Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/159

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OsoaionE, Manqugss OF (James-Edward-WilliamTheobald 1100, his lordship was appointed l,od justice of Irslanol Butler), Earl of Ormonde and Oaeory ; Viacount and dying in 1002, woo a. by his son (by Elieabcth, dan. of Thurleo, of Thurles, oo. Tipperary ; anti Baron Jause, 3rd cork who, by building and tnokieg the castle Arkiow, of Arklow, in the peerage of Ireland; Baron of Gowran his issnal ,-o,idsnee, was soumnoonly called Earl Ormonde, of IAanthony, co. Monmouth, in the peerage of Gowran. Rio lordship purehaoed, in 1591, the eastlo of of the United Kingdom; hereditary Cluef Butler Rulkenny, freno the boirs of Sir lingli is Dsspenccr, Earl of of Ireland; a liout. let life guards ii. 5 0t. Glousoster (on edifies oreeted in the hoginuing ,,f tlos lItle 1844; s. as 3rd marquess, 26 Sept. 1854. The s,otiqsoity of this family is indisputable, although its Lord Welles, and had tosno, origin is not clearly established. The surname, BUTLER, is JAMEs, lois sneorsoor. not, however, dubious, being derived from the ohief-hut Richard (Sir), of l’oleslowoo, Co. Killoonny, a,. Coll,arioe, dan. lerage of Ireland, conferred by lloaas II. upon TKEOBALn Waneos, iu 1177, who had accompanied him lute that kingdom in 1171. This Theohald was eldest son of Herveius Walter (one of the companions of the Cosersaoa), by Maud de Valois, and brother of Hubert, Archbishop of His lordolsip ‘t ho 0401, and woos o. by his cidor $01,, Canterbury in 1193 (tranolatod from the see of Salisbury Janice, 4th earl, who was called lie Wfoifs Rot-I, and while a prisoner in the holy Land), and subsequently ehan• estoonood for his looming. Ills lu’rdship lorovoollod upon oollor, cbiof-j notice, and treasurer of England. Theobald Hunnv 1’. Is oroalo a king-of-arms in lrslanrl, by tho title Walter having returned to England, afterwards accompanied of 1,-oland king-of-amos (altered by limos VIII. to Ilhotsr Prince Joas into Ireland, eons 1195. He was possessed of king-of-arms), and he gays lands for ever to the llomlds’ the baronies of Upper Ormond, Lower Ormond, and uumeiuno Collogs. He was lord-justice of Iroland in 1407, and again other territories; and dying in 1:150, was a. by his only in 1440, in which latter year be had so grant of the tomporolitios eon (by his wife, Hand, dan. of Robert Vavanour, a great baron of Yorkshire), Tusostrn, who first assumed the name ef Lu BOnIER or the archbishop, Richard O’Jiodion. lois lordship ‘a. lot, Bortea, in 1221, and was appointed lord-justice of Ireland Jean, dan. of Gerald, 5th Earl of Kildas-o, by wham ho bad in 1247. He a. Joan, eldeot sister and ca-heir of John do three sons, s,oeeosaivs earls, end two dana,- aood OntUy, in )teriseo, a sonaiderablo baron in Ireland, to whose estates 1412, Elizaboth, don, of Williom Beausloamp, Lord Borgavonny, in that kingdom and in Eogland bia posterity succeeded, 1452, and wao o. by his oldest son, and dying us 1245, was e. by his eldest son, Tuuooatn Lu BOTtLER, who . Slargery, eldest dan. of JonEs, 5th oarl, who was created by Honar VI., S July, Richard de Burgo (ancestor of the Lords Clanrieardef by 1449, for his fidelity to the Laneastrios tnloroot, Eorf of whom he acquired a considerable accession of landed property, Wiltshire, in the peerage of Esogland. ln hal he was made and waa a. son, Tn soeao, 4th butler, who eat as a baren in tbe parliament fiothor in the title of Oaooowo’u, wao appointed lord-liout. of Ireland, and assisted Enwaoo I. in his ware in for ten years. In 2411, be was oooostitntod Loas’-IfieeTREAsUReR Scotland. lie ‘a. Joan, eldest dan of Jebos Fite-Geofli-y, the Garter. l°alling into the bends of the Yorkiots, aftor Lord of Kirtling and Baron of Berkbampetead, lord-justice the battlo of T,,wtos,, bin lordship woo t’ohoaded at Newcastle, of Ireland, and yonngoat son of the famous Gooffry Pilepiera, Earl of Eases and lord-jnetieiary of England, by whom he as would that of Oruoao,de, the oarl’s br oilier and heir being had with other issue, 1 TneoBsLn, his heir ; 2 Enaioosn, also at the battle of Towton, a,,d in ronsequsoso oottointod, Earl of Carrie-k, anoeator