Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/160

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0 R 31 Rosen and VisCount Roelcford, awl, 29 Nov. 1327, Earl of Wiltshire and Ornsosado, sill in the peerage of England. lIst lordship as. Etleolsetls, dan. of Thomas, flake of Norfolk, and had, GEORGE lloneawr, Lord Roclsford, beheaded 17 Stay, I Awar BOLEYNE, ii. 25 Jan, 1332. to linsoRy VIII., by muons use had an cindy clan., ELsz.s scan, who ascended lhe llrtlish lhrenc. 2 Mary balcyne, e. to William Cary, and had, WILLIAN. Lord ltonsdcn. ‘.t the decease of Lad Thomas, in 1315, the peerage passed to his kinsman, SiR I’scece iit’TLrn, as 5th Earl of Orsconde (refer to Sssd ass of 3rd earlt Inst thio ncblenian was obliged to relin1 uioh ii to Thamae, 3 sseonsst itochforcl (see dencondnnte of 7th earl). In consideration of this aliandenment, however, Sir Pierce woo crealed by Ilcar.v VIII., 22 Fob. 1527-5, Earl a.” Ooaory. Soon after this lao cetsss’ned to Ireland, whore he aria chosen lord deputy by the council, and proceeding tiirongh the city en hecoelaick to ht. Slacy’e Abbey, woe there swain tsste aRcs. Thomas Iloteyne, Earl of Ormonde, dyinge. p. se. in t2 17, the King restored the Earl of Oesary to his original title if Osaa, solo. I IS so. Margaret, 2nd dau. of Earl Walter us. iss I 612, and was.,s. by kb grasadooss, Gerald, 5th Earl sit Eticlare, and had, with ether isone, Jsatet, I fib earl, who mat installed a ksstght of the ,l aasrs, his successor ; Ilichard, created I’Sece’osl Planet— Garter, and created, in 2f4f, 31.tnqnses Ce Orasoasne. This a ‘ccl and Thonsas, who loft ass coily class., 5] argaret, so. sacdileman, tsr hts fidelity to the hense of Stuart, and his Icc, tic Rosy O’3l,’ro, of ida; and tsslly, to Sir Maurice eminent services iss the royal cause, was elevated at the l’ilzgerald, of Laclcajh. Ills lordship sl. isa 1379, smd was e. reetoratissa of the mosaarclsy, 21 31 arch, I 601, to the Drancoat by hts eldest cuos, Joases, fnd Earl ‘if Osccery, wise had been created, in 1525, peere of Esiglasad, isa 1671, as Bts ‘act Bistlur, of I ‘aicthsiiy, and rccsec,s Tkscr’co; and win sehecquently restes’ed by act of Eec-I efBcerkiieek; and created, in 1602, Dicta oJ’ Oc,oo,csle, parliament, si Slav. 2511, ts the carhslom of Ornaende, as 5th i aleo in Englascd. His grace was appointed lerd-lient. of earl. Sits lordship ns .Jc’an, dacs. ansi heir of James, 11th Irelassd, in 1661, and cesctiscssed in that higlu office tssstil Earl of Dcsnacssd, and had seven seno, viz., a. Tssnseas, Vie- 1611. He sic. hie cossein, Lady Elizalseth Preston, Baroness cc ‘nt Thence si. 1t’hnssnd (Sic), of Reecrea and Clossgrcssass Dussgsvahl,t assd had scccvivissg lesue, ass. Jehn, of Kilcaoh, icc. Catherinc, dan. of tiermac 31’Carty 5. TasoasAe, the gilled EARL er l’IsssRv, who scat eunsmoned licagh, and left, in tl7tl (mitts two dasss., of whom the eldest, k’lcassor, scs. Ths,mae Prcndcrgast, Esq. of Newcastle I’renilergast, smcesic’r af the Viscounts Gart, assd the younger, Jsass, ns. Sir Oliver Shos’tall, Ksat.), WaLvnn, who a. as lath Rail of Ornsesde; Is’. Walter, of Sleyaliffe ; V. James ; vi. E,tsrsrd, ef Clcs:hsinche, co. Tipperary; vii. Pierce, of Grintetown, in Tipperary, and sit Dciv .tbhey. His lordehi 1s it 17 Oct. 1511 by i” ‘isiss, adssstnistc,-csl sit a sssppcr at Ely Ifocsee, lh’Ib an), and acasc. by his son,, lfth Earl