Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/178

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PEE C,oisiioss—1 May, 1797. Arms—Go., a lion, rampant, or, out Charles, 5. at Pan, 27 Feb. 1862; Alfred-Henry, 5. 31 of a eluof of the second, three laurel slips lessant, ppr. quarterly with Eeooas; or. a cross cngrailed, per pale, sa. and go. Cecil—A lane, ppr., charged with two tlosro-do—lis, or. Cc-cit ef’ Emily, was so. 2 Nor. 1862, tic Capt. Henry-charles PE0uELL—A brook or badger, passaat, ppr. Jlollo—Vix ea nosira veco. Sec 1—Paggloshans, Essex. a PEEL. PEEL, T5IE lIT. Hox. Ste hoer-ny, Edtnnnd, some time H.P. fir Neweastle-c,nder-Lyme; 6. of Dra3’tots Mans in, ccc. Stahl rd, hart., tl.C.B.. 1’.C’., MI’. for the hscsnscscgh of Tamworth, late scoretary John, 5. 22 Aug. 1796; in holy orders, P.M., dean of Worcester; of legatissss and chargd d’affaires at Borne, a Lord of the 10611 has had issue: his onlydan., Julia-Itmihy-Angusta, Admiralty from March, 1855, to iii. 30 July, 1648, Anthony-Itessley, Lord henley, a,sd ci. May, 1857, and attaché in 1856, to Jeaathan, the Itight Hots., hient.-getseral in the army, Lot-cl Granville’s special ensbaooy to Russia; late Chief Secretary for Ireland, 5. 4 May, 1822; s. H.T., and by her la-hod. 8 Sept. 1082) has had issns: his hio father as 3rd hart., 2 July, son, Robert-Kennedy, ci. at Ardennes, Behgicsm, 17 April, 1850; In. 17 Jan. 1850, Lady Emily Hay, dan. of 1863; acid his 3rd too, Archibald. us. 1st, 25 May. 1857, the Marquess of Tweoddale and has, I. Rottesv, 1,. 12Apr11, 1067. I. Vietoria—Alexandnia-Joiia, for wheat 11.31. QaccnVteroatx lie ccc. 2ndly, 15 Aug. 1867, Geergiana-Adehaide, eldest was spenaor. it. A dan., 5. 21 Nor. 1008. lLiizcitgc. The family of Peel, Poole, or ISo Pole, as the name woo lauretsee, P.C., ccc. 20 July, 1122, Jane, dacs. of Charles, 4th originally written, though long settled in Craven, ccc. Yerk, was, as early as lice beginning of the fifteenth cecctcsry, seised cf Iassde in Saleslcssry aud Wil1,ohsire, rliotri,la in the lower chvieien sf Use hcsnsired of lllaekl,’urn, o . 1,asceaorcr. About the end of the sixteenth eesttnry, ReSenT PEELS left the pari,h of East Marten-in-Craven, ‘sad settled at Hole House, in the hss,ndred of Eloekbnrsc, ;vith which his descendants hare ever since been eeu,sected. lie S. in 1f88, hearing, with other issue, a eon, W5LLSAM Pt-Sun, of Hole House, father of Wer,nexas PeRLE, ef Hele house, who tic- in 1619, Margaret Livesey, and if. March, 1651, leaving a son, Roscrar PoOLE, of lisle House, who had two sons: the yoncsger, the P1ev. Nicholas Peelo, was curate of Blaekbssrn : fhe elder, Itoacax POLLS, of Pcele Fold, Oswaldtwistte, near Elaeleburn, ca. in 1081, Anne IVarde, and S. in 1733, leaving, with four daue., one sea, Wtrrcast Pence, of Pecle Fold, Oowaldta’isthe, eo. Lancascer, so. 9 Aug. 1712, Anne, clan, of Lawrence Walnsesley. of Upper D.,rwent, Ia the same co., and bad four eons and two dana. The oldest son, ResenT Peer, of Peels Fold, La,,cashire, sic. 28 Aug. 1744, I0hicabeth, sa. 30 