Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/15

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LYO ititirzgc. CHARLRS LYELL, Eeq. of Itinnordy, Forfarslsire, ne. Mary who so. 24 Assg. 1680, Sarah, dan. of Sansuel Winthrop, Beale, of Weetlooe, co. Cornwall, and ii. 19 Jan. 1796, aged 62, (grandson of John Winthrop, lot Governor of New Englandi havingby her (who (1.16 May 1611) had issne, CnARLES, of whom presently. Mary d. uaau 60 AprIl, 1641. Anne, m. 1969, to Caplain Gilbert ttosthtoto, RN., yonngest Ilonse, llnntingdonsbsire, 8. 31 Aug. 1713 ; so. 1 Feb. 1753, son of Sir William Hoathoote, Dart., and load issue. lie 4. Jano, dan. of Col. S. ltarman, of Iharniane, Autigua; and 22Apr11, 1912. She el. Slsy, 1854. The only son, CHARLEs LYELL, Eoq. of Itinnordy, J.P., vice-lient. for Ilants, so. let, 1784, Catharine, dan. of Matn-Sweto Walrond, Ferfarohirr, 8. 7 March, 1769; ‘a.11 Oot. 1796, Frances, ooly Esq. of Montrath, Devon, hy Sarah his wife, sister and dan. of Thomas Smith, Log of Illoker hall, Ssealedalc, co heir of William Lyons, Esq., and had issue, York, and 4.9 Nov. 1945, having by her (who 4. 4 Dee. 1630) had issue, CHARLES, created a baronet. Thomas, heat. RN., 6. 21 Feb. 1799. henry, hoot-cs]. 43rd hiengal It. infantry, 6. 1 Dee. 1904; so. 25 Jan. 1948, Itatherine Murray, 4th dau. of Leonard homer, Log. of Itontagn Square, and has Leonard. 8.21 Got. 1659; Francis-Homer, 6. 11 Feb. 1652; Arthur-Henry, 8. 26 Nov. 1953; and Rosensond-Fea0005-Aont. Frances. Ilarianno. Caroline. Eleanor. Slaria, os. 13 Jan. 1940, to the 11ev. Gilbert hleathoote, of North Tanseeton, eo. Cornwall, vicar of Cnlerne, Wilts, aad sl. 24 Doe. 1943. Sophia-Georgiana. Elizabeth, s. sacs. 25 Ott. 1833. The oldest son, CHARLEs, was raised to the baronetcy as above, and io the present SIR CHARLES LYELL, DART. CresCse—22 Aag. 1864. Aries—Or, a cress parted and feetty. an., between four crosses pattee, gn.; a beedare engrailed of the last. Cmrsl—Upon a reek, a dexter etihit arm erect in armour, ppr.. chrged with a cross parted Rod fretty, gu., lisa hand grasping a sword, also ppr. Molfe—Feeti uoo ignavo. Seot—ltinnerdy, Feefarshire. Town Ilosise—7l, Harley Street, Caveeslish Square. LYISIINGTON, VIsCOUNT, see POIITSMOUTH, EARL. L Y 0 N S. LYONS, BARON (Sir Riehard-Biekortou.Pemcll co-heir of the late Captain Josias Rogers, RN., and by her Lyoue, GOB., P.C.), of Christehureh, Rants, in the (who d. It March, 1552), had issue, peerage nt the United Kingdom, and a Baronet; 5. 26 April, 1817; formerly Envoy-Extraordinary at Washington; subeeqtsently British Ambassador at Constautinoplo; appoiuted British Ambassador to the Eenperor of the French 6 July, 1867; s. his father as 2nd Baron, 23 Nov. 1858. Liittagc. WeLLIAN LYONS pnrohasod, in 1622, tho estate of Clueearron Qsow called River Lyons), and the lands of Mullaleugh, Cavenwrssnt, Killeeu. and Kilhgeeen (3000 acres), in the Eing’s County, from Lord Dsmssny, and of. 1631, having sss. ltargsret Moore, of Creghau, great assist to the head, erased, arg., gorged with a navst erewss, so., holdissg let Earl of Charloville, and eausin to the Earl of Drogheda, in the mossth a flag-staff, in bend, sissister, ppr., therefrom and had iestte, CHARLEs Lyons, fesssp. CuAae,sa 15., who wao father of in letters of gold. HenryLyons, of River Lyons, who so. Anne, sister of Hubert, on the shoulder with a castle, triple towered, arg. Earl of Belvedere, and of John Lyons, a major iso the army in the reigns of King WILLIA5C and Queen Atosee. lie ebtaissed, with his wife, Elizabeth, dan. of Henry IVillianse, Dspnty-Govereor of Antigtsa, considerable property in that island. Their 3rd son, 717 LY0 SAMUEL LYONS, settird at Asstigua, and waa father of Hetsssv LYONS, Esq. of Antigssa, eametimecsf Philadelphia, and was grandfather of JOHN La eNs, Esq. of Lyons, in Antigna, msd Stssrtlew ci. 30 Jan. 1775, leaving issuo. The 3rd son, JOHN LYONS, Esq. of Lyons, Antigtsa, and St. Assetins, i. JoHN, vieo-adm. RN., 0, 1 Sept. 1787; so. let, Caroline, dan. of Major Dewen; and 2ndly, 31 Aug. 1849, AnnaMarts, wid’,w of Col. John Lealand Stowatt, H. A. so. Theodore, ci.. 0002. 