Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/179

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PEE 1829; ac. 14 Aug. 1862, to Adelaide (for whom Queen vii. Octavine, 0. 7 May, 1833, E.I,C.S.; sa. Miss Jnatinia Anenainnatood sponsor) elder anrviving dau. of WilliamStritford Da6dale, Seq. of Me,’evale ball, and Thyth VT!!. Percy-Leonard, 6. 21 Slarch, 1836 ; in. 2 Jnne, 1652, Hall, Warwiekshire, and has a eon, 8. 7 Jan. 1867; a eon, 9, 27 Feb. 1868 and a dan. Julia, in. let in July, 1841, to the late Earl of Jersey; and 2ndlv, 12 1865, to Charlea Brandliog, Laq.. of Leonard, a. 15 Nov. 1065; and ntl,rr children. Sliddleton. Eliza, cc. 2855, to the Hen. Francis Stonor. Crealisa—29 Nov. 1060. Ara,s—Arg., three sheaves of as Sir John Felly, who was governor of the Hsdoon’e Bay many arrows, ppr., two and one, handset. gn.; on a chief, Company, depnty-mseter e,f the Trinity fiance, sari for no., a bee, volant, oc. Creel—A denii-lisn, rampant, arg., gsrged with a collar, ac. charged with three becaiits, holding between the paws a shuttle, or. JIsl1s—1ndutria. sonrs tinse goverrur rrf the Bank of England, F. 13 Ang. 1652, Seat—Draytnn Manor, near Tamworth. Tears Hsssse—4, and was o. i’y his chIsel son, Whitshall Gardens. PELHAM, LORD, ace CRICGESTF.R, EARL OF. PEJJLY. PELLY, SIR IIBNRY-CARSTAIPS, Part, of Upton, to. Easex, and of Erclyn-Jnliana, ‘a. 27 Aug. 1667, to James henry, Esq. IVarnisam Court, on. Sussex; (lent. Ole as. Sadly, 13 Nov. 1060, l4aarhe-Elieshelh, led dan. of the 2nd life guards, aide-dc-camp to Rev. Frederick ‘Vincent, js’ebradary iii Chiehesler, and rerter the Lord-Liontenant of Ireland; ofslinlold, Saesrx, nod had, Anwyae-VrseraT, Is. 19 Oat. 1061 8. 23 April. 1844 ; s. his father, Ilarold, 0. 20 Feb. 1663; and Arthsr-Norria, 6. 10 May, 1864. as 3rd baronet, 20 Boo. 1864. Lulngc. Haneav-Hsana Fanny, Esq. (son of John Pelly, Esq., an., heIrs-can two tretrsilo, three martlets. C,, ce—Gut of a 6. in 1711, by Elizabeth Hinds, bin wife, and grandson of naval crown, an elephant’s head. JIatt,,—rles dneents nil John Pelly, who was born in 1664), m. 13 July, 1776, SallyHitchen, nncet. Sealo—Warnham Court, Horaham; and Upton, Essex. dan. of John Bake, Esq. of Parliament-street, Westminster, and bad issos, JOnN-HENRY, created a Baronet in 1840. Charles, capt. RN.; in. in 1004, Mary, dan. of J. Bnllock, Esq. of Speon Hill, Berks, and had four children, all dec. Francis, in holy ordera, rector of Siste,s, en. Gloucester; sir, twice, and left several children: his dan. Carohee, <1. 50 Aug. 1063. Raymond, lisut.-csl. in the army: is. and had several children : his set, Capt. Henry Raymend Psily, RE., cc. 20 Nev. 1066, Frances, dan. of the late George Ferguson, Esq. ef Houghten Hall, Cnmberland, and has a dan., 9.21 July, ]560. Mary, as. to Benjaman Harrison, Esq., of Guy’s Hospital, and bad issns, The eldest son, I, Jonx-Hnxav FatLY, Esq. of Upton, Essex, 6.31 March, 1777, was created a Brronst, 6 July, 1840. lIe as. 13 July, 1807, Emma, 6th dan. of Henry Banlten, Rsq. of Thorn- croft, en. Surrey, and by her (who F. 20 April, 1856) had, s. Jenx-Hnaav, Sndbaro,ret. ii. Raymond, of Plashet Hones, Essex, 0. 28 April, 1810 Herbert), EARL OF M0NTr.o3raaT, in Wsleo, Baron e. 10 June, 1935, Loniaa, youngest dan. of J. Fry, Esq. of Herbert, of Carsliff, en. Clamorgan ; Baron Ret-bert Upton, Essex, and has, 1 Charlas-Raymond, 0. 19 Feb. 1837; as. 26 July, 2864, of Shnrland, in the Isle of Sheppy, in Kent; Baron Louisa-Catherine-Emma, youngest dan. of Fir it. N. C. Herbert, of Lea; Zr. 6 Job-, 1850 ; a-. his father as hamilton, Hart., K.C.B, arid has a son is. 27 A1rril, 1867, 2nd Lord Herbert of J,ea, 2 Ang. 1861, and his and two dans., the yenugcat 0. 17 Nov 2065. 2 Raymond-Percy, in holy orders, 6. 