1794; oss. Miss Beeeher, eldest dan. of Capt. Beecher; and if. 17 Sept. 1033, loosing ha-s surviving dana., IlarnetLouisa, and Caroline. 1820, Emilta, dau. of Cel. Yorke. and if. 9 Dos. 1064, having by her (who if. 26 June, 1061), had a son and a dan., rio., O EvAN-Yoaxe, in holy orders, rector of Bnckssall, Lincolnahirs, b-in 1025; sa. 3 Aug. 1961, Slaria-Thorcsa, 2nd dau. ef the Rev. F. ltsrgan-Payler, rector of Willey, and has a Ion, 0. 25 March, 1067 ; 1 Annr-Slaria, ass. 6 Juno, 1865, to Cob. William Parke, Cli., 2nd son of the late Charles Parke, Esq. of Hanbary Reuse, Morsel. Weatminater, minister of Ornasener chapel, South Audloystreet, and elsaplain in ordinary to 11cr Majesty, Ia. 20 April, 1000: as..5 Sept. 1032, Anne, lad dan. of Ilso late bight lion. Sir Merbert-Jssiscr Fust, Eni. sf10111 Court, en. Gleaceater, clean of lice Arches, Ac., and has had issue, I Williain-Frederick, 0. 1 Oct. 1834; 2 Eran-Colville, 8. 7 Bee. 1030, as., and had iaano; 3 Merbtrl-Angnalos-Ttomey, rspt. a-so. Indian arnay, 0. 17 April, 1839, an. and lsaa issue; 4 St. Vincent, RN., is. 23 July, 1044; 5 )Oelynrnx.hlesry-Dickinson, and 6 Montagn-Brymer, 0. 19 April, 1046, twins; 7 AuguataaAiolphna-St. Jehn-Slarriett, 6. 24 June, 1949; 8 CharlesEdward-Rnrrougha. 0. 5 Feb. 1011 ; I Emly-linakisson, ass. 24 Nov. 1013, to the Rev. Frreman-lieatheote Bishop, vicar oh Raaaingbonme, Caanbrtdgealeire; 2 Annie- Elirabetis; S Angosta-hlsrrielt; 4 Margaret-Emma, an. 16 Jnne, 1002, In Albert Peareth, Eaq., son of the lare W. PeareOs, Esq. of ilowarth Rouse, Northumberland; 5 Mary-Isabchla; 0 Frederiea-Sophia; 7 Ellen-Georgians, if. 20 April, 1953. I. Marriot. Sir Evan if. 2 Oct. 5022, and was a. by hia son, Spanish man-of-war, all ppr., thereon inarribed “Sass Joaeff.” served in use Such war, and rereivad the nsadal and two elaaps, and if. in the East Indies. 30 Creohenc—Baren, 19 Aug. 5801. Earl and Visot., 20 Nov-I 805. Arssss—Or, a crsaa, dory, sa., a bcsad, gn., anrnssssnled by ansther, rngrailad, of the field, charged with three bamha, fired, ppr.; on a chief (of honenrablo augmentation), nadniated, arg., waves of hiso sea, from which a pabsn tree iaauanl between a dhabled ship on the dexter, and a battery in ruins on the siniator, all ppr. c’s-eats—On the dexter (as a crest of Isonourabbe augmentstisu), on a naval crown, or, the rhelengla, or plume of triumph, presented to Horatio, Visreust Nelson, by tlse Grand Sigssiss’, or Snltan, 5dm Ill.; and on the ahsistor the family crest, sir., on a wreath of the colours, upon waves of the sea, Ohs stern of a