Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/142

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NOR Sir Hugh, whose family Lad remained previously Roman- catholic, conformed to the doctrines of the church of England. He it. in 1729, and was a. by isis grandson, Stn Huon Scttxusox, who tuheritod, as in the text, the Random of Northumberland. H in ra C. Jonx Reetteue, Esq., a native of France (lineally descended ‘he would rather he (t’Ntal of Ulster, than King of Spain.’” from Slareseh:d do Oasnaccs, grand master of the J.sesn’s O’llrsrvv, Req. of Baitinlossgla Castle, co Westmeaths, horse to Louts Xl.), settled tn Englsud its the reigas of lossghiass, its tlse sante cc., assd gs-assdilan., maternally, ol CusnLcs 1., snot established himself, as a merchant, in Thomas, Earl of 3t’estmeath, by evhorn he had three taste Lenden. tie as. Anne, den, of Joas G’odschalch, and was assd tee’s clause., a. at his decease by his only surviving sois, Jaaice Rusnoux, Rsq. of Mitssst-Mssylards, ca. Essex, who Andreer, 3 trIte hells olsialned pernsissioss sssssten the great ecal, was created a Baronet, 17 July, 1661. Sir James si. .111cc, Jss,sce, } ho reler taco site snililary service of Assstrie. class. atid heir of Edward Pitt, Esq. of Harrow-on-the-hill, Mergaret, creased liy letters patent, dated 21 May, 1031, v’s. Middlesex, relict of Edward Palmer, Esq., and seas e. at his decease, in 1699, by his eldest snrviving son, Sin JAMEO, who Is. Arahells, dan. of Sir Thomas Vernon, Mr. O’Reilly was a. by his eldest son, Mist, of Loodsss ; and dying in 175.3, was s. by his only son, Sin ,Jxair.s ; at whose elecoaso without iseuo, in 1711, the I. Iluon O’REILLY, Esq., who was created a Banoxcr es litle reverted to his smelo, Tnv Bioux Item. Sin Jonx, troasnrer of the navy ; who ossly dan. assd betref Charles Stathew, Rsq. of Thnnles, cc. is. Lady Auno tempti’si, dais. of George, Earl of Nertls— Tipperary, ssssele of f”raneis, let Earl of Llandaft’, asset had amptoo ; and dying in 1775, loft, svtth a dan., Elieebeths, issue, Jamiro, 2isd barosset. Joins, 3rd baronet. is. to Ittehurd Myddeltsis, Esq. of shirk Castle, eo. Betshigh, l.avahtst, tl.N. S. ysssng, its the West lssdtee. nit only sote, Sin denx, ii. 12 Jnly, 1719; wise svae elevated 0cm the Elba, sc. to (tile lssse) W’itltssse Censlly, Rsq. of Elite Perk, es. peerage, 26 Oct. 1757, hy the title of BanoN Nossriswieo. Barlsara, si. to (Ilse late) Jolsn Ererard, Esq. of Rasdalslteen, SIts heclship i. 0 Joue, 1766, Iteheeca, (lan. of tlsnnphrey Mowlos, Req. of Wanstoad, Essex, by whom ho left issue, t. Jonx, 2nd baron. it. Oeargc, in holy orders. 0. 10 July, 1772; assomed she Sir Ihstgh O’Reilly, on the death of his uncle, Johss Nssgsset, sssrnaioe of BsssLEs st ss,htttt,,n Is, scsI after BusnouT, liv Esq. sf Tnlleesghssss, asessneed his neaternal esernanse of sign-manuel, 20 .lene, 1017; a. ie lasS, Carsltnr, dan. ef Ne omac’ esslely, assd se-as e. at his decease by his eldest sets. John, 7th Earl of Gallssrsy, liy aliens, trIte 7.22 May, 1615, Janse’o. Sir ]lngh was blent-eel, of the Westmeath neitttis.’ he left at his decease, is Oem. 1042, 1 Greer,r, presets; peer. 1 Cerelisse, ii. 1022. 2 Goorgiana. 1 Ifurrist, it. 1912. oisly dan. of C. -1’. D’Arahes, a baron of the hloly Roman Respire, ‘. Anne, 4.4 April, ls19. is. harriet, ss. 11 Feb. 1006, to Sir Charles Ceekerell (nosy issue; Ice ,t. 26 .prit. 19-i;;, ased was a. by his nsxt brether, Ruslseot). lisrI., 11.1’., unit 5.10 Oct. 1911. nt. Etteabeth, cc. 1st, 21 Jear. I 7tt7. tie aydaey Bairles, Esq unit 2ndly, 7 Ang. lath, to John-Walls Cesere, Esq., and d. Atestris,n service, lIe was 0. tie April, 1000; used ci. Ins endow Ii Jan. led2. The baron ml. 26 Oct. 1000, and was s. by his elder son, Jmessx, 2nd tiarest, is. 16 Feb. 1771. This nobleman, welt the scsi) b tbsssse emf Formoy, amed had isesso, ktsasvss for his lit seral patrottage of the One arts, and for his fm irmati, so of the late sAc) rated 1sietmmre gallery at his mao— it. COAaLES, present baronet. siess, Thtrlestsssse lissuse, theltenhasts, 5. ss s.c. IS Jast. 16.30. Creatsee.s—Barsnet. 