1921. set. Henry, Rout. R.A., killed at Copenhagen, IS Aug.1907. Iv. Enass’nn, created Lonn LYONS. v. Geerge.Iiose, H.E.I.C.S., 4. 1920. vi. William-Mills, 8. 1797; so. Mary, dan. of J. Adams, vss.laine-Walrond, mortally wounded at Navarisso, 1827. vies. Hssssphrey, ma)or-gen. Indian army, 8,9 .Jnly,1502; sss. Eliza, dan. of henry and SIstil,la Benssett, of Fir Grove, Liverpool, by whom (wIse 1. 17 Marels, 4889) he has issoe, 1 Fdmund.Willenghhy, 8. 23 1”s’b 10311; so. 6 Dee. 1955, Emily, youngest dass. of I-i. Thonsas, Eaq., surgeon, E.I.C.S, and has isene, Emma-Frances and EdmnndHumphrey ; 2 Algerooss-SieLenssass Lytsno, t. 26 Aug. 1899, capt. 1kM.; 3 Geerge-Manghan Lyossa, 8. 27 Ang. 4815, hient. Indian forces; 4 Cltasdotte-Salter, 8. 16 Feb. 103M sss. 2 April, 1919, to Lienl.-Col. Alexassder Learmooth, late 17th lancers; 5 Hinna-Lonisa, so. 1 Nov. 185S, to Jameson-Alers lisnkey, Esq. Sia)or-Gen. Hssmphrey Lyons so. 2nslIy, 7 .luly, 1000, Adelaide-Matilda, 3rd dan. of Pasvy-Jshes, present Vieeossnt Aeonsnoeo. ix. Cisarles-Bothol, so. Heesriotta, widow of Capt. Soekett. I. Anne, ci. asasa. is. Catharine, 4. 20 Dec. 1857. eec. Caroline, sos. Henry-Shepherd Pearson, Leg. Mr. Lyons sss. 2sdly, 17 Slay, 1904, Elizabeth, eldest dan. of W. Rabbino, Esq. and by her (who d. 1421) had, Samnel-Athull, ool. HE. I. CS., se. Sophis, dan. of Colonel Logic, and has issue, Samuel. Edward-Robhins, capt. II. E.I.C.S., 4. oam. 1949. Frsnces-Walrond. The fourth son, Enasuwn, t. 21 Nov. 1790, entered the royal navy in Jssne, 1801, and after an early and distissgtsished career dssring the French war, having been in several actions, and havissg escorted Louis XVIII. to France, as commander of the Riesido,” he became s captain in 1914, since w’nich ho continued to do able pssblio service, hoth as a naval officer and a diplomatist, and was created a Baronet 29 Slay, 1549. He was appointed to the chief command of the Mediterranean Fleet, us 1895, and achieved the highest renown by the brilliant assd effective assistance he gave to the Crimean expedition, and to the allied forces in the late Rnssian war. For these services he was crested, 23 Jnne, 1590, BARON LyoNs. His lordship was also a O.C.R., G.C.M.G., K.C.H., vice-admiral of the White, knight grassd cross of the Legion of Honour, and a knight let class of various other foreign orders. He sos. 18 July, 1814, Angusta.Lonisa, dan. and s. RiCHARO-BSCRERTON-PE5SELL, present peer. Cs. Edmssnsh-Slowhray,cspt.R.N.; 8.27 Juno, 1819; highly diotingniehed in the Crimea; killed in action, 1851; osom, e. Anne-Thoress-Biekerton. sos. at Athens, 24 Dee. 1899, to Philip- H artman-Veit Baron von Whrtzbnrg in Bavaria. Is. Angusta-Mary-Islinna-Catherine, rn, 19 Juno, 1539, to Henry-Omnvibe, late Dnke of Norfolk. His lordship tO. at Arundel Castle, Sussex, 23 Nov. lOSS, C8’eolisss—’—Bsren, 29 Jnns, 1058. Baronet, 20 Slay, 1840, Arsss—Sa., on a chevron,’ betweess i-hree lions, eejantgnardant, srg., as many castles, triple tewored, of the field. guest—On a ebapeau, gu., doubled, ermins, a sea-lion’s flowing a banner, az,, having inscribed thereon “Juhamek,”Ssjspsrbers—On either side a lion, gssardsnt, es,, charged lhfsllo—Noli irritare bones.