Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/14

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L V E the 10ev. lie. Altham, archdeacon of Middlobnin), having Lies’veaanv-Cnonaem. CHAnts’s linown tow, of Lnrgan, ts filled the chair of the East lndhn direction in 1700, ivan 30 pril 1717; ml. 5 Birch, 1751, Caroline, dan. and ct-heir created a Baronet, 30 April, 1791. Ho so. 1771, hester, dan. of thenjamnht Ashe, 1(5,1. of Bath, amid by tier (svho if. 5 Sept. of John ilokiero, Bog. of Aspodon hail, co. forts, and left, i. HFNRY, Sn’] baronet. ii. Sto then Rt. Hon.’, JiLl’. nitecealvely for Ileheater, ‘7, md kilo tsr the Tosser hamlets, 6. 14 Jan. 1792; 11(5.1,., the eminent civilian. judge of the Adsnir,dty, rhancohor of the dioceses if R,,ohenlor and Londun, who retired in July, loOT; sit. 1821, Sarah, dan. of P. Cacr, Eoq., and has isaac: of his soils, Vernon barriotar-ot— law, st. 20 Fob. 1165, Ja,, o, 3rd dan. of 1”ranois Mowato, Esq. ; and has ad in., C. sO July, 1067; and Godtroy, barri.,tor-atdaw. is. 3 Juno, 1r65, Beatrice Anne-Shore, lrd dan. of Samuel Smith. Esq. of C”,mbo Ilnrsf, Stn’rey. iii. Charles, at mie time H.P. for Westminster, 5. 1751; m. 1st, Sarah, lao. of (len. Gascoigne (which lady ii. in 1519); and lndly. iii Oct. 1911, Julia, relict of Thomas Teed, Esq. of rtattmota (which lady ii. 17 Feb. 1006). liv, Chat len Lnshingtots ‘1.1506. t. Hester, in. Tnnnaao OnOer, Eaq. of Berry Lodge, on. Ilants, sad had issue. it. Sophia, ,n. to (ian. 1 tonctl Onslow, of Stangbton Hones, lhin,fii,giliat’hiro, who d. in 1838, and had issue. She d. 17 31 arch, 1860. its. Mary, deceased. iv. Amelia, it. 1 Ang. 1933. a’. Caio’ine, it. 29 Sept. 1037, nn’st. Sic Stephen, svho represented Holoton, sO. 12 Jan. 1007, and wan a, Isy Isis eldest son, ‘risehtsattv lion. CnAenc hlt,oo NLOW, ft. 17 April, iTt’s, Ii, S,n lleney, who s’as 0. 27 Oct. 1771, and in. 8 April, 1709, F.ntny-SIaria, oldest lan. of Matthew Lewis, Eeq., represented the 00. of Armagh from 1518 to 193;;, and was tnolor-socrotssry at war, anil sister and co-heir (with her created BARON LOOnAN, 0,0 Laepaa, in 1s39. lIe in. 1st, 1st Jane, laOS, Lady Mary Btigh, dan. ,.f John, 4th Earl ‘ifsister Sspht.t, wife ‘ifColonel Sheddcn) of Matthew-Gregory Darnho’y ; and by her (who if. 10 Jnmso, 1823) bad a dan., Lewis, Es,1., lIP., the pitt and ronsanos writer, mid by Mary-Klieabstb, at. 8 Slay, 1940, Ii’ ttcbert Peei-Oswson, her (ssho ,t, 20 May, 1062) had tsene, Esih., hIP., late’capt.grenadicr-gstards, eldestaou of the Bight t llstnav, present baronet. it. Stephen (Sir), ;i,lmiral, (i.C.R., for soats tune tnpsrin. traiL at oh use isidian navy, ansi comosanding on the S. Antcrican station, its’s uieot.