Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/218

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Sit Iii bitt l’rit:gIi was s. liv his eldest situ, Sin Jorix i’, if Stiehill, the ‘lit I oarstnv, who, ii: IdSd, taM agitaten, lan. of Sir Gill tort Efliotu, of SLid is, by whion he hal f,,nr sue anit I tO’O lane. Ilonwnv, Snl harOnel. (iiit,ert. an t,direr of itragoons, nile n:. ltiargaret, only dan. dan, of GrauTihle-000t-go, 2nd Lord liadstook, and anti lerets of John tringic. of Torsoere. They had on issue, and he, being his survivor, left Torsonre to his next besihor, Waiter: tind failing hint, to his nephew, Sir James, 1,_i soltont it nut net ely route. Walter. an au vera te, and sheriff of Ihoxburghslnre. who iii, tlssace-Oeorge. iv. Stsntagn-Ilnrry. snoeeedeil lo Tsrsonoe on his lirohiter’s death, and ii. otitit. Sir John. profe ssnr of moral ldiiioeoliliy in the University of v, A son, 0. 2 April, 1417. Ediat tnrgtL Ilaring sis,tied noeilieise at Leyilea. lie went, in the year 1742, as phytii-ian to Itte Earl of flair when tie ,-ommenilotl, mistier fiaonoe it., the ahlieit army in Gertoany. I torimtg that (i-ar he was itsaile physician—general to Itte fort-os, i ihrsirian Is Ilis Ilarat tlightmoss tt:e Itoke of Cotin— berland, ami,t upon the :ieeessinn sif ftooene 111., king’s Penttclt:intp, Rsq., hty Antic, dma. and co-heir of William diysirtnn. At his majesty, marriage tie was created a I’rt:cttur, Req. of Epoana, on. Sttrrsy, and gratnioots attd Itaronrt, antI appointed a diysieias lit the Queen. and after— heir of R1tttraitn Rc.otechantp, Eoq. of Boreham, eo. lIens weeds Is the l’rince of Wales. lie ss as eliosea presidoal of (wile ‘1. 26 Sept. 1728, son of Edward ideauchemp, Esq.), 11w’ Ilsyol S,ieietv for sereral years stteeessively : lint on the assumed the anmame a:td anus of PnocTon, itt addition to decline ef tds health he retired free: Itial high and henonratfo,se c,f his patertool family, in compliance os’ith the testantentary sitsiation - 1 te St. a dan. of hr. Oh ret. of llalh, lint hail no issno. After an netivo atsul distinguished life, lie died, in to, 75l1i year, lenvieg Itie bilk of his anstde fortnne to his ho0, of Longley P.trk, co. Norftdlo, amad was ct-eated a nephew’, Sir ,lantes I’oisgle. of Stiehihl, otis ales sneeeedet llertinot, 27 Feb. 1744. tIe so. let, Jane, dan. of Christopher to tue P,rttists tioronetey, in lenots of the talent. Margaret, iii. to Sir tames ttalt, of tiangiass. and lied iesste. h:icl isstte, Katherine, nets William ttamnitton, of tlangour, at:d had issome. Sir John Prtngle was s. by his eldest sw:, Sin Itnnnm’ PwixnLr., of Stiehill, the :lrd hat-onet. who ii. George, of ‘l’hetfonl, ot, 20 Oct. 1740, Clmarlshte, eldest dan. Kothorine, cutest don. ot James J’rttigie, nf Terwondlee, by Anne, at. 28 lan. 177o, is Sir kdmntmd Raeen, pretstierbaronet whr.m toe had three eons and three dane., John, who it. ss’hile at Edinhnrgh Casile, in the 14th year of Mary, el, i,tittt. his age. Jetten, afterwards the 4th barntoet. Francis. svriler to ttio signet, svlis