Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/146

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ODO i. Charles-Waleet-Gerdon, it. 30 April, 18.35, aged 7. is. DaviD-Peneusoc, 8. 27 Oct. 1o4N. lii. Iloss-Wilkie, 8. 10 June, 1853. iv. A see, 8. Slay, 1007. i. Sarah-Helen. is. Cliarlstte-Ainy. its. Annie-Ieorgina. iv. A dan., 8. 10 Sept. 1868. Margaret, ri. Is liagh O’Reilly, ef Cancels, cc. Cavan. JLilIcitgc. I. DAVID OCRTERLONY, Req., cci, ‘f .f)avt,l Oehterlony,’ Time yonngest, hnt only osn’viving son, Faq. (of the faintly ‘f Oel,lcrlanv, lairda of Pitf’sthy), was horn at Boston, in New England, Ii Feb. J755, aisd 1,avisig entered tnt’, the military service, attained the rank assgesnated as The O’Dsvel; lint was enlsseqnesitly compelled major-”ese. in the Eaat Indies, with the n loneley ef tIm 28th regiment ,f native i,ifantr,v, iii which capacity disthonnolnng hi,uoeh ;,e a eoeneoa’mding officer in the tale 5. Nonghtan, 7. .5. P war with Nepanl, lie received the unanimous thaiike of sit. hugh-Boy, aeeeslsr of the O’Doescoa ef Lurlfield, ea’ lath henees of parheinent, was nominated a 0. C. B., and was created a Ilarenot iii 1810. Sir David obtained a second Sir Neill O’Do,,ell se-as .s, by his eldest onrnising eose, patent, g flee. 1822, re-creating bins, with remai,ider ta Cn.snLro-)leTCiLE Ocirroorncv, Req. of Delhi, (eon of MaNes O’tlnaeoL, a e’dencl in the army ; who was e. by Ilieheriek — Peregrine Oehierl’ismy, Req., l’y his marriage iii lets scsi, Reoen O’DaNELL, svha settled lii the eo. Mayo, assd was 1888 with Sarah, dan. of blent-Cal. John Nelley, Bengal father of ongineers, E.l.C.S.); and dying eeoc!. 15 July, 1825, the Cci.. STaNce O’DoNxrL, of Newpss-t, cc. Maya, svho had title so devolved. C,vesiae—S Dee. 1823. Ar,,i,s—,’in., a han. ranspanl, arg., holding in his paws a s. CeceLas, of Newport, echo ,l. 10 1770, leaving three seas sriileas, erect, gohil, ansi charged cii the slmoielder wiih a key, this scenic upwards, of the field: all srillsi,i a berdare, wavy, ot the eeeonsl, ehargeil ,eihli fenr l,isnllee, ga. Creel—A swan, snags eleealed, arg., slaeally collared and elsai,sed, icr. the breast charged with a b,melele, gis and the wings and hosly mlolmraised by a lmondlrt sinister, wavy, ae. Melts—Sloe labor loris. &‘at—Oehterlony I lease, es. Fenfar. OCKHAM, YsaCouNe, see LOVELACE, EARL OF. O’DONNELL O’DONNELL, SIR RICUABDANNESLET, Mayem, asid left ieemio, ssf Newport Hosise, eo. i. NOALa, nO sehom presently. ii. John, SIP. Mayo; 5. 28 May, 1808; a. his brother, i. Mary, alOe of Con 0’ Panel, Req. of I.arkfield, ro. Lsitries. as 4th hart., 29 Jnly, 1828 ns. 16 April, 1831, Mary, 3rd dan. In. Anne, wife of John O’Donel, Eaq. of Errie. nf Coos-ge Clonmlining, Esq., of Mr. O’Denimell was o. by his sen Westport, and baa jeans, s. Gnonae-Cmexnsxswa (Sir), Ent. • late an s,ffieer in the a Eaaooev Os’ lnrLaNn, 2 Bee. 1700. Sin Neaho sum. Sharp, army, ii. 1-5 Jane, 18:12; cm, 29 Jnne, 1865, Stary-Stmtfoi’ml, dasm. of William Coasse, Req. of Bahl5-ehaesiems, cc. Daseegal, only enrviving elan, of the late Essseby-Stratford by whom ho had iaane, Itirwa,,, Req. of Jjawn Ilonso, 00. I.ongfsrd. Sir t. Itegh, heat-eel, of the Sooth Stave neihihia, and eahaeel of 0.-C. O’Donnell was kaighmtod in 1863, as the eldest sen of a baronet. 11. Richard-Alexander, 8. 15 Fehs. 10.94; mc. 18 Api-il, 1850, Penelope-.Jano, eldest dan. of the Rev. Edsvard-Mav-nard II. Jaemes Moore, SIP.. killed in a dash by Mn. Binghans, naIl Denny, AM., vicar of Liotowel, eo. Kerry, and ,t. 1807. kIizragc. This ancient fasaily claims a royal Slilreia,s descent, and iv. Cannel, it. wihhmemmi isemsh. dedneee its hneage Iram the esm,isnon a,meest,,r of the n. Mas-ia, ii. ts Dodsecll Dress-isa, Eeq. of Casileban. O’Neilla, Earls of ‘fyrone (ariginally Kings of Ulster), and Sir Neala it. in Jmsm.1 811 ,and wass.hyhieohdoet emmrviving son, the O’Melaghasms, lUnge ef Sleatls. Passing, be,wever, ever It. Site Ne.mcn, svho mms. in 1802, Catherisme, 