Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/16

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LYT L Y T T E L T 0 N. LYTTELTO a’, Loisn (Sir (icorge-Willian Lyttelton, WsLLsAas, bis successor I(ichas’sl, asseestor of the LITTLEsass’s F. 11.5.1. Baron of l”rssnkls’y, no. Vos’eeoter, in the Emsw.nsn’Il sen a s-n i,svrooron, lssd Ba s’sss lfssiherlsn, and jseerssge of Id reat Britain Baron Weotcote, of BallyI Thomas, of Sjsetebley, near Worcester, ancestor of LordKeriscr non’, in tis s’ jss’es’age of ireland and a Baronet of 11 ogl.nsd lord—lieutenant and eo otoe-rotnloroui of assd of Sir Wham Lyttlsstssn, shseaker of tho house of Wonssots’rslssre, oni High Steward of Besvdley is. Csssssmesss, tsssjs. WsLLsAas III, Ibis hssrsiship ei. at Frasikley, 31 March. 1517 so. 23 Jnly, ]53i1, Mary, dan. of 13 Aug. 1481, assd was s. by bis eldest son, the late Sir Stephen Glynne, iisn’t., by Mary Inn wife, clan of liielsard, let Lord hiraybrooke, and lay her widow of Tbsmas Fieldissg, Esq., and dass. and beir of (who l. 17 Ang. 1857) hae issne, i. Cs5ARLES-OEO5SOE, 31.0’. for Fact Woreestembire, 8, bs Issid si’s ssshy dais., Jossss, who ea. Sir Johss Astsn, of heywood, 117 Oct. 1 543. is. Albert-Victor. 5. in 1844. iii. Nevillcdlci’ald. officer in stile brigade, 8 28 Oct. 1845. dying to 17,07, was s. by his ssssly son, iv. Gees’ge-Wtdiam-Speneer, 8. 12 3 one, 1847. v. Artliin-Trsnpie, t. 7 J00. 1832. vs. Robert. is. Ia,l sos. 1 e34. vii. Edward, 8. 53 Jnly, 1033. vus. Alfred, 6. 7 Feb. 1037. j. Mericl-S.snsti, s’s. 30.1 uly, 1880, to Jobo-Gidhort Talliot, sadthiss a berdura gebeny. f See ITunat’s MImicry sf ike Bsyal Tb1. (Sc p-el Sneewseesse, K) n. Lucy-Carelinc, late maid sf honour to the Queen s,s. sons assd two dana. John Lyttelton 5. 17 May, 1312, and 7 misc, 1564, to Prcdorick-Clsarlcs, 2ndsonofWifltans, 55555 a. by his son, 7th and present lJ,ske of lies’onohls’e. is. Lis’issia. iv. Msry-tisstberioe. ILillcagc. The family of Lytteltsn has born of long standing iii tbs Eoszossvo, being, dnsisrg ber majesty’s reign, one of tbs eo. of Worceeter, and hod cooeidcrable possossions in the cousseil cf tue mas’eboo of Wales, deputy-lieutenant, and Vale of Ee’ceha,o, particularly at Sooth Lyttelten (whence essstos rstislos’mam of the cc. Worcester, and in tbs eommissiass the Caine has probably been asonsucd) his the beginning of toe, the bonenr of knighthood frosn Queen ELIZABETU in the 13th contury. Tnoues or i,i’TTOT.ToN, abont the mssetcsntb year of 1331, at Kcnhwortb Caobe, when her majesty hononred HENRY ill., is. Emma, only sian. and heir of Sb’ Simon Dssdiey, Earl of Loieester, with a visit there. Sir John 5. do Fraoklev, Kot., by whem lie bail an ‘shydan. Emnia, 13 F5b. 130th-Os, sod was a. by his eldest son, who so. Aogeros rio T.stlynton. Thonsas do Lottelton ‘aRolls’, Anselin, sbus. awl heir of William Fitowarron, of 13th assd 14th Queen Es,szaonvss, and high shesiff in tbe Vito, cc. w,sceester, one of the j ostiecs-itinerant and lath of the sanse reign. He so. Ehizabeth, dams, of Humphs’sy Jo ige of tlss’ tionamss,s Pleas, math lir.Nssy Ill., and sheriff of Woreest robiro tb’ fssllswissg year, hi’ wbss,n lie left three of Ilansiston Cosss-t, co. hereford ; and dying I dune, 1399, seas. lle wise, at his ,looease by isis shiest iou, Enss--yss no Lsveceross, who resided at Coolesslon, and ha’ i la, at N,sosstsss, in Woreestereinro. liii yonssgest RomzansTo. This genthemso (to one the words of Sir as’s I cole ssirs-isissg brother, Tnssss,ss no LeY’rsLvoss, represented the cc. of Worcestsr arid a l{e,sssiss eatbohie. was eoos’ted by Lord Essex and his i’s 1ssLrhasssent fes’,n 0th Eosrassn II. to the 34th Foss, Iii,, fs-iessdo; asad iii ooms moasurs deawsa in by Sir Charles and was s. at isis siconise by his driest isis, Tnsomas ye L5YYcLYON, who sose,ss-cred the manor of Lyttshtoss bhs estsstss for hs was tsied amid eossvictsd of bigb F,’asskies’, by a svrit ssf sight, on f,stinro of issue to his treason at Lbs Queen’s Bench bar, IT Feb. lOOt-i, and died cssoeiss , Thssso,sc iii Tatlyssts.s,. ‘This‘fh’smasdo Lnttsht,sis in prison iss the Juhy following (lbs execution of the pesssslty was es.4nies of the bsssly tss tbrsso ssieossoive kings, ssamehy, Rico isis’ ] 1.. lies os IV., ansi hi or, sse V. lie d. 