Dec. 1885, to the Very Rev.Wihliam Cook- Mary, dan. of Edmund Haworbh, of Blaekbnrne, and had burn, dean of York (who ci. 30 April, 1858); and d. ho isoee, William, of Ch,srch Bank acid Peele Fold, cc. Lancaster; Marriet-Eheottara5 ccc. 13 Sianch, 1824, to Robert, 2nd Lord 5. in 1745 ,‘sa. Mary, doss, of Thocssas liaworth, H. IS. Sir Robert so. Tndly, in October, 1565, Susanna, daughter of Blaekhnrne, and had a large fatnihy. (See lioness Lacsdesi Geusry). Edrncs,sd, ,a. Hiss Wright, and had issue. ROBERT, of srhona presesstly. Jonathsa,c, of Aeeringts’n, in Lancashire; 0. in 1034, leaving S. 10 Sept. 1824) hsad no issne. Sin Robert Peel was a issue. His eldest son, icy his 1st wife, Rsbert, of goverstor of Chsrist’e Hospital, vice-prealdeut of the Litet-ary Aecrissgten, was father of thc preoent Jr’NATsSAN PEEL, Fund, :cnd representative of Tamwonth in eeveeah parhiamonte Esq. of Accringten, co. Lancaster, and Knewlnsere, co. York: and his eldest aon, by Isis 2nd wife. was Jonathan by his eldest son, Peel, Esq. of Ccslham, eo. Oxford. CSee hinaseso’s teethed lb. Toe RtustT Item. Sin RecEnT, 6. 5 Feb. 1705, the diethnguiabesh Gcahsy. I ‘Lanrence, us. an2 had 1055cc. 5Sce Buntec’etaoded Geefs-y.) Joseph, 4. leaving iasne, its toes. JoIsts, of Hssrten-sspsssc -Trant. Anne, sss. lit, to the Tier. Ilonlaoc Willos’k, of Hot-wood, Oxford, and snbseq,cently for the berossgh of Tanswortb, is, Lassraehire; acid lndly, te the tIer. George I’ark, of was appointed under secretary of atate to the colonial department Hasrksteael; and S. in 1826. The 7,’d son, I. Sc,o R’cBr.csT PEEL, 6. 25 April, 1756, was created a and first herd of the treasury in 1534, noel again in ISdh. Barean, 2.1 N,cv. 1000. tIe so. lot, 8 July, 1703, Ellen, dan. He finally s’etined from office in Jnne, 1846. Ills hansented of Willi,sm Yates, Ksq. of Spring Side, near Bury, and Icad death, whiels ocos,rs’ed 5 Jcsly, 1850, cs-as occasioned by a issue, PEE Mar. 1064; a eon, 5. 12 Jan. 1667; Gertrnde-Eennta, acid Leila. The itt. Hon. William-Yates I eel’s dan. Hanoergh. 4th W. Istd. ncR., of Rocksavage, co Tipperary; ansi his yosttsgest dass. Plos’a-Janc, was icc. S Jots. 1860, to Capt. Pc-antis Sideb,,ttom, MM. Indian Army,whe ensueeeedissg to the representatiots of the family of Yenner, aseamed the surtsome of Veniser after that of Sidehettem, and has haste, Robert-Francis, 5. 14 Sept. 1861, and Floressee-Ediths. SAng. 1791 cs. in 1812, Emily, 2,sd dan. of 3. Swinfen, Esq. of Scvinfcs,, ce. Stefford; and 5. 1 Nov. 1050. us. 0 Slay, 1824, Augusta. dan. of John Swinfen, Esq, of Swinfcn, co. Stafford, and by her (who ci. It Sept. 15 Frb. 1002. M.P. far hlssntingdon, late secretary of stats for mar; 6. 12 Oct. 1799; cc. 16 Starch. 1824, Lady Alicia-Jane Hennedy, youssgest daa. of Archibald. Marquees of Ailea, Mary-Ellen, only dan. of Sir W.-H.-Rogcr Palmer, Fart., and by her (who ii. Sept. 1865) has had a son, ArchibaldRssger, 5. 25 June, 1850, 1. 1 Feb. 1t60, and two dasss, dan. of Earl Rs,ssell, E.G. and has a dau., 5. 