Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/116

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NET Charlotte. ii. 55005. 16 July, 1538. Eliza-Emily, <0. young in 1826. Eleanor-Anne, sI. in 1842. Prances-Augusta. so. 28 Jan. 1657, to the late Consm. JamesBlair Dutfe, Esq. of tsragheda; and dying in 1070, left (whh Grove, RN. Sir Mslvsseuz s. Rally, If Slay, 1612, Lydia, dan. of Wslliasa who ‘is. Hoaestas, dan. of Christopher Netternille, Esq. of Wright, Req. ‘f Wallsen,l, cii. N,,rflsumherlssisd, and Fetlsard, and ste. p.; and John, who ,5..a. p.) a son and by her (who so.. 2ndly, 14 Jan. 1863, Dr Montague I’ irkmnan) Ednsond Burke, Earl. ci Ghnals, and had by her two had a dan., Lili,an-l’onslance, who 5. in infancy, 24 Ang. 1533. lIe sl. 1 J ssaso, 1650. (‘s’esshion—l 0 lone. 1852. A ,vcs—Gu.,a fesse, wavy, erossao,s, bet,s’een three mauhlels, arc. f’vc,sl—4)n a n,’asst, vert,a goat, passanl. Ca., ,,harge’l sin she side with Iwo ernssne—spoto in fesse, ur, collared 00(1 ls’r,sr,l, gold .Motlo—lleslswe. SeoloLodor I Court, and llothscnhsa,ol’lon, Dorset. N F T T ER VI L L E. NETTERV5LLE, VISCOUNT (Arthtat.Jamoo Nottorvile), of Donth, go. Moath, in tho poorago of Is’oland, o. as 8th viscount., 1.3 Fob. 1854, but disi not ananme iv. Ronena, of t’rtsieeratls, ess. Steatls, who enesatnally irshemited tho titlo till hid sight to it wan admitted by the Honoo of Lords, 26 July, 1867: iso. 27 OcL 1841 Conotantia.Fra’scoo, 2nd dan. of Sir E.-J Snsytho, 6th Bart. of Eohe hall, co. Dnrham, and hao an only child, Fs’ancgo-Conotantin, sit, to M. Charleo Viditz. JL Ittctgc. The family of Netleeville is of Norman descent and of eonniderable antiqoily; it took from ass early period an important and historic posilion in Iceland, and made high connee— lions and alliances there. It was settled at Month, en. Heath, in the reign of Itunov II. Sin Lean, of Mouth, was appointed one of the juslices of the cossrt of Qtseen’s Bench in Ireland, 13 Get. 1039. TIe so. Margaret dan. of Sir Tisonsas Lnttcell, of Lotlrcllotosen, by wl,oes lie isad, ssilh other issue, s. Jona, of whom pceoenlly. as. Richard, of Corisallis, co. Steath, who acquired considerable eslalea in 3teatls and Tipperary, a,. Alison, dat,, of Sir John Plnnhcl, of Dunsoghty, chief justice of usc Qaeen’s Ilench, and ‘5.5. p. 0 Sell. 1007. lly his will hr devised ins Sloath estates Iss Lsscas, 2nd son of his nephew Nicholas, Visconnt Netterville, in tail male, wills remainder lii l’atrich, 3rd son of Vierossat Nellrrsille, in tail male ; assd Isis Tipperary estates 1,5 t’alriek Nelterville, in tail nsale, wills a slsiltissg classae direetissg Ilse Tiisperary estates to gs to the 4th son of Viseoss,se Nellervihle, in case Patriels, lise vm. Christs’tdser, in Isoly orders of thr church of Rome. 3rd son, should o. to the 3tealh estates. The elder son, Jona NnrrnevstLn, .1. his father at Month, and was Ott’. for Lord Neltervifle ‘1. in 1034, and was a. hy Isis eldest son, co. 3leath, in 1360. lIe so. Eleanor, dais. at Sir lames Demon. Joan, 2nd viseounl who a. in 1023, Elicabeth, older dao. of Rilmacoole, eo. t.suth, and dying 20 Sept. 1001, left by her of Rielsarsi, Dash of Paruland, E.G., lord high treaasts’or of (srlso ,l. 29 Jan. 1620) an only son, ThtscnnLAs NnoTravss.r.e, of Mouth, ro. Heath, who was raised a. Nmeuooss,.lrd viacnunt. Is the peerage of lr,’lasid, 1 April, 1622, as VssrouaT Nn’rTnavss.s.n. as. 11 heroine, 5.5. J,. in 1705. lIe ‘s. lsl, Eleanor, daa. of Sir John Bathe, of Athcame iii. Itolsert, ,5. an in fant. and Drssnsconrash, eo. Sleath, which lady s1. 27 Get. iv..lanseo, arIse os. Eleamsar, dasi. of Sir William Talbot, Bad. 1634; and 2ndly, Slary, dan. of Alderosan Brier, of Drogheds,, of Cartoas’n, and widoar of Sir Ilenry O’Neile, and d.a. ‘. widow, let, of John Deep, Esq.,,s, and 2ndly, The viscount 5. in 1005, and waa a. by his son, of Sir Thomaa llihhom, chancs,ller of Ihe Evelses1sser in lrnlassd; Nrcnnras, 3rd viseouast; arha is,. Slargaret, dan. of Thady which lady ‘5. a p. By his 1st srifc, Lord Netterrille left G’llara, Eaq. of Crebilly, ca. Aatrias, and had three sons, Jona, sssssr, i. Jooa, his heir. us. Lucas, who, ssnder she will of his great uncle Rielsa,d I Ta 1663, by the dealla inlnstate of Sirs. Gerrard, of Gibbs’ Nelterville. e. Is tise relate of Corhallis s ho ss. Mabel dais tosvn, cii. Slessth, reprenrutative of the Nn’rTnnvmetes sfI.ecss’her of Sir Patrick Tiarnewal;, Hart., and S. before 1002 having next lsei,’s, the present Viscount Nettersille, John Fallon Enq., had Isy her (‘nih anolhnr son, Rielaord, who 0. an infant) a s,sn, Francis, who iii, Stary, dan. of Gen. Thomas Preston, NET and ii. before 1060, having had issue, Thansas and Slary, who sO. yonng. 