Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/13

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14UC LUTt The earl is a representative peer of Jrelan,l, and lord- I lient. and custos rotniorum of Mayo. I L U C A S. LUCAS, BARONESS (Anne-Florence Cowper), of 3itl1CNC. Crnclwell, Wilts; Dowager Countess tlowper; s. SIR R/ensem BINCHAM, Rut., led son of Robert Binghans, her father, Earl de Grey, in his Barony of LUCAS, Esq. of Melee/nbc, cc. Dorset, and the descendant of tl,s 14 Nov. 1859. For lineage, parontege, anti issue, see ancient Saxon family of Bingham, (eec 110/nec’s Loot/el I Coivs’isei, EARL, and Do tiiinr, E CML. Gsotr,j,) became the meet eminent person of his family, and I one cf the moot celebrated captains of the age in which he I U,voi/eer—7 Hay, 1663. lived: At the time ef the armada, Sir itiehard was c,ne of I A’ote—Qnsr/ecly: 1st and 4th, Me fleet, bacry of six, arg. Queen EL/zAnesu,’e military council. lie was instrumental p cccl Ce. / 2nd anti 3rd, ilOotasea, em, a chevron, between three in reducing insurrections in Ireland, in 1586, 1991/, a/,d 1/193, I Soppn,’tcro—On either side a wyvern, witl, wings erect, or. stags at gaee, or. a,sd was eventually constituted mamhal of that kingdom, I and general of Leinoter. Sir Richard ,1. at linblin soon I ——after attainh/g these hononrs, leaving an enly dan., when I TAUMLEY VISCOUNT, 8ff SCAREROUCH, EARL. the representation of the family in Ireland devolved I/pc/I his nephew, I. Hewov B/ROMAN, Req. of Castlebar, co Maye (son of George Mingham, Req., governor of Slige, who was killed L U R G A N. by E//oign UlicIc Burgh, abent the year 1596), was erected a B,/reo,t ef ,Veva Seelia in 1631. lie si Miss Byrne, of Cabinteely, near Dublin, and wae e. by his eldest son, II. Sm Geosee, who was s. by his eldest eon, iii. S/a Hesnv, who was s. by hie half-brother, lv. S,o Geeooe, who waco. by his eldest son, V. SIn Jeno. This gentleman, who was governor and representative 1/s parliament of the cc. Mayo, 0/. Au//c, dan. of Agmendeeham Vesey, Esq., grand-niece of the celebrated general (in the l,’ieh army of JAMES II.) l’atr/ck Sarofleld, Earl of LI/can, who fell at the battle of Landen, in Fla//ders, and great-granddan. of CHARLEs II., through his iDegithnate dan., the sister of the nnfortnnato Duke of 1101/month. Sir John Dingham was as officer ef ra//k on the side of JAMEs at the decisive conflict of Anghrim, and eeotribnted to the snecess of WILLIAM, by deserting his echoes in the LUBDAN, BARON (Sir Charles Brownlow), of him- very brunt of the battle. He a. in 1749, and was s. by his eldest son, gan, co. Armagh, K.P.; lord-lieistenant and enetos VT. Sm Jeno, who represented the co. Mayo in parDa- rotniornm of the eo. of Annagh, 6. 10 April, 1831 meat bt dying one/. in 1751. was e. by his brother, s. his father as 2nd baron, 30 April, 1847; em. 20 VII. SIR COAELE5, H.P. for the co. Mayo, who was created, Jsine, 1853, the Hon. Emily-Anne Browne, 4 tl dan. 24 July, 1776, .Bareo Locao, s.f Gas/bIer; end advanced to of Lord Kilmaine, and has issue, the EAOLnOM or Lue.eo, 6 Oct. 1795. His lordship en. In , W/J,LIAM, . 11 Feb. 1818. 1760, Margaret, dan. and ce-heir of Jances Smith, Esq., 1/, John-Richard, 9.26 Nov. 1865. H.P., of Can,/o,se Leigh, ce Devon, of St. Andries, ee. I. Mary-Rmily-Ja//e. Somerset, and bad issue, Is. Clara-Agnes. R/CnAnD, I/es heir. /1/. Louisa-Helene. Lavi/sia, sa. 6 STarch, 17S1, to George-John, Earl Spencer, /, Isabella-Ai,na. E.G.; soda. 8 Juno, 1821. V. A dan,, 9. 