Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/141

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NOR Lovaixr oe ALNWtC, with remainder to his 2nd ems, Lord Algernosa Percy, by patent, dated iS Jan. 3704 and dying Turkey, in cansanaud of Ilse British Italian legion, Itnt, of the. in two years afterwards, was s. accordingly, in that dignity, legion of honour, and of the llejtdie: he baa use Victoria by his said 2nd son, ALOOnNOit, 2nd Baron Lovaino, of Alnwiek, 2. 21 Jan. mm. hlargsret, su, 23 Sept. 1841, to Edward-Itiehard, 2nd Lord 1750. This nobleman at. 8 Jnnc, 1775, lsabella-Snaannah, 2nd dan. of Peter Dssrrell, Esq. of ]leekenhani, in Kent, Itis grace 8. 22 Aug. 1267, and was a. by his eldest ann, and sister of Peter, 1st Lord Ciwydir, by whom (who d. Arorattea-Oeoror, 6th and present DUKE afNeeTuusaeeerusn. 24 Jan. 1032) he had isene, i. Onoree, 2nd Earl of Beserley and 5th Duke of Northnmborland Us-eabie,ta—Dsthte of Nat’tltuattberland ae,t.Farh l’erey, 22 0th. . ii. Algernon, 0. 12 Aug. 177i; ininister-planipetenliary to 1749. herd hovatee, hbaree of Alewiek, 28 lao. 1784. Earl of the Swiss cantons; 4. 12 Aug. 1013. - Beserley, 2Nev. 1790. Baronet, 2 Aug. 1660. At-eto—tjmsrierly itT. llngh, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle, 0.20 Jan. 1701; to. Itt, in 1st aad 4th grand quartera, let and 4th, or, a hots. ratsslsant, an. 1000, Mary, eldest dau. of the heat lies. Charles SlanacrsSutton, beiitg the ancient anna of the Deer or Beaeasv AND LevAmar); Archbishop of Canterbury, and by her (who a. 4 Sept. 2nd and 3rd, gu., three laciea, or pikes, hanrieni, arg., far I .oev; loll) had issue, I Algernee-Charles Deter-Percy, Faq. of llednet hail, es. for Tracy. b’s-eel—On a chapeau, gu., turnrd up, craam., a liou Setup, 8. 27 June, 1012; in. in July, 1839, Busily, eldest stehant, an., tht tail eatcndcd. Sutspoa’tetv—Dextor, a lusts, tampant, dau. of the late Right 11ev. Reginald lleber, Bishop of Calcutta, of use last, gcrged with a collar, gabony, arg., and an. JIs,lle and lisa assumed the additional surname of liners. — Felsdranea etc Dion. Seats — Alnwiek Castle, W’arltsrorlhm lie has issue, Algornea, lioat. SIN., bin 1045; ReginaldJoceline, Caaile, Ittelder Castle, and Pendhoe Castle, Northumssbes-laad; It. in 1a49; Hugh-Louis, t. in 1023; Harry-Vernon, Syon Ilouse, lahco’orth, hliddleaex t and tsitloas, near Terqeay, 0. 1850; Blanche-Emily; Ethel-Cecilia; and Agnes- Katherine. 2 henry, hi. 2 June, 1813; in holy orders, canon of Carlisle, sw. ; Il, Portasan Sqnsre, it’. and rector of Greyttake, Cuntberland ; ci. 1 Feb. 1841, Entma-Burbaea, only surviving dan. of the late Capt. Benjamin-B. Galbraith, of Derring, Queen’s Cettnty, aitd baa had isane, harry, It. in 1843, a. 1820; llngh-Wifliam, 2. The f;unily of Smithson derivea its surname from an 1014; Algernon, 8. 1847; Allayne-Josceline ; Alfred; ancient town in the North hiding of Yorkshire, called Edward ; Jeaceliae-ltugh ; Fliaabeth-hhary; CharlotteFlurentia; St ilhleu or S,eelh,loe, its which district the Smithaena have and Emma-Annie. 3 hlugh-Jetcehne, 0. in 1017; late of the 7th hnasars. 1 Mary-Isabella, to. in 1840, to the 13ev. Frederick-Vernon lit Bemsaesduy-Dook the nusee is writtcti hmethton, and Lockwood, prebettdary of Canterbury, who tT. 1 July, 1051. ltarnunai ne Sat LT5iTON held a iaanor there. 