1st. Pavissee, of Lecarrow, co. Galway, so. STacy, dan. of Peter three yossisger sons, Luke, seho m. and ‘0. 0.3).; Itiehard, successes’, NsenmseAs, of Leears’en’, svho as. 1st, Cisley, dan. of Sir sons, 1 Patrirk Netlervihle, of Longford, en. Gatway, who sit. Olargarel, sister of Janses Forrall, Eoq. of Itilmors, eo. itoseonusson, and dying in 1736, left (sub slsree dans., Cisley, as. to Sir itenry tt,srhe, Dart, of Glinok; Otargaret, is. to John Fatloss, Esel. of Ronnesnead, en. Roseammen and th’idget, so. to Dr. Janses Tally, of Dublin) an only son, Edmnnd Nesterville, Esq. of Longford, ro. Galway, and Glasssevin, en. Dtshtin, snlan settled Isis estates by will dated 15 Nov. 1760 t lie ss.Slargemy, dan. of Frederick Trench, Esq., SIP., and dying in 1777, left (srith a dan. Slargery, sss. in Walter Lawrence, Esq. of Wooddeld, Co. tialss’ay) an only son, Frederick Nettervitle, Esq. of 3.oug- ford and Glasnevin, who ns. Slary, dan. of SIr. Eoogh, and ‘I. in 1783, leaving (with iso younger sons, who ‘1. ecso., and three dons., of whoa, the lien younger <I. ssnos., and the eldest, Slareetln, sss. John Gerrard, Esq. of slshbstown, en. 3leath, and ,I. s. p. 1800’) a son, EdmundNeltorville, Esq. of Longfni’d and Glasaevin, who sO. i’s’s,,. in 1811. 2 Edward Neltrrtille, of Shigo, who is,. Dorothea Douglas, and S. in 1713, leaving an only son, Palrichs, who ,l• a p., and a dais., Cisley, wile of George Abl,ntl, Esq. of Castlegar, on. Galway. Nicholas Netterville, of Lrearrow, us,. 2ndly, STacy, dsn. of Clsristoplser Delagh, Esq., and dying in 1715, left by her, Christopher, sO. n,ssss., Jaasns, Nicholas, Peter, and Francis, wlsiels last three 3.s.p. Tise 2nd sen of the second marriage, Janeo, s. ileddis, dan. of D’strry Hansilton, Esq. of Fahy, en. Gatway, and 55. in 1792, leaning four sons, Nscooooa, Hamhron, 3larh, and Robert. The three ;onnger 5. 8.3?., and the eldest, N,enoeao, s,s. Bridges, doss, of Bartholomew French, of Dallyhenean, and <I. in 1786, leaving a son, Jassns, 7th Viscount Nellerrille. ttse Tipperary estates of Ins gresst uncle, Rielsam’d Nettrrvillr ; and who c’. Jane, daa. of Sir William lligdon, and hail 5 1055, Nsenntas, of Cnsirerash, wiso us,. Catherine, dan. of IViltians, Viscount Th’ilrwilliana, and 0. 1716, leaving a soa, Wss.Lsan, of Crsaiceratl,, who is,. Stary, dan. af Robert Frenton, Fsq. of Charlesiown, en. Dublin, and ci. in 1757, leaving issue, I Robert, of Cruieerath, who si. Olargaret, dan. of Sir Andrew Aylmrr, and widow of 11. Lutteehl, Enq. and it. S.j’. 1751. 2 Wttm,saam, of whom we treat. 0 Toasnas, in hssly orders, of tIme churns of Rome. The 2nd son, ;srstniaas, inherited Cruiecratla at she death a. s. of isis eldest brsslhes’. arid es. Slargarnh, doss. of Jansen Sladan, Enq., aad 5. lSOh, having had a son, Wiflian,, who us. Suaanna, mIan. of Sir t’liele Tlurhe, ttsrt.,ansl 5. r.s. 1768, leaving a sea, Ilunnax W,LtmAM, of Crnissernth. his grandfather’s nsierrssnr, who sss. Story, dams, at Jelsn Bnrssard, Rsq. of Itallynegar, cii. Perry, and 5. 1834, having had issue, 1. AaTuenJAasnn, slim and presesst viseosmnl ; ii. Rannnr, s’s. 1638, Annrtte, 2nd dan. of llattnn-Ronayssn Ca,sron, Esq. of Grange Rouse, en. Corh, srhiels lsssly lieu a. s. 1639; mrs. Jolsn ; mc. Thomas, sss. 1833, Etranor-Slaria-i’herena, dan. of Edmund Ba2fe, Esq. of RochflelJ, assd ss. I 3laretu. 1533, heavissg a dan., StoryThonsasiea; v. Pierre, si. 1640, Julia, dan. of Henry Robinsoa, Esq. of hyde-pork Rouse, London; a. Maria is. Ssssan. v. Ririsard, ‘2. a. p. ass. ‘l’lsamasas. viii. Nictsolan, in holy orders of the ehnrrh of Rome. England, and had iesne, his heir; Niehaas, ci. a. p. in 1050 and Lulsr, of Slalom, rs. evtensive estates in the en. of Galway devolved on her and Sir J,,Isss llradstreet. Dart., arho are new the heirs general of Patesek Neltorrille, of Leearrow.