d. onot. Isahella, it. it lllagdalen, oi. to Sic John hall, of Ttanglass, and lied ies:te. toll ,l. ss,o.), Itharga:sl, ii. otto Sh- Robert Pringle d. at the advanead ago of 84, and was s. by his sot:, Sin JAMEs Pntwni.e, of Stiehull, the 4th baronet, wits servesl many years in the army, first iii the fseehhirro, atnl afterwards in the 49th rogt., wbttul: l:e eon:manded.Afte,r rething from tile regular army, be was bent-cd. if the Sostihern foncittics, ci ‘eumnanded by henry, ftnheo cf Eneehenob :end lastly, lie esmrrianded the Roabtugitebire yeomanry cavalry fnr :e shr’rt time after tl:ey wore raised in 2797. tte Imeld the office of his Majesty’s Master ef Works for Scotland, anti represented Berwirlosbire in four paelianments. Ito iii. Elizalteth, eldest dau. of Nt,mnman Macicon, of Maclend, by whom Ito had three soils at:d four claus., Robert, younger of S:icleill, who, itt 1407, itt. Sarah, eldest dan. of Liont.-Generah fionnan iltatleod, ef 41 octeod, selio d. shertly after their marriage, and he did not long service her. Juno, new the 4th baeotmcf. OfoatmAs-, cite tres niajsr ttf the 2101 regiment ef Noril: British: fnsiliers, antI afterwards It ir 2tajesly’s ettnssl at Stseltlntttn. I tie fathrr left loin: the estate of Torsonee, in llthil.Lehttian, which he sold. Ito to. a dan. of hlst,ert Stewart, of Aiderstritt, atmil has issue. Anne, if. o:ttit. F,lie2, a. to Archibald Todd, of Dr7graege,and d. lee widow (let, teds. Margaret, it. i’soi. Mary, to. to the late George Politic, lisq. of Jevo’issroed, and tms inane (Oct 1 lenmeoTna, K or), Sir Jan:es Prit:gle ,l. in l8lti’, owl was a, by his sot:, Stn Jouw I’nm come, now 4th bar’,net ,f St dull. Ci’ewti’ai—h .ttity, 1 tNt. A rttt.s—A c. three escallops, or. t’rcsts— I - Aa eec:sllett, sr: 2.A saltier, ositton a garland of htay-teaves, pr. JIotis—Coromual Ides. O’e,tto—Stirttitt tiosese, Iloxbnrgttsl:ire Undermoesi I, h:onrhnreh, Isle of Wigtit. Tsseo IJot’ou —47, Cleveland Sqnare, hyde I ‘at-k. 920 is. Ililtia o - twtns. sit. Constance, 5 ILituragr. I. Wiia.teai tieeuctsA:te, Esq., 5. 1721, on])’ on of Thomas inj nttctisu of 1:is n:aternal :tnele, George Proctor, Tower, Esq. of tInntstnore, co. Bucks, by whena ho Tnostas, isis successor. ef lIchen PoInter, list1, of Ssmo:nng, Ilerkshire, and ci. s, 1t. Iraners, to. to Jshn Cnutaoes, Esq. of Weston house, es. Nsrfcdtc : aitul ,t. 10 April, 1 831 - Sir William si. tndty, Lelitia, eldest dan. and es-heir of henry Johnson, Esq. of Great tlerkhanopstead, no. Iherts, atiul hytliat lusty had (with three cther esns and two dens., ,. Wihtiam-Itenrv, of Forthempton, co. Gloucester, S. 9 April, I 7f0 : et - itt .1 sne, 1790. Fr.tnees-3lary, dati, atini es-Itoh of tlte 11ev, Withient Itavie. preliendery of Exeter, cod vicar of Extninster, anti niece of Sir John I tavir, Hart., sod greot— gram:d- da:i. of the lion, ,tets:es lleslie (‘di Antoonow, E. of) t and 4. 0 Boy, 14ff, heaving issue, I Itcnry-W’thhian:-Johnsnm:, in Imoly orders, reeler of Monks Jhishueeonght, Hurts; 1. 28 betty, t7itl it, Catherine, etohy dan. of tIle line. Itolteet Person, of Hisibletsn, Worcester- shire, rector of Hey:hmesp, Oxos. sod Imat Imad issns, I Wflliam, t. 17 lIce. I dId, 4. 140d 2 George-Christopher, itt hotly snutero, I ‘alt: with Iths bent Imee Wihtiass, itt - end has isine ; 3 t’tterlee-ttavie, S. If Oct. 1421: d Willonghihty— Jas:cs, 5.24 Feb. 1828, iii. 1842, Fhio:ilicth-Msnta, elder dan. sit Ihe lien. Isaac King. 31.8., reelor of llradem:hent, Rocks, and Imas issue t t Lw,titia-Jlory 2 Eatherine-Agnole-Peneh pe, :e. to lltojor T.—C. Bird, K. I. S. I Franees-4ter- gavel, to. to the lIes’. George-Shetohley Finden; 4 SophiaElizabeth. (ti-I Nov. 1861, Is the 11ev. Edward-Doneams Ihalt, reclt’r of Cola St. Rerde, Gloaceelonslore, son of time lies. O,-W. Itch, DO., canon of Otsucester, and master of h’oailo’olto College, Oxford; a Jntia-loabshla; and 0 Georgtana-Itary. 2 Gru,m’ge-Chtmdstopher, S.C Otoy, 179t; din India. :‘nm. 3 .Iosqdi-Stdncy, of hOnest, eo, Reeks, 1.1 Oct. 1707 at- hts cousin, I.ootsa, dasm, sf 0.-K. Eeanehottn:1u, Esq. of Beeslo 11th, ao’h laas issne, Sydsey-Chimmrles: Eehert-htathed Edssasd-Ber:oard t I.nsiisa-Oiasy; Etten-I’eanees; GeorginaGeraldine: and Agmsela-ltnsriet. d Choeles-Ksstace, El., 1,30 Roe. 1795; cc. Stiss Charlotte Tsmehinstims, am:nl 4. 1811, teevimtg issote, Artlane—Janies, Starv-Clterlelie, and Lw’tilio. 5 W’tlhottglihuy, 4. 1800 ,‘ ub, ettit, I Slaumniec, it the hitdian ssnty, 5. 27 July, 1401; Cs, Stise F.htzzthtetht l’itelisr, aisd lies a sot:, Fitontanrice, capt. 7ltm fiesihiens, who to. 10 Oct. 18ff, Lisa, youngest daim. of K,C. lsingsford, Esq. 7 tonics, in holy orders, rector of Crsweht and vimr sf Stierhstre, fixomo at. his vottstn, )Iorgaret—Soplne, sitter of Sir fiesrge Iteasen:enh, Rest., an,t has issne, F’eanees— Bridget, Mery-Lwtttia, and Stargaret-Agnets. PR I P110 I’ROITY, LORR, see CARYSFORT, EARL OS. Fmaeis, a doctor of ntedieinr, whose ot:oly soil, flearge, ti test. 1719, Archibald, en officer in the snnr, ohio ,t. t’t,t’, —— Iimmtlicrize, st - Co Sir John I toimme, of tIl:udtnd,he,, amal hiatt issue. PROCTOR..—(nots’ PR0CTOR-BEAuCITAMP.) Mary. oi. to f’apt. Rorthssirh:, ef Pilmamimir, ,vtisse s’s II emti3, beremne 10th Lcird Rorttmss irk. Rcltiio, i. Is:, I eammo of Ivoodttetisctee’. gvm’lh:, Steusoso of Stcs, artlm’ht : atmd lrdty, tleer of l.itl letlcatt antI lt:,,t tos:te h’y the diet. Macgavel, selto it. a gee then:am: if Ihte e:oow of hhlaiv, — , :o. Wihiiammm 1 ir:snesoit,i, of I :kttr—l ‘nm::itottomtd, by whom site hitttt u,mtt’ sla:i. Anne. I Etizetiehlm, i - .4t Pnouvon - BEAI’CRAMF, 45K Tnci4lAa-lVtctlAat-BuOcinAvE, of Itattgloy Park, Nucfolk, D.L. for that en,, formerly in tisoguarche, — -—— it. 2 July 1815 nhteinoel loawn Ii U in 1852, by royal licence, to beer the ott-tue am:d surname of l U U 1500C’TOR-BEAIICSIA4IF, in that U U oocuengo,insteadofBEAUcRAIhFPROCTOR ; a. Ins fatloer, as 4th U U - hart,, 14 March, 1861 ; we. 15 Jnno, 1852, dIsc Hun. CatisorineEsther Walslegvave, ynungess lies 155510, m, RncmaALo-WmLt,team. 5. 1843. it. Gvamtvtlhe-Pelttam. m, Ida-Caroline, jv,Jtotode.