2 Agnes, ii. 11 July, 1884. 3 Lucy, at. in 3832, to Ileury-William Askew, Eaq. of Glenridding, Ronenv ye SsasTnnox and TmeuaaAa DC SatvTitTntc, Isrothere, Cumherland. 4 Gertrude, ;;;. 12 July, 1834, to Earl Amherst. S EBen, ci. 1816, to the 13ev. Edward Thomson, who a. 1030. Catherine, atase 1533 ; and it appears that the family, about 6 Louisa-Julia, a. 10 Aug. 1865, Ia harry-Barrington this period, renteved from Smithton to l’afferd, which latter Tuttiett, Faq, ef Ventnor, Isle of WTight. The Bishop of Carlisle sit. 2ndly, in yet. 1840, hlary, dan. ol the late Vice-Adaniral Sir William-Hope Johinatoite,, which lady a. 1821. Ohs lordship a. Feb. 1858. iv. Joeceline (twin wills his hi-other Hugh), 8. 29 Jan, to hia lineal desceudant, 1784, vice-admiral RN., C.B. ; tu. 9 Doe. 1020, SophiaElleabeth, Awvnnav SatyTueoar, Eeq. of Neweense, is. in 1545; who ltd dau. of htereten Walbenee, Faq. at Hather;on, as. Eleanor, dun, and heir of George Ctttheriek, Faq. (the cc. Stafford, and d. 19 Oct. 1826, having had issue, 1 Alan, 0. 1825, a. 1840 ; 2 Sophia-Louita, as. 7 July, 1846, to Col. Cltarlea Bagat, of tite grenadier - guartle, which the 2nd son, eldest sen of the late Right lien. Sir Chnrles Begot, 0GB.; 3 Emily, st. 17 July, 1052, te Col. Charles-Lairrance D’Aguilae, hA., C.B., youtiger son of Ltont.-Gcn.Sir in 1520, becatning eventually the chief, tmttd eminently distingtttahtatg George D’.tguihar, K.C.B.; and 4 Charlotte-Alice, a;. 13 April, 1018, to Edward-Percy Thompaott, Eaco.. 7th huasurn. v. henry, lieut.-cal. in tlte army, CF., and aide-do-eanap to Dorothy, dan. of Jerome Rausthotno, Faq. of the cc. Essex, Sir John Moore at Corunna, and to the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo, 0. 14 Sept. 1780; ale 1025. vi. William-henry, ha. 24 March, 1788, rear-admiral 13.N., a. Jeanue, his eucccaaer. cammisataner of excise; d.5 Oct. 1815. vim. Francia-John, h-in 1790, eapt.Slrd regt.; a.pi Aug. 1812, viii. Charles, t. 4 March, 1704; ci. 20 hlaach, 1022, Anne- Caroline threathecd, granddau. and heir of she late BorneBertie Gtealheed, Faq., of Gnyecliff, cc. Warwick, attd assonted, by sign-manual, in 1026, the surnames and arnse of Geearnrems-h’ae-rte, in addition to and before Paacy. tIc was, by real licence, dated 16 hlurchm, 1005, given the precedence of the yaunger son of a duke. She tins a dan., Anne-Barbara-Isabel. a. Charlotte, ci. to George, lcd Earl of Aalmburnhana; she a. mat. Hugh, who heft an only dan. and heir, Anne. so. to Sir 26 Nov. 1802 ii. Onsannah-Flieateth, a. 7 April, 1047. mat. Emily-Charlotte, es 25 July, 1800, to Andress--Martintcr Stn Jee.aame, of Stanwiek, 0. in 3032 ; is. Oiary, dan. and Dreimtaaand, Esq. of Chariag Cross, and Ilenham, Middlesex, ache a. 1 June, 1884, Isaving by her had iaaue. This lady, by royal licence dated 16 March, 1065, was given the piveedence ford, SIP., and dying in 1604, wao a. by his only eon, of a duke’s dau. Lord Loeahae was advaaseed to the EAni,00ei or BevenLrv, 2 Nov. 1790. Hie lordship a. 31 Get. 1820, and was a. by hit eldest sea, GEORGE, P.C., LL.D., 2nd Earl of Ilevenley, and, onthe Ralph, let Earl of Weatmorland, left a dan , Cecilia, who demiecefhia eonein,12 Feb. 1862,o.aesth Dukee’f Northunaherland, at. Diehard, Duke of York, whose dast. By the oaid Cecilia, Re.; he was 8. 