Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/145

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OAKES, SIR REGINALDLewIs, IttLnrsnaan-]-teaav, 926 Jan.1920; so. I Slay, 1952, Sophia, 9. 29 Sept. 1817; Smnart-Slthieor, 6. 19 March, 1931; cc. 20 June. 1960, MaryJesepleino, e. his grandfather, as 4th Franeis-Alfred-Alideonse, 9. 29 April, 1936; ci. 2Apr11, 194]. baronet, 30 Sept. 1850. Jtiiicitgc. THE 31EV. AB9AHeM OAKES, LL.D., vicar of Shuely Camps, in the en. Cambridge, and rector of Long IIelforit, Co. Suffolk, was lineally descended from Enwian Ill., Kin: of 1649: Fanny-tlelen; Matilda-Mary; and Lila-Edith. England, through Joan do Beaufort, dan. of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. He m. Catherine, eldest dat,. of Sir John Jacob, Bart. of West Wratting, co. Cambridge by his Doc’c,thea-Staeha, ce. 1 June, 1892, to Treetramn Cary, Req., wife lady Dorothea, dan. of Richard, second Earl of Barry- more; by thin marriage the Oakeo’s havc since become soleleia-Louisa, eec. S Jcecee, 1950, to Lient-Col. Oeorge-Courtnay neareot of kin remaining of Henry Barry, 8th and last Earl of Barry-mere, and Vieeount Buttevant, by patent, and Baron Barry by writ, who ci. in 1923, leaving ito ioeeee, and CroeCoec—] Jnnr, 1815. only cite sister, who ci. subsequently without iees,e aloe. A’,,e—Arg., on a chevron, eegrailrd, ea., l,eteveen thrtc The Rev. Itr. Abraham Ocakes died 29 Jeme, 1 736, leaving sprigs ecf oak, frocted, pIer., a cross of eight points, of lice field. iese,e, (with two dana., Catherine, who ci. scala. i6 Nov. Ce’cet—Oe,t of a neural creecn, gu., a buck’s bend, erased, pier., 1786; and Barry, wife of James Hehert, Req. of London, got’ged wtth a celise, rcnhattlccl-cnonterceabattled, or. svhieh lady d. in 1769), two eons, i. John-Jacob, in holy orders, rector of Long tilelford, and afterwards of llluntiel,ane, co II netingelen ; cries e. Misc Dorothy Wrangle, and ci. 1796, leaving three dens., via., 1 Dorothy, ci. east. 2 Eliaabelh, to. to J. Oarnhane, Eeq., and left no issue. 3 Catbe,-ine, ccc. to Jotto Wileon, Req. ccf Somerel,ane, ni Hnetiegdoteelcire, and left a ton, John-Oakee WiNos, Esq. ___________ Borne in Oeeory, Queen’s County, it. RILDEBEANO, The 2nd eon, H,tneaaaaen OAKEe, cc licut.-col, in the areny, cc. Sarah, dan. of Henry Coreeelieon, Req. of Braxted Lodge, in Eeeex, and by her (who ci. March, 1771) bad two eons, HlLncnnaan and llercar ; he ci. 2] Feb. 1797, and wee o, by his elder non, I. Ltcuv.-Gecc-eaam. Sea Itennesnean Ocanee, O.C.R., his Majesty’s civil commiesiener and commander-in-chief of the Island of Malta, lient.-gen. of the Ordnance, and ccl. of the 62nd regt. ; 8. at Exeter, 19 Jan. 1754, whe was created a Baroeeet, 2 Nov. 1813; and obtained a new patent, dated 1 June, 1915, extending the limitation to hie brother, of Tipperary, by hit evife, a date, of Tineotley Madden, of the coot Henry Oaken, Req., .eud hie iesne male. Sir Hildehrcned Galevay, having filled the office of lord-mayor of IlalcIla in dying octet. 9 Selet. 1922, the title devolved accordingly 1944, end again in 1849. was crraled a baronet tn the latter npon his brothee-, 21, Stcc Hcanv, lieut.-gen. in the army; 9. 11 July, 3725; in Aeeg. 1821. Catherine, 411’ dao. of Edevard Murphy, Req. of cc. 8 Sept. 1792, D,ere,thea, dceee, of George Bowlee, Req. Fleaeingstoeee, eo. Deeblin, and tey her (vile iedeeeased)left issue, of Mount Proepect, co. Cork, Icy whom (who ci. 24 May, e. Paratca, lereeent learonet. 1237) he had issue, 5. liesay-Tnostae, 3rd bereart. ii. llildebrand-Gorden, 1.6 Nov. 1797; in the civil service of t. ltate, eel. Alcxander Slerpley,Esq. of Sunday’s Well, cc’. Kerry. the East India Ccoepany; ccc. 20 Jan. ld29, Sties isabella is. Slary. Aeton; and ci. in India, e. 2e. 30 Oct. 1932. Itie widoev at. 2ndly, Capt. T..lf. Morse, of the 1st Be,nleay European regt. itt. Geerge.Wilhacn, 9. 