Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/162

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OSB to himself and his heire, in the reign of Enwonn Vi .,eosd its. Jolin-Broavnlow, 6.0 April, 1822; d. its 1854. wno likewise privy-puree to that monarch. In the reign so. 1[ontagn-Franois-F’iisela, in holy orders, 31.A., roetor of Kgworlls of ELiZABET5I, he was one of the high-eonuniesienera for 1801, Catherine, dasm. afw. blarnioli, Rig., and has issne. ecclesiastical affairs, en,l pnrehaeod, in 1370, Chicksaiid v. Panvers-lienry, hieut.-eol. Inuhian army, 6.21 .8og. 1827; Ahhey. lie a. _tmsc, dan. of Pr. John lllythe, and waco. be his rldrst 5051, hiss l,’uN Osnonne, Knt. • trcxsnrer’e-renaenal’raiieer iii is. Fred oniea-Lncy. the reign ‘f JAasr.s I., a. Dorothy, lan. and co-heir of iii. Louisa-Anne, os. 7 Jams. iS43, the Rev. D.-E. Bridges, vicar Richard fIance, Esq. of Effiugham hall, in Ewex, by si-lees Sir John was colonel of the Bedfordshiro militia. Ho 0. ho had five sons and a dais. This gentlencan n-as the first 29 Aug. 1848. of the family who resided at C hieksand. lie it in 162$, and aras s. ly his sliest s’’n, Sir. i’nTrr. use’ ‘isv, Rut,, lossl-treaonrer’s-remeoabranecsr, airsia—Aeg., a bend, heheeen hro liens, rampant, sa. and twenty-eight years govenior of tiso island and castle Cresl—A lion’s head, l’F, durally eros-ned, or. of Guernsey. ni the niigns of Jaair.s I. and CHA53LE5 I. s7fstls—Qnnnlnm its robes inane. Ifs so. bier. ‘the. dan. of Sir JoIns Danvors, of Danntaey, en. S’eat—Chichaands Friary, L’edfordsbire. Wilts (by Elizabeth, dan. and co-heir of Sir John Nevil, Lord Lsstisser) ; and dying iii I tV, was s. by his oldest son, I. J,,nsc Poem,, 5.01 , who was created a Baronet, 11 Feb. iC’fl -2. Sir J’ ‘his ‘a - Eleanor, dan. of Charles Ilanvers, Esq. of Paisntsey, and I ‘y that lady (wise a. 16 Nov. 1673) had iosne, Josia, Ins siweeassr. hliargarel. ol. to William Stransi, Esq. of Borringtc’n, en. Soniss-sel. Elicabells, it. Is Leonard Piggs, 5sq. of Clailisam Castle, ia Keel. He d. hi I fIO, aged El, and was o. by his cnn, TI. Sic Joins, S. hi 1619; s. let, Rural ,etb, dan. of Wilhans Stroud, Req. of lianissgv’ u and hy her (who il. in lass) had issue, 5. Jones, who 1. in 1719. Isis fotlier helag then alive, is. Sarah, 1. Sin Riemxnn Osnoanr., nf Ballyntaylor, and of DaIly. only surviving dan. of George Ilyng, 1st Viaeonnt Tarringtas, lenson, co. Waterfard, was created a BARONET 05’ IRELAND and left one child only to snrvive, namely, DAosvEns, who inherited as irsl baronol. Sir Joins a. tndly, Martha, dan. of Sir John Kelysge, Knt., Nienotas, father of Sin Tssosaos, thn 4th hart.; Roger, serjeaat-at-loav, by whons (who it in 1713) ho had, 1- Charles. S. its 1688; ,t. ceo,. is 1708. ji. Peter, S. is 1590, nspt. royal liosi,ilal at Greenwich; Os. roy, dean of Cork (see htooscoxoes, V.) Sir Richard and Mary, eldest tan, of Francis, Lard iirndonel - and widow of his son, Richard, wore beth elected to the parliament of P,ichaed, 5th Viscount Molyneax, by whom lie had, I Charles, t. in 1123, an ollieer in the 90th foot. 1 Frances-Maria. iii. hiohei-l, one of lbs commissioners of Sic navy, in. iliac by the Earl of Cantlehaven, in 1641, and compelled to surrender Anise liorely, ansi bad, I Goorge, S. in 1726. 1 h.vdin—Maria, so. to William Lowndes, Jizq-, and a. 21 Jan. III. Sin JOHN, who an. in 1690, Elizabeth, 4th dan. of 1773. 2 Anne. 3 Margaret. iv. henry, ainneal of the White, ,o. Mary, dan- of Richard 1711, the title devolved upon his kinsman, hughes, Esq., eomnsissioner of Ihe navy, and had, 1 henry, page to Gcoeee II.; 1. 0001. 2 IVilliai 0-s-p. I Losdsa, so. to Pest. Sir henry Caliler, P,art. 2 Charlotte, Os. in 1704, Ia Sir Senjaiaiin CaIdwell, GOB., Nicholas, arho predeeensed him, leaving, souls sesenal other and d. in 1019. 3 Mary, os to the Rev. T.-W. Weslon, of Rivenhall. v. Thomas, DCL., retlor of Canspton and Clifton, in Sir Thomas se Lndly, in 1704, Anne, youngest dan. of Redfordshire, prebendary of Salisbury and Lincoln; no. Bcverley Usher, Esq., but by that lady had no issue. lie 1st, Mary, dan. of Sb- John Willyo, Dart., and relict of <I. in 1713, and was a. by his grandson, Edward Snagg, Rsq.; sun,t lodly, Elizabeth, dan. of Dr. V. Sin NtcnoLAs, who m. Mary, dan. of Dr. Thomas Green, bishop of Ely. lied, in 1790. 