18 Jan. ISIS. Margaret, vs. to Tho,nas Li,,deay, Eeq. of HoDymeunt House, ce. Ilaye; and ci. his widow, 17 May, 1839. Anne, ci. 6 March, 184e. TL1lit;tC, His lordship /1. 23 March, 1799, and was e. by his son, S/n WILLIAM B0CwNLOw, Ent., the fit’st of the family R/enAon, 2nd earl, one of the representative peers for who settled in Ireland, was born at Epw’orth, in DerbyTrelo//d. 9. in 1764; en. 2/i Stay, 1794, Lady Elizabeth shire, 8 Oct. 1591, and in 1619 received a potent and grant Melaeyse, 3rd dan, and ce-heir of Henry, last Earl of Fan- of the lands in the co. Armagh. He a. in if/il, leaving his eonberg, (wldeh lady had been previo/lsly tlee wife ef Dcc- preperty to his grandson (the soss of hie daughter, Mrs. earS-Edward Howard, Req., afterwards fl,ike of Norfolk, Chamberlain), bat divorced from that gentleman by act of parliament in Aovnno CnAssvEoL.s/o, Eeq., who assumed the enrname 1794,) by whom (who a. in 1818) he had issue, of Doowotow. Be se. abent the year 1677, Jane, dan. Gooaee-Ci,cotre I/reseat peer. of Sir Standish Hartotenge, Mart.; and dying in 3710, Riehard-Cemden, 1.2 hay. 1501; whe,afterbeingeecretary left, with two dane. (Anne, Os. in ieos, to Slatthew Fordo, of lcgatien at llnnieh, Turin, Lisbon, and Naples, was Req.; end Lettiee, wife of Robert Cope, Req.), three Bone, el/argf’ d’affaires at Venezuela, from 1612 to 1858. of whom the eldest, Elizabeth, en. 27 May, 3815, to the late George-Graaville WILL/AM Boewisnow, Req.,bsptiscd3i flee. 1683,31.P. or Hareonrt, Req., H.P. for Oxferdehire, eldest eon of his the ee. Armagh, 0/. in 1711, Lady Elizabeth hamilton, dan. Grace the Archbishop of York (see Vrnoea, B.); and a. of James, 6th Earl of Abereorn, and by her (who cc. lndly, 9 Sept. 1838. An//c, so. In 1816, to Alexander Murray, Req. of Bronghten, Martin, CoI/nt de Kearnie) had issue. Mr. firownlew it. H.P., who ci. in 1843. Her ladyship ci. 28 Oct. 1850. 27 Aug. 1739, and was e. hy his eon, Louisa, 0/. in 1817, te Francis, Earl of Wemyse. Tae R/oov Moo. WILL/AM BnowoLew, of Lurgan, Georgiane, en. 13 Jnae, 1821, to Charles Nevill, Req. of baptized 21 April. 1726; SIP. for the cc. Aracagh; 0/. let, Nevil Molt, co Leieester, who it. 18 Oct. 1848. She /1. 1 21 Slay, 1754, Jodith-Letitia, eldest dan. of the Rev. Charles July, 1849. Meredyth, of Newtown, co. Meatls, dean of Ardfert, and by His lordship ci. 88 Juno, 1839. her had two eons, W/LL5ACI and CHARLEs. Me m. lndly, in Grealleese—Boronet of Nova Scotia, 1632. Macon, 24 July, 1761, Catherine, 3rd dan. of Roger Mall, Req. of Mount Hall, 1776. Rarl, 6 Oct. 1785, flewnehire, and had by that marriage, Jamee, 9. 6 Feb. 1772; ci. in 1832. Arms—Az., a bend, eotised, between six crosses-pat/ic, er. Francis, in holy orders’ 9. 11 Juno, 1779; sa. Catherine, Creel—On a mount, vert, a falcon, etsing, wings ex- 6th dan. of Anthony, 8th Earl of Meath, and left iese/e. pauSed. ppr., armed, membered, and belied, or. Catherine, so. in 1783, to Slattlsew Forde. Req. of Seaford. Snppsrlsrs—Twe wolves, as., plain collared and chained, Isabella, m. 1796, Richard, 4th Viscount Pewerecenrt; and a. 1848. or. Elizabeth, /0. 1791, Jebn, 4th Earl of Darnley, and is dee. hfello—Spes mea Christus. Mary-Anne. a. scorn, in 1791. Secefs—Castlebar, ce. Mayo; and Lalehana, near Chertsey, Pranees-Letitia, ea. John, Intl Viecnul/t do Vesei. Surrey. Mr. Brewniew ci. in 1794, and was s. by his eon, Town Hsase—86, South Street, Park Lane. WILLIAM Baowsonow, Esq., who a. s.p. in 3835, Bud was e by his brother, 715