Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/192

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s. his brother as 3rd baron, 19 Oct. 1866; tin 5 Msry-Elisabetls-ABee, aaa. 4862, Lieut.-Col, Thomat-Oriel April, 1824, Charlotte, dao. of the Right Hon. Charles-Kendall liushe, lord chief-justice of the Court of King’n Bench in Ireland, and has isene, i. ViLLiasi—Ceoaaae.nasu, in holy earl, rs, chancellor (‘1 St. Ills lordship d. 15 Oct. 1806, and was c. by his next brother, Patrick’s Cathedral, 6. 26 lag. IsIs; n.. It ,taee. toOl, Jon,,, 3rd anal present Ilanov Pteancat Anne—Lee, suit- dan. at the ate Sir lenjantin Lee (lola,— Crestisa—.l Jane, 1527. Aa,aas—Sa.,a bend, between aeastle flee,, Dirt, of Ash [‘id, 21.1’. l,ar the cite of liatalin, anal in duet, ond aa psrtealtis hal ba,e, at-g. Ce, st—A harae, passasat, lass Wi LLIA5I Lre, 6. 15 Dec. 1 sf4. ii. Charls’—Itaslie,.t.l’., Aesistast lIes. Cenneiller, Penang, Dealer, an ante-lope, tale. t sinister, a horse, aeg., hath charged 7’. in .t ante, ls:15 ‘, . Is I I-i. I alit, Lnoaaeline, data. of J. ,,t, thac shsoaalalers seith a t’oetecaltis, sa. Jlotts—Festina loete. lts,erell, I-sq., anal has ussr. t;l. Pail.) —It ‘beet, 6, in I 3s, iv. ,trllasn-—Cceal—l ‘rang ban, an “Ever “I h fast; 6. 11 May, V. I’atriek-lleary-(’a’ghitt. tas in seilla A rtlatar t541. i. Anna, ,. in tahi, t,a Rev. John-U. Parley, rector st I tremge,an. (‘saD lull. ii. Caiheritat -Frances, a,,, in 1551, to Sir Jahn-Jeeel1 n Ceghill, Dart. to. Charloft, . as. in 1823, Thsrnas-ttenry Barlen, F.sq. Iv. l.ea,isa—I,ilh,,,,a. 27 July, I s52, to Richard -J. Greene, Faq., 2nd sen ef the late Right lion. Baron Greene. a. Emily-Jtat’y. vi. Setina-Maria, a,. 1 Feb. 1801, Phitilt-Cranaptan Snayty, Bay, M.D. via. Jenephine-Atiec. vol. Isabella-Catherine. IL lit cac, This branch of the Paucity ef PLuaxer is ntated by traditia,n to 1w deseenalcd frau Sita P,sTeIeE ieee, sehaae,. in the tisne of Hn’cnv VIII, a gi—.andalan. of Sir William Welles, lord ehaaneelt,ar aat Ireland. of Hat’t, co. Iharham, lieest.-col. in the army, late TOE Rev. TnoMas Peuxae.v, a ,ninistrr of the chen’eh 30th foaat, /a. 18711; a. his father as 3rd hart. 3 Sept. of Scsttaas,l, cE nating in Dolalin, wh, a a. Marj—, sister of 1866 01. 1856, Hon,ara-Hat’rict-Alieia, dan. of Rev. lle,lnaeni Conyaghatat, Rag., anal left at his eleceass, iwaa eons, G.-H. llavotdaill, antI hae (sane. i. Patrick (deceased), an eminent physician ef the city of halls. II. W’ILLIAat-CoxvNe.nAM, created Led Fla’, The second son, Sir Georde nerved with his t-egiment, the 30th, in W’teuaat-Co-,stcenana PLUNKET, 6. in Jnly, 1763, having Bulgaria itt I ,s54, and st Sehast.opol in 1855. He nttahaed the higheet eanilaeltee at the lear, and filled sna- was twice eeverelv svotttadeal (losing his rilat arm) cesaively the offices ‘at aoalieiter and attorney-general in at the etormiua ‘ of the lfealau. lie has a medal noel Ireland, obtained his peerage lay patent, dated I done, elaeps far Scbtstoiaol, atial the Tua’lcish medal and 1527 utpsn his adv,atieenaent Is the ehael-jsustieeobup of the - . . - - Court sf Common alma. tlia taardship n-as easastitnted, ill ts a kntglat ol the lledj Idle, sth elaee. 1KB, lsrd-ehaeeetlasaaf treian,l, whirla high a,Eee Ito hell, r with the cxce1atien at the short interval of Sir ii. Peel’s government from la4 is 1023, till 1541. The family a,f I’aceck is one of aaatia1uity in fhe cc. Berks. lIe ‘a,. i’S lilt, Catherine, aanly ala,,, sf Joian $1 ‘Canslatad J,’hn l’aaeeck was peesa saeal of the manor at Rampstead Bog. at Stratanne, 31.1’. for the es. Ponegad (see Ilurue’s Norris, ill that coned tiacre i,alerreal in t49a. LnnheJ Geada-g), anal hy her (whaa ,l. 14 March, lint) had, Enav ae.n Poeora, rector aaf Chsldrey, in Berkshire, the leariasel Orientalist, o’as the len of the Rev. Edward Paaceck I. T005tas-tPAw, 2,,d baren. II. Jena, present peer. vacar 01 1 hievelcy, and tarothar et the In. ta,,vt,l, laarrist r-at-laar, ts’sthsna’lare Is Ilte Ceaart tf Rev. I sseelaace Pa ‘eaaea, B. P., rector ef Bright Waltsn, Coannen Flrna in Iceland; as. 27 lore. loll, Lsoisa, h. iii 13s7. This e’entleman a. Deborah, dan. of the Rev. eldest dan. of llstaert Alateidoe, Fsq and ‘1. 