5. Phillippa, d. in 1709. it. Eleanor, a. to Sir John llosvett, Dart.; and 0. in 1729. iii. Elienbeth.Margaret, 0. nina- in 1734. Sir John ,l. 28 April, 1720, and was a. by his grandson, III. Sin DANcERS, 6. 17 Nov. 1713, H.P. for tha en. of VI. Sir. Jones, barrister-at-law, and SIP, for the eo. of ltodfard. This gentleman in. in 1740, Lady Mary lfontsgn, Waterford, This gentleman an. Rditba, only dnn. of William den. of George, Earl of Halifax, and had two eons, Gnoeon, isis successor. Jsdsn, 6. 10 Jnly, 1743, lIP, for the cc. Bedford. Ho 0. in 1703, when governor of Now York, and wan by Ticosy L’Eetrange, Eoq.; Aeabella became wife of Stoarue his elder son, IV. Sin Gconor, who m. let, in 1771, Elizabeth, eldeat Coghtean. Sir John sO. 11 April, 1741, and was a. by hIs dan. and co-heir of John Bannister, Esq., by whom he had eldest sass, an only son, Jones, the late baronet; and Indly, in 1788, VII. Ten Rionv Hoes. Sm Wsotsose, P.C. in Irelaud, and Henoage, dais, of Daniel, 7th Earl of Winehelsea, which MT., who an. Elizabeth, eldest dan. of Thomas Christmas, lady 0. in 1810, without issue. Sir George was a general Req. of Whitfiold, co. Watorford, and bad issue, officer iii the army, and groom of the hedchamher to t. l’ssoanAs, bit successor. GEORGE Ill. Ho 0. 20 Juno, ISiS, and woes, by his son, V. SIR JOHN, 6. 3 Doe. 1771; in. 14 Sspt. 1859, Fredes-ieaLnnisa, King’s Bench in Ireland, who a. lain cannie, Miss Christines, dau. of ths late Sir Charles Davers, Dart., and had and SarI issnc ; Isin only dais. ache ii. 1033, aras iii. to hlse issue, i. Geonun-Rosesre, present baronet. U. Charles-Posers, 6. 17 April, 1819; to. 2 Jan. 1841, Lonisa, so. .lobn-I’roby, 0-vets. eldest don, of the Pea’. A. Atherly. MA., vicar of hteavitree; v. hhcsev, late baeoael. and 0.0 Dee. 1840. Creation—I 002. OSBORNE. OSBORNE, Sin WILLIAM, of Newtown, on. Tipperary; 5. 16 Oct. 1805; a. his father, as 12th bart.,25 MarcIa, 1853; an. 22 July, 1842, Mary, only dan. of Vihliani Thompson, Eoq. of Clonfin, so. Lougford. IL Itirage, 38 Get. 1629. lie so. and Lad issue. RscnAnn, his heir; governor of Monntscrnat, si, a. p. ; Sir John, si. e. s’ ; and three dane., of wbmn Elizabeth, an. the Rev. Arthur borne- 1030 ; he d. immediately afterwards and was s. by his son, I II. Sir. RlcssAnn, who siding with the Usurper, during ths civil wars, was attacked in his castle of Kooekmoane, at discretion. He was SIP. ten the eo. Woterfond, and 0. 2 March, 1681, and was a. by his eldest son, Thomas Walsinghnm, Esq., and granddau., maternally, of Theophilus Howard, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, but dying a. p., in IV. Sin TnsolsAs (gmnsadson of ths hat baronet, through Isis 2nd ansi, Nicholas Osborne, Esq.) This gsntleman is. twice, by his 1st wife bs bad issue, cluldrea, by Anne, eldest dan. of Sir Laurence Parsons, Part, of Bin’ Castle, NicHoLAs, n-ha ishierited the title. Smyth, bishop of Limerick, by wbom he had two dane., co-heh-s, Acne, an. to itenry Vereker, Esq. of Raxborongh; and Dorothy, m. to William Taylor, Esq. of Mayahlow. Sir Nicholas 0. in 1718, and was a. by his brother, Peoby, Eoq., sostsetiuae govcrnoe of Fort St. George, in the East Indies, by whoua Iss had six eons and four dane. of the lattor, Editba, so. 150, Robert Wattis, Esq., and 2ndly, Tighe, Esq., SIP. for Athy; and Emma, of Dr. Henry u. Charles, the lit. lion, one of the jndges of itae don of gallant liajoe-Geo. Sir lhicheeh Creagh, K.ll., wbs it. 14 Sept. ISSO. its. tv ihhiamn, in holy orders, 0. nsm. s. Elizabeth, os. in 177-h, Is John-Joshua, lit Earl of Caeysforl, nssd 0. 1703, leaving, Jones, Lord Ps’shy, and other children. Sir William 0. in 1713, and was a. by his oldest son, OSB htenoebninp, Leieentenshiee, 6. 20 May, 1824; us. in Sn. to 1802, Shiss Wilson, anti has nose. i. Rhizabeths-Tleooage. of llawees, Beds. By Alice, sister of She Jabu Cheeks. 864