17 Slarch, 1841; 4 Jen. 1804. Alice -Shsffalitcki, Sad dan. of the late Montgomery. &o., 25 April, 1862. The earl is heredstary Lie,rt.-Cnl. George Larkine, Bengal artillery, and has steward of Wilton. two dana. in. Charles, 0. 35 July, 1612; as. iS April, 2939, Julia-Henrietta, dan. of the late Rev. Richard-Stewart Dobbs, of From HaaarsaT-FrTc-Ilerrssnv, chamberlain to Haxa I., Bay Lodge, and aiaterofthsRev. Pnsnciortrbba,andhas, 1 Charles-Henry, in hsly orders, 0. 7 Jnly, 1544, ‘0. descsnded, 12 Sept. 1667, Katherine, eldest dan. of Lient. - Col. Sm Wrnnntn Hranaav or TnnMae,C who rsoidcd at Harvey, II adms army. 2 Richard-Stewart, 0. 13 June. 5846. I Harriet-Emma, ss 54 April, 1059, to Capt. Charles-J. and wan knighted for hts valour in the French waco of that Pererse, Madras NI. 2 Mary, as. to William Horeeley, Esq. Madras CS. S Julia, as. to Thomas-Frederick-Andrew Agnew, Eeq. 4 Louisa-Jane, as. to hand Olnnen, Foq., lladms NI. Iv. Albert, Ii. 3 Sept. 1815; as. 4 Oct. 1644, Barbara-Ellon, n. Tlsenias. ef Tee)- llnose, llosnsoetti, ii. s.p eldest enrvtving dan. of the Rev. Thomas Streatfeild, of us. Richard (Sir), of Cnldl,reet, in illenaroeslhshire, ancestor Chart’a Edge, Kent, and has issue, 1 Albert-Champion 9. 8 Aug. 1645. 2 William-henry, 0. 59 Slay, 1647. And other children. a’. Richard-Wilson, 0. I Nov. 5814: capt. RN, : ‘a. 30 April, 1851, Ratharius-Jane, yonngsat dan, of John- Wtnn;.ssi Henanstr, the eldest son, a stanch adhsrcist of Gurney Fry. Esq., and has had issue; John-Gurney- Richard; Richard-Arnold : a aon, b, 7 Sept- 1602; Alexander, the house of York, falling tutu the bands sf the Lanesetrians 0. 26 Dec. 1963, F. 50 April, 1864; a son 0. 9 Sept. 1067: and another dan. yr. Edmund, 6. 10 July, 1836; in. in hlarch, 1646, AnnaRebecca. father of Sir William ap Thomas) desesads ths family of Bessnear eldeat dan. of Jonathan Chapman, Eeq. of Wanatsad, Easex and d. 19 Slay, 1665. 881 P E 181 Fisher. RIles-Anise, only dan. of John-Ssndr,r’son Rigge, Req. of Belmont Castle. and hae had iesne 1 ‘r”r-y -li I’n ; Arthnr— 5. Julisona-Sally, as. 3 Oct. lOiN-to W,-Starrea Fry. Erq. of Hansr llonse, East SIan,, Fsrcx : wh.,i 1, ‘26 Aug. 1r44. it. Emnia-Engerria, as. I Slay, i333, to It -Foster Reynolds, Req.; who it. 6 April, 1645. II. Sin Jrnx-llaNav, wIse was is. 30 Starch, 3109, and irs. let, 39 Dec. 1040, Jetranna-Jaus, youngest dan. of the late John Caretait a, Roq. of Stratford tiresu, Essex, and Wnndhnret, Hnnts, and by her (who F. 2 Feb. 1656) had, liaaay-Carsvaiss, present baronet. Char]ea-l-;ai asnnd, lt.N., Is. 15 Jnse, 1045; 1.33 Jnl’, 1066. Emms-Ceril, a,. 5 Apr-sI, 1666, Walter-Douglas Dna,bletoa, Faq. Delco, P. 3 Get. 1616. Sir Jshn-Slrnry sl.’SO Dee. 1664, aod was s. hy his eldest son, Sea llr.tcay-CAasTosas Panty, the 3rd and pr-scent baronet. Cs-ealteo—0 July, 1040, As’era—Gr, on a bond, eagrailed, FE 181 BROKE, Pgnanoag, EARL OF (George-Robert-Charles uncle ae 13th Earl of l5ernl,roke and 10th Earl of visitor of Jeans College, Oxford, and high- England Caetls, en Ihonsnenth, in tire reign of HENRY V., monarch, lIe is. Gladys, dais, of Sb’ David Cam, arid widow of Sir Roger Vaughaar, by whom he had three eesso, T. Wennesar, of whom presently. of the Lords Ilerberls of Ctrsr hera-; of the Herl-erts. Earls of Pass-is, nose represented iry rho heiress of the last Farl of l’osrts of lhnt fanrily, llnsssavia —Assesia, Ceestess of Edrenr,l (‘Its-c, Earl of Irish, sad of lire i6srlrsrls of rho to. ltsrry, nose repesronted by llnissv-Aevssrs ilcssas-r, Req. of Olnchruss Ahhey, ltillsrsry, 31.1’. for the co. ci Itsrry. after the battle of Vanes-Hears, 26 July, 1469, was Frets Moo-eli ap Ga’illim (elder broiher of Thomas, the of Ltssrrss’sh. (See P.naaz’n Lsaslcd Gentry.) Sn