of The EAnte and Shoaqusessa OF had not EDwaan IV. restored him in blood, and so osoablod Gaumnu ; and I Tnoaise, Lord of Bunboyne, ancestor of him to o,eeeesd os The Loens BUNBOYNE. Tlua Lord Theobald, who obtained Jo,s,n’, fth Earl of Ormonds. This nabloman woos considered a grant from EnwAen I. of the prizago of wines in Ireland,° ci. in 1255, and was e. by his eldest soio, TnuonALn, 5th butler, a-ho eat in parliament as a baron, lived; and Enwonu IV. is reportod to looTs sai,l, “ that if his name appearing 5th upon the roll. lie ,l. nnioz. in 1295, good breeding and liberal qsoah’tiso were lost in the world, and was a. in bta barony and estates by his brotho,-, Em,osn. This feudal lord received the honour of knighthood complete master of tios languages of bbn-eps, end was sent in London, in 1105. In 1112 he was appointed lord- ambassador to its principal ea,srte. lIe l. in 1475, in tho deputy of Ireland ; in 0114, eliief-goveuoor, nuder tho title Holy tasod, having, is, a fit of dovotioa1, made a visit to of lord-justice ; and ole the lot Sept. 1315, created Earl of Jerusalem, e,ad was o. by his brother, Oerrirk-ilIar-Griffia. His lordehi1, a. in 1102, Joan, dan. of Tiioozou, 7th earl, vloo woe also attaintod, but rootoored John, lot Earl of Kildaro, by whom, with two daus., ho by Ilmav VIl. ‘s Loot parhionsont, in Nov. 1400, and the loft three sotos, Jaucs, his successor. John, free; whom hoe present Earl of Carriek derives. Lawrence. The earl geing ols a pilgrimage into Spain, to the shrine of llorhfso”?. lie of. in 1515, learing two doom. (by his wifo, 0 R M St. Jamos of Cenopostolla, ii. after his return to london, 13 Sept. 1321, and was e. by his eldest sen, Janice, 2,,d Earl of Ijarriok and 7th l,,otler. Thio noble— mon was a minor at the deeoase of isis fiotlior, but oltai,,ed ltsc,,es in four years after, fur the sum f 2000 niarke, to marry whenoseever he pleased; be accordingly ,o. Eleanor, 2nd dan. of humphrey do Boloun, 4tI, Earl of llorof,,r,l and Essex, high eonsto,ble of E’ogland, by Elizabeth, dan. ,,f EnwAun I., and was created, in soeoeqnsncr of this alliance, by Enwaan III., 2 N,,v. 1320, E”rl of Ore oede. Ilis lordship had a renewed grant of the prizogo of winos (wloiolo load boon reounsed by tioc crown), and a grent of the regalitise, liberties, &e., of tloo so. Tipperary, witl, tloe rights of a palatine iii that so. Lw life, lie 0. 0 Jan. 1157-8, and woo o. by his eldor eon, Jan,so, 2nd Earl of Ormorde, called The Noble Roof, on arsen,ot of boioog greot-grondoon of Eewaee I. In 1309 and Sir Jolsoo Darsy, lord-justice of Ireland), century, by William, sorl-noarohal, wloislo ho noads his chief pLace ol abode, and which has ever sh,sr been so considered by the head of the family). In 1:192, 1401, and 1404, his lordship was lord-juotise of Ireland. lb rn Anne, don, of Job,,, of Gildas OBoilly, lord of else oc. of Cavan, soul seas o. by lois son, Edo,rsnd (Sir), wits was o. hy lois son, Joioes (Sir), so. Sables, doe, of Donald Rcoglo Sloe Slnrsongh Cavonoigh, prince of lois sept; and dying in 1401, lefI, wills etloor 15500, Pisacu, of n-hen, hereafter, so Otis Earl of Onnondo. of the see of Cosbol for ton years after tboo death of and widow of John, Lord Grey of Wilton. He 4. in lord-deputy of Ireland; and the noat year, succeeding bis or ENOI-ANO, and afterwards made a knight of 1 Slay, 1461, when the condom of Wiltshire oxpired, one of the first gentlemen of the ogc i,s which ho they noight he all found isa tlos Earl of Oruaondo.” He was statutes made at Wootminstrr, I Ens-one IV., which doclaret 1 him asod lola bro,tl,ers traitors, were uttrs’ly abrogated. He was aftern’ardo sworn of hoe privy council of Eiaglasid, and hsd eu,n,nons to parliament, 14 Nov. 1495, so Lor,i Aoous, don. osod heir of Sir Richard Iuankford), ovbe inherited the Esoglisb estatea, vie-, s. Aveos, so. to Sir Ja,uos St. Legor. - as. lfoaonsr, no. 10 Sir IVillion, flolryaoe, lull., by whom she Isad, TnoMAa (Sir), also was orsolod, 13 June, 1525, 0 II M 0 R M 0 N 0 E. This gram wee pnrshased, in 1610, from Wailer, Marqsoess of Gnnonde, for £210,000; and ths contract reseivsd bloc sane. tion of parlismotot by an Act pasard 11 hay, 1611. 861