4th sIan. of the remote era of revalts-. we eeamsnonee with Siron One, alias Hngh Dofi’e, chief of Tya’eosmsl, who Riehmaril, 2nd Earl Anmieeley, hy se-hem lie h,md lassie, ml. S Jnlv, 1337, leaving a osa, Macs-s tl’flnxr.ns., who so. thrice. TI3- Ins let wife he had tlieuaen-Aaxnernv, present hsarenol. Neale-Canaehi. issue, C.iLVAGR a,ed liv’sun, Starie,s Oh Ic sell i,, lndly, the Ham-)-. Aaea-Shnria, iii. in 1527, to Martin Csimnaliy, Req. elan. of dUane O’Neill, Los-el of Essnieleillen, mm,s,l had a scsi, Margaret, 1. in Jan. 1850. ?mhanns-Oge. Ito mm. Srdly, Joan, eider ‘f t’on Baeeagh Cailmc’nine, mm. 10 the Rev. William Young. O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone, liv wh,,ne lie ha,1, - I II eghi (Sin, wl,s is.. Mary, dais, of .l,isnes Slaedenaleh, Lord Sir Nealo <I. 1 Slarelm, 1887, cud was a. by 1mm elder son, of ll,e Isles, and lied (wish tees other sonal, I II 5i,—li0O f)’i)as:rhI, 11,0 oelrts-ate,l I’rinm’o of Tvreosmncl. dais, of Sir Jmshms Blake, Bat-i. of Memala t1asthe ; and dying 2 llonv, tq’en schism, 29 C01,5 Ills:!. she English messarels 29 Jody, 1820, heft a pasthnmons dan., Arabelha, at es-hose eonfes-rrd ihe Bit m’w,q ‘;f Des’-gnhI ash E-seLosas or Ta-aeossrL. birth tho title stov,mlc-csl smposm hie sale ls,sstlier, RsenAnoa— The Far] iii Tyr,’eissmi-I’e scale line les’sm,i,mased Ameer.srna’, preecsmt Isaroimet. Sb’ Hugh’s wislow tim. lndly, wills Ins great—gra,s,hsssm, Macas O’LIencll, wise Irfi lees John O’llarmm, Eeq. of Raheemi. dam. enl- at Ins decease, The eldest sass of Slassns O’Dsssell, C.sovaon O’DoNeLL, dying ,o, p. in 1556, es-se a. Icy his - hrathen, OUT Itrost O’DoNoLL, svhose only son, Cema O’IJoNCLL, ci. the dan. of Tirlegh l.sstneagh O’Neill, and had ths-es eons and a dan., Calvagh, slain by ilughs Rae O’Denell. Calfl-ey, slaism by O’Neill and his rebels. NeIL Geness. Sin NeILL 0-onto O’DONeLL, received the henonr of knighthood from Lord Monntjoy, in 1602, ased seas his. to ms,n’essder that dignity to Roy, Earl of Tyreossnel. Mc se. his eeneisi, time dass. of Sir thigh O’Thinell, and had three eons, is. Macus. Lci tries. three acne, and two dane,, viz., 1 Olansis, a general in ihe Aestriae service, and Coani of (lie holy hlse,an Esmpire ; se-his iii. Mary, dais. of Ileery Breis’ne, Req., younger eon of the Caslhs Macoars-eli famseily, ansI had an only stan. ass’l heir, Elizn, me. to Ilobert Oagc-lloakwoed, Req. of Coldhaee Hall. 2 Ccii, f. m,imu,m. 3 besets, of Nswcaslle, eo. Stoye, echo had fear sane sail three daae. I Elizabeth (SIre. Carrceele(. 2 Mary (Mrs. Darry). ii. Macmis, wise left, by Mary hits svife, ees’eo daese. iii. slums. The 3rd san, Huen O’BONOSLL, Eaq., was of Newport, cc. Mayo. This gentlesnasm am. Macide, dan. of Brass-ne, of Brao-smstoson, es. ii. Itesiriosm, seifs of Rims-as M’Dosmsmeh, Req. of Weesparh, eo. Maya. 0. Nrarn O’DONNELL, Esq. of Ness-pert, svho es-as created the I bits regiment of lbs heel am. Alice, dan. and heir of Massoy Ilalelminean, Req. of Meant Massey, es. Cork, and left ass osmhy dan. and Iseir, Altec-Massey, am. so Sir Wihtam Clayton, Earl. ,l. ss’illmaot issue. in. NnsLn. eneeeeear to she title. i.Sbargarol, ci- 50 Sir Capel Molynesix, Paint. Ttrass-JAisee-SloosE, Ins successes’. Ill. Ssso 15s-nss-Jeasee-Mns’aa,- em. 7 I_moe. 1027, ArmbeIla, Cmvnli,,,m—2 Dcc. 1700. .-Ini,me—Ga., ieeohmmg from tIms side ofm shield, a cults sinister arm, vested; az., cuffed, or, the hand, ppm’., grasping a es’ass-fitehde, of hhe tlnrd. C,’oel—’t’sns anteed anne, eemhemeed, hr., crossing each other in saltier, the hand on lIce dealer side molding a heart, thai on time sunder a seiesitar, * David seas eon of Alexasi,her Belitentony, haird of Pilfam-tlss-, all ppr. Malts—In hoe sigeo vtseee. Senl—Neseport ilatsee, se-ha left four olker seas, echo all died seilhmomm t mssale issue, amid Os. Mayo. ________ tea dasms., of es-hone tans ci. Joists Lyon, Req. of Fergassdsny amid Castle 5.yos, N B. 848 OGILVY, LORD, IfS AIBLIE, EARL OF.