Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/191

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PIL Arms—Erm., three lozenges, or pikeheads, in fesse, 51. 9 Baronet sf Nsre Bcefla in 1835. lIe so. Ellen, dan. of crescent for difference. Crest—A wolf s head, erased, ppr., collared, or. deat—Knapton, Qucess’s Cs. PT L KING TON. a Prr,lcltecToN MILBOBNE . SwucERTON-, of Thomas Egglotun, Eoq. of Grove, ret. Burktssghsssn, by StE LIONEL, Dart. of whous he had tvex, his euccesoor, and estiser issue. Ho Chcvct Hall, co. York, b. 1835; o. ste. 2ssdly, Lsnssox, ossly dats and heir of t’uthbert lIas-s-issu, his brother aol ItIs hart., 12 Nov. Eoq. of Acaster Sslhy, co. York, aisd grossddssss., nsatesssatly, 1855; took, hyroyal Iicence,l 5Pob. of Lord Laugdale of Balms, bsst 1)3’ that lady left us child. 1856, the essrssamee of M5LEORNE- Ho ii. in 17t4, and was o. tsy his eldoet son, SwsyteEwrors Its. 3 Feb. 1357, IV. Sin Loon, who os. Anne, dan. of Sir Michael Wentwes’th, leabella.Elizaheth.Qeorgiana,only V. Sin LYON. This gcsstleman sarvesi the office of higissheriff child of the late Rev. Charles. Kenleeide, rector of Polling, Sue. the harossetry devolved s’p’ as hto brothei-, ocx, and has, 1. Taorsoa.EuwRu, b. Dec. 1857. ii. Erneot-Mitborise, is. 30 Dec. 1858. sss. Cloudo-Wiltians-Egertnn, Is. 11 May, 1863. 1. Rends-Elizabeth. Is. Ida-Mary. 155. Aimlo. tv. A dau. ILillCltgC. Fuller says, that the Pilkingtoue were originally of Vtt. Sin Tsseosxo, who ‘as. 1 Aug. 1797, Elimlseth-Aune, Rivington, co. Lancaster, and a right ancient faintly; that don, of W. Tssfnett, Es,1. of Langloys, by whose iwho sf. in they were geutlcmen of repute in the shire before the Conquest, 1841) he loft at his deoease, in 1811, fssnr dons., his co-heirs, at which time, the chief of the house being sought Elizabeth-Anne, os. to Sir Johss Tyrrell, Ilort., and is divorced. after by the Norman soldiery, was fain to disguise himself Anus, ‘as. in 1222, to t’hitip Drones, Esq., of liooglsam, as a thrasher in a barn; from which circumstance, partly alluding to the head of the flail fatling sonsetisnes en the one, Louisa. os. 1st, It Aug. loW, so the Rev. tO-A. Dosreon, wiso and sometimes on the other side, and occasionally on hinsself, ho took for rho motto of his arms “Now thus l now Cathrrine, as. to James Blake, Esq., brollser of Sir ttssry thus l” The first of the family we find upon record is LEONARn PIs.EsNoroN, of Pilkiugton Tower,co. Lancaster, The title devolved upon Isle only brother, living in the reign of HeNRY I.; from him descended Tue RLOnT fry. Jassos PILIc5EOT0N,5 one of the six Vtll. Ste Wiss.sAe, who so. in 1522, Story, ted don, and divhacs appointed to revise the Book of Contmsn Prayer, co-heir of the lote Thousas Ssvissncrton, Eoq. of Btsttcrton who was consecrated Bishop of Durham in 1560. Tn 1809, Hall, co. Stofforsi, ansi had issue, the northern rebels comissg to Durham, tore tire Bible and is. lVsLLsAss-MsLsonsE-Sersnsonxoss, 10th baronet. English Liturgy into pieces, and tlse hislsop would most us. LIONEL, prosent baronet. probably have shared a similar fate could they have found 5. Mary. him. His lordship sssbsequently institsstod a suit-at-law Is. Soplsia-Portia, sss. 20 Jely, 1859, to she Rev. C.-W. agaissst Qssoon ELIzanem, for the lands and goods of ths Bortoss, sector of Cliburs, il’eslnsorelsnd, and d. 19 Sept. rebels attaiiated in the bishops-ic, and would have succeeded sss. Elizabeth, 1.5 June, 1853. had not parliament isstes-fered, and adjudged Ihees forfeitures, prs tar rice, to the crown. The representative of a distinguished branch of the his ssdest son, family, Tnnssae Pss.xsNuTuN, Esq. of Nether Bradley, co. York, unto. 7 Feb. 1934, and was s. by his brother, (the 12th in lineal descent from the lot Lsonssrd), or. Barbara, X. Sin WILL5AM-StsLseeNo SwsnNonreN-PILKINuT5N, of dan. of Lionel Rereshy, Esq. of Thriborg, near Estherham, Buttsrtou hall, co. Stafford, 6. 