-gisvcrttoc ci Greenwich Hospital. the costinatt,lril the naval brigaitr Os shore at the siege and oaptnrc of Setsastol at. lie is a Knight of St. 1,oitis, of the ltedcc,t,er, and a K,tight Cot,,,,,a,,der of the Legion of llottotsr; 5. 17 thee. 1s01; ci. 1141, Ilenrteits, dan. of Astnsi— rat Sic henry l’resro;t, K.C.It., aud has issue, henrietta and Agnes, whit ssas,,s. itt hay, 1s04, to ileary Etch, Esq. of The Eaves, Cl,ai,cl-en—le-F’rtth, l’crtsyslttro. its. Ctssrtcn, H A., vicar sO Wsdlon-,tn-Thames; 0. 1005, is. 1031, Lose, dan. of Captain J. Tweedale, Kant Indian sets ire. tv. Matthew, 0. 5 Oct. 1500; tl, in Jamaica, 10 Stay, 1039. v. Franl;tia, tie,itemtsttt-eoioemcl (late Seats fanilier guards), C.E , 1.20 April, loll; ii. June, 1811, Anno-itobree, dan. of Goocr,d Sir h’tnliti itaint,m igge, K.C.B. vi. t’rcslcrick-AslrlI, of ltasirrc, L odimsmnf, hlants, 0. 1 Nov. 1911; Issue Bengal civil service; ,,,.14 Sept. 1040, Catty Mar— garrt-Jm,ita hay, yotsngrst stao. of William, 10th Earl ci Errell, and has 1 Atgernoa-ltay; 2 Herbert-Gnrttey; a Frrdrrii’k-Srtoe-KatT; 4 Sonservihe-llenry; I Bea,trtesHarriet; 2 Constsnee-Faony; 1 Vistot-Maigaret. t. Maria, if. ‘n,,,.is Feb. I’ll. it. t.snisa, ti. 1020, to Admiral Sir C. Bnrrard, hart, sit. Seushia. Sii’ Tictmry wan consul general at Naples frosst 1011 to 1032 ________ LuothtnoToy, SiR HENRY, fart., lie tO. 23 Jams. 11,1;;, and scan. .s. tsy his eldest sass, Sin Henna’ of Sooth Hill i’ark, on. Btrks; Lt’ontNnvon, the ;,rd and present baronet. late Etsst Indian nivil serviga 8. f.’eeafisa—20 April, 1791. At its—Or, on a fesno, wavy, between three lions’ heads, erased, sort, lammgsmod, gn., as many ermine-spots, of the hart., 25 Jan. 1363 ; in. 1st, 26 field. Cast—A lion’s head, erased, vert, elmnrged on the erasure with ttrco ermine-spots, or, dneaily gorged, arg. of William Tt’owar, Esq., and by Scat—Aeponden HaB, Bnntingford, Horts. L U S 1030) had leone, St’iithstn, a nnlit.nrv oflicer ; killed in Si ‘ala,in 1813. Csianors, late I. rd Lnrgan. John, ino’tnm ‘cciiif S.ns’t.tote. Knit, 0. in 1700; m. in 1023, Aliri n, him, ‘‘(It. 11, it. t’,,l. hlr,,sv tie, stud usia m°’’tc. Fre,lerirk, nsstjsr iii tl,o mont;’, 0. hSOst; i. tat, los’s, Jane, ,sa,t. of Mit thea’ ,Otmis’i l:itt v, Esq. iii J cr50’ ; aid Sitdly, in 1531 hIrs. I ssngtiin, of ht,,lrcrn . littsitmg h1 tile 1st wife four tt,ti;e. , sit inks,, the cii at, I sat ills, i 1050, .11 fretS— lta,,’m, . elili ot stub 1’. tiit”’rs (h,’itt,tbs, Las1. if h’tlttitm, North, llevsmm ; stat the .;r,l, itra, annie Flies ‘sib,si. time lies’. II tel,, sale I’S I.’