of Orn,oss,te and 3rd Earl of Oseory, called from the das-kni as of his cemlilcxioss,’ The mack Em’t. This nobleman woo tlsc dret of Isis fasnily wiso cenfermecl to the t’hurch of Essgland. lie ssas educated at the eenrt of England, assd stood high in the estimation of Queen ELSZA5iETO, by whons, in 1.159, he seas c’sssstitssted lund-treasurer ‘ci Ireland, Rio lordship td. isa 1f14 ; and leaving (by his ‘1ssd cessntcss, Eliralsctls, dan. of ,lotsn, 2nd Lord Sheffield) us. RscnAusn, who was created, 13 Slay, 1162, Bac’aa Bssthc, rose sssrvivtng child ossly, Elizabeth, who, through the influence of King Jaasss, was at. to Sir Richard Ps’estes’i, ltarsn Dtogss-all us Scotland, and Eat-i of Hesmond in Irelasssl, lonisisip left al Isis decease, in 1605 (n-hen his bosom-s ma— the laanossra devolved cspen Ssas WALTER P,rvnco, of Kilcasis, grandson of Jasaaes, 9th sari, as should the estates,5 but tlse tnfisscncc of the deceased sit. Joint, created EARL or GownAN in 1771, but 51, e.p., lard’s soss—isc-lssw-, Lord Hisaccw,sll, retassied them. The carl at. Helena, eldest rico,. sit Edna ist’l, fssd 3’iscsssnt Slessntgarret, i. Elizahiells, sc. to Phsilip, 2nul Earl of Claeslenficld. assd hal (with dassa.) asic sets that left issue, ssamely, is. Slary, at. to IViluiana ttaveechish, 4th Earl et Deconthis-e. i. Tssoasas, l’iacecc at Z7cstcf,-’, wIts s’s. Elizabetla, fan. of Sir The duke il. 21 Jssly, 1615, and svat s. by hie grandosn, Jelsn I’oisste, ICsd. of Anon, ca. Iltassccstcr. 5 sod being sssa— dawns, Saud duke, who inhcnilad the Seettisla barony ferlssssatet ilr,cwssed iss Isis paseagc frosss Essglancl, 13 Dec. cit Bingsvalh frein his grandmother. This sceblemass was if IS, left (lccst,tcs fassr datsc.) three sans, 1 J Asses, sneecsear Ic isis grssadfaltser. 2 Jotsn, sslie 5. ‘ccci. 3 Riclssrd. of ttilcaels, wise Isad a confirmation, 24 June, l’lsske of llossnaossth, at Sedgemoos-. lie svat atterwarde, WOO1 et lisa splicer, ( larryriclcess, sns,t oIlier lao,ts in tlseeos. bins-even, one of the first to jobs the etassdard cit the Prince of Tspperasg asal Eilkcsssss-, stilts cs tissihattest staereof to hss heirs sscals’. This gc nllrsnaa jatssisg slse Irish isa sf11, sras macic gslrernc-r cit ttse ccc. Weafesal, cssad Isaf the rank grace obtained the Gantes-, and svas constituted Hinn-Coacmamas of lsesst.-gess_ iss tile lrtslc iersny. lie ci. La’ly Frassees Wse.Lsass issto lrelcc,sd, svae at the Royso, assrl essbseqssesatly Tocsclsct, rctscIs goat dais. ,‘t 31 errisa, Earl ef Castlcisavesa, and hail it.sce, WALTER, scisa as. 3f.sry, fast. of Christopher, 2nd Earl of Kitlcenssy. I sal 592 he was at tlse battle of Lasadesa, svbera Fissga I, ssnd isa’l three miss, I Tlsssssas. lsctr l’s lilt lie received several woussdc, asscd had a home ohet uisder grandfather; 2 Jossa, of lcsrryrirhcess, ancestor of lisa hhsss. 1st 1712, his grace scat constituted, ly Qsseen Asosor, King JAMEs, to etsppsrt a tarossrtse, cosasliasiteit hhssaselt CiossasAsunsc_sw_tuss see of the hasad fences ccitt agaisset Fnasaee arbitrator in alas case lid bird Onsssoss,le s-etscstng ho scsbssctt isis estates scere seizc,l lsv orstcr of isis Mifcsly, ssssl lstssasc-lf cessa— June, 1609, nnder tie hille of Kssea DsNese.aLL, wills remainder sssissef le’tsener to the Fl-ct, sellers Ice ressstsaect eight years isa nsoel ahassactat scasit at use necessaries cit life. I Laity Tlactries r. 2adtr, Oecirgo llatlscsr, Esq., eldest son sf clout of Dcssssossilc, isa brehasad, isa 1619. Ile as. LanT ELLzARETsi Sir Willtccsn Hattie,,’, of hicscl,-r, cc. Otasasos-gan, soil sTat sores— BUTLER. ossly sssrviving etsild ci Tisciasan, tub Earl of Onmende, ts’ccs cit the tasactites at Slstltesv, of Tisamaslewn and Ttsnrlee, Roil loll by crc an oaly elaild, Hula of Llanstoff. 