22 June, 1770; he was ILP. far Anne, had by her 2nd hnehsand, Sir Thotnaa St. Leger, Ilceralaton 1800-30, a lord of the treasury 1004-6, captain of the yeomen ef the getard, 042-6; heat. 22 June, 1801, IMuiaaItarcourt, led daa. of Gte lute Hon. Jamee-Archibald StuartWertley, Sasage. ltnt., was grcat-grandsnother of Fhiaahtetla Savage, and sister of Juries-Archibald, herd Wharncliffe, and datt.of the Hon. Themar Savage, of lleestomt Castle, Cheshire; by her (c-he d. 30 June, 1842) had isaac, m. Arneaxax-Groane, present deke. mm. Jeaccliue.Willisau, 6. 17 July, 1811 ; te, 0 keg. l040,Sbar- I-bstgh, wlto tb. ssssm. in Isis fatlters ltfetiete. - garet, only dun. of Sir David Davidson, of Cantray, Nairnshire, Langdalc, so. h’hihadelphia, dan. of Wiisant Devely, Req. of and widow of Sir Idobert Omni, and has a aan, GeorgeAlgernon, 0.17 May, 1849. - aim. Henry-Huuk-5Iaam, SIP, for North Northumberland, Darathy, llary, Cahhethase, Bridget; all of athena took the 6. 22 Aug. 1010 maJor-general lathe army, late Beul.-col. 843 NOR grea. gds., and A.D.C. to the Queen, late a brig.-gaa. in ct-east, Leusa. Huthartan. gztioodp ft IPiLT$OII. possessed considerable eotatca since the CoicQuceT. or lab catisina, were heth psammened to appear en a jery in an tuquieitien taken ott Thursday, the Feast of St. eatuto Jetax Saavpuaoc- exchanged, its 1443, with Robert Danhy, for the lands of Newaome, &c. Fretn thia John, we isasa repreeeutativo of a family which ranked aaasonget the moat ancient gentry of Yorkshire), aitd had sevet-al children, of Tluou Saitvstenrr, Faq. of Stanwiok, in the co. York, Is. hhnoelf daring thn civil wars upait the side of royalty, was created a baronet 2 Aug. 1662. Sir lhmtgh sti. and had three seams, am. Antltany, who inherited Itis fathei-’a estates at Tottcnham, co. Stiddleaex, and at Artniae, in the Weat Eidittg af York ahire, as. Sueanna, dan. at Sir Edtsaad Barkham, of Santitacre, ro.Not-fohk, and left an only son, 2{noat Saivvueoa, Baq. of Tottonham and Aratine, 3bhp. far the eo. of hhiddleaex. This getitlomnan at. 1st, hester, dan. of Michael ttodfrey: anal 2ndhy, Conalantia, dan. of Lord Ciliccaine, bus aurviving all hia cltitdrrmt, he heqsaeatlted ltis estates to Itis kin’ntan, Sir Itngh Sanith— son, 4th baronet tahoe. to tltc Farldens sf Northumberland. henry Johnson, of Bradenhtaea, ca Boeks. Sir Hugh Snaithsan a. in 1670, and war a. by his eldest son, heir of Edward Wingate, Eeq. of Leakhcy’a Mall, cc. Short- Ste. Hunn, of Stanwfck, h in 1657; so. Flieabeth, dan. of llarmadstke, 2atd Lot-d haegdule. (This lady herself derived deeeent from the ancient Pcroyo, thus —John, Lord Neville, ci. hand de Percy; his oldest sen by *ham, Knt., a dan., Aaane, who itt. George Manners, Lord Dose; and her dan., Lady Fhtaabeth hhaaaners, having si. Sir John whiols Elizabeth tst. llarmadsdcc, 2aisl Lord Laegd:alo, saul waensethcr of Lady Snatthsnn). Sir htssghs Sieitheen had ieasae, Ncssby Wisk, eo. York, and prcdeceastng his fathtcr, left an only see. htuon, snecessar ha the hacotsetcy. veil in Flanders, and of course sb eeet. 1788. Furl of Nerehnaaih,orlsnd aed baron Warkss,srtls, 2 thaI. 2nd and 3rd gsand quarters, an., See fnsils, coajeiaaed its lease. os, an. sinister, a lien rsanpant-gusrdnnt, or dueahly crowned, loosest. 3’osea Hestaca—Norlhsttsabea-land hioust, Charing Crest.