1st Sir Waltor Raleigh). Mr. Lytteltoss ni Muriel, doss, of Sir 11 ca cv Vi , ssol t ft ass ‘isisd,su. asisi heiress, Es,sr.ascess or Lnves:snsssn, who ci. Thonsas ‘sVsstcote,sbus. Mrs. Lytteitoss isbtainesl, npon ths accession of Esq., the ki,sg’o o’ a’s asst is, essnrt,agontlessan of hoversshire, Jasscs I., a reveesal of the stt,dndcr ssf her husband, and a asseis’ssts ‘iscci aided but cbs’ being f,sir, on,l of ssoble gs-asst, by lottess patent. of the whohe of his sstats. She sisirit. (tss sic.: th5 sbraesc.hosey of bird Csske). assd havissg was a 1ser000 of gresit prssdsnee, and disehargsd dsbts contracted iargo ‘s’ss’ssei,,ss—asssi bile sit-sirius fnssss her soseestors, tie Lssttvitoii, Liii fsasns her oos,ther, tbs lass. sosd css-heir of £hIsssbO, ahthcngh she was s’snsarkable for benevolence assd Q’rs,ssLin, aol s,ther asscs.otssrs, reossived tss csssstiosse the hos4talhLy. This lady snrvts-ed 3lr. Lyttelten twenty-sight bs’ss,,ssr s.f hr ssassse, arid ties refssre irsseislch. by Westeote’s yeas-n, sosd brossgbt ohs hcr ehihdrsss iii the s-ofernsed rohigioss. aooesst, hf ‘rensarriage, that her i.sssso isibs’ritssbls shorshci The eldest eon, bs’ e:s’ls’si by tbe naroe s.f LuTTcs.YssN. Ilmsssn this nsarriags, Me. IV,’ste,si,’ sctt,od at l’nssskis y, ss,ssi s’ers’esl the office of ese,iscats,rs’f V.,rosster, 2tb llsassv VI., I 43’); SoOss after slice us 1813. Ho was crested a Tiaronet 23 Jniy, 1615. as tech is’’. ,iiesl, l,’sieiss fssur eossn asid as sssa’sy daas., and Tisis gentleman was an active adherent of rayshty dssring s’sss e. by isis s i’l,’ct ss,n, 715 LYT TssoMAs IJUTTELTON, or Lyttsltoss (as be began to write it), who, basing been brsssght op to the has, was causd, iss 0434, to the degree of serjcaist-at-law, and in the fehlowissg yeas- wsss ssomisssited king’s ierjcant, when ho rode j uotieo of the assioc in tbe northern circuit. In 1454 (tbe 4th year of Eownecs IV.), Mr. Serjcasst Lytteltoo was aphsssisstcsl one of tise judges of tbr court of Common Visas assd is tbo lath year of the same monareb, was created a icssiglst of tiss Bath. Sir Thomas wrote his celebrated Trs.sslbse sa Tessares after he bad ascended the bench, a hook which Lssrd Coke has ehas-actesized as “theos’nament of the cosnnss,n law, and tho most perfect and absolute work eeoc was wrote iss assy bonsass science.” Sir Tisonsas Lyttelton is. Joan, widsw sf Sir PbilipChotwind, ssf I,e7estrie, eo. Stisiforsi, asssl dan. and co-heir of Sir W’ihll:uo llorloy, Knt. of Brosnscroft Castle, in Sbropsbire, by svbcsso ho had ‘withtwo dasss., who d. sssssss.) three sons, sf PUbis’s Roil, cc. Staffos’d, ssow represented by Lyttheten, Ilaron of Moonslow, issap. COARLEs I., Sin WILLiAM LYTTELTON, of Franidey, who so, 1st, Ellyms, William Walsh, Esq. of Wasshtp, in Leicostershire, by whom cc. Stamford. Sir Wihll,sm is. Indly, Mary, dau, of William Whittington, Esq. of Paesntiey, cc. Ghooeester; and JohN LYTTELTON, Es,1. This geistleman m. Elizabeth, dssu. and ce-heir of Sir Gilbert Talbet, and great-great granddao. (nraternalhy) of john of Gaont, lInks of lioness- tee, sen of Khsg Eosrann iii,; iii right of whom the family of Lytteltoes quarters the arsmro of France assd England, Fossbhhee of’ E,sylaa’b.) Of this marsiage, thars were ssvsss Sin jnnN LYTTELTON, Kssight. This geotlensao was granted by Qssesn Ilosm, in 13,51, the office of constable of Dudhsy Castle, cc. Steffsersl, with ths rangership of the old sosd new parks there asid thongb adhering to the catholic s’eligioss, he en) oycsl the esssfidcnee of Qusess of the pcsseo for that amid the so. Stafford, Ms recsivsd, Grosrssv IsyvYcovoN, Esq., Isl.P. for Lbs co. Worcester, Cossissgeby. Esq. of Nyomad-Sehers. in Shropahb’e, and woe e. b3’ his eldest soms, lens’ LYTTELTOR, Esq., lIP. for this oo. Worcester, tesap. Frsssseis liocossi) bsissg neoeb respected for his wit and valour, hdamsvers to that cossspiraey which cost Essex his bead, asid regssrdtssg life beissg avertod thrssogls the iotsrsst of Tbomsss Tlremlcy, Kurt., assd heft issne, three sons and five by ber hssnbassd asssl his father, to ths amount of Sss’ Tmsossss Lvrvnovoss, Ksst., represented the co. Worcester iss parliament, and nerved Lbs office of sheriff of that the civil ware, and soffered inspr sosi,ncot in the Tower in