17 Jely, 1551. ttsrou, 25 Oct. 1707. A esass—Sa., less listis, passassi—gussesluiml, truism a berslsire, t. Letitia-ilssny, me. in 1503, to Captain Coseolly, of Green engruiled, cv. teat—A lists, passonl-guarslanl, or. S’s’spsrfsi’s—isno ssise”ls, lt’r, estisgesl asset i’rtneit, si’, lsabileel, it. Cethertise ilary-Orongime. mis. lielona-ilsry. arg., semIs of stears—ile—lis :55551 mstllet e, geld rosin,) tlsi waist, sastses, ste., holding in their exlertor tmaseds palsu—branelscs, IV. Sin ltt’on-Josrrs,,h. 2011cc 1042, who was aecidesetally reel. Mm,tte—l’ar leress esslipur. 2’ ot—Nortlserirle Bark, smear Msrlen—hse-tlte-Marsls. Glsss— brs;tber Sin Csrsnrc.s NuOENI, the 5th aisd prcsesst baranet. ceslerslsirc. i’s iris JIscee—22, Park Stied, Orssveissmr Osissare. NUGENT, Each, see BucEINGIl,tM, DUKE OF. NUG N U GE N T. Nun nx’r, Sin CHAIlLEs, of Ballin’ longh Castle, co. Westmeatls, stfl Cossnt of tlso Holy Roman Em. pire, lieut. 17th lancers; Is. 7 Feb. 7847; a. his brother as 5th Bart., 29 Oct. 1863. This fancily paterssally derives frons the asscient Milcsian sept of O’Iteitly, pristees of Lower Brsfstey (eec Munac’s Lsisdsd Geeh’y). Of the O’Retllys, Googh, hi his additiens to Camden, makes the following observssttosss —‘‘Whence Mr. Camden scoots-cd his tnfornehtien that the O’lleilys des’ive from the Bidloys doss nst caneanis its ts inquire. Spencer falls isito a stmnilssr error ; he derives the Mac Mahons fresn the Veres of Englassd, because the cite its Lutist, assd the other its hs’tsh, have some affinity its ssnnd to the name of Sec, pig its those langssages ; hot beth are cqnally the iisspesittosts of etynsolegy. Itefore the Etsghish NonyuwhCic, BaRON (Sin George Ruehont-Boevlos, got footing in Ireland, the O’tloillys of Cavan, the Mac Mahosss sf Monaghass, the Mae Cubes (if Fesmessagh, the F’.S.A.), of Northsvick Park, oo. Worcester, assd a O ‘Dossols if lsemtsegal, with ether cl,teftaisss itt their owss Baronet; 6.30 Assg. 1811. his lordohije5 evho has been MI’. for East Worooeterslsimo, and is captaiss iii the septs, were tributaries to O’Nial of Tee Ocn. Ssseh of the descossdatsts sf those ehieftaisss as I have conversed with let life guards, a. as 3rd hcsron, at the decease of seesee rather t5 glory its theis’ Milesiast exts’aettote. Whets hugh O’Nial threw off his allegiance to Qsicen EL5zABcT5,, he also tlsrew off tlse title of Bat] of Tyrosse, ssytssg, ttsat cc. Itarlisira, doss. of A,edreev Nssgesst, Esq. sf Ttsl. I trait. his heir. ilieosees TseesT or ilAL.rntoe. (Sir I/sot itegrsibi.) Rarl,era, s. to Thomas Em-ersrd, Esq. ef llandaletswn, co. Sheath, assd Isail istoe. tssrs.sxn, 22 Jstly, l7tO. Sir hisegh ci. Cathunisse-Martansse, i4sldist. ro. Mccii,, a eel. is I tsr ems5’. hsalsella, s. lo ithe late) W’eltor ttlarlsisey, Esq. of Bully Elless, co. Canoes, it. P. for that slsine. it. SsnJoatnc, mm,. OJame. 1611, Sissan-Vistos-ta-Reghsea-Msry, by svhone (whim ,l. at t’as’is 19 April, 1062) hs left tie Ill. J,stsx, a eoosst of flee Holy Roman Empire, chumtserlssi,s tim the Etse1sensr of Assstria, ased a major its the tO Out. 1642, l,etttiss-Maria, eldest den, of Chsnles-Wbyte Bs ‘ehe, Esq. of llssliygsase, ccc. Limerick, deseeieded from 1. 1 luian-Josrs’st, 4th baronet. itt. Jonis-Nirnovas, ii. 5 Stanch, 1040. iv. tuners, 0. 26 June, 1149. — v. Andrew-Grevillo, 0. 15 Jane, 10e2. f’orle, eo. Weslmseeatls Sin J,slsss 4. 10 Fete. 1.030, uisd was s. h5- his eldest toss, ktllssd. 22 Oct 1002, while smut ehessthteg sesar Stoke-IcyNavI sssd, Suffolk, svhere he was at sshsol; he was e. by his f’sealie,s—22 Jetty, 1795. ems.e—hirsse. , i’m s bare, get Cent—A eselsals’iee, pr. Mslts—Iemeni’vi. Sesel—Batlitslsegts Castle, Castletoemn Melvin, co. Westsstealls N 0 R T H W I C K. IIIITCASrC. his uncle, 20 Jan. 1859. 844