Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/163

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0 T W VIII. Sin THOMAS. This gentleman so. Miss Smith, by several eeutnrios seated at Illiddleton, and Ingmire Hall In whom he had one son, WILLIAM, his heir; and a dan., Westmoeeland, Catherine-Isabella, m. 20 Aug. 1844, to Ralph Bernal, JOHN OTWAY, Faq. of Clohonan Castle (now Castle Req., H.P., who aeenmed the snrname of OSBORNE, by Otway), as. 1010, Pbcobe, dan. of Sir A. Lnftne, L’art. sign-mannal, 89 Ang. 1844. Sir Thomas was z. at his ancestor of the llarqnaoa of Ely, and wan grandfather of decease by hio only coo, IX. Sin WILLIAM, who it. in infancy, when the cetatee ISENaY O-EwAV, Faq. of Castle Otway, co. Tipperary, who paeeed to his sister, and the baronetcy went to his uncle, X. SIR HENRY, who m. let, Harriet, dan. and co-heir THOMAS OTwAY, ltsq., who m. 23 March, 1757, Martha. of Daniel Teler, Req. of Beechwood, and niece of the let of lSen’, let Lord linnally, hot by her having no leone, Earl of Norbury, by wleom he had, I. J)ANIEL-T000E, I Ills beronel. Ii. William, deceased. n. Henry, deceased. e. Shea, married and deceased. is. Catherine, deceased. an. Fanny, decoasrd. iv. Harriott, os. to 31. Costy, of Lao, and d. there, near Caeo, France, 10 Dec. 1863. He in. ladly, Elizabeth, dan. of William Harding, Req. of whom (whose right to 11cc barony of llrayo was cslcsb Baliydnff, cc. Tipperary, and by her (who d. 3 Jan. 1804) had lsshed) lie left a son, eolio having assneesed Iho addi usual ens eon, Charles, who m. 20 Aug. 1882, Ann, youngest dan. enrnaeno of CAVE, was the lice. RoanaT OTssAv GAve, of of Stephen Geary, Esq. of Enstsn Place, and has issue. Saphia, oldest dan. of Sir Francis Enrdeli, Sari., hot it. .‘. p. Sir Henry it. 27 Oct. 1857, and was e. by his eldest eon, XI. SIR DANsEL-TOLER, 8. 10 Dec. 1785; m. in Jan. 1805, ii. linEzaT-WAILCE (Admiral), created a Daroncl. Lady Harriette Lo Peer Trench, dan. of William, let Earl ni. Samnel-Jocetyn, ea holy orders, deceased. ITo so. 1300, of Clancarty, and by her (who d. 17 Nov. 1818) had ieone, i. Wsosnaae, present baronci. ii. Henry, deceased. en. Thomas-Frederic, rapt. Madras army, ne. 25 July, 1842, Anae-Letitia, only daa. of the late lien, and Von. Charles iv. Loftns-Williasn )Sii’), a liont.-gen. in lice arney, coL of the to Poor Trench, archdeacon of Ardagh, cud boils it. on the same day of Asiatic oholera, 15 Feb. 1846, leaving one son, Charles, an officer 87th rogl., 6. in 1845; d. 160cc. 1863. iv. Johs-Proby, deceased. V. Cnaauss, so. 13 Jnly, 1846, Ensilie County. i. Anne, ns. 16 Dec. 1834, to Col. George Wynnc, RE. ii. liarriotto, i. 27 Doe. 1036, to John-Scott Russell, Faq. in. Frasces, m. 1 Feb. 1529, to Gte Rev. J. Lcathly, tmd el in Feb. 1840. iv. Lonisa, deceased. v. Rosily, so. Jnne, 1851, to Philip-Jocelyn Newton, Req. of Dmdeckney, cc. Carlow. Sir Daniel it. 25 March, 1851. Cs’eahioa—l5 Oct. 1659. 4 ross—On., on a fesee, enticed, or, too foanlaios; over all a The 2nd eon, bond, erg. (‘seal—A sea-lion, holding a tridcnv. Melts—Fax in belle. Smi—Eeoclswood Park, Nenagls, co. Tipperary: the old family of Adm. Holloway, of Wells, ce. Somerset, end by her (who residence, Newton-se -Ameer, co. Tipperary, is the property of it. 20 Oct. 1131) had Mrs. Bemal-Osbome. 