12 S pt. 1 5aM. 11,1 aert talus, asad had, with other tosne, iv. W’itliain-l’onyna’lanas. reela’r of tlrny. Wicklese; 4. 1557. 3 Paaca nie, father of v. Patrick, a (edge of the (‘aanat of ttaott,roptes in Ireland, Tsr Ptev. Tnoaiaa Poeocx, V.P. chaplain of Greenwich to. 24 May, 1°ls, Macta, dan- of J,,hn ,&tksnsoaa, l.sq. of Ely - - Place, Dublin, ansi ‘I. Jade, loin, tearing issue, 1 Witliana— IIa’apstal. as,d reel’,, 01 Vanbaary anal Lang Bitten, sa. (‘enynglaam, late lieast. 22nd neat., 0.15 Fa’b. 102;); 2 Charles- J,’5 on, dan. of James Baster, Bog. of East Langdan, ca. Jaha-Cedric, 1.11 March, laM; I Censtnnee-Gertraalo- Kent (by Joyce t,is wife, dan. of Sir Christopher Tnrner, Itarta, s. 5 Feb. 10ff, Is Ili,-laard-llayne Talant,ao, Esq., este af the barons ,af the Rxcheqaser, tcoap. Coaeacns II.), and stan of 1t.-3l,,Ithrca ‘fahantean, Rsq. ef Sintanans Cenet, cc. oistcr of Margaret, wife of George, tat Viscount lsn’hsgton, viR alert is holy srd,’rs. dean at Tiaam and rector at by wh,,n,, at lab decease, in 743, he l0ft (sate, Gnos,ne, his tteaalfsa’t ; ‘a. hAlO. 1ha r5 , ainas. aaf I he laaie Sir R. l.a-net,— sssceeaeor ; llsch,arel, hcait. Ii.?, - , ci. tasasat. in taBS ; Sarah, Biaas,e, 1;aarn, and ,t. 14 May, 1067, havIng had Catherlic. ,,, a. to Ca1at. Philip Viceent, U.N.; Beatrice, sa. to the Rev. iss;i, is site lIce. Weld,ata ,lsha’, larelataaadary of ‘Isam, an,t tt,vial campbell, t.t,. B., elaaplain to Greenwich Hsapitah inenn,1>cnt ,af Anna,gia,iess ss; I saiaehlaa, ,,, - 1026, Is elcarge ,aa,1 J, ayee. Tlae claleat son - St. tIearge ‘lytar, Feq., Sill.; Elizal’eth Ltanasa; Frances- Sin Gsaanue t’eaceesc K.Il. ta. 23 Feb. 7701i, having adapted Sham. ,,. 31 uelt. Is a, - t,a lite 11ev. l,e,ar’’e -allis er Bra,ararin,, . - - cee’t)ar et thaltinrsl’,. Ta,atas t sat Mary-I_s na’it-l;la,sse. the naval profesaaon sunder the aatspaccs of his ssnele, Lord i. p:licatacth, a - 2 .ltaril. ta’24. tlae Bee. Sir Francis La neh- forrissgt’ ta, w,as prcoent, Ott hoar’l the an,lmtral 5 ship, thn tilosse, llaet., et f astla’ I era, Ca,. i ialssa;-, svha 1. tn’tsM), ‘ ‘ llaarflenr,’’ us the naenaorabls victory gained ly that stoble— ii. Callaeritae, ‘Dl? Ibo. toes. , man aver the Spanioh fleet in 1716; and being sssbaeqnently Iii. tsabe,hau, ca an I s4a, II, step Quts,, Isoq. sf ‘aVingfleld, en. ctagaageal its acfivc aos,l etistisagssiobnai services, succeeded Waekiow. anal 4.3 Asg. lIsa Admit-al 1Vatenn in the chief co,nnaaiad af the English fleet so - Iaaaisa. in the East Issues, where, with an intense force, he gained Lord Phanket at. 3 Jan. 2814, anal was a. by his eldest ssn, three signal vict,’ries over the French, tinder Count D’Ache. Tnas,ss-Sv.sN, 2iaal laara,n, P.C., IlL)., lard biohaap at Fa,r theee services he obtained a vote of thanks finm the Tuaam, Killada, ‘an 1 Aeh,anr , bahag on consecrated in IsIs. isva Iasnsca of paurtiantent, and from tho East Itadia Csm— Ite was (a. 17s2, ajad irs. 26 Oct. loll, Louisa-Jane, dan. of pany, and svas invested with the order af the Bath. the late Jnhss-Wtiliam Faslar, Esq. ‘af F.anev.alley, es. lainai,’;,t Pe,e,,ck ssaiaoet1uently commanded the naral laai’t Loaith, aand hal isene, ci tlae expedition agais,st the llaeannah, which surretadered Italberine. to the British fsrces, 13 Aug. 3762. Sh’ George, who svenF.mtty-Anits, ,?. in 1843. taaally attainsd the rank of admiral af the Blue, represented b’J4 PLU P00 Forster (late capt. 77th fast), eldest san of Sir George F,arsler, llart. Fs-ealcri,’aa-t,sntsa-Editls. llertrude-’iet,,ris. - arg., claaa’gr’l oat tlae slaouiIer witla a pertcsfilh. Sa’laiaoeiers—. Seal—Old Cannanght, near Datbhin. P 0 0 0 0 K. I’OCoeg, Sttt Gtionep - F’n-eyela - COVENTBY, Bart. I. Beatsice-lI,auora. ti I ‘la—Slaas’l. itt. Evelyn-.lstgneta-Soptaia.