12 June, 1860. General and Lady Alice Peel’s youngest don., Ads.’laile’Gcergiana, was cs. 8 Assg 1864, to Michael Hiddulpb, Eeq. of Lcdbscry, tlerefordshire. Fiske of Richmond, acid by her (wIse ci. 27 Iclarcis, 1861) has had issue, J,ascrencs”-ClcanhesLens,ex, of Woo lersft, Csickfseld, S’ssoex, 5. to Jccss,’, 1825: ‘cc. 27 _t1onih, 048, CanelincGeongi.snc, older cl,scc. cf Arthus-, lot Tend Temphessore, nod hsco h’tst Clcac-les-Accgast,ss, is. 6 Oct. 1015; ci. P Slay, 1667: llecsng.’-Arthnn, 8. 71 h1ec. 1052; blo:’ace, 5. 8 Odd. 1017; Edwand-Lauressec, t. 13 Jacs. 1860; Algernccn-Phcherl, 8. 20 Jan. SoOT; Alfred - Lent,ox. /s. 5 20ev. lsI;s, 0. 17 Feb. 160-6; Plonence-Carehicse; .ingststaJane; ansi Cecilia-Grorgiana. Arthssr-Loottox, ht.-eoh. 52nd foot, 6. 30 Slay, 1825. All red-Le,sus,,x, MA., in holy orders, 6. 4 June, 1527; d 4 Nov. 1863. Cecil-Lennox, hiessn.-eoh. Seota fnehhier-gssarda, 6. 10 Apr. 1530; us. 3 Jan. 1867, Snean-Carohine-Slany, eIder dan. of Wellington-Funny, 2nd and present Yiseonnt Oembeemere, and has a elan., 6.8 Nec’. 1887. Oliria-Jane-Lon,sox, c. 24 Nov. 18-18. Conatance-Assgcssta-Leunox, es. 8 Aug. 1863, to Lhent.Cscl. Geerge-Gnasst Gordon, Sects feseilier-gssarda, eldest eon of the late Lord Francis Gordon. any, cc. 5 Jan. 1816, the late Right Hon George-Robert hlawson, efCaotlo Dawson, cc. Forty; aad dii, Jan. 1848. June, 1828. Ihesshey. of Francis Clenke, Req., and aunt of Sir William-Henry Cherke, Fart, of Hitehsam, ee. Bneks, bnt by that lady (who (fneca 1709 to ISIS). He d. S Hay, 1853, and was e. etatcsnsan. This eminent acsd excellent persenage, cs-ho wae for many years H.P. for the University of in 1810, ehicf secretary for Ireland itt 1812, ccerctary of state for the home department in 1822, and again in 1828, fall from his horse. Sin Jiebert so. 5 June, 1620, Julia, yonssgeat class, of Gscser.ah Sir John Floyd, Mart., and Isy her (who ci. 27 Oct. 1833) had issue, William-Yates, a pnivy-conncilhor; 5. 3 Aug. 1789; 05. 17 ROBEnT, present baa-onct. Jesse, 1818, Jane-Elizabeth, Tccd dan. of Stephen, 2nd Frederick, (The Right Hon.), hate SIP, for Bury, 1’. 26 Oct. Earl ef Stonnteaahehl, and by hen (obo 4. 5 Sept. 1047) l:aiisssse; be cl-i Jn,se,tSaS : hsiseldeot eon, Capt. RobertSho,crss 1023, vs. 12 Aug. 1857, Mary-Elizabeth, dau. of the late J. Shelley, Esq. of Avington, which lady if. 5.5’. 50 JnIy, Feel, cc. 14 501st. 1505, Anic-Angnata, yossngest 1003. Wilhiaus (Sir), 6. 2 Nov. 182-1; K.C.D., capt. RN., commander sc’thccnc.bire, and lcae ci dan ii. 25 Sebct. 1667; and hie of the naval brigade in the Crimea and in India; aa eRcer of high merit and distinction: S. 27Apr11, 1858. Jebo-Plscyd, 5. 04 Slav, 1827; late in the Scete fns.-gnards. Arthur-Wolleohey, SIP, and DL. for Warwick, 5. 3 Aug. ResEnT, hate bas’onet. dan. of the late a. Welds, Esq. of Shantia’e Grove, Canvs third son, the Rev. Frederick Peel, of Bssnaooie hlostec, ?,lalvorci Link, is. lii Ang. 1815, m. 17 Roy, 1855, Adelaide- Fran -es-Isabella, third doss.of Tlsomas-Chai’lee, 2nd besrd Sss’Iehey,anthasAntliur-Rccbet’l, 6. ISAsig. laOt; William- 880