862 01131 pretest MARQUESs 05’ Onssoanr.; 3 Ctsnistoplarr, ii. C. archbishop of Cashel. Johcsa. at lVesteottrt, Ce. lttlkesay, col. iss alto arsay, wise Ccsthsertne, dan. ef Jassaes Aylnser, Esq. s,t Cs’aptrycss, cis. Clare, asad avictteso of Sir Ntclnclas Platnhet, by srlsãass Its left, at his decease, in 1711, Richard, of Wettesurt, st-lao tcs. Ileless, 3rd dass. of Thseusan Ilcitler, Esq. et lttlccsahs. Mary, at. to William Oalway, Etq. ef Lola, cc. Cos’k. Tlsosssas. Lttnia, tit. te Sir Lasressee Esmesade, Dart. Mary, ‘is. Ic Chrisloplscr, Lord Delvin. Frasaces, cit. ha Sir Patricia Bisrnewaht, SarI. A dais., iii. to Sir ltechss,essil Ercrarsl, liars, Rielsard Duller cl. in 1701, and was s. hy (the sets of isis eldest ton, Wallet’, alto bail si. tss hits ltfelinso) his grandsosa, TnoaIAs, of Etlcath, wise d. in 17119, and was s. hy bit son, Jona, sslso was really I SOs Earl of I tesnesatle, hR was siet asvace et lute tact. He il. a. p , asssl mat c. by isis trsl-cotsttn, WALTER (son of Jolan Bsstler, of Gars’yrichsen), really 1 OtIs Earl of Orsttessde. Ito scat e. by lilt scsi, Jonas, at ss’lsem lseresstlcs’, as rethos’eil 17th Earl of Onsaonde. cii- OtcasotcoR, in ls’elasad ; asid enrolled ansosaget the lay sss’it to thee pas’liassaesac of England, 1615, as Local Bsshles’ as’ JIe,v Pa cl. lilt lordship it. before lilt father (1600), leaving hay his wife, Lady Amelia Rattan, eldest dan. of llenry slc Nasmss, Lord cc Asss-orqucrs1ne (dcc Chetsnondeley), notes’al eon of lhacss’tce, 1’s-toes at Ocassge, I JAscRe, who a. lais grandfather as Dsdce ci Ormsnde, and gs’aniisssistliec in hiac banicsay at Dtngss’all. 2 Charles, 0.4 SepI. 1671, was made by Kieg WsEEsAai a lord et Isis lcedelsesssber, eel. i’f a scgl. ci carte, ansI elevated to the peerage at Ireland (atlec she cauinctien at the saute lsessecsns ti) use slecease sst Isis sinele), S March, 1622, as B,i ccci of (‘licciplts’ci’, c/a is, Vases S ccl 5,1 TilEpt, anti EARL or ARRAN, and to the pest-age st Enghauf, as Lecst Essiler, ef llksbeis_ I Ehieahccbh, se. to William-Richard, Oils Earl of Derby. 2 Esssilis, it. dcciii, 3 henrietta, ti. to henry D’Auverquerque, Earl of GranhIs asas. Vcccn,cicctt of Tellegt, and EARL OE ARRAN, situP himibattass ci use Isossesses to his brelhacs, team, ansI snot masle Lsesf Bi’llcc’, of lI’talee, in the peerage of England, in 1663. Hit pireil), an essly dcsas., Clsas’lelle, sclse at. in 1169, Clsas-les, Lord Conan-allis. sehsen the shigsaily extorccl. appointed lord of the bedcbaniher in 1603, and, serving in the si-nay, participated its the victory ever the sissfes-tssnate of Orange, and when that prince ascended the throne, hit r or ENOLASD for the coronation, lie attended ententaisseil his niajeety naoot susnpluauoly at his castle isa SiR Rsensnn Panecoso was creased a hoer of Scodand, S Ic isis heirs sclstshsses-ec, and scat farther ailsasseed is the Earl— Eesz.caea,s I’ResTsN, Barosaess at Dingwalh, the lady mentienesh above ccc stile of her tensin, Jehsn, Duke of Onanende.