1811 ; who d. 12 Nov. 1859, and was z, by his son, Pacncnsco PsLscsNovux, Esq., of Netlsor Bradley. This gentleman ns. Frances, dan of Sir Francis Bhodcs, one of Arssss—Quarterty s 1st and 4th, org., 1st, PsLRsnnTen, a cress the justices of iho Court of Common Pleas, and had issue, fiery, voided, ge; 2nd Swsssosrroo, osg., a cross formS, itcssrettd, 1. Ae’s-uun, his heir. Is. Richard. 5. MAzY, ss. to Sir Ferdinands Lee, Rat, of Middleton, in psle. arg., sod gn., a cress palsnee, between in tisesinisrercisief Ysrkshire. He was a. by bis elder son, I. Ssa Anveun PsLRsNuTuN, TInt., whs was created a per pair, org., and so.; 2 SwsNssnTon, on a osount, vcrt, a boar * Dr. Pilkinglon, styled by Sirype “cbs good old hishsp of the pan-s a leopard’s face of cisc first. Durham,” was 3rd sun of Richsrd Pitlsingtsss, Esq. of Rivington, JJotlo—Honrstw gloris fox nscntis. by Alice Isis wife, sister of liogcr Ashawe, of the flail in Heath, Sets io—Chevet Park. near Wakefield, Yorkshire; Buttes ten Charnsck. Tlse bishop’s brsthers were, s. Charles, who d. young. is. George, of Rivtngtoa, co. lancaster, wlsich estate, after tire death of Isis son, Robert, was sold Is Robert Lever, of Darcy Lever, whose only dan. so. John Andrews, F.sq., ancestor of Robert Andrews, Esq., lord of slse manor of Bivtugtsn. in. Francis, d. in 1597. iv. Leonard, D.D., master of St. John’s College, Cambridge, and prebessdary in the 7th stall of Durham Csttsedrsl, ancestor of the PsLssNuTuNs of Tsre, co. Wostmeoth, now represented by HENRY Pscos,eoxsre, Esq. of Tore, 0. 1 Foe. 1782; who m. 24 April, lS0f, Barbars, Sib dan. of rho Rev. John Lsrg, rector of liandalstowu, co. Antrim, by Elizabeth Ists wife, sister of the tate lñeot.-toen. Carnstrlsaet, governor of Demerasa, and Isas issue, hJoNar-lIuLurc, barrister-at-low, counsel to the resnombrancer’s office of the court of Exchequer in Ireland. Elizabeth, Emil y-Frances. Jolsn. archdeacon of Durham, m. and had issue, 893 I’ L U Henry Lyon, Eeq. of Boxhy, co Lisscoln; and ctytng in 1848, was a. is,> his older outs, It. Sia LIO,N, who was a. tn 1684, by his only son, (by his 2nd wife, Phebc, stats, of Robert .Mssylo, Esq. of Duck- well, in Kent), Ill. Sia LYON. This gcsstlesuaat os. Amy, d;us. end heir Ksst. of Wussleu, ess. York, astd was,. by Isis eldest sssss, of the co. of York in 1711 - but dying withs,ut issue, VI. Sic 0lscuA 5., w-hr ‘a. Isotsotlo, don, of tire Rev. Mr. Bowotssrne, of Babworth, co. York, and hart ioesse, TnossAs, his successor. lVir,tsosi, lose baronet. Cotlsortsse-Dorost;co, so. 55 toho-Jstttffe Tufoelt, Esq. of Langleys, ce. Essex, ond 1. 13 tan. 1510. A dots., s. to the 11cr. tticlsarst llasvkeoworth. Sir Michael ‘I. oboist the year 1780, ou’1 seas a. Isy his eldest sstn, fssrsnerly lIP. f,,r Isslfolls, ,rlso 1. 17 Aug. 1 ste. st. in 18-IS; and 2ndty, 19 Feb. 1049, so Sir henry-Charles Ittoke, lust. Bloke, liars. 5. T,so-gosv, 9th boronet. 1861. Sir William d. 90 Sept. 1850, in his 75th year, and wae 3. by IX. Sin TeessAc-EuwARn, 6. 19 Starch, 1820; who d, assd was a. by his brother, the present baronet Crcat toe—lOll. so., sonnounts’d by a bend, ossgrsotlcd, gu.; IrS, 3lsL0000E, per astd dexter base, iso leotsords’ fssces, counterchanged Cents—I Pss,osrso’rsn, a snower wish Isis scythe, ppr , hnbstsd, passaut, org., cisorged se-ills a cross formS, flosssvltd, so.; 3 Mis.BOONE, 0 ds sni-Isos, per fesss, org., and gu., holding between TIatI, Staffordslsirs; and Worsastaw Court, llunmsuthshire. P LU N K E T. PLUNEET, BARON (John Plunket), of Nawton, 00. Cork, in the peerage of ths Unsted Ixsngdons, Q.C.,