6 July, 1903; captain in the neihlary Sir Timothy, echo bed been SIP, for Caehel, et. 3 Dec. 1862. service of tlee East India Cempany; ,,c. 10 Slarele, 1936, C,eatieee—25 Seep. 1949. Elteabeib-Staplee, only stervte’ing dan. of Iteleert Fieleer, Req. Ae’cece—Arg., tieree lions, paeeast-geeardant, ga. witlnn a of llitcham, Surrey, whiele lady ci. s-p. in 1851. iv. Charles-Henry, barrister-at-leer, 9. 22 Nov. 1910; ci. settee. bordeere, vert. 16 Slay, 1964. t. Snrah-1.ydia, eec. 12 ltarch, 1820, to Sir Wifliam Seyeeetee-, flettcc—l.amh laidtr an nodder. one of the judges of the Seqcrenee Court at Itonebay, by whom (echo d. 24 Dec.1929) sIte bade son, Col. Williane-tiesry Seymoetr, Iieat..eol.2nd drsgoon-geearde,and C.B.,t.14 Dec. 1929 it. Doroticea-tilerie, ra. let, 19 April, 1831, to Lient. It-F. Lloyd, of the 47th regt., evho ci. 1936, leaving a den. Derothea-Eliea; and 2adly, 2 Sept. 1941, to Jehn-Fleming bale, Esq. of Kileondy, co. Cork, evleo ci. 1954, leaving a eon, JohnWilliem-Oakee, and a dan. Geergiana-3larth, in. Sopbia.Earriet, cc. 4 Jan. 1831, to the Rev. TltemasLaegden ttaneeden, hA., acid ieee, Thomas-OHms Eameden, 6. 24 Oct. 1831; henry, 6. 14 April, 1933; l-ieldebraed, 6. 13 Sept. 1936; Frederick.Wollaeton, 6. 26 June, l839t and William-Charles, 6. 13 Feb. 1944. Sir Henry, who attained Bee rank of lient. -gen. in the King’a eee’vico and army, was col. of infantry in the Hon. 847 OCH - O’Boean, Sen PATRICE, Part., of barrieter-at-law, M.P. for tleo King’e County; ft. 1823; o. hie father, as 2nd baronet, 3 Dec. 1862; as. 29 Aug. 1866, Ida-Sophia, widow of Licnt.-Oen. James Perry, and dan. of Comm. Pariby, RN. I. Ttalo-rny O’Betnw, Req., seen of Timolby O’Brien, of the co year, on the occaeion of 11cr Slajeety’s Belt to Irrland. lie tee. it. Timetley, sec. 1960, Ttery, dan. of Career O’Dwyer, Req. in. John, late capt. 3Otle regt. Lee. Ellen, to. 12 Jan. 39i4, to John V. Cassiely, Req. of ItO- leon, Parscnstown. Crret—Out of a castle, an acne, enebov-ed, holdtsg a sword. S’s crc, lleccer c—2I, Dryaneten Sqteere, London 14, Sterrion Square East, Dobitce. OAK OAK ES. ppr., charged eviih two fleure-de-lis, 01’, each in a crescent, gn., East India Compaaey’e serviec, ci. 3 Nov. 2827, and was s. hy in the hand a scimitar, also ppr., lenmnse] and bitt, gold. The his eldest sect preeent baronet aad those preceding htm l,eve taken a 2nd In. 1]r.aoy-Toonae who was 6. 4 July 2733- waa cc erect, vIz., a stage head, craned, or, for STEAnAN.JtIells— - - . , , - - Non timeo, ted caves. &al—Angtey Park, Cranbreok, Kent. leent. en the 2ced segt. cetBaterltco; eWe. I Stay, 3917, Fracacce-Jane, Stlc dan. of ‘9 etleane Douglas, Esq. of Teddhegton, and ci. 30 Sept. 2920, leceving ieaue, lteaav-Faenepaca, 9.9 Starch, 1818; en. 20 July, 1946, MaryDonety, duo. of John Ward, Req. of llctntingelectslctre, and ci. 30 Harch, 1549, leavncg by her an, only sect, l-tEnetcst.nI,ewcs, present baronet. evidew of Jotcn Rood, Req. of Lonlenderry, aced 4th dau. ci’ J.-O. Crnmp, Req. of Allan Dank, Weshnerriand. only dan-of John-D. Cornclisen, Req. of Auto el-p helginm. Fraccees-Charlette-Elicahelh, cc. 2 April, 1839, NdneondJcceplt de Leesy, Baron Ice Vile, of Toarncy, I;elgtum, and has tmd, Otcnry-Aleaender, 9.29 Jan. 1943; Frederick-Taut, 6 23 Jan. teaT; ILoonI-Francte. 9. 26 Jan. 1065, tt 29 April, 1666; and a date. Brrtlcu-hlenrietla-Alexandrina. llenrietla-Slatilda, cc. 20 Nov. 1849, to Ce. John-Daviee ],eckie, 22ccd regi. lionebay NI., and hat had lienry-Ootram, 9. 29 April, 1949, ci. 19 Oct. 1930; John-Barrington, 9. 21 Dcc. 1862; tleorge-Vialle. 9. 15 May. 1963; Emma, ci. Geergiana, c,e. 12 Jan. 1v66, Ic Capt. tetervin Vavaeoor, BE., only eon of Cot. Vavaeouc IcR. Idle., 3rd sen of the Rev. A. Cary, of Olcndennott, Londonelcvc’y. Vialls, 9111e regt., coungcet eon of ttte ttev. Charles Vials, of Tevickenhane, and has a dan. Lnuisa-Francrn-Barchahl. ilfelicc—Fereevee’e. Jlecblccccc—At Leuvain, Delgiane. O’13RIEN, I IL (n cagc. 0 C H T E H L 0 NY. OCRTEIILONY, SIR CnAaLEsMRTCALFE, Bart. 9. 21 Dec. 1817; inherited as 2nd baronet, on thn deccaeo of Sir David Ochtenlnny, 15 July, 1825. He en-. 31 Dcc. 1844, Sarah, older dan. of WilliamP. Tribe, Req. of Liverpnnl, and has had ieenc,