. W’,slr, itt, 1sroes’nt sir such preliatid’ ry mit I tiehrst ‘ri ,llsoii,’al, tiisly nat ‘ifOtto istte Admiral Wet i u, 11.1’. iS lIves;, ‘aLa 5,t5it St cli’s.) G,’s’r’e. l’.l.C. mtuiltt try sett,er. 5. iii 1103; ci. in 1070, ft ‘rss,’lia,,l,uti. if Sham so Oati’tlsy. Esq., ansi less i.sane. hiotury, Elf’, civil service, 0. lasT;iit. 1st, 1 .tpril, ls29, Amelia. slits. ‘ft,. I ‘hester,Lest.; au,,t Sicily, I ‘Is,Lssttiealiargartt, slaim. ‘ifi’atrieh K srwsun, Es if Ct’eog. hs:sts’ll.s. as. in 1519, to 11’ sterirk hLieimu’ill, Es’1. of ttsrt’a, a gets. i’s the ;urnmb anti cci. itt tiss 78th lnghlanslors, who a. In (trt 1 sOS. Anita, at. in 1821, ti Colonel Maxwell Close, of flenmhanagluer, cc. Ai’m.sgit. Mary deceasodj, a. 1822, Rev. John-Forbes Close. Cols.nel Browolow tI in 1022. His eldest snrviving son, lion. Georgo-Bobert Oawccn. He so. 2ndly, 10 Jnly. isss, Jane, 41h dan. of Itodoriek SharnaCl, Esq. of Bs,rra, layernons-stnro, atid htast, (‘iIOOLFO, present boron ; Ednvard, late capt. scots fusihior gnaids, 5. 14 0cc. 1030; st. 11 Oct. ISiS], I tolStic.t temnotitin.,, 2iat dsuts. of (iso kite Isbn 11 ssrdy, Eaq., 0’ macny IL Si t’otssttl at St. lags do Cutia ; ansi Clsra-.tttns-Jsne. is. 20 Jnite, 1049, to Wihliam-Mac’hotsalti Si’tcilonal’l, Es’1. of St. Slartin’s, Portbshire. tlislordsbipif. 30 April, 1047. Croot isa—lOIS. Arias Per pale, or and arg.,an esoittrhonn within att orb of mactiers. sa. Crest—On a chaitean, as,, tnrnod stit, oem .,,s greyhound statant, gu. Si,ppseles’s Boxier, a gceyhonnd, acg.. gorged with a wreath of shaitir,’cke, vort ; sinister, a Highland soldier, in his naif’’rsn snob Ins firelock, all ppr. JAttIs—Ksa,’ qnam videri. Seat—Brow nosv Itonso, Lnrgan, eo. Armsigb. 10 Oct. 1302 ; a. his father, as 3rd March, 3325, llliea.Lottiaa, dma. hoe (;vho ci’. 1362) has, i. Tten’xv, t. 24 Jan. 1520; cm. 29 Dcc. 1048, ghloabeth, stan. of Anstrnther (‘leslie, Esq. of lisuosis’, cc. Fife, and has hati limo, Iheney-t’strnwahiis-Cartsrright, 1. Ii F’ob. 1000, and Ae,’tttoaon-Pavotea• ttsne.tas, 0. 23 Jan. hOOt, 1. t.aaisa-Fansy-Sharia, so. to fleginaith Thorntan, Evq., hteogal Cisit Service, 4iIt see of John Thornton, Esi1. of Cl.tphani. is. Laura, tis . to Liettt.-Cs], henry htsssssay, C. B., son of Limit-b ito. 3aimtsay, yonngcr brother of dtorge, 9th Earl of I .mihistmsir. Sir Hoary so. 2ndly, 17 June, 1363, Elia;t-llanttah, dash. of jolh th Sit oils’s’, Eat) , and hoc lay her a slat’s., Goraldino, 8. 20 March, 1965. .sfi LUSHINGTON. L Y E L L. LI’ELh, Sm GHAELEI, Eart. of Kinnnrtly, in the go. of For- far, elop. - liasit. of Fnrfarahire, DCL., F.l0.S., F,G.S., 3. 14 Nov. 1797, knightod 1848 created a baronat by patent dated 22 Atmgnst, 1364; ott. at Bonn, in Prussia, 12 Jtmly, 1832, Mary - Elizabeth, oldest MJ I. Sveonoss Lusntnnvon, Esq, of South HihI Park, cc. N%..4lJI.d Charias nv;ms Th’oaii)ent of the flecks, a acitin if the f.nnily of Lusnsnnvnn, of Hodtecc- Gosilitg:nal Sortety its 1836-37. shamum amid Fs,rk I hi,,mse, Kctmt (ssc Itnnne’s Lois ‘bit(snug), ITo ma anthor of “Prihmriplrs of Geology,” and of many (3rd son of thin Rnv. Dr. Lasimington, by Mary, dati. of other Ioiim’nad works and claaya. jib