Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/219

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P R Y I Letitia-Aun, to. to the Rev. Charles Boone, rector of Ptts’sE in lion and instead of that ssf LOVEBEN, alsri to Earl’s Croome, Woreestershire. 2 Mary-Frances, it, ease. 3 Agueto, so. to Co] Gould, and ,l. e. p. Sir William, who represented thu Ce. ci Middlesex from 1747 to 1768, woo eel. to the East Istidstlesox militia, and The eetobralod Bnrnnrocuar buoy i,s.ovo, a poet of the knight eompouton of the Itath, st 36 Sept. 1773, and woo first ronk, srloo hi red is, the seal age afts’r l).st’yold ap (soLyos, e. by his eldest son, TI. Ssn T,snsrns. 8.25 Sept. 1756, high sheriff of Norfolk; Cardigan, and soas owner of rise cstste of (.sgerddan, C,s. so. 5 March, 1776, Story, 2nd dan. of Robert Palmer, Eeq. of Cardigoss. his grcat—great—great-grassdsro, Sunning, Berks, by whom (who it. 25 Dee. 1017) ho had, I. WILlIAM, 3rd barenot. ii. George-Edward, of Tlsetford, 8. 23 July, 1785; se. 23 July, to-u sons, rio., 1808, EllenLoaisa. slau. of Robert Itaihed, Esq. and has tesne; 1 George-Edward unused, late P.l.C. serelee (Judge), so. and s. RsenAro (Ssa), Isis lseir. has issue; 2 itehert-Willtam, Si.A., to holy orders, sector of Waltertan, Norfolk; 3 Edsrar,i, rapt. E.N., so. and has issue; 4 E. Champion, os and Isas issue; 1 Oeorgiana, Os. to Lloyd Edsrards, Esq., and has isssse; 2 Ellen, so. to the Rrr. Sir Julsn-Wssrren hayes, hart., rector of .&rhorfleld, Perks, and has issue; 3 T.ooisa, so. her cousin Joseph S. Besuehnnsp, Leg., and has issue; 4 Laura, us. the 11ev. JasoesWa1ltr Bird, MA., rector of Foulsharn, Norfolk, and has issue. in. Robert, rapt. SIad,’as artillery; t. I April, 1787; it. 23 Stay, 1513. iv. Thosnas-Willissss-Henry, in holy orders, reeler of Buckenham and Iiaasiugham, Norfolk; b. II Jnne, 1790; 4. ti Slay, 1863. v. Richard, liessi.-eol. in the army; 8.30 Jan. 1793; m.4 Oct. 1525. Sephia, youngest dan. of Beujausin Ball, Esq. of Fort Frrgus, es. Claro, and Isad itiehard snd other issue; lie ‘1.1850. i. Story, sss.5 Stay, 1800, Is the Rev. Ilonry ltcsl,art (c-Iso it. I7Jan. 1041), only son of the late lIon. henry Ilotart, of Richmond, Surrey. ii. Harriet, s,s. in 1003, to the late Chrislo;slsor—Tlsonsas John Pryee as. 2ndly, Bridget, dan. of James Pryse, of Tower, Esq. of Weald ilahl, Essex (ore Buaxo’s Loosste,d Mynaclsdy, and hod by her a son, Genies), ond lsas had issuo. In. Anselia, sss. 23 flee. 1813, to the hon. and Rev. Arminc iii. James ISir), wlso it. io 1142, leaving by Ehionbetls, Ins Wudehouse, wise 5. 