05501W, EARL OF, lee OHMONDE, MARQUESS OF. OSSULSTON, LORD, see TAIOICERVSLLE5 EARL OF. 0 TWAY. OTWAT, Sen GEORGE-GRAHAM, of Briglethelmatone, £‘e’eatizo—1S Sept. 1531. co. Sussex, roar-admiral RN., b. 15 Jody, 1816; a. his Arme—Arg., a pile, cc., a chevron, enonicrehmengod. fathor, as 2nd Baronet, 13 May, 1846; en. 28 March, Creel—Oat of a docal coronet, or, two wioge, croci, sn 1848, Eliza-I’rieo-Noble, clans, and ro-heirof the late Sappsrlrs’e—On ritleor side a irttoa, blowing lets shell, ppr., John Campbell, Esq. of Burnham Grove5 Bnekinghamshire. navally crowned, or, across the shscalder a wreath of red coral, ILIIlcr1c, The family of Ovwsv, of whicle the OTWAVe ef,lle Olecay are a branch, in of great antiquity, and wan for • 865 o T W 4. in 1750, and was,. by his eon, 4th dan. of henry l’rittie, Req. of Danaily Castle. and sister was a. at his deccane, in 1780,, by his brothee’, Conae OTWAv, Req. of Castle Otway, who m. Elizabeth, dan. of Ssmnel Wailer, Req. of Liabrian, Co. Tip’crarv, and sister of Sir Robert Wailer, Dart.; dying In 1500, he left by that lady, who it. in 1807. i. lincay, of Caslle Obey. This gentleman ni-Sarah, lato Baaonzsa 115Am, only dan. of Sir Thomas Cave, Sari, of Seasford hall, and heir of her brotleor, Sir ‘l’leonias Cave, by Castle Otss’ay, in Tipperary, SEP. for thai en.; ne. in 1033, His esielosm’ el. in 1849. Slargeret, dan. of Coo. han, I5.E.h.C.S., and by her (soho it. 22 Jan. 1563) had, with two dens., two sons, Cooar, in holy orders, who ne. and had iesao; and Roans’e-JocnLve, capt. RN., now of Caollc Olwoy, cc. ‘tippee’ary, J.P. and 1).L., who es.h836, Anne-highs’, elan. of Sir IinghCrefion,Racl.,and has a den., Frances-Margaret, so. toW-C-il. Rnthven, Req. 84th regt., CS., a knight-commander of lii. in Spain; see. Frances, only dan. of Sir Charles Tilieke, of Caroon Park, Sarrey, and 4.7 Jone, 1054, leaving iesno (with a dan., Georgina-Francee, wife of Capt W.-l. Hnghos, late 4th light dragoons(, a son Loftuo-Clsarlos, 11.31. mioistcr-plenipolen. hary is Shoxieo, and afterscards Consnh-General at Milan, a dep.-lient. for Radnorshire, made a U.S. 21 Sept. lal4, for his services as Id.31. Chergd d’Affaires in Spain; as. GorirndeIlareohiana, the den- of His Excellency the late Don Francisco do Fanla Ens’iqnoz, Intendenle do Slanilla, grand ercso of “Isabella Catolica,” end knt. of varions orders, and 11cc sister of the Connt do Ia Fnebla do Foringal; ef. al lledrid, 26 SopI. 1861. v. George, major in ilee SIlls faot; it. in Jamaica in 1304. s. Ilartisa, us. Ia the lion. Francis-Aldborongh I’ritiic (ccc DUNALLeY, R.); acid 4. iii Ilerch, 1002. I. ROnEHT-WALLER OTwAY, adm. U.N., O.C.R., and a dignitas’io of the Imperial Brazilian order of the Cross; 0’. April, 1772; m. lb Ang. 3801, Clementhsa, dan. and co-heir s. Robert-Weller, 6. 22 Jnly, 1013; commanclor RN.; killed by a fall from Isis Isorse in Hyde Park, Slay, 1841. ss. Uharles-Cooke, S. in Jane, 1811; lost in Il.Il.S. “ Victor” (which ho coenmandod), in a hurrioanc in tier West Indics, Sepi. 1842. en. GEOEOE-GEAHAM, present baronet. iv. AsTnua-J0nN, H.P. for Chailsons, barrister-at-law, S. in 1820; as. 16 Sept. 1051, Hcnririta, dan. of the late Sir James Langlsam, Sari. v. Edward-John, Inte capt.Scots fos.-gda.; bin April, 1524; ns. 12 Jnly, 1860, Adelaide, dan. of Hoberl-Ilnesal Swalhtleld, Esq. of Weet Dowa Lodge, co. Dorset. i. Elizabeth, it. ssnso. in 1820. n. Clemontina-llatitda. ni Augusta. iv. Ensily. v. Lnhtia. vi. Adelnide-Lonion, for ec-leom Qneen Anzo,AsnE stoat sponsos’, 4. lessee. I Jnno, 1837. vim. Ilarlha-Stesart, m. 17 April, 1812, to the Right lion. Vice- Admiral Lord Clarence Peget, CS., P.C., eon of HenryWiiliesn, Iso Ilarqness of Amsgloeca. Admiral Otway, a distiognished naval officer was, for his eminent sorvices, created a Maronot on the occasion of the corossattor_ of WsLLsAas IV., and was granted supporters 1sy royal liconco 16 June, 1541, to descend with the baronetcy. Ho was e G.C.B., and groom of tho hedclsanebor to WILLSAe1 IV. end Qneen VscrrinsA; and it. TI May, 1546. and holding in tho exlorior head a indent, points downwards, an. 9folie—Si Dens nobiscmn, qnis contra ssos?