9 Apr11, 1853. Sir Thomas ci. in 1027, and was’. by Lie oldest son, th I. SIR WILLIAM, wise was a distissgsuehod officer, and ats admiral in thu royal navy; he was t. 14 Oct. 1701 and to. 20 Stay, 1512, A,snc. dau. of Thosnas Gregory, Esq., and niece and heir of Thomas Brogravo, Esq., by whom (who it. John Pryse’s eldest son, 6 Fob. 1059), ho had issssc, I. TnoMAs-WsLLsAa,-Eaouaova Paorvoa-RaancnAnr’, present Sir RseuAao Payso, Ent. of Gegerisan, as. Gwentlian, dan. baronet. or. ‘,ViUisus-Henry, ii. 16 Starcls, ISIS; in Isoly orders, rector Bloncy, of Atcrlsyelsan, in lhts;ntgsmcs’yshsirr, and hind to-u of Chedgravo, and incumbent of Langley, Norfolk; so. 31 sons and five dons. Sir Riebsard Pryse 4.6 Fob. t622, and iras Dee. 1049, Augusta, dan. of Br. Arnold, of Slasnford; and it. s. by his son, 19 Starch, 1653, having had tsro sons and a dan. iso. Robert. t. 16 Oct. 1819; RN., os. and has issue. i. Siary-Anne, os 15 Oat. 1943, to John Jocelyo tfoulkes, no. Story, doss, of Sir hlcnry Brosolcy, of Shsradon C:ssthe, Esq. of Eriviati, cs. Tlenbigts, ma)or in the royal Bonhigh Shropolsire, and had to-u sons and two does. The older son, rifle regiment of militia. or. Harriel-Eliosbetls, as. 3 Nov. 1040, to t’. Setby, Esq. of 1641, so. 1st, Hester, doss, of Sir hlugh Stiddleton, Barr.; and Fastest, es. Norilsumberland. ITT. Csrolino, sss. IS Starels, 1852, to Harry-Spencer Wadding- Vondyeke. Sir Itichard was.. about h6Sh hy his eldoot son, ton, Log. of Cavonham Ball, eo. Suffolk, eldest son of the late Ore btlcnAare Paveo, 2nd baronet of Gogorthsn, to n-Item s. 54.-S. Waddiugton, Esq., SiP. Iv. Jane-Frances, as. 3t Slay, 1554, to Gte Rev. Henry Alfred his brother, Barrett, rector of Chcdgrave, Norfolk. Sir William it. 54 March, 1803. Us’eadsn—SS Feb. 1744. .Arroe—Qsoarlerty: lot and ‘lilt, arg., Sin CA0000x Fever, 4th baronet of Gogcrlson, who tl. with’ a chevron. sa., between three n,arilcts, gu. for Procvoa; Sod osst issue, about the year 1655, o’hon the haronotcy umpired, and 3rd, gu., a fesse, betn’ocn six billets, three and three, barways, while the estates eventually passed to Isis kinsosan, ers a canton, eorn., for BEAUCOASIr. (‘scot—On a mount, TrIosrAs Pavsr, tog. (see sopru) of Gogcrtlsnn, SIP. for vort, a pied greyhound, se)ant, ppr., collared, or. Molts—Tonjonrs Cardigan in 1743, who so. Suaria-Charhotte, dao.ssnd Iseir of fidilo. Seal—Langley Park, Norfolk. P It Y S E. PTSYSE, Srit PEYOE, Baronet, of (who it. 25 Jas. 179S, aged 74), one son and one dau., rio., Oogorddan, co. Cardigan, DL., Lesois, wiso it. oust. 55 Sept. 1776, and Stargaret, en n’lsoso and in 1861 high sheriff of Cardiganohiro, eon tlse estates eventoshly devolved. Sir. Pryse it. 12 Star. 5. 15 Jan. 1838; no. MAaoorrT Pnvsr, sit. 15 Jssly, I 773, Edward-Lovrden Lovodon, 23 Fob. 1859, Louisa. Joan, Pevea Lovrrrre, heir. youugost dan. of Capt. John Slargaret Loveden, as. Is hhe Rev. Somsscl Warsseford, B.D., Lowes, of hlanloar, co. Cardigan, and has isouo, i. aysE-PaYsE, b. 11 Dec. 1939. n. Edward-JOhn, 8. 10 July, 1962. iii. Lewes.Thsma5.L00d, b. 6 Feb. 1064. iv. A son, t. 30 April, 1667. i. Stargarot-Loulsa-JOOn. Sir Pryoo and hie issue wore authorized by royal PsTsa PayeE, Eeq., uhF. of Gogerddan and Buscot; hero. lioonoe, dated 28 July, 1863, to uso the surname of 921 P Ti V boor the arias of Pryeo. Ho was oroatod n iia;’onet 28 July, 1866. itiitcngc, n’as Sltle in ds’scent trust Carssvoa Ar llO’AOTIISoEO, Lard s,f Jssriv Pevss, ssf Gogertisan, so. Its, Elioalicth, doss, of Sir Thososs t’errol, of llarotdsronr, in Pes,,broheslsire, and load s. Tlsoasos, of llanvracd, as. Bridget, dan. and heir of ,Jolsu Orssltydd, Esq.,arsd Isasl tsro sons, I ‘rLems, of tilonrraed, srlsnse male tine is extinct. 2 Walter, of Tunahir, in Stonlgooeryshisv, vs. Ann, dan. sod heir of ,lohn t’ogls, Estt- of Glanoseryn, and load too sons, rio., Thousas, of Tssnalslr, n-Iso os. Mary, doss. of Evans Sisontoomrry, and ions fablser of John, of Glaouseryn, as. Story, ,l.srs. of band Lcssts, of ls2dlsahd,l, and Isad a son, Tuossos, ssf whsesss prs’scssily, as inheritor of Gogs’rlls;eo. Riclssrd, srlso sss. Eliossh,ebhs, times,, of Capt. Edwssrdes, of Chsirches, in tsosstighsslsire, ass;l ss’ns fsstlss’r of Wailer, of Paiossitek, in Glnnreslor,l,irc, living in 1741, sohso tss. 1st, Mary, clots. ossd es-lsrirrsss of hun Scwell, of llenny, in Essex; asd assdly, Ehiuahtuhs, graodslss,. and heiress of Sir Wslloasss Lesvi,, of Tlordcn. By rhe foru,cr he lefI, nub two daos., Story and Ehionbcbh. a son, t,rwss, of srhsom in time sequel, see inhserilor of Gogertlsan. wife, dat,. of llemphsrey Wynn, tog., an ouhy dan. and heiress, Rs’idget Pryso, of Ynysymacngwyn, who as. lot, Rohcrt Corbct, Esq., earond son of Sir Vincent Corhet, Part, of Morelon Cssrbot; and 2ndty, Sir Walter Lloyd, Sri’. of Llanfstr Clen’cdogsn. and solo heir of Thomas T’ryso op Sterns ap Owain op Evan Ssa Josr Favor, Ent. of Gogerthson and Ahcrbyelsau, who Sir ItseuAao b’ayen, of ttsgcrthon, created a hlas’onet 5 Aug. Sadly, Mary, dan. of Lord Itntlsio, relict of Sir Antisony 5mw TuoarAe Paver, 3rd baronet of Gogorihsan, at whose decease, without loses, in Slay, 1652, the tile and estates dcvolvrd on his nephew, Stowland Psrghr, Leg. nf Slattoavarn, in Stontgoascryslsirc, and had an only son, John PagIs, who dying issuclees, the Gogcrtlsan estates sdtimotely dcvelrcd on his relative, Lrwss Paver, Esq. (see s’sspro). who as. Slargarct, dau. and es-heir of Ednard Pyre,, Eoi. of Wosdotock, and hod by her 179S, aged 62. tOte nny elsild to leave isssss, of Basest, co. Perks, end dying 30 Jan. 17S4, left issue, rcctsr of Bonrton-sn-lho-lhsll, co. Gloucesler, h,roths,r nf Colonel Worneford, of Wnnseford t’lacc, Wilts, and e/. 4 April, 1540. uhe it. 11 Jan. ISST. Jane Rovedon, dcc. SIr. Lovcdcn, enrviving his wife, as. Sndly, 20 Aug. h76S, Elioohsth, don, and solo heiress of John Darker, hieg. of Gnyton Pnrk, in Nsrlsasnptonitsirs; and Ssdly, a don, of Theemoas Linthall, Esq., and ‘1. 4 Jan. 1d22. SIr. Lovedcn’e eldest ron having inberited Gee ootaics